Eternal Existence

Chapter 4349: Tianxing Life Land

"Fellow Taoist, please stay." Two adventurers flew out of the war fortress and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a look.

Ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but it is normal to be used as a guard.

"However, it is very dangerous for these Hunyuan Golden Immortals to stand guard outside. Once the Demon Spider of Destruction attacks, they will not be able to stop them." Chen Feng smiled, and the aura on his body disappeared in a flash.

The faces of the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals changed drastically. Just when Chen Feng released his breath, these two felt that their lives were completely out of their control. It seemed that they could harvest their lives as long as the person in front of them was willing.

This is a master, a peerless master.

"I've met senior." The two Hunyuan Jinxian saluted quickly.

"Senior, I don't dare to take this position. I'm just an adventurer from outside. I heard that this place is very lively and wanted to come and see what's going on." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Senior, please." The two Hunyuan Golden Immortals still did not dare to be careless. They nodded to Chen Feng and then opened a passage.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He thought there would be some trouble next, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to talk.

This is fine, but if the other party continues to block him, there is no guarantee that he will not take action. Maybe he is not afraid of these people, but he is not here to fight this time.

In this way, Chen Feng set foot on this huge land.

"It feels pretty good." Chen Feng nodded, although compared to this land, there wasn't much life here.

But looking at the strength of these beings, it seems that this place is very lively.

The values ​​and perspectives between ordinary life and advanced life are different.

"I've met fellow Taoist." Someone came forward.

Chen Feng thought that the other party came to test him, but seeing the goodwill exuding from the other party, and the other party was clearly proficient in the pupil technique, he did not use the pupil technique to test him.

"The atmosphere here is better than expected, but we still can't be careless." Chen Feng secretly said, and then said: "Chen Feng, I am from the Tianxing Life Area."

"Tianxing Life Area, no wonder fellow Taoist people come here." The monk with the shadow of his eyes between his eyebrows said with a smile. Chen Feng clearly noticed the slight change in the other person's attitude from before.

Chen Feng felt a little strange, but before Chen Feng could ask, he heard the monk in front of him say: "This land is called the Land of Tianxing Life, and it is the senior who came from the Tianxing Life Area. At this time, Senior Tianxing is here Sit here."

"Tianxing is right here. Could it be that this area was built by Senior Tianxing?" Chen Feng was truly surprised. He didn't expect that things would be so interesting.

I come from the Tianxing Life Region, which is an extremely vast territory. I don’t know how many large and small universes and life regions exist.

And the fact that that area can be named after Tianxing is enough to show how powerful the other party is.

Chen Feng had imagined many times how he would meet this senior in the future, and sometimes he would also guess what level of strength the other party had reached.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter Tianxing without any preparation.

But if you think about it, if this area was really built by Tianxing, then it would be understandable.

However, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in front of him shook his head: "Of course this area belongs to the Gate of Origin, but it used to be some fragments. It was collected and fused by Senior Tianxing and then expanded in size. Then as the number of adventurers coming here increased, , everyone unanimously gave this land of life a name.”

Next, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal said some more about the situation here. Chen Feng nodded and had a general understanding. When he thought of seeing Tianxing here, he was more or less excited.

"But Senior Tianxing is practicing and hasn't shown up for a long time. Even if he shows up, it's just some clones. If fellow Taoist has nothing to do, it's best not to disturb Senior Tianxing. The area is still very large. Fellow Taoist can just find one here. It’s a safe place to practice, I thought I could experience the benefits here,” the Hunyuan Golden Immortal said with a smile.

"Thank you for your advice, fellow Taoist. I don't know what to call you?" Chen Feng expressed his thanks.

"My Lord Tianmu also lived in the Tianxing Life Area for a period of time." The Hunyuan Golden Immortal said with a smile.

The two parties exchanged some words, and after the Heavenly Eye God withdrew, Chen Feng found that although some people were still observing him curiously, no one came forward to talk to him, and similarly no trouble came to his door.

"This is quite interesting." Chen Feng smiled and walked step by step on this land of life.

In fact, when Chen Feng first came to this area, he had already felt the extraordinaryness of this land of life. Here, his whole strength and life force became a little lively.

You must know that for existences like Chen Feng and the others, a drop of blood can penetrate a star. You can imagine how strong and heavy the power in the whole body is, but when entering this place, even Chen Feng was affected. After all, Chen Feng was Maple's chaotic body is much more powerful than other beings.

