Eternal Existence

Chapter 4371 Watching the Battle

Tianxing dispatched eight cultivators, while the Soul Ancestor dispatched slightly more people, after all, Chen Feng and his team only entangled three people.

And they had lost several people before.

From the results of the battle so far, the Soul Ancestor also suffered a loss, after all, some people have fallen.

But so far, neither Tianxing nor the Soul Ancestor has appeared.

No, the Soul Ancestor appeared once before, but hid in the dark to control.

"The other party must regret it. If they knew that I had such a power at the beginning, I think the Soul Ancestor would definitely not choose to deal with me." Chen Feng said.

"Indeed." The voice of the Soul Ancestor came over, and this was a spiritual communication with Chen Feng.

"If I had known this earlier, I would definitely change the situation."

"So do you regret it now?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Indeed I regret it." The Soul Ancestor said.

"You should have a purpose for communicating with me now, right? So your purpose and idea." Chen Feng said.

"Get out of this matter and leave this place. I won't cause trouble for you." The Soul Taoist said.

"Do you still want to trouble us?" Chen Feng sneered. This really doesn't take me seriously. Even so, do you want to show your superiority?

However, since he came to communicate with me, it means that the other party has to care about his power.

"I will give you some benefits as compensation. Well, after this matter is over, you can also go to that land of life to open up a cave. This is my promise. At my level, I will not go back on my words." The Soul Ancestor said.

"What price can you pay? This time it's not just me, I have friends, and these friends of mine can't be in vain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I also have subordinates who died in your hands." The Soul Ancestor said.

"That's their own fault." Chen Feng disdainfully.

"I can give you two origin-level magic weapons." The Soul Ancestor said.

"Two origin-level magic weapons are big enough. I really like these things, but there are so many of us that there is really not enough to share." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What do you want? Offer a price? We can talk about it." The Soul Ancestor said.

"We have five people here. You must give us five origin-level treasures, and they must be intact. It's best if they are not damaged. And because you were the first to bring this up, you need to give us one more treasure to compensate. That means a total of six origin-level magic weapons. If we do this, we will be able to withdraw from this matter. Otherwise, we will have to take the things that originally belonged to us ourselves." Chen Feng said.

The Soul Ancestor was silent.

During the communication between the two sides, Chen Feng and his men continued to fight with their opponents. Even if they had the upper hand, they did not use killers.

"You have too few people. It's not that easy to get a share. Be careful not to get yourself involved." The Soul Ancestor said.

"We will be careful." Chen Feng said lightly.


In order to put pressure on the other side, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren suddenly burst out with even more powerful power.

Seeing the two burst out, Qiansha and Zhenyan also burst out, directly hitting the opponent and throwing him out. He could only use means to defend himself and had no power to fight back.

According to this situation, as long as Chen Feng and others continue to suppress them, it is normal to deal with these opponents.

After all, they are powerful Hunyuan Jinxians, and they also have origin-level treasures in their hands. As long as they are killed, Chen Feng and his friends can get enough gains.

This gain is no less than the price Chen Feng offered just now.

Chen Feng believes that the other party knows this.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A total of five groups of energy drums were brought to Chen Feng, which were five origin-level treasures.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised that the other party compromised so easily.

He made a price and the other party agreed, so he had no reason to regret it.

"Fellow Taoists, we should leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that it is not in vain." Qiansha took the lead and took away an origin-level treasure.

Of course, Qiansha did not choose carefully, but took one at random.

Then Zhenyan also took one, followed by Yingsheng and Guiyi Sanren, and the last one left belonged to Chen Feng.

Several people stopped, and the cultivators belonging to the spiritual ancestor did not continue to attack, as if they were relieved. The feeling just now was really bad.

"Let's go first." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Watching Chen Feng and the others leave, Zhan and the others' faces changed drastically, and then they felt the overwhelming pressure increasing.

Originally Chen Feng and the others' opponents, now Zhan and the others' opponents.


Zhan was still trying to contact Chen Feng, but Chen Feng did not respond. Zhan believed that Chen Feng should have received his message, so not responding also represented an attitude.

"Five origin-level magic weapons are too big in our hands. Even we can't take them out so easily. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with Daoyou Chen Feng. Daoyou Chen Feng has been able to entangle so many forces until now, which can be regarded as helping us." Tianmu Shenjun said.

