Eternal Existence

Chapter 4407 Found

"If they want to ambush so many of us, how many people should the other side have? Besides, even if the other side has an ambush, we have to find them. Hiding and not being found is the most dangerous." Chen Feng said.

Although he said so, Chen Feng still slowed down a little, waiting for Yingsheng and the others to catch up.

He had to slow down because the art of cause and effect began to lose direction.

"Which Taoist friend is good at the art of calculation, bless me." Chen Feng said.

Originally, Yingsheng wanted to take action. Who among the cultivators who cultivated to this level does not know some art of calculation.

But he was stopped by Chen Feng.

"You should be prepared to deal with danger. Since there are others, let them help." Chen Feng said.

"Be careful, these guys may attack secretly." Yingsheng said.

"I will be careful." Chen Feng responded.

"I will help you, let's find a way to find the other party together." A Hunyuan Jin spoke first, performing the art of calculation, and a force was added to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's art of cause and effect immediately became stronger.

"It's OK."

Chen Feng sensed that he could completely control it, so he looked at the others again.

Then two more people used their means to bless Chen Feng.

Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect to the extent that he could bear it, and he really determined the direction again.

But Chen Feng was not in a hurry. While determining the direction, he took the opportunity to practice the art of cause and effect.

The blessing given to Chen Feng by those people has certain benefits for Chen Feng's practice. As for whether there are hidden dangers, Chen Feng doesn't care too much. Even if there are hidden dangers, they will not erupt again, and he can solve them in the future.

"Hey, it's quite far away. It's really incredible that they can launch an attack at such a distance." Chen Feng said with a smile.

But then the smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared.

"Something's wrong. Our direction is wrong. The other party can't be so far away. You see, being far away is also a kind of space art. The other party is not far from the land of life, but it can only hide from our perception by using space to block it." Chen Feng suddenly said.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, the cultivators present hurriedly used their means to calculate.

In the end, their faces changed drastically.

It's not that they figured out the other party's location, but because someone on the Tianxing Life Land was attacked again.

A Hunyuan Jinxian was seriously injured.

The attack method was as powerful as before, but this time the opponent was stronger than the dead ones. In addition, with preparation, with the help of others, they blocked the opponent's two consecutive attacks.

Then everyone began to pass the message to Chen Feng and others.

"I hope it's not too late." After Chen Feng had this thought, he felt that a layer of fog in front of him was gradually dissipating, and what was revealed was the truth he wanted to find.

"The power is not enough, which Taoist friend can send me some more calculation power?" Chen Feng was still at the front, and he seemed to have a feeling of taking the lead.

"I'll do it!"

"I'll do it!"

This time, two more people took action, and Chen Feng's cause and effect technique exploded directly.

There was chaos in front.

Then, Chen Feng rebuilt the power of perception, and the cause and effect technique actually broke through at this moment.

This time Chen Feng saw a completely different situation from before.

After the previous fog dissipated, it suddenly became thicker again.

But under the investigation of the cause and effect technique, the fog became thinner again.

Sure enough, this time Chen Feng determined the direction of the other party.

Not far from the Tianxing Life Body.

It is indeed the space technique.

It is not just as simple as the space index, there are other means.

Hide, cover the sky.

"The other party has not left yet." Chen Feng cast the reincarnation field around, and Yingsheng and Gu also hurriedly cast the sealing technique.

It is for fear of disturbing the other party.

"I didn't expect that we still took action." Chen Feng smiled and communicated with Yingsheng.

"There is no way. Originally, we just wanted to join in the fun. Who knew that Daoyou was attacked? Now Daoyou, have you figured out why the other party set the target on you?" Yingsheng asked curiously.

"I think I figured it out." Chen Feng nodded.

"The other party did not attack according to the strength of the strength, but used a special method to explore the other party's cultivation. In fact, this method of exploration has a certain reason, but it cannot represent everything."

"So that's it." Yingsheng also understood.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it depends on the time of cultivation. Those who have practiced for a long time and have a deep cultivation level will certainly be stronger.

There are also alternatives.

For example, Chen Feng is like this.

In terms of his own cultivation level, or the time of cultivation, Chen Feng should be the bottom one in the entire Tianxing Life Land.

Under normal circumstances, the combat power is of course weak.

The opponent chose Chen Feng, but who knew that Chen Feng's combat power was not proportional to his cultivation level.

"This is my calculation, it should be like this, otherwise, I can't explain it." Chen Feng said.

"The other party felt the danger." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly moved in his heart and had a strange feeling.


