Eternal Existence

Chapter 4347 Failed

This creature is not only physically strong and full of vitality, but also has a strong will. It can actually block the attacks of both Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren.

But Chen Feng used the power of the Long River of Time and the Evil Swamp, which is different.

So it is only a matter of time to suppress this creature.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and produced two more chains.

These two chains are condensed by Chen Feng's own power. The power drawn from dozens of avenues is woven into two chains. The power is no less than that of the Long River of Time and the Evil Swamp!

This time, this creature is increasingly at a disadvantage.

"We can suppress the opponent soon." Guiyi Sanren took the opportunity to increase his strength. The situation is getting better and better. Guiyi Sanren was surprised. As long as there are no accidents, it will be fine.

As soon as this thought came out, a destructive tentacle appeared silently and swept towards one of Guiyi Sanren's clones.

But Guiyi Sanren did not notice this. When Guiyi Sanren discovered the danger, it was too late.

The clone was tied up directly and could not struggle free.

Guiyi Sanren was furious and stopped restraining the creature. Instead, he turned around to rescue his clone.

Compared to the creature that looked good in front of him, his clone was more important.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Without Guiyi Sanren's attack, the restrictions and runes on the creature exploded one after another, and even the chains tied to the body began to break.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, knowing that he had failed this time. Since the source of destruction had intervened, the best choice was to escape quickly.

However, before leaving, he had to rescue Guiyi Sanren's clone, so after Chen Feng knocked the creature down with a punch, he did not take the opportunity to attack again, but quickly rushed towards the clone of Guiyi Sanren who was trapped.

Chen Feng used swordsmanship from a distance, trying to cut off the tentacle of destruction.

At the same time, Chen Feng also mobilized the power of the evil swamp, but he did not flush it down before because he could not lock the opponent.

"What if more of Guiyi Sanren's clones die? Then he is really seriously injured." Chen Feng knew that this might not have much impact on Guiyi Sanren himself, but if it happened to him, it would be equivalent to losing several origin-level treasures, which is a huge loss.

Moreover, the two of them originally wanted to seal the creature with strong vitality, but now not only can they not do it, but they are attacked by the source of destruction. This matter is a bit unpleasant from the root.

Fortunately, Guiyi Sanren's clones are also very strong and were not solved by the other party during the time they were trapped.

Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren arrived. Guiyi Sanren rushed to the front and desperately attacked the destructive tentacle. Chen Feng was also attacking, but was blocked by the destructive tentacle.

"This kind of existence is really troublesome. It is too strong to be solved." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, and the sword energy swept across, and the evil energy continued to wash towards a destructive tentacle.


The clone of Guiyi Sanren that was trapped was torn into pieces, but Chen Feng's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Although it seemed that this clone of Guiyi Sanren was severely injured, it was much better than being captured by the opponent. Even if the opponent wanted to destroy Guiyi Sanren's broken body, it would not be so easy to do.

On the one hand, Guiyi Sanren's broken body healed itself, and Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren also took action quickly, either resisting the attack of the destructive tentacles or helping Guiyi Sanren's clone to re-condense.

In a short time, Guiyi Sanren's clone reshaped his body. Although a part of his body was destroyed by the destructive tentacles, it was much stronger than the promise of complete promise.

It was just a part of the body that was lost and injured a little. Even if it was severely injured, it was acceptable to Guiyi Sanren.

"Leave quickly." Chen Feng said.

Although Guiyi Sanren was full of murderous intent, he knew that it was not a good time to continue fighting. Besides, he had fought with the source of destruction before. Even if the two of them used all their means, they could not do anything to the other party. If they continued to fight, the other party had reinforcements, but the two of them had no help.

So Guiyi Sanren took back his clone and Chen Feng, trying to kill his way out. At this time, not only the destruction tentacles existed, but even the creature that was almost sealed by the two of them turned around and took advantage of the situation when he saw this scene.

It can't be considered taking advantage of the situation. The two sides were originally opponents. Before, this creature wanted to get rid of Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren, and Chen Feng and the others also wanted to take this creature away.

There was an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides. Now seeing that Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren were at a disadvantage, this creature would of course take the opportunity to move forward.

Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren also had some speculations. In this case, wouldn't the other party be afraid of being attacked by the source of destruction?

In any case, even if this creature with strong vitality is willing to join forces with the two to fight against the source of destruction, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren will not fight to the end.


