Eternal Existence

Chapter 4399: The impact of multiple forces

At this moment, Chen Feng had the upper hand, with the indestructible Sword of All Evil and the fierce and domineering fist.

The Lord of All Evil was beaten back again and again.

This was also considered going upstream, and the power flowing from the source continued to impact the Lord of All Evil.

In this way, the Lord of All Evil was once again wrapped in the power of all evil, but the Lord of All Evil could mobilize these forces for defense.

"I thought it would be a fight between dragons and tigers, but who knew that the Lord of All Evil would be at a disadvantage so quickly."

"It should be careless, the Lord of All Evil is still very strong."

"Then let's see how the other party turns the tables."

The Lord of All Evil did want to regain the upper hand, but it was useless. The edge of the Sword of All Evil was too powerful, and it could also mobilize the power of all evil in the long river.

The Lord of All Evil could not take any advantage in this regard.

Then Chen Feng took advantage of the chaotic body to the extreme, and kept rushing forward, trying to kill the Lord of All Evil.

Even if the Lord of All Evils wore armor, he couldn't stop Chen Feng's fist.

Finally, the Lord of All Evils was hit by Chen Feng's fist again, but the Lord of All Evils also swung his long thorn at Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng could bear it. Although there was a wound on his body, it would recover quickly for Chen Feng.

The armor on the Lord of All Evils was broken again, and the whole person retreated again and again.

Chen Feng was even more relentless and chased him quickly, not caring about his own injuries.

All he had to do was to hit the opponent.

Facing Chen Feng's crazy fighting style, the Lord of All Evils was extremely depressed. His strength had not been truly exerted, and he was suppressed.

I always feel a little unwilling.

But being at a disadvantage is being at a disadvantage, there is nothing to quibble about.

The Lord of All Evils knew that if he continued, he would definitely suffer losses, so after fighting with Chen Feng, he took advantage of the situation to leave this long river of power and enter other places.

Chen Feng did not chase him, which made the Lord of All Evils feel relieved, and then he left the area.

Before finding a way to deal with Chen Feng, the Lord of All Evils would not come here again.

It was a bit embarrassing to say that he was defeated in public.

More importantly, this time he was the one who provoked him first, but now he ran away.

He was in a very bad state, maybe someone was laughing at him behind his back.

Chen Feng also shook his head, and the aura on his body gradually subsided. Chen Feng felt a little helpless.

He practiced well here, and did not provoke anyone, but someone jumped out to cause trouble.

He wasted his energy in a fight, and did not get any benefits.

But then again, it was not without some benefits. At least Chen Feng showed his strong strength, which could also avoid some troubles.

Next, Chen Feng continued to practice the Great Way of All Evils, and stopped only after he condensed two clones.

Chen Feng continued to move forward, shocking some nearby creatures.

But then everyone acquiesced, the Chaos Body was of course extremely powerful and could withstand the pressure here.

However, even when Chen Feng continued to move forward, someone sent a message to Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, if you continue to move forward, you will not only have to bear the pressure of strength, but also the pressure of will."

Chen Feng paused, and then responded: "Thank you, Daoyou, I will be careful."

Chen Feng could of course feel the will pressure from the long river of strength, and he could bear it.

Compared with the direct impact of strength, the pressure of will is still relatively weak, at least Chen Feng can bear it completely.

However, since someone reminded him in this way, perhaps the will pressure ahead will be stronger.

"If there is really a strong will pressure, this time I can temper my body and will at the same time, which is also a good thing." Chen Feng didn't care too much, but was looking forward to it.

The deeper you go, the more difficult it is to control yourself. In such a place, the impact is too strong.

If you are not careful, you will be washed away. When you are charged deeper, even a powerful life will find it difficult to go upstream.

Being able to protect yourself in such a place is a kind of practice.

Chen Feng's body was full of golden light, and he came to the edge of the two rivers step by step, which is the intersection of the two forces.

Here you can bear greater pressure.

Even though you have gone deep, the pressure here is still not enough for Chen Feng.

However, the pressure at the intersection of the two forces is still very high.

Chen Feng felt the impact of the two forces on himself at the same time, and felt the changes in the chaotic body.

Although there is some pressure, the stimulation to the chaotic body is not strong.

So after Chen Feng felt it for a while, he moved his feet and came to another intersection.

This is the intersection of three forces.

The strength is doubled.

"Not bad, I can practice here for a while." Chen Feng felt that it would have a tempering effect on the chaotic body, so he planned to stay here.

Chen Feng also needs to proceed step by step.

