Eternal Existence

Chapter 4379: Don’t ask too many questions

From the previous situation, Chen Feng can be sure that many cultivators are unfriendly, not as good as when he first came.

So even if he has control over this land of life, even if the cave has defensive capabilities, even if there are his own companions not far away, Chen Feng will not be careless.

You still have to be careful here, who knows if they will take action.

But it must be said that practicing in this land with the shortest life is indeed much better than in other places.

Who can believe that they will have such a feeling in the world.

The long sword in his hand has not been sacrificed yet, and there are more and more repairs returning one after another, and then Tianmu Shenjun and others also came back.

Chen Feng knew this, but did not come forward, but still stayed in the cave to sacrifice the sword of destruction.

"It seems that Tianxing has won the victory, and I don’t know what price it paid." After Chen Feng had such a thought, he communicated with his clone who stayed near the distant battlefield.

Then Chen Feng frowned, and his clone didn’t gain anything.

But soon Chen Feng knew what happened. Chen Feng’s clone was still alive, but it was moved to a far place, and he didn’t know what the result of the original fight was.

"Is this intentional to keep me in the dark, or was it affected by the battle? If it's the former, I don't think it's necessary, after all, I'll know sooner or later." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Originally, Chen Feng spent some time to sacrifice the Sword of Destruction many times, and there was no hidden danger, so he stopped.

With the power of the Chaos Body, plus the long sword in his hand, it is enough to fight.

Then Chen Feng walked out of the cave.

Guiyi Sanren and the others were practicing and had no intention of coming out. Instead, the ghost general walked casually in this land of life, and it seemed that he didn't worry about encountering any trouble at all.

In fact, Chen Feng secretly compared it. The strength of Qiansha and others can be regarded as the second-class characters in this land of life. It is no problem for them to join hands to solve Tianxing.

In terms of quantity, this small group is not small.

It is also a force that cannot be ignored in the entire Tianxing Land of Life.

No one comes to cause trouble is the right choice.

"I wonder if Tianxing's body will come back?" Chen Feng thought so.

"They should come back. With such a big change, Tianxing Life Land still suffered some losses this time. I think Tianxing will probably attract some new adventurers. And our force is not small. I don't believe Tianxing is not on guard."

"But it's really good to practice here. We should also find the spiritual Taoist and the others."

Chen Feng had such an idea, so he began to communicate with the spiritual Taoist and the big-mouthed monster.

The two have been practicing in the base, and they haven't encountered any troubles during this period. After receiving the news from Chen Feng, they were a little surprised.

Originally, the two practiced well in the base, but they didn't expect to change places again. However, the two were more interested in the place Chen Feng mentioned, so they didn't hesitate and walked out of the base to Tianxing Life Land.

"This place is really good." When he came to the life land, the spiritual Taoist immediately felt the extraordinaryness of this place.

"It's much better for you to practice here than in the previous base, and there are many cultivators here, and there are also some masters. Even if the Destruction Spider comes once, it can't take advantage. It can be said that it is still very safe to practice here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It is indeed a good place." The big-mouthed monster nodded, and at the same time felt a little shocked, wondering why he hadn't discovered such a life area in the Gate of Origin before?

"Daoyou, your two friends may not be able to settle here for a long time." Just when Chen Feng was arranging the spiritual Taoist and the big-mouthed monster, someone came to the door.

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Chen Feng thought that the other party was provoking.

Chen Feng didn't know the person who came, but Chen Feng knew that the other party should be a third-level figure.

His strength was pretty good, but he still didn't take Chen Feng seriously.

"My friend won't settle here for a long time. Does this Taoist have anything else to do? If not, leave." Chen Feng said lightly.

If the other party said one more word, Chen Feng would choose to take action.

The other party seemed to have noticed Chen Feng's mentality, and didn't say much, but nodded and left.

"It can be regarded as flexible." Chen Feng said lightly.

"It seems that there is competition here." The spiritual Taoist said on the side.