However, the opponent launched a new attack on the Tianxing Life Land.

This time the frequency was very short, and it seemed that the opponent was a little urgent.

Sure enough, after the opponent launched this wave of attacks, he didn't even look at it, and began to retreat quietly.

Even if you leave, you have to be silent.

Obviously, the other party only felt the danger coming.

But it was too late, Chen Feng had locked the other party's position.

In fact, at this time, Chen Feng and others still had some time to get away from the two beings, but don't forget that Chen Feng has the control of Tianxing Life Land.

At this moment, Chen Feng and Qiansha and others were controlling the power of Tianxing Life Land together.

The powerful force was like a tsunami volcano erupting fiercely from the life land, much more powerful than all the Hunyuan Jinxian erupted.

Chen Feng was still a little shocked. He couldn't resist this kind of power, and he only had a little control over Tianxing's life force.

If it was Tianxing who took action, the power that erupted would be multiplied.

"This is also a powerful killer." Chen Feng had such an idea.

I have never thought about this aspect, or I have ignored it.

However, since I know it this time, I will be more cautious in the future.

Two monks rushed out of the chaotic energy. The other party was a little embarrassed, but they were able to stay out in the first time, which showed their strength.

The other party did not stop, and made a quick decision to flee far away.

"It is indeed two people. They have shown up, so don't rush to leave." Chen Feng and others accelerated.

At this time, the distance between the two sides began to shorten rapidly.

Tianxing Life Land erupted again, and the power that had not been retracted before extended again.

Continuously stretching to catch up with the other party.

"You can't run away."

"This road is blocked."

Chen Feng and others originally wanted to perform long-range attack techniques, but who knew that the two monks were stopped.

Naturally, they were also monks from Tianxing Life Land. They chose another direction to explore before.

They didn't go far, and now they encountered this kind of thing.

Bang! Bang!

The next moment, the two monks from Tianxing Life Land were directly hit hard and flew out.

The two sides just made contact.

The space was turbulent, and the figures of the two monks whose origins were unknown became a little blurred.

This is a special action in the market, wanting to leave quickly.

But after a series of delays, Chen Feng and others have caught up.

Interestingly, Chen Feng's speed is not the fastest one. For a while, two monks surpassed Chen Feng and blocked the two mysterious monks.

When Chen Feng arrived, the two sides had already decided the winner.

The two mysterious monks were too strong, and the two could join forces and cooperate perfectly.

If the two were not strong enough, they would not dare to lurk near the biological land to attack.

"Hey, it's really strong, but you can't run away at this time." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the power of the Tianxing Life Land rolled in, and the terrible energy storm washed over the two mysterious monks.

When the opponent broke through, Chen Feng and others had surrounded the opponent.

At this time, there were other people on the Tianxing Life Land who were rushing over quickly.

Even if the strength of these two people was as strong as Tianxing, they would never escape.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Some people started to attack and fight in close combat, and some people used weapons and magic weapons to suppress.

Some people also used illusions to attack.

All kinds of means appeared at once, but Chen Feng did not rush to the front, but stepped back.

Chen Feng wanted to see the specific strength of the other party.

I always feel that there is something wrong with these two.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

It rippled out from the two mysterious monks and blocked most of the attacks.

Then the other party jointly emitted a ray of light, which was the light that attacked and killed people before, mixed with power and will.

Powerful and invincible, indestructible.

"So that's it, providing power to others, and one person providing will, but they can be integrated so well, in addition to mutual cooperation, there should be innate reasons." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you want to take action?" Shadow Saint asked.

"Don't worry, there are so many people here, let them play a role, and besides, I also want to deduce it again to see if these two have helpers?" Chen Feng's cause and effect technique broke through, and he could deduce more things.

And if you rush forward, you can't grasp the overall situation. Who knows if there will be other changes?

Seeing that Chen Feng did not come forward, Yingsheng and Gu were just ready to attack at any time, but seeing that so many people did not take down the two mysterious monks, they could not help but secretly surprised.

"The strength of these two is not much, but I can deal with it in a head-on confrontation. The fighting power of our group that bursts out together is a bit frightening." Yingsheng said.

Gu nodded, it was true, and at the same time he secretly estimated that if he used the strongest defense, he didn't know if he could stop it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Even if the two monks were very powerful, after all, two fists could not beat four hands, and they were still hit, and the two of them were affected.

Chen Feng did not care whether the two were taken down, but urged the cause and effect technique to find more things in these two.

"Be careful, the other party really has companions." Chen Feng said.

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