"It's worthy of being a chaotic body, so relaxed here." A life not far away said so.

Chen Feng then discovered that there were other people here, but he hadn't seen them before.

This is a creature similar to a divine beast, and the other party also crouched at the intersection of forces.

No matter how chaotic the power continued to impact, this creature remained motionless.

"Fellow Daoist, your defense is very strong." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"It's just a shell, far inferior to the chaotic body of Daoyou. It's powerful from inside to outside, which is really enviable." The creature chatted with Chen Feng for a few words, and then continued to lie down, but the huge body moved a distance deeper.

The power washed away the traces of the creature, which was why Chen Feng didn't find the other party before.

Chen Feng's chaotic body has a strong adaptability. After feeling that the pressure here is not so strong for him, he began to walk.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to go deeper this time. You know that a wave of chaotic and powerful will pressure swept towards him.

Chen Feng's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly resisted, but this force passed quickly.

After waiting for a while, no will pressure appeared.

"Is it a coincidence?" Chen Feng analyzed it carefully and could only come to this conclusion, but he still remembered what the life said before, thinking that this is the will pressure mentioned by the other party. If this is the case, he really needs to be careful.

This incident did not occur for a long time, but Chen Feng did not move forward rashly because of this.

Instead, he stayed there for a while. When the second wave of chaotic will pressure swept over, Chen Feng chose to move forward.

Although the will pressure was very strong, it was still a great threat to Chen Feng.

Only under pressure can one make better progress.

Watching Chen Feng gradually disappear, the crouching creature showed envy in his eyes.

After thinking about it, he moved forward again.

"Daoyou, be careful, it's not safe here." He successfully met another life.

The other party was flashing with various lights, and he was also tempering his body.

Chen Feng just observed it briefly and came to a conclusion. Of course, the other party's body is not as strong as his own chaotic body, but it is not much different from the light body he met before.

"Daoyou, do you know what's ahead?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I only walked here, but the pressure ahead must be stronger. However, although I did not move forward, I still know some of the situations ahead. It is said that the end of the place where all the streams meet is a chaotic sea. As for the specific situation in the chaotic sea, I don't know. I saw that there are extremely powerful mixed bodies. Maybe I can make it to the end, but I still suggest that fellow Taoists should follow the steps and adapt to the environment here first. After all, when multiple forces are intertwined, they will burst out with extremely powerful destructive power." This life said.

"Thank you for your reminder, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng expressed his gratitude and continued to walk forward for a distance.

Chen Feng did not stop until the distance between the two sides was far enough.

There was nothing to communicate between the two sides here, at least Chen Feng did not want to communicate with the other party, although the other party did not seem to have any malice.

"The pressure here is already extremely strong, so how strong can those who can enter the chaotic sea be?" Chen Feng pondered.

In this way, Chen Feng walked and stopped, and at the beginning he endured the interweaving and scouring of three forces, and later gradually increased his power.

Chen Feng's chaotic body finally broke through the defense.

Of course, this is Chen Feng's physical strength alone, and he has no other means of defense. If he wears armor or uses mana to protect himself, then the pressure Chen Feng bears will be reduced a lot.

"This is really a good place for cultivation, but if I want to make a significant improvement in my problem, it will take some time. It can't be done in a short time. Maybe I should make a good cultivation plan." Chen Feng thought so, controlling the chaotic body to resist the impact of the surrounding forces.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The chaotic will pressure came from all directions, suppressing Chen Feng's soul.

But it's because the pressure of chaos is not too strong.

But it's already very scary.

In Chen Feng's view, if these forces are controlled by someone, then the attack strength will increase several times.

Chen Feng originally wanted to resist, but after thinking about it, he deliberately let some will pressure rush into the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Chen Feng's original will and soul fire still have room for improvement, or the original fire that Chen Feng plundered before was not completely refined and absorbed.

At this time, deliberately letting in this kind of external force, it seems that the sea of ​​consciousness has caused some turbulence and influence, but it can also make Chen Feng better eliminate and resolve the previous accumulation.

Although it will take some effort, it can make one's will become purer.

This can also be regarded as reorganization after being broken.

However, the frequency of this kind of will pressure is very rare, and it is unknown when these risks will appear.

Chen Feng can only passively wait for the opponent to appear, but Chen Feng can be sure that the more types of power he contacts, the stronger the will pressure will be.

Chen Feng has always felt that the chaotic body is about to reach a previous limit, so he stopped, returned a distance along the original path, and then went to find the types of power that are useful to him.

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