Eternal Existence

Chapter 4364: Continuous Appearance


Gu seemed to be irritated, and stopped talking to Zhan, and took the lead in attacking Zhan.

"Come on, I want to see what you can do." Zhan sneered, and seemed to not take these people seriously. In the blink of an eye, he fought with Gu.

Sure enough, Gu was not Zhan's opponent, and was killed and retreated. The Holy Lord of Fire, the Heavenly Warriors, and the Yin Sha came forward to join in. Several people joined forces to besiege Zhan, and the two sides fought fiercely.

And Chen Feng was still trapped in the formation. Since he was being washed by the energy tornado, it seemed that Chen Feng was not just trapped, but had to use these impacts to polish his body.

In fact, Chen Feng felt that if this situation continued, his chaotic body would continue to become stronger.

But outside the formation, in the energy storm, not far from the battle, there was also Chen Feng's figure.

The one in the formation was clearly Chen Feng's original body, so the one outside must be Chen Feng's clone.

It turned out that from the beginning, Chen Feng had some doubts, so he made some more preparations. Now it seems that things have really changed, and preparations are still useful.

A shadow quickly passed through the energy storm and soon came to Chen Feng.

It was Shadow Saint.

After Shadow Saint came, he looked at the few people who were fighting and shook his head.

"This is the opponent that Daoyou wants to deal with, but in this case, I'm afraid we don't need to come." Shadow Saint said.

Sometimes you may know, so this time not only found me to come, but also found other masters early.

Now it seems that it is a bit of a waste of talent.

"These are just some small soldiers, the big guys are behind, did you find anything when you came?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"But I didn't find any high-speed existence, so it seems that the opponent who can sense us is indeed extraordinary." Shadow Saint nodded.

Shadow Saint naturally believed what Chen Feng said. At this time, he didn't sense it. It seems that it's not that the other party didn't come, but that the other party's means are very clever.

"I have heard of the Tianxing Life Land, but I have never been there. However, I know there are many masters there. I didn't expect you to find that place. It's just that you have an opponent as soon as you go there. It really makes me feel a little strange." Yingsheng said.

"I also feel a little strange. There is no cause and effect between me and the other party. I was calculated by the other party for no reason. I have to get back at least. And I have some ideas. The life land is better than the cave we talked about." Chen Feng said.

"Indeed, there are special types of life lands in general. The speed of cultivation there is very fast. I also wanted to find such a life land before, but there was no suitable place." Yingsheng said.

"But we can't stay there for a long time. It's just a base. There are too many masters in the life land. If the relationship is not good, it will always feel a little unsafe." Yingsheng continued.

Chen Feng understood the meaning of Yingsheng's words. He also had such thoughts. In the case of no friends there, he felt a little uncomfortable. Although he could communicate with other cultivators and improve his cultivation, sometimes it was not as comfortable as retreating alone.

Chen Feng didn't want to let go of such a good area of ​​the Land of Life.

"It would be great if I could find such a place." Chen Feng said.

"It's not impossible, but the premise is that we must have strong enough strength and a certain number of cultivators, so that we can resist the attacks of the Destruction Spider. Otherwise, even if we build a Land of Life, we may be torn apart soon." Shadow Saint said with a smile.

"Weird, at this point, the guy hiding in the dark still doesn't show up? But I am very careful, or is it that the other party has taken a fancy to something?" Chen Feng said with some surprise.

At this time, the two sides were still fighting. Although Zhan's strength was good, he was just one person after all, just like what was said before, two fists can't beat four hands.

At this time, Zhan had already fallen behind.

"In fact, this energy storm area is still quite good. No wonder Daoyou is also honing the Chaos Body under the situation of being calculated by the other party." Shadow Saint said with a smile.

In Shadow Saint's opinion, Chen Feng could completely rush out of the formation, but Chen Feng didn't do so. Instead, he allowed the other party's formation to attack.

"It's still not strong enough." Chen Feng said this in the political law. As Chen Feng absorbed more and more power fragments, not only did he not have some changes in his physical body before, but he could better withstand the power environment here, and even control some of the power fragments here.

In this way, the surrounding power attacks weakened Chen Feng's physical body.

Anyway, there is progress, Chen Feng doesn't care, and if he can really master the surrounding power law fragments, Chen Feng can mobilize more power storms to impact his physical body.

Chen Feng certainly understands the situation outside. Before the real opponent appears, Chen Feng does not intend to come out of the formation.

Just as Yingsheng guessed, success can completely get rid of the formation, but there is a need now, and I don't want to do it for the time being.

