Eternal Existence

Chapter 4386: The Ghost King of the Netherworld

Chen Feng shook his head: "This is what I find strange. Originally, I thought it was the spiritual ancestor who took action, but that was not the aura of the spiritual ancestor at all. It was a stranger. In any case, since the other party intervened, Then even if he is not a friend brought by the Holy Lord of Samsara, he is still my enemy."

"This is a bit troublesome. The other party is very powerful, even more powerful than the Samsara Saint King you mentioned. Fortunately, they didn't get together at the beginning. Otherwise, it would be us who would be unlucky." Storm Life said.

"But that's not necessarily the case. I do have some other ideas. Maybe the later meddler has nothing to do with anyone, or has nothing to do with the Reincarnation Bible. He just wants to deal with us." Shadow Saint said.

"Such words are unreasonable. Since you want to deal with us, you can find a better time. By doing this, the other party is basically rescuing the Holy Lord of Samsara." Chen Feng shook his head and disagreed with Shadow Saint's statement.

"Haha, I'm just guessing like this. I can't tell you the specific situation, but I think since we are fighting each other, we will figure it out sooner or later. At worst, we will find a way to kill the other party." Shadow Saint smiled. said.

"What should we do now?" Storm Life asked from the side.

"Continue the previous actions." Chen Feng said.

"Do you want to continue? We have been targeted now. Do you want to rest first?" Storm Life said.

"If you're not in a hurry, we won't be in a hurry, so we'll say goodbye for now. Fellow Taoist, come back to me after you've rested." Chen Feng said.

"Where are you going next? You're going back to the land of Tianxingsheng, right?" The storm life asked curiously, and at the same time he was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to leave just as soon as he said so.

However, there is a reason why the storm life wants to rest. In addition to being targeted and needing a rest, the things it swallowed before have not been fully absorbed, and it still needs some time to strengthen itself.

"We need to return to Tianxin's place of life, where it is still relatively complete." Chen Feng said.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Storm Life hesitated for a moment and then said: "In this case, let's separate for now, and I will inform my friends next."

The two sides said nothing more and separated.

Chen Feng and Shadow Saint began to return to the land of Tianxing Life, and Storm Life didn't know where they were going.

However, Chen Feng knew that the other party was a local life form in the Gate of Origin, with a different life structure. In the Gate of Origin, every move was like a fish in water, and he exerted power beyond his own.

And very difficult to kill.

So Chen Feng is not worried about the other party.

Besides, the two parties were simply cooperating. Even if the other party was wrong about something, Chen Feng would only feel a little pity.

"You want to win over the other party." Shadow Saint asked.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

"It's a pity that there is no compromise between the other party and Tianxing Life Land, so we can't move into Tianxing Life Land unless we can have complete control of Tianxing Life Land, but this is also impossible."

"But this is fine. It is necessary to win over a person of this level. We have cooperated well before, and the opponent's strength can be improved again. This is really a top expert."

"It's better than becoming an enemy."

"That's true." Yongsheng nodded: "But if we go back as soon as I come out, isn't it a little bad?"

"Do you have any ideas?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

In fact, returning to the Land of Life in Tianxing is just for cultivation, and he can also cultivate in other places, so there is no great need for Chen Feng to return.

"Actually, even if we want to go back, it's not that easy. Don't you feel like you're not being watched?" Shadow Saint said.

"I felt it, so I wanted to quickly return to the land of Tianxing's life." Chen Feng said with a smile.

When Chen Feng wanted to target him, it was obviously the spiritual ancestor's side. The previous confrontation made Chen Feng feel pressure and threat.

Need to avoid its peak temporarily.

As long as they can return to the Land of Tianxing Life, the other party will not dare to make trouble, otherwise they will face the persecution of the monks from the Land of Tianxing Life.

In this way, it is a very good thing for Chen Feng to live in the land of Tianxing Life.

In fact, most of the other monks living in the Land of Star Life also have the same idea.

"It's a pity that we are not welcome there, even if we were the first to attack the creatures that destroyed them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although the number of Chen Feng and others was small, they had killed a large number of destructive creatures before.

Even the powerful Source of Destruction and the Origin Beast were suppressed.

If Chen Feng and others did not come to help, it is hard to say whether Tianxing Life Land could withstand the attack of destroying creatures. Even if it could block it, there would definitely be heavy casualties.

Tianxing will not be so easy.

Therefore, it is natural for Chen Feng and others to have control over the Tianxing Life Land.

"We can't always stay in the land of Tianxing Life, so some troubles must be solved in advance." Shadow Saint said.

