Eternal Existence

Chapter 4359: Going Out

After leaving the cave of Tianmu God, he went to the cave of the next cultivator.

After another exchange, he really gained something.

This cultivator named Zhan had bewitched Chen Feng before, and this time after Chen Feng came to his door, he bewitched again.

He even bewitched Chen Feng to leave the Land of Life to deal with Gu.

How could the other party be so kind?

So Chen Feng felt that the other party did not have good intentions at the first time, and if he went out with him, he would definitely be in danger.

However, Chen Feng was still curious about something, that is, the other party was not stupid. He showed his intention so blatantly. Could it be that he regarded himself as a fool?

In any case, Chen Feng did not agree to the other party.

Next, Chen Feng went to the actions of several other cultivators. In the end, what he wanted to do was not only to get some information, but also to see the thoughts and purposes of these people.

Even if they were all under the command of Tianxing, everyone had their own selfishness and it was impossible to unify.

In the end, Chen Feng decided to walk out of this forest because his friends had arrived.

It was impossible to keep them waiting.

Chen Feng actually expected that there would be danger waiting for him. No matter how strong the opponent was, no matter how many opponents there were, as long as they dared to attack him, he would definitely give them a good look.

Let the other party know how interesting the changes in things were.

Chen Feng went out with Zhan. If Zhan attacked him, then they would solve it together.

Since it was a trouble, no matter how big or small the trouble was, it would be easier after it was solved.

However, when the two of them just took action, two more cultivators joined in.

They were Tianwu cultivator and Fanhuo Saint, both of whom were under Tianxing. The two had a good communication with Chen Feng before, which gave Chen Feng a lot of inspiration and gains. Moreover, the two had no ill will towards Chen Feng before, and did not instigate Chen Feng to go out.

"Daoyou are not afraid of trouble when you go out. In fact, I don't recommend Daoyou to leave now. You might be attacked by the spiritual ancestor." Fanhuo Saint said.

Chen Feng gained a lot from the communication with Fanhuo Saint before, and even condensed the clone of the Great Dao of Fire.

Chen Feng still has a lot of good feelings for Fanhuo Saint.

"We can't just stay here all the time. We have to go out and take a look. Can we stay here just because we are afraid? That will definitely affect my practice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true, but there is nothing to worry about. We can solve any troubles we encounter by gathering together, and we can also ask for help from Lord Tianxing. Lord Tianxing will definitely not stand idly by." Saint Lord Fanhuo said.

"Actually, it's not wrong. We adventurers don't come here to practice peacefully. We must venture around. I see that you are very powerful, and we have some means. Even if there are some ambushes, we can deal with them." Tianwu monk also said on the side.

The few people talked and laughed, and finally left the cheapest place for life.

"Do you have a place to go?" Zhan asked.

"Just a casual walk. After all, you need to relax after practicing for a long time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then it's just a casual walk. In this case, I have a place to go." Zhan said.

"Oh, it's great that you have a place to go." Chen Feng said.

"It's better not to go to a place that is too dangerous." Tianwu monk said on the side.

"Don't worry, you two know where I'm going this time. We have entered it for exploration before. Although that area is a bit troublesome, it is not too dangerous. Maybe we can get some benefits. Even if there is no benefit, it is better for you to go there for the first time than to walk around without a goal." Zhan said.

Seeing Chen Feng nod, Zhan led the way in front and the few people started to move forward.

But Chen Feng did not feel the existence of danger at this time.

"Fellow Daoist, you must be careful. I feel that Zhan has no good intentions this time. Maybe there is really danger ahead." Fanhuo Saint Lord secretly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"But even if there is danger ahead, I don't care. After all, I am not easy to mess with. Besides, I don't believe Zhan is such a person. Instead of that, fellow Daoist, why don't you tell me what the specific place we are going to this time is?" Chen Feng responded with a smile.

"Anyway, you still need to be careful. Don't act alone when you get there. That place is indeed troublesome and not without danger." Saint Lord Fanhuo said.

"Anyway, I feel that the station has some bad intentions. Just know it in your heart. Be prepared secretly. We don't have to be afraid of the other party. However, that place is quite far from the Land of Life. I'm afraid that Lord Tianxing won't be able to rescue him in time." Saint Lord Fanhuo continued.

"Of course you have to be careful, but I still believe that there is no danger in the place we are going to. I have also practiced the art of calculation and didn't feel any danger. If there is a crisis, I can feel it more or less." Chen Feng said.

