Eternal Existence

Chapter 4340 Destruction of the Avatar

"Interesting places don't necessarily have to have magic weapons. Maybe there are things more precious than magic weapons." Shadow Saint said.

"That makes sense, but next we need to find a truly safe place to serve as a base, at least not like before, where people come to our door at every turn."

"Another point, fellow Daoist's opponents have been dealt with, but my opponents are still in the Gate of Origin. I hope we can find a chance to deal with them." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng also felt a little curious. For a while, he didn't find any traces of Tiangu Shura and others.

In comparison, this is the strongest opponent and the biggest hidden danger.

At least in the free space, he can mobilize the power of the Long River of Time to deal with the Saint of Samsara.

But Tiangu Shura and Jialuo Beast are difficult to deal with, because they can also mobilize the existence of the Long River of Origin to fight with him. In this way, his biggest trump card will not work.

In a head-on fight, he is really not their opponent.

Now with the help of Shadow Saint, it is a good opportunity to deal with them.

"Is it possible to find a safe place? As for helping fellow Taoists to solve the opponent, I will naturally agree, but should we act now?" Shadow Saint nodded and said.

"Let's find a safe place first." Chen Feng said.

Shadow Saint is worthy of being a life that has lived in the Gate of Origin for so long, and he still has some trump cards and means.

After a while, he found a more hidden area. It looked like another broken cave, or it was a broken winter that was later repaired by Shadow Saint.

"These caves were left by other lives. Did you open some of them yourself?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"This is more convenient. It is not impossible to open a cave in the Gate of Origin by yourself. It doesn't matter if you simply spend some resource taxes, but opening a large cave may attract the attention of the Gate of Origin. I don't like too small caves, so I just look for some caves left by other predecessors. The caves that can be preserved in the Gate of Origin are generally more hidden in addition to being relatively stable." Shadow Saint said.

"That's true." Chen Feng nodded.

"It should be safe to come here." The spiritual Taoist said.

"It is safe under normal circumstances, but nothing is absolute. I don't know what will change next. After all, the fluctuations have been quite large recently. Maybe some powerful beings will pass by here and find this place." Shadow Saint said.

"Of course what you said makes sense. It seems that we still need some luck. I hope our luck is good enough." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Being able to kill Guangsheng and others is enough to represent our luck, which is pretty good." Shadow Saint said.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that my luck won't keep getting better. I can find such a place, which is really good. I hope I can stay here quietly for a while. I will learn more about the situation of the Gate of Origin while trying to find my opponents. Only when I solve those opponents can I really feel at ease and re-enter the free space at that time." Chen Feng said.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Ying Sheng asked in surprise: "Could it be that Daoyou's opponents have something special?"

"It is true that in the travel space, some existences beyond the level of Hunyuan Jinxian can be mobilized, so even if I can mobilize the long river of time, I can't take advantage of those opponents. More importantly, the strength of those opponents is indeed very strong. I make further progress, and the other party is also improving. This is also the most speechless and entangled part." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

The spiritual Taoist and the big mouth monster did not mean to leave. Speaking of it, the big mouth monster actually did not like to venture around, but liked to hypnotize quietly in one place, especially after getting so many benefits before, it takes not only a long time to digest, but also some perception of the realm.

The spiritual Taoist wanted to look around, but he had already encountered danger before, and he had called the fragments of the Gate of Origin before, and there were still many places that needed to be mastered, so he was not in a hurry.

Moreover, the spiritual Taoist and the big mouth monster were also inspired by Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren, so not long after, they also released their clones to enter the Gate of Origin and explore other places.

After practicing to this level, even the clones condensed casually are extremely powerful. If you are willing to spend some effort, it is normal for the clones to have the combat power of Hunyuan Jinxian.

It can even be said that the strength of the clones depends on how much effort you are willing to put in.

For example, the clones condensed by Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren are not much worse than the original body in strength.

Compared with the clones condensed by the origin-level magic weapon, the clones that rushed out of Chen Feng's avenue seem to be unable to keep up with the grade. But after all, this is condensed from Chen Feng's cultivation avenue, and it can be regarded as Chen Feng's origin. It may not be too strong in strength, but it is still unique in the avenue law.