"In this case, we shouldn't let Storm Life leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No, let's not fight with each other next. I will take fellow Taoists to a place. Besides, even if we fight, I have the means." Shadow Saint said.

"How do you say it?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I also have friends here." Shadow Saint seemed a little proud when he said this, at least Chen Feng could feel it.

"Your friend, really?" But Chen Feng still asked. You know, for a long time before, Yingsheng had encountered enemies. If it weren't for him, Yingsheng might have been killed.

"Of course it's true. Although I have some enemies, I also have many friends." Yingsheng said with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, tell me your plan." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, I will meet up with my friends and then deal with some opponents." Yingsheng said.

"How many friends do you have?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Three came this time!" Yingsheng said.

"Three, it seems that your friend is quite strong?" Chen Feng nodded.

"Of course, the strength is good, but there are some characteristics, you will know when the time comes." Yingsheng said.

Seeing Yingsheng say that, Chen Feng smiled and stopped asking. Seeing Yingsheng's appearance made him look forward to it.

Following Yingsheng's continuous shuttle, Chen Feng could also feel a faint threat in the dark, but the other party had not made a move.

Chen Feng could probably guess something. The Soul Ancestor probably wouldn't make a move on him for the time being, unless he could find a powerful helper or restore his strength.

However, Chen Feng was more curious about the existence that helped the Saint of Samsara before. No matter who the other party was, Chen Feng had a grudge against the other party.

Fight to the death!


A strong wave of will came. Although Chen Feng and Ying Sheng felt the crisis and were on guard, they still could not avoid the other party's attack.

And they could not avoid it at all, unless they could really get rid of the other party's tracking and locking.

Chen Feng and Ying Sheng resisted with all their strength, but they still felt that their souls seemed to have entered a surging river. Once they could not resist, their souls would be worn away by the river water.


"It's so depressing!"

Chen Feng and Ying Sheng continued to explode, while protecting themselves as much as possible.

This short time was enough for others to take action.

However, the two did not wait for the imagined attack, but the other party's will attack continued.

Chen Feng and Ying Sheng were just defensive at first, and later they began to fight back. Although they were still at a disadvantage, the situation began to change to a tug-of-war.

"Hmph! Do you really think we are easy to bully?" Shadow Saint was a little angry. Although he was not very good at direct killing, he was an old antique who had practiced for a long time. His soul will was still very strong, even better than Chen Feng. Besides, he also had some special means.

He was enraged and immediately used this method. A layer of light luster rose from his body, and then suddenly expanded and enveloped Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng felt the pressure was greatly reduced.

Originally, Chen Feng also wanted to use special means, but was prematurely exploded by Shadow Saint, so Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique!

A special route extended out, and it extended farther and farther under the blessing of Chen Feng's power.

Finally, Chen Feng found the other party!

A strange life, although it looked a little strange, but it looked very powerful!

This power only refers to the soul will, and the physical body is very rubbish, which reminded Chen Feng of some special lives he had met before!

"No wonder he hid in the dark. It turns out that his body is very weak. If he came to me, I could blow him up with one punch. But now he is far away from us, which is very troublesome!" Although Chen Feng found the other party, it was useless. Once he went to the door, the other party would change his position.

"Be careful. Since the other party attacked, there must be other helpers. Don't you have a friend who entered the Gate of Origin? Hurry up and ask your friend to come over and take the opportunity to solve the trouble this time. I think this guy has a strong soul will. If you swallow it, it will just strengthen his will." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, I have notified people." Yingsheng said with a smile.

"I hope it's in time." Chen Feng said as he swept out with a sword, and a dark ghost claw collided with the sword of destruction.

The fire burst out, and it actually blocked the power of destruction.

"Such a hard claw, I know that the guy coming is not simple." Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. The other party must have a means to rush to his side.

It can be seen from the fact that the other party can block his sword of destruction.

"It's the ghost king of the underworld!" Yingsheng said suddenly.

"Do you know him?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"I don't know him, but I know him. No, in fact, I just know he exists. I don't know his origins. I can't even be sure whether he is from outside or born in the Gate of Origin." Shadow Saint said.

"But it is certain that he is very strong." Chen Feng said, and punched out slowly, hitting the opponent's claws again.

The dark claws retracted, and it seemed that the opponent was not feeling well. The chaotic energy swept around, and the opponent's whole body was exposed.

It looked like a skeleton wrapped in black airflow, and there was nothing special about it, but Chen Feng's eyes flashed. The opponent's body was extremely solid at first glance, especially the two ghost claws, whose hardness could block the sword of destruction. The sharpness can be imagined. It is basically an origin-level weapon growing on the body.

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