"Where there is life, there will be fighting and conflicts. Where is this place? In the Gate of Origin, it is not easy to have so many modifiers together. If there is no dispute, it will be even more incredible. However, we cannot underestimate the other party. There are still some masters here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I feel it. I didn't expect to meet so many powerful beings here. No wonder they can block the attack of the Destruction Spider. I'm afraid even the Gate of Origin will not take action casually." The spiritual Taoist asked curiously.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe there are powerful forces and many people here, but once they are targeted by the Gate of Origin, there are ways to deal with them. But now we are also part of this land of life. Next, we have to seek benefits for this land of life, not just live here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, I want to spend more time practicing in such a good place. It's much better than our Taixu Land." The spiritual Taoist said with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I returned to Taixu Land. Now there should be a big change. When we return to Taixu Land, I think our cultivation will definitely improve." Chen Feng continued.

"That's from the perspective of fellow Taoists. In fact, I think the time I left Taixu Land is not long. It's nothing in my years of practice." The spiritual Taoist said with some indifference.

"That's true." Chen Feng smiled and nodded. His practice time is indeed incomparable to that of the other party.

"We still have too few people. If we can get more helpers here, we can stand firm." The spiritual Taoist said.

Although there are Qiansha and others now, both Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist know that Qiansha and others can't stay here forever.

Such a good place of life, if it doesn't belong to them, it is indeed a bit jealous and envious.

"Let's talk about the future later. At least we can practice here now, which is enough." Chen Feng was also a little helpless.

It can be said that although he has some friends, there are not many strong ones, even if he enters the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian can't play any role here, and it can even be said that they don't even have the qualifications to enter the natural life land.

The spiritual Taoist and the big mouth monster went to find a place to practice, and Chen Feng felt the changes in this life force.

The war caused many damaged places in Tianxing Life Land before, but these damaged places have almost recovered at this time.

Now Chen Feng feels the surge of power, knowing that the corpses of some destructive creatures collected before are being refined and absorbed at this time, and the power will be integrated into Tianxing Life Land.

Chen Feng still feels this feeling more clearly, after all, Chen Feng has some control over Tianxing Life Land.

Even if Chen Feng wants, he can speed up and integrate those resources into this life land faster.

But Chen Feng didn't do this.

The situation here is different from Taixu Land. Even if Chen Feng integrates more things, without Tianxing lifting the ban, his control over this life force will always be limited.

With Tianxing's consent, the control will be improved.

That's why Chen Feng would not do something thankless.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood that this should be Tianxing's action.

However, Tianxing's body did not appear. It is possible that he was not in this land of life, or he may have returned and did not show up in the morning.

But no matter what, at least now it seems that Tianxing has no intention of communicating with Chen Feng.

"Thinking about the experience during this period of time is really interesting, completely different from my previous thoughts. I thought it would be relatively simple to look at the land of life. It seems that I thought too much. In fact, it is normal. So many powerful lives gather together. It is impossible to coexist peacefully. I thought everything was too good before." Chen Feng muttered.

At this time, Chen Feng completely lost the desire to see Tianxing, even though Tianxing was the number one master in the Tianxing life area, even though the area where he was born was named after Tianxing.

Even though Tianxing is still an extremely powerful existence, after the contact, Tianxing has lost his mystery. Later, some unhappy contacts also made Chen Feng change his previous thoughts.

Although everyone lives in this land of life now, who knows how things will develop in the future? Maybe the two sides will become rivals, at least it seems that there is such a sign now.

"In the final analysis, you still have to be strong enough. I was thinking before whether I could use the power of Tianxing to help me solve some opponents? Now it seems that I really thought too much."


Just when Chen Feng was feeling the changes in the Land of Life, Tianmu God suddenly came.

Chen Feng was a little curious about the other party's purpose in coming to him, but no matter what, the two sides had communicated for a period of time before, and Chen Feng also gained something from it, so he didn't say anything bad.

"Thank you for your help before, otherwise, it would be difficult to get through this crisis." Tianmu God expressed his gratitude to Chen Feng after he came.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head: "You are welcome, fellow Daoist. Since I live here, some things are natural. Moreover, I now have control over the life force of Tianxing. This can be regarded as a transaction."

"It is surprising that fellow Daoists have hidden their strength."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Tianmu Shenjun smiled bitterly: "It is normal to hide some strength. Moreover, we have to deal with the Soul Ancestor and others. If we expose all our strength, I am afraid that the next things will not be able to proceed."

"By the way, what was the specific outcome of your battle? Did you get rid of the Soul Ancestor?" Chen Feng changed the subject.

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