Eternal Existence

Chapter 389 Conflict

"You three are in big trouble, don't you know it? There are hundreds of Tianren realm cultivators chasing you outside Taoshan. As long as you show your head, you will be chopped into pieces." Yan Luo sneered.

"Hahahaha!" Chen Feng and the other two laughed.

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous."

"You are so arrogant, it's ridiculous."

"I think it's you who are in big trouble today, not us, do it."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng and the other two attacked Yan Luo at the same time. The three of them had the same idea, that is, to kill Yan Luo, and the three of them had no intention of fighting alone, so it was right to attack directly.

The moment Chen Feng and the other two took action, Yan Luo also took action. He waved his hands, his whole body shook, and rolling black flames swept towards Chen Feng and the other two.

"Earth Flame Demon Luo Jue."

Along with the black flames, the ground began to explode, and layers of soil were pushed away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The attacks of Chen Feng and the other two fell almost at the same time. Chen Feng punched directly, Lin Shaokun hit him with a stick, and Jian Xiaotian used the trick of combining man and sword.


Yan Luo was hit and flew up, his face flushed, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Just one contact, Yan Luo felt that many bones in his body were broken and he suffered serious internal injuries.

"Not good, how can these three people become so powerful? If I delay any longer, I will definitely die here." Yan Luo secretly cried out in his heart that it was not good. He didn't expect that after not seeing Chen Feng and the other two for a while, their cultivation had actually improved a lot.

"Let's go!" Yan Luo made a quick decision and immediately used all his strength to fly away.

"If you want to leave, it's not easy. It's better to leave your life behind." Chen Feng sneered, although the three of them quickly chased after him.

At this time, the outside world finally found the stone tablet on the hillside of Tao Mountain, and a group of people surrounded it.

"There are some traces here, which should be left by Chen Feng and others?"

"Strange, how can there be a stone tablet here, and there is no writing." A cultivator from Jiuxiao Palace said and stepped forward to pat the stone tablet. Then the stone tablet immediately burst into a ball of light, and the cultivator was screamed and flew away.

"Hey, there is something wrong with this stone tablet."

The surrounding cultivators immediately scattered around, but still surrounded the stone tablet.

"Could this stone tablet be the gateway to Taoshan?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one stepped forward again. After a long time, Elder Xue of Danding Sect walked forward and studied the stone tablet.

The two elders of Jiuxiao Palace looked at each other and followed closely. Some elders from various sects and some powerful figures among the casual cultivators also came to the stone tablet.

"Strange, strange." Elder Xue bravely reached out and touched the stone tablet, trying to find something out.


The gilded long stick in Lin Shaokun's hand suddenly became longer. The stick that was less than ten feet long suddenly became dozens of feet long. The shadow of the stick flashed and hit Yan Luo's back heavily. Then Yan Luo's whole body shook, and he roared a few times. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward at a faster speed, but the blood that kept flowing out of his mouth showed that Yan Luo was not feeling well.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and a stream of light shot out and drilled directly into Yan Luo's body.

"No, it's the lock vein needle." Yan Luo felt the thing that kept moving in his body, his face changed again, and then he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and punched himself in the chest heavily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His heart beat violently, and the true energy in his body began to gather quickly. Finally, his back suddenly exploded, revealing a blood hole, and the lock vein needle that had drilled into his body immediately sprayed out along the blood.

Chen Feng grabbed the vein-locking needle with a wave of his hand, and at this time, the sword energy condensed by Jian Xiaotian also chopped heavily on Yan Luo's back.

This time, Yan Luo's back was covered with blood and flesh, revealing the white bones.

"Let's see where you can escape." Chen Feng said as he began to wave his hands, and a huge palm print condensed in his hands, and then slapped Yan Luo in front of him with a whistle.


The huge palm print slammed heavily on the ground, dust flew, and a huge palm print pit appeared on the ground. But Yan Luo disappeared.

"Hey! Where is the person." Jian Xiaotian shouted strangely.

"I just felt the fluctuation of the power of space." Lin Shaokun said.

"This guy should have escaped. It's really strange. I don't know how Yan Luo got in." Chen Feng frowned.

"Yan Luo is very powerful, but it's a pity that he escaped this time. I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity next time." Jian Xiaotian sighed.


At this time, the stone tablet on the hillside of Tao Mountain suddenly glowed again, scaring the surrounding monks to retreat.


Then a figure rolled out of the stone tablet, and this situation shocked everyone again.

"What's going on?"

"Hey, it's Yan Luo." The two elders of Jiuxiao Palace changed their faces when they saw who came out, and immediately stepped forward to help Yan Luo up.

"Ahem, hello, two elders." Yan Luo just gritted his teeth and said these few words and then fainted immediately.

After seeing the injuries on Yan Luo's body, the two elders of Jiuxiao Palace took a breath of cold air, and then immediately began to treat him.

"It's a serious injury. If you don't treat it quickly, even if the injury