Eternal Existence

Chapter 4353 Troublemaker

"I thought this place was a little different from what I imagined. Now it seems that I thought too well before. As expected, where there is life, there will be conflicts, disputes and feuds. Now there is no competition for interests, but this kind of thing has happened. Once there is the temptation of interests, then this land of life will become crazy. There is a reason why this land of life can exist for so long. In this way, maybe it is really just targeting me alone." Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to him, Chen Feng's eyes showed a thoughtful look. He did not launch an attack at the first time, nor did he use the star field like before.

In the eyes of some people who were watching secretly. Maybe Chen Feng will also use the magical power of the star field. Since this kind of power can surround the ancient binding before, there should be no problem.

Chen Feng thought more. The other party dared to rush out like this, and he must have some confidence to deal with his means.

Chen Feng now thought that once he was in the star field technique, he might be cracked by the other party.

"So what method should I use next? The power of the chaotic body or the flushing of the power of the Great Dao, or use weapons and magic weapons? Or use some other magical powers, the trump card cannot be used for the time being."

"Then Lai Dong is a human, he won't want to force out my trump card, it's not impossible."

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, the Soulless Saint Army had already rushed to Chenggong, and was surprised to see that Chen Feng was distracted.

At this time, he dared to split himself, he really didn't know how to live or die.

The will of the Soulless Saint was severely damaged before, although it will recover soon, but after all, it will consume some of his own things, and the Soulless Saint certainly wants to get back.

This is because the two helpers also rushed up, but did not launch an attack at the first time. They also wanted to see the situation and how Chen Feng would deal with it next.

If the Soulless Saint can deal with Chen Feng, it would be better. Of course, if he can't deal with it, he can take action at any time.

In any case, the three Soulless Saint Army have blocked Chen Feng around.

"You are deliberately looking for trouble. Do you think I'm easy to bully? Or is there someone behind you? It's a pity that I just came here and I don't even have a friend or a helper. No wonder you chose to besiege me, but it doesn't matter. No one who dared to attack me has had a good end." Chen Feng said that he had disappeared from the spot.

The attack of the Soulless Saint fell short, and the blockade of the three people was completely ineffective.

Chen Feng did not appear behind the Soulless Saint, but chose to appear behind his monks.

"What I hate most is guys like you who take advantage of the situation. If you attack me right away, I can still look up to you, but now, you have to pay some price. I will let you know what the price of meddling indiscriminately is?" Chen Feng's voice sounded slowly, which contained a special will attack, which had a confusing effect. Although the monk felt the danger at the first time, under the interference of Chen Feng's will, the whole person became a little lazy and his strength became a little loose.

Then he was hit by Chen Feng's punch.

This punch did not send the opponent flying like before, but turned into a huge fist mark, like an extremely large mountain suppressing the monk's head.

Under such an attack, the monk could not resist, and kept trying to explode but could not disperse the fist mark on his head.

He was suppressed.

This process was very short, but it was enough for the other two to react.

The face of the Soulless Saint was ugly. Several people had just come in front of the other party, but these two friends of his were solved by the other party. I am afraid that I will not be his opponent next.

At this point, the Soulless Saint will certainly not retreat, but choose to continue to attack. Besides, the Soulless Saint also has some trump cards, and a powerful force is quietly blessed on the Soulless Saint.

Not only did the Soulless Saint's injured will source recover quickly, but it also continued to strengthen the strength of the Soulless Saint.

This is the confidence of the Soulless Saint.

Another cultivator also received a powerful force from under the earth, and even the aura of the cultivator suppressed by Chen Feng fluctuated.

Of course, these power fluctuations could not be hidden from Chen Feng. He knew what happened after just a little thought.

"Sure enough, someone is blessing behind the scenes, but it doesn't matter. I want to see what means you have. If you really anger me, I will take out all my trump cards and kill everyone." Chen Feng was not worried, and even a little ruthless. Although there are some beings here who are stronger than him, maybe they have some means, but he is not a vegetarian. If he uses all his trump cards, he can completely kill everyone.

Because of this thought, Chen Feng was unusually calm. Even if the opponent's strength has to be strengthened recently, Chen Feng doesn't care. Through the simple fight just now, Chen Feng has seen some strength comparisons between the two sides.

At least in terms of the art of walking, these three are not Chen Feng's opponents at all, so Chen Feng uses this advantage to suppress the opponent.