Although it seems easy on the surface, Chen Feng has indeed made some preparations in the case. Once there is danger, there will be fighting at any time.

Chen Feng is also thinking whether he will encounter some dangers in the process of rushing.

After all, the Gate of Origin is full of crises, and there may be other crises.

"But Gu should be recovering soon." Chen Feng suddenly changed the subject.

"How can it be so easy to recover? Gu's injury is very serious. Even if it is a chaotic body, it is not easy to recover if the soul is always injured." Zhan sneered.

Energy fluctuations came from afar.

Chen Feng and his companions looked calm, but they quickly used their means to investigate.

Several adventurers were being chased by a group of destructive spiders. This situation is still very common in the origin.

What surprised Chen Feng Jilin was that the actual conditions of these adventurers were very ordinary. To put it simply, they had just entered the level of member Jinxian.

It was reasonable to travel in the free space, but entering the Gate of Origin could only be regarded as a life-or-death struggle.

Especially since the Gate of Origin has been turbulent recently, even the masters of Hunyuan Jinxian are not safe.

So this level of existence adventuring in the Gate of Origin is almost like sending oneself to death.

Even a few scattered Destruction Magic Beads can kill them, not to mention encountering a large group of Destruction Magic Spiders.

"I don't know when these guys came in. They are still alive now. It's lucky to say that they are lucky to meet us." Zhan said, and then he rushed up.

Chen Feng and the other two had to follow behind.

After arriving, they saw that Zhan had already started a fight with a group of Destruction Magic Spiders. Those adventurers with ordinary strength did not take the opportunity to escape, but gathered together to prepare to launch an attack at any time. This scene surprised Chen Feng a little.

"It's still a bit conscientious, but staying is also sending death. However, if you really leave now, it's only temporarily safe, unless you find a safe place to hide." Chen Feng thought so, and then waved his hand to move these cultivators to his side.

"Meet the seniors." There were a total of six cultivators, and they were surprised and nervous when looking at Chen Feng and the other two.

"It's indeed an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian." Chen Feng took a quick look and saw through the true and false of these adventurers in the blink of an eye.

No matter how long these adventurers have been practicing, they are indeed at the bottom of the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng did not regard these people as opponents at all. As long as Chen Feng wanted, it would only take a few punches to solve them.

Chen Feng did not even ask where they came from. Ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian was not taken seriously by Chen Feng.

There were many Destruction Spiders. Although Zhan had extraordinary combat power, he was only at the fourth level in Tianxing Life Land. His real strength was not even as good as Gu, the owner of the Chaos Body.

So he was soon surrounded by Destruction Spiders. At this time, he could not leave just because he wanted to.

Seeing this scene, the Holy Lord of Fanhuo and the Tianwu monk shook their heads helplessly and had to step forward to join them.

With the help of two people, several Destruction Spiders were beaten to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Although the three seemed to be fighting on their own, they also formed a small group joint mode within a certain range.

Chen Feng did not take action, but used the pupil technique to explore the distance, wanting to see if there were more Destruction Spiders, or if there were no other dangers.

"There are quite a few Destruction Spiders in this wave. Let's leave here, fellow Taoists. There's no need to waste time here." Chen Feng said.

"Kill a few more. These Destruction Creatures can be killed by everyone. We met these guys as soon as we came out, so we can't just leave." Zhan said.

Some strange looks flashed in Chen Feng's eyes again. Chen Feng could feel that Zhan wanted to stay and fight.

Zhan's name is worthy of its name. Regardless of its strength, Zhan's fighting spirit is very strong.

Fanhuo Shengjun and the other two wanted to leave, but they didn't say much when they saw Zhan didn't leave.

The adventurers who gathered together actually changed their faces when they saw so many Destruction Spiders, and even so, they were a little eager to move.

"You are just going to die if you go up, so you'd better stay here and watch carefully." Chen Feng said lightly.

These adventurers wanted to say something, but they finally suppressed it. However, these adventurers were a little strange. Why didn't Chen Feng go forward? Could it be that he stayed here to protect himself?

At this time, two Destruction Demon Spiders rushed towards the direction where Chen Feng and his companions were, one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing them getting closer and closer, when the adventurers were about to lose their patience, they saw Chen Feng shaking his fist.

The two Destruction Demon Spiders exploded directly, turning into large and small fragments, and Chen Feng waved his hand, and the fragments of the Destruction Demon Spiders fell into Chen Feng's palm one after another, and then disappeared.

This scene was really a huge shock to the six adventurers, and they realized that the one next to them was the most powerful.

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