Eternal Existence

Chapter 4351: The Interloper

The onlookers were all surprised. They didn't expect Chen Feng to catch Gu in his palm.

Although it was not considered captured yet, Gu was still a little embarrassed in Chen Feng's palm. Even if he could get rid of Chen Feng's restraints afterwards, it would be embarrassing.

"Will he be suppressed like this?" Someone suddenly said.

"Impossible, Gu hasn't exerted his full strength yet."

"Then let's see the situation."

At this time, it was indeed difficult for Chen Feng to suppress the opponent, but he actually used this method, so he had to make the scene more beautiful.

So this time Chen Feng used his palm as a battlefield and kept putting power into it, wanting to really suppress the opponent.

"Wanting to suppress me is really wishful thinking." Gu sneered, constantly bursting out with extremely powerful power, not only wanting to rush out of Chen Feng's palm, but also wanting to take the opportunity to hit him hard. He had to smash Chen Feng's palm into pieces anyway, otherwise, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for him to fall into Chen Feng's hands?

But thinking is one thing, whether you can do it is another matter.

Although the power in the palm of Gu Ba Chen Feng was broken, Gu secretly cried out that he was not rushing out at the first time.

In addition to using the power of his own chaotic body, Gu also used some other means to conquer, but still failed to achieve his imagined goal.

However, Gu still had means. In addition to the bursting of the power similar to the avenue, there were also magic weapons and weapons that emerged around him with power and phantoms.

Like Chen Feng, Gu also had this means, so the magic weapons burst together, and Gu's combat power was increased again.

"It turns out that Gu is so powerful!"

As the battle between Chen Feng and Gu continued to escalate, the monks who were watching the excitement were constantly surprised.

Thinking that Gu had become so powerful at this time, could it be that he could not break free from Chen Feng's palm.

Chen Feng was indeed a little out of control at this time. It was not that Chen Feng's strength was not strong, nor that Chen Feng's magical power was not powerful. Speaking of it, Chen Feng was also constantly mobilizing his strength to continuously defeat the bursting combat power.

This divine power is still easy to use against other Hunyuan Jinxians. However, Chen Feng cannot be sure of winning against some masters, especially those with a chaotic body, with his current level.

It can only be said that Chen Feng is not strong enough now, and the magical power he uses is not perfect enough, otherwise, he can completely suppress the opponent with a raised hand.

But it is also good. The two sides have fought to this point, and Chen Feng’s goal has been achieved. Chen Feng has earned enough face to trap Gu to this point.

So Chen Feng punched Gu away.

"Are you coming again?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

At this time, Gu was still calm, thinking that it would be better to end here, but soon he had endless anger in his heart, and his fighting spirit began to rise. He waved his hand and grabbed a long sword and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Feeling the changes in his opponent, Chen Feng's eyes also showed surprise, and he understood a little bit after a little understanding.

"Interesting, the masters here are stronger than I thought, and there are more masters than I thought. Although the Chaos Body in front of me is quite powerful, it is not the top one here." Chen Feng thought that the competition between the two sides would end here, and everyone could see who was stronger and who was weaker between the two. But now it seems that he is still a little dissatisfied and wants to see his stronger strength.

"It is not in my opinion to expose all the cards right at the beginning, but since the other party has left, I can't help but deal with it." Seeing the other party rushing up with murderous intent, this time Gu used weapons, which was a little different from the previous fights.

The fight between the two sides escalated.

Chen Feng thought about it and did not move forward, but cast the Star Domain. Gu crashed into countless stars, only to see countless stars all around, and completely lost Chen Feng's trace and breath.

Not only that, Chen Feng also arranged illusions in the Star Domain. The Star Domain was originally extremely powerful. After Chen Feng got it, plus his own strength and experience, the Star Domain became stronger and stronger.

Maybe he can't do anything to the opponent in front of him, but he can trap him, which is enough.

Although Chen Feng also likes to fight with the opponent face to face, this situation is not appropriate.

Chen Feng is not worried that the opponent can rush out, so Chen Feng still has other fields such as reincarnation field, time and space field waiting for the opponent.

If the strength of the chaos body in front of him is good, he can also kill the opponent with the power of the chaos body, but it is still difficult to crack Chen Feng's star field and illusion. Sure enough, Gu broke the stars one by one, but he couldn't really conflict with this field. If he was not careful, he would enter the illusion.

Although he can break and remove the illusion, this is Chen Feng's territory after all, and it changes with Chen Feng's thoughts.

After a lot of trouble, Gu didn't rush out?

If he admits defeat, Gu can't speak, but if he doesn't admit defeat, he may be trapped here for a long time.