One of the destruction tentacles was cut off by Chen Feng's swordsmanship, and Chen Feng also made some calculations.

"The source of destruction has not come completely. This is just the opponent's power projection. The main body is still far away from here. However, at such a long distance, the opponent can still lock us. It seems that there are some special means." Chen Feng said.

"It must be the Gate of Origin behind the scenes." Guiyi Sanren said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "But it's not necessarily true, because I also used the power of the Gate of Origin to perform the art of concealing the sky. Even the will of the Gate of Origin can hardly find me. It seems that it should be from the source of destruction itself. It seems that the other party caught our breath when we were about to take us. Even if we run to other places, the other party can find us here by following the clues."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be troublesome? Under such circumstances, we can't go back to the cave, otherwise wouldn't it lead to trouble?" Guiyi Sanren said.

"It seems so, but it doesn't matter. After we get rid of this source of destruction temporarily, I will mobilize the power of the long river of time and then wash us well. Then even if the other party still has their breath in their hands, they can't lock them." Chen Feng said.

Because the main body of the source of destruction has not arrived, the power of the shadow-dragging technique only extends the destruction tentacles, and one of the destruction tentacles was successfully cut off. If they were not worried that the other party's main body would come soon, the two of them would have solved the remaining two destruction tentacles.

"You are lucky. You escaped with your life, but we will have plenty of opportunities in the future." Chen Feng looked at the creature with vigorous vitality and said with a smile.

Although Guiyi Sanren wanted to seal the other party, he couldn't do it now. Even if he used means to capture the creature, I am afraid that the source of destruction would come.

Although unwilling, the two of them left the place quickly.

The creature with vigorous vitality originally wanted to go forward to entangle, but suddenly felt something, so he turned his head and turned away, and soon disappeared in the vast void.

After a while, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren slowed down, and at the same time, a strong time energy rushed over from the front.

Wrapped the two in it, when this time energy surrounded the two and washed several times, it was collected by someone and merged into the Avenue of Time.

"For the time being, we can only do this step. If the other party can still find us, then I have no way." Chen Feng said.

"We can't go on like this. As long as we are still in the Gate of Origin, I have a feeling that we will face each other again. Every time we are running for our lives, are we going to keep fighting like this? We were lucky before. If we run into two sources of destruction at once next time, then we will be dead." Guiyi Sanren said with some concern.

"I naturally understand this point. Now I don't have a good way. Is it possible that Daoyou has a way to get rid of them?" Chen Feng asked.

Guiyi Sanren shook his head: "If I had a way, it would be great. Now I just want to go back and restore my strength in peace, and cultivate the clones that I lost before."

"Then we can go back." Chen Feng nodded.

"I'm afraid that we will take the trouble back with us. At that time, they will move again. Otherwise, Daoyou will go back first, and I will go around to see if there is any danger, so that I can have a clear idea." Chen Feng said.

"Will it be too dangerous?" Guiyi Sanren said.

"Don't worry, I still have some means. Although I am not their opponent, it is impossible for them to solve me. If I meet them, I will leave in advance." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Guiyi Sanren thought about it and nodded. He had lost three clones this time and had no intention of going on. Returning to the cave to practice was the best choice.

So Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren determined the direction a little bit, and then Guiyi Sanren chose to return.

As for Chen Feng, he walked slowly in the void, and sometimes even released some breath, which seemed to deliberately lead some existences to appear.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that there was no source of destruction for a long time, and no destruction creatures were encountered. Although he encountered a few destruction spiders in twos and threes, Chen Feng did not take them seriously, and even Chen Feng did not kill them.

On the contrary, several local creatures discovered Chen Feng, but did not come forward to cause trouble. Those who walked in the Gate of Origin so high-profile were either fools or had enough strength.

Although these local creatures were powerful, they were also knowledgeable and would not underestimate any opponents.

It was not easy to survive until now, and we still need to be careful.

"It's really strange. I kept getting into trouble before, but it's been pretty quiet for a while." Chen Feng clearly saw a local lifeform notice him, but the other party still chose to sleep.

"That's good, I can save myself the trouble." Under normal circumstances, if the other party doesn't attack Chen Feng, even if Chen Feng can get some benefits by dealing with the other party, Chen Feng won't take action.

"So where should I go next? Should I continue to wander?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

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