"That's not what happened. In any case, this matter was caused by Chen Feng. He also has a certain responsibility. What's more, Chen Feng still has some relationship with Master Tianxing. It's not good to leave like this." Zhan Feng. said.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's think about how to deal with these opponents. They are all masters. I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long." Tianmu Shenjun said.

At this time, Chen Feng and others did not stay away, but were watching the battle not far away.

"Thank you Daoist friends for coming, but our harvest this time is not too big." Mr. Chen Feng expressed his gratitude to Qian Sha and the others.

"It doesn't matter whether you gain something or not. Coming here this time to meet so many masters is a worthwhile trip." Zhenyan said on the side.

"It's just that we just pushed away like this. I don't think it's the style of Taoist friends. I have other ideas." Qian Sha said with a smile.

"Let's get the benefits first. Let's see what happens next. Who knows how far the two sides will fight, and is there any need for us to fight them to death? Although I was attacked by the ancestor of the soul. , but the other party also paid a price, at least until now, we have no big interests involved with both parties," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true. Let's see how lively it is. I'm also looking forward to how far both parties will invest next, and whether there will be some existence that I know." Qian Sha also has some expectations.

"Actually, it's a pity that our strength is not strong enough. Otherwise, we could have completely swept away both sides and snatched the life of that side." Chen Feng said.

"It's a good idea. We really don't have enough strength, but we knew it would be like this. We should find everyone so that we can get a share of the pie." Qian Sha said.

"Now, we can only fish in troubled waters, and we will score as many points as we can get. However, I have also sent a message to others. Maybe our strength will increase in the future. When the time comes, both sides will suffer losses, and we will also I can take the opportunity to grab some more benefits.”

"That's fine, but I feel that it won't be easy for both of them. If we want to take advantage, there will definitely be some calculations involved. We can't take it lightly. And although we talked about the deal with the ancestor of the soul, I have always had a problem. I have a feeling that the ancestor of the soul should have some trump cards and confidence. Although Tianxing has not taken action, in my opinion, the strength of Tianxing must be extremely powerful, even more than that of the ancestor of the soul. So what means can the ancestor of the soul use to deal with Tianxing? ? It's not enough to see these people in front of you." Chen Feng said.

"That's true, but there are many masters in the Gate of Origin, and there are many who are better than us. We can attract some top masters." We can only communicate while using the detection technique to watch the battles everywhere, which can be regarded as more or less. Something gained.

"It looks pretty good. Watching the excitement here can give you some inspiration. I really look forward to Tianxing and the Ancestor of the Soul taking action." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Be careful, I feel something is not right." At this time, Zhenyan suddenly said.

"What do fellow Taoists feel? Is there someone watching us secretly?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's hard to say. I also have a bad feeling. We might be targeted tonight." Shadow Saint said.

"That's a bit strange. Since the other party has chosen to trade with us, they shouldn't have to use other means and concentrate their efforts on dealing with Tianxing and the others." Chen Feng immediately thought of the ancestor of the soul.

"It shouldn't be the spiritual ancestor. There may be other powers." Zhenyan shook his head.

"That would be interesting. If it is another force, then the most correct thing for the opponent to do is to be too lively. Wait until the fighting parties reach a certain point, and then come out to take advantage. There is no need to target us." Chen Feng said.

"It's indeed a bit weird, isn't it the destroying creature?" Guiyi Sanren said.

At first, no one cared about it, but after the truth was spoken, it started to feel vaguely inappropriate.

"No matter what the other party's background is, it is not easy to deal with us." Chen Feng said, while secretly using secret detection methods to find the other party.

"It does not feel good to be targeted." Qian Sha nodded, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the void. The space exploded, and a hidden monk fell out.

Although this being's figure was exposed, he was not too embarrassed. He quickly stabilized his body and at the same time dispersed the power of Qian Sha.

"Why did fellow Taoist take action? Everyone is here to watch the fun, and I don't mean any harm." The monk asked back, but he did not fight back. It was obvious that he could not offend Qian Sha and the others.

"It's not him." Qian Sha shook his head, he was also a spectator.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist is too close to us." Qian Sha still said, this person has the strength, there is no need to make enemies with him here.

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