At this moment, a beam of light appeared out of nowhere. This beam of light was ordinary, but it spread across Chen Feng's star field and turned into a road, extending all the way to Gu.

The next moment, Gu walked out along the road formed by this light.

"The light of the soul!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

It is normal for someone to interfere, but what is most surprising is that the other party is still using the power of the mind and breaking through his own domain so easily.

The spiritual Taoist also cultivates the light of the soul, but it is still a level lower than the light in front of him.

"Could it be that Tianxing took action?" Chen Feng had this thought.

After Gu was led out by the light of the soul, he looked at Chen Feng with a slightly ugly expression.

In this situation, Gu had no face to continue attacking. After all, this was not a life and death battle.

"Gu, I have met fellow Taoist. I admire you very much for your strength." Gu said to Chen Feng. In fact, Gu still has many methods that he has not used yet, but if he thinks about it, even if he uses them, they may not have any effect.

"You're welcome, it's just a discussion. Fellow Taoists are also very powerful." Chen Feng smiled.

"Let's communicate again when we have the opportunity." Gu had no intention of stepping forward to communicate with Chen Feng further, but said goodbye and left.

Chen Feng waited, but no one appeared again, and then turned around and returned to his cave.

"It's interesting. The person who made the move didn't show up. Doesn't this mean he doesn't take me seriously? But since he rashly intervened in other people's discussions, it was also a provocation to me. He didn't even show his face afterward. This is a further provocation. , It seems that the opponent is very powerful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

You must know that Chen Feng had shown very strong strength before. Under such circumstances, the other party did not show up, which made it clear that he did not take Chen Feng seriously, and the other party believed that he was much stronger than Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had no intention of pursuing the case, thinking that he had just arrived here, and would have plenty of time to communicate and get to know these people in the future, and by then he would also know who was attacking him.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't wait long, because someone came to visit him soon.

This time, the other party really came to visit. He had no other ill intentions, nor was he here to challenge or discuss matters.

"Xixingchen, I have seen fellow Taoist." The person who came was a human monk. He looked like a middle-aged man, wearing clothes similar to Taoist robes. He was playing with a decorative weapon in his hand. He also introduced himself by name as soon as he came up. It feels good.

Chen Feng simply looked at the opponent and did not deliberately explore the opponent's strength. However, relying on his own feelings and some eyesight, Chen Feng could confirm that the monk named Xingchen in front of him was extraordinary in strength, and his combat power might not be inferior. The previous Chaos Body.

"There are so many masters here." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Before, he only had a general understanding and did not investigate each one. Therefore, if some masters restrained their aura, Chen Feng could not specifically determine the strength of the opponent.

Since the other party came with good intentions, Chen Feng naturally did not refuse. He came here originally to make some friends.

"Fellow Taoist, are you a little curious about who took action before?" Xingchen asked with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded: "I am indeed a little curious. Although I have been in the Gate of Origin for a while, I have not really been around for a long time. I don't know much about some of the situations here. I hope fellow Taoists can help me clarify my doubts. "

"The person who took action was the ancestor of the soul. His strength can be considered among the top in this land of life. He is usually quite kind and rarely interferes in the discussions between other people. What exactly happened this time? I don’t know, maybe there is something wrong with the other party,” Xingchen said with a smile.

A look of surprise appeared on Chen Feng's face: "Psychic Ancestor? I really don't know the other party. If I have had contact with such a powerful being, I will definitely remember it. But according to what fellow Taoist said, it seems that the other party is indeed It was directed at me. I didn’t show up after I intervened. I don’t know what happened.”

"You will see fellow Taoists in the future, but since it is the first time for fellow Taoists to come to us, it is best to keep a low profile. Although the atmosphere here is good, when we have reached our level of cultivation, every being cannot be considered a kind person. Senior, the same is true for myself. I don’t want to have some conflicts with other people when my Taoist friend arrives. Of course, I heard that the Taoist friend comes from the Tianxing Life Area. If I really know the boss Tianxin, then everything will be different. Say something else." Xingchen said with a smile.

"As for the reason why I came to visit, I saw that the method of the star field that my Taoist friend used before was somewhat extraordinary. I also practice the way of the stars, so I came here this time to communicate with my fellow Taoist. Of course, this is just a simple The communication is not like other people who come to talk with fellow Taoist, and fellow daoist's chaotic body is so powerful, I don't think I am an opponent," Xingchen said.

"I'm very welcome. In fact, this star technique is not something I cultivated, but the magical power contained in a huge eye pupil I obtained. I was trapped in it when I first encountered it." Chen Feng's eyes flickered as he spoke, and then a pupil flew out. Through this pupil, you could see the dense starlight spots in it.

"It's so, then who is the owner of this eye pupil?" Xingchen asked in surprise.

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