So during the process of cultivation, Chen Feng released several avenue clones one after another.

They are the avenue clones of sword, the avenue clones of cause and effect, and the avenue clones of life and death.

Being able to condense a clone also means that Chen Feng has reached a very high level in these avenues.

Of course, there is another very important point, that is, Chen Feng's own power is too strong. This is not just as simple as the increase in mana, but the resources obtained before are constantly being refined and absorbed, which makes his own power somewhat surging and strong, and he has to condense a clone to relieve his own pressure.

If he does not condense a clone, then Chen Feng needs to make a breakthrough in his realm.

But it is not an easy thing to make a breakthrough in the realm. After all, it requires a long period of perception and the comprehension of various great laws. This is not a breakthrough that can be made.

"Fortunately, I have practiced the method of clones, so that my power can be vented, but in addition to these clones, I can also store power in magic weapons and weapons." Speaking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again.

Most of Chen Feng's magic weapons are almost in his body to suppress himself, and these magic weapons and weapons are the least lacking in power.

Chen Feng also wanted to transfer his power to his second-life clones, but those clones had been practicing for too short a time, their power was not strong enough, and their levels were not up to par. They might be able to withstand Chen Feng's power, but Chen Feng didn't want to do that. If he transferred his power now, then what he had done before would be a waste.

There were some changes in his second-life practice method. Anyway, he had already practiced to this point, so Chen Feng didn't want to destroy it.

"Relatively speaking, it's very slow. In fact, my clones are practicing very fast. In addition to the strongest clone, there are several other clones that are almost close to the Hunyuan Jinxian. Once they become Hunyuan Jinxian, they can merge with my original body and receive my power." Chen Feng established contact with the clones before leaving the Gate of Origin, and he had some understanding of his own clones.

Speaking of which, he had been in the Gate of Origin for quite a while, which was enough for those clones to improve.

But it's not possible that everything will go smoothly. For example, during the practice, Chen Feng felt a sense of intuition and immediately knew that one of his clones had fallen.

After all, this is the Gate of Origin. Even a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian may fall. The clones he released are not very strong.

"Fortunately, the one who fell was the clone of the Great Dao of Destruction. What I lack the least now is the energy of destruction." As he said this, the shadow of the Great Dao of Destruction appeared behind Chen Feng. The Great Dao swayed, and another clone walked out of the Great Dao of Destruction.

Not only that, the Great Dao of Destruction was only weakened for a moment, but soon became condensed again, and then Chen Feng condensed another clone of destruction.

The two clones of destruction gathered together, left this cave, and entered other areas to explore.

After releasing two clones, the saturation state weakened, and Chen Feng felt unusually comfortable for a while, and even wanted to condense two more destructions for analysis.

Of course, Chen Feng still held back and did not continue to condense the clone of destruction, but put his perception on the clone he released before.

Speaking of which, he used so many clones, but only one has fallen so far. In addition to these clones practicing in a safe place, luck is also very important. There should not be much danger in the place they go.

Furthermore, although the clones released by Chen Feng were not very strong, there were a lot of clones, and they were a very strong force when added together. Moreover, these clones all belonged to Chen Feng himself, which was equivalent to being no different from one person. Even if they met a master, they could join forces to surround and kill him.

"It doesn't look dangerous for the time being. In this case, I will continue to practice." Chen Feng still kept a part of his mind and paid attention to the situation of the clones, but he also practiced or refined some treasures he had obtained before.

However, soon another clone fell, which alarmed Chen Feng again. Not only that, two more clones fell one after another.

In a short period of time, three clones were gone, which shocked Chen Feng greatly. He quickly used his perception to explore, and then he found that his clones had encountered some dangers and were attacked by a powerful local creature.

The gap in strength between the two sides was too large. Even if Chen Feng's clones had some means, it would be useless, even if they gathered together.

Chen Feng didn't even think about mobilizing other clones to help, because Chen Feng knew that even if he mobilized other clones, they would die if they met the local creature.

"Then should I go there myself?" Chen Feng was a little hesitant at this time. Only his own body could deal with such a powerful local creature.

However, the other party killed someone and left. Even if he went there now, he might not be able to catch up.

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