Chen Feng was able to completely avoid the attacks of the Soulless Saint and his men, and then used his own explosive power to act on the Soulless Saint.

In the blink of an eye, the Soulless Saint and another cultivator were also suppressed by Chen Feng's fist. Even if someone was using power behind them, it was impossible to break the seal in a short time.

Even if they could break the seal immediately, this process would still be enough for Chen Feng to do a lot of things.

"You three are no match for me. Do you want to continue? If you continue, I will be rude." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, the three soulless saints were suppressed by the huge fist seal. They were also struggling constantly, but Chen Feng was constantly replenishing their strength, and the two sides actually maintained a balance point.

In other words, as long as Chen Feng continues to replenish his strength, these few people will not be able to break free unless the power that blesses them can become stronger.

Chen Feng said this because he wanted to see if the beings behind these people would continue to take action. If they did, to what extent could they achieve it?

"They were suppressed so quickly. I remember that the Soulless Saint Monarch and the others were not so weak." Some of the onlookers said in surprise.

"It's not that the Soulless Saint Lord and the others are not strong enough. It seems that this Chaos Body has used stronger means. In other words, this Chaos Body has not used all its power before."

"Then you haven't seen whether the other party is using all his strength now?"

"There should be some means to such an easy suppression. Let's take a look. This matter is not as simple as it seems. There are masters behind the scenes. The Soulless Saint Lord and the others are just out to make guns. In fact, it is a bit boring to talk about it. , The other party is just an adventurer, and it is normal for him to come to our place. It seems a little inappropriate to deal with others rashly. "

"Fellow Taoist, do you want to settle the injustice?"

"Of course not. I have nothing to do with this newcomer, so naturally I won't stand up for him. Besides, I can't afford to offend the people behind him."

"Forget it, there must be a reason, we can only watch the excitement."




The three soulless saints received the blessing of power and were still struggling. In addition to the soulless saint army, the other two monks even launched a will attack on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head: "Is it possible that you haven't absorbed the previous lessons? I wonder if this method will have any effect on me, or do you want your soul to collapse?"

Chen Feng blocked the attacks of the two monks. These two monks were not as strong as the Soulless Saint in terms of will.

Next, Chen Feng did not severely damage the opponent's will and soul, but used the Devouring Technique.

As Chen Feng has more and more resources in his hands, Chen Feng rarely uses this method to collect energy. At most, it is used to neutralize the opponent's combat effectiveness when fighting.

After all, even if the power cultivated by the ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal, Chen Feng would not like it at that time, unless the opponent is very strong, unless the power cultivated by the opponent is very special, otherwise, after Chen Feng devoured the opponent's power It also takes a lot of effort to call.

This kind of power is something that is cultivated and belongs to the owner. There are too many things imprinted on the other party. Even after it is swallowed, it needs to be broken up, reassembled, refined and absorbed.

Chen Feng's devouring technique in front of him not only consumed the opponent's power, but also wanted to create some shocking scenes.

Chen Feng's Devouring Technique has also become much more powerful than before, especially since these three opponents are still in the best state. Although there is a steady stream of power to replenish the back, he feels his own energy and constantly The flow, this feeling can still easily give rise to some fear.

Those who have been able to cultivate to this point have certainly experienced all kinds of hardships and may have seen through life and death, but this does not mean that they are really willing to die, especially now that they have become weak after being absorbed by Chen Feng's Devouring Technique, but It’s not that easy to come back from cultivation.

Maybe you will damage your foundation. Will you be able to return to your peak state in the future? But no matter what, it will definitely affect my future practice.

"Three fellow Taoists, if you ask for mercy, will I let you go? After all, we are just competing, there is no need to distinguish between life and death." Chen Feng said.

"Are you begging for mercy?" It was impossible for the three soulless saints to refuse at the first moment, but they felt that the physical strength was flowing away continuously, and the speed was getting faster and faster. This feeling was really not good, so asking for mercy was not a good thing. Impossible, then it may be silence.

"Staying silent is not an option. I will extract all of you. Why bother? For a little bit of face, just ask for mercy and then stop." Chen Feng said with a smile, but the strength in his hands did not weaken at all. On the contrary, Becoming a little stronger.

Chen Feng gradually pushed the Devouring Technique to an extreme state. Even the three powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortals were clearly unable to bear it, and their bodies even shriveled up. This loss was the result of his hard work. Even if there are people behind it to supplement the power, it is an alien place after all, and there is still a big gap between the two.

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