"It's almost done, the existence behind the scenes should come out, otherwise I will add fuel to the fire, or Daoyou will take action." Chen Feng looked at Yingsheng.

"Okay." Yingsheng nodded.


Zhan was knocked out.

Fanhuo Shengjun laughed, Yinsha sneered again and again, and Gu continued to attack frantically.

"I thought you had other helpers, but you were the only one. Wouldn't you be here to die?" Tianwu monk sighed.

"We didn't want to kill you, but we can't let you go back alive now."

"It's easy to kill me. I'll drag a few people down with me before I die. Besides, I'm not without helpers. When my helpers arrive, it will be your turn to die." Zhan said.

"If you want helpers, why don't you come out until now?" Gu sneered.

At this moment, a shadow appeared silently and tied Gu up.

Gu couldn't open his eyes for a while.

Not only that, Yinsha was also trapped by a shadow.

Zhan showed surprise in his eyes, but he didn't hesitate. Instead, he quickly stepped forward and severely injured Gu and Yinsha.

Although he didn't kill them, he had temporarily lost his fighting power.

Only Fanhuo Saint and Tianwu monk were left. They were no match for Zhan at all, not to mention that Yingsheng had to continue to attack.

Soon these two were also tied up by the shadow.

Just when he was about to step forward to perform the killer move, a beam of knife light broke through everything and came in front of Zhan.

Zhan couldn't resist it, and was about to be split in half. A shadow exploded, but then the shadow was shattered in the knife light.

Yingsheng made a move to resist, so Zhan was able to cope with it, but even so, cracks appeared on his body.

"The master finally appeared." Chen Feng said with a smile.

You know, Zhan is also a third-level existence in the Tianxing Life Land, otherwise it would be impossible for him to entangle several opponents alone, but this time he almost couldn't block the knife light.

A swordsman appeared.

At first, Chen Feng guessed whether it was a second-level master in the Tianxing Biological Land, but Zhan didn't seem to know him.

"Foreign aid?" Seeing that the swordsman had been suppressing Zhan, Chen Feng guessed, and then looked at Yingsheng on the side.

Before, Yingsheng didn't use his full strength, but now Yingsheng seemed a little dignified.

"This is a very powerful swordsman. I can restrain the opponent, but it will be more or less exhausting for me." Yingsheng said.

"Let's attack together." Chen Feng said, and another clone came out of his body.

This clone held the Sword of Origin and disappeared with Shadow Saint.


Under the sword light, Zhan Lianlian retreated, and cracks appeared on his body. This was caused by the sword energy.

After the Saint Lord Fanhuo and the Tianwu monk opened their restraints, they did not step forward to join the battle, but went to the side to help the other two recover their strength.

This also shows that Saint Lord Fanhuo and his men believe in this swordsman.

"There is an ambush in the dark, find the other party." Saint Lord Fanhuo said.

"It doesn't look like he came with us, he should be from somewhere else." From the previous methods of Shadow Saint, they can guess some things, after all, it is not a familiar breath.

"Go and kill Chen Feng first." Gu suggested.

"Okay." The other people agreed, and then rushed into the formation, each occupying a side of the silence.

So Chen Feng felt that stronger pressure began to grow.

"I was feeling that my strength was not strong enough, but now it's good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There were more and more ropes on his body, and more power tornadoes appeared around him. Chen Feng's body was constantly twisting and squeezing, and even a little damaged.

But he could only do this.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised, and Gu showed a look of envy and jealousy.

Everyone is a chaotic body, why is the other party's cultivation so much stronger than his? If he can devour this chaotic body, will he also reach this level?

Thinking of this, the look in Gu's eyes became more fiery.

"You guys can't do anything at all, the existence behind you, hurry up and come out." Chen Feng sneered, and a faint golden light emerged.

As these golden lights appeared, the chains that enveloped and bound Chen Feng broke one after another, and then the broken fragments melted into Chen Feng's body.

"My strength is beyond your expectations. Are you surprised? These methods of yours are just tickling me. Think about it, if I rush out now, can you stop me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to break the seal, the Saint Lord of Fire and his men hurriedly activated the magic array and condensed chains to tie Chen Feng up again.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was tied up again, but the chains began to melt again in the golden light.

In order to prevent Chen Feng from rushing out of the formation, the Saint Lord of Fire and his men could only keep attacking, constantly consuming mana, and constantly operating the magic array. Even so, they felt that this situation might not last long, because Chen Feng was like a volcano that was constantly erupting, but the volcano could still contain infinite power?

Just as Chen Feng said just now, once Chen Feng broke the formation, the Saint Lord of Fire and his men would not be able to stop Chen Feng's attack at all.

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