"Then why don't we go directly to see Tianxing?" Chen Feng came up with this idea. Speaking of it, Chen Feng was still a little curious about how strong the other party was. Besides, even if the other party's strength was not as strong as imagined, then just relying on the other party His name was enough for Chen Feng to go and meet him.

But then Chen Feng shook his head. He had just arrived here and didn't know much about the situation here. It might be a bit rash to step forward rashly.

After all, Chen Feng was somewhat interested in this land of life, not for better cultivation here, but for the first time to encounter such a situation.

"Then let's take a look at the situation here. Since this is the territory of the fellow villagers, we can set up camp here and build a cave. It should be safe here. If it is suitable, we can move the spiritual Taoists here." Although Chen Feng had just arrived here, he had some intuitive understanding of the situation here, and some guesses.

Especially the previous communication with Tianmu Shenjun, which made Chen Feng get some news about this place. Since it can exist in the Gate of Origin for such a long time, there must be reasons and reasons.

"If even the Destruction Demon Spiders dare not come here, then this is really a good refuge. Of course, if there is no background or power, ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian may hardly be qualified to live here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This place is not bad." Chen Feng looked at the wide area in front of him, thinking that he could build a cave here.

However, before Chen Feng had time to act, a cultivator suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Sorry, fellow Daoist, I took a fancy to this place first." The cultivator said with a smile.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and after carefully looking at the other party, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

His strength is not bad, but even if he is stronger and comes to provoke me, I can't retreat.

If I retreat and give in, won't I be looked down upon by others in the future?

Before, it was said that the environment here is very good. Of course, Chen Feng also knows that where there is life, there will be disputes. I have just arrived, and I don't know how many beings are eyeing me. Maybe the person in front of me just wants to learn from me and weigh my strength, or maybe he really came to provoke me.

But no matter what, since the other party has taken action, Chen Feng will not be polite. In this way, Chen Feng can not only show his strength, but also test others. To reduce a lot of trouble in the future.

"It seems that fellow Daoist doesn't know what first come first served means. Well, I have taken a fancy to this place. Since fellow Daoist also takes a fancy to it, then you can use whatever means you have, let me see it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the space in front of him shook, and a huge fist came to Chen Feng.

The opponent was using boxing, and Chen Feng almost laughed out loud.

However, Chen Feng did not dodge, but took a step forward, with a sense of preemptive strike.

His body hit the opponent's fist fiercely.

There was a violent explosion, the fist disappeared, and the cultivator retreated again and again, looking at Chen Feng with horror in his eyes.

"Chaos body." The cultivator uttered a few words.

"You have some vision." Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

At this time, Chen Feng had already seen the opponent's retreat. Originally, Chen Feng also wanted to let the opponent leave, so that things would be simpler, but it could not play a role in establishing prestige.

Because when the two fought, there were already many eyes sweeping from all directions, wanting to watch this battle.

Without waiting for the opponent to react, Chen Feng took a step forward and directly rushed forward with his body.

This was just a simple collision, but the cultivator could not dodge it at all, and the opponent received an extremely strong impact from Chen Feng's collision, as well as a throbbing from deep in his heart.

This time, he could not resist it, and he could not dodge it.

However, there was no good way to deal with it at this point. The cultivator used all his means to block Chen Feng's collision.

There was no stalemate between the two sides, and the cultivator was knocked out by Chen Feng.

This time, Chen Feng used a clever force. If the two sides were facing life and death, Chen Feng could completely knock the opponent into pieces.

But this time was different. The cultivator flew farther and farther, and actually flew out of this land of life in one breath, and entered the vast and chaotic void of the Gate of Origin.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his palm, and saw a huge palm print shuttle through time and space, grabbing the cultivator.

When Chen Feng retracted his palm, the cultivator had already stood in front of Chen Feng again.

At this time, the cultivator's face was ashen and his expression was extremely ugly, but his injuries were not serious. If he continued to attack, he would only bring disgrace upon himself. In desperation, he had to bite the bullet and apologize.

Chen Feng did not say much to the other party and let him leave. During this process, Chen Feng also felt a lot of hot gazes becoming more and more intense, but as his gaze swept across, those gazes acting on him disappeared one after another, as if they had never appeared.

Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand. A palace appeared in front of him. Then Chen Feng arranged some forbidden magic arrays. They looked simple, but contained great power.

"I don't know if anyone will come to visit me next." Chen Feng believed that after he had shown his strength before, there should be no more blind beings coming to cause trouble. Then, as a newcomer, there would definitely be some people who like to make friends or have other purposes to come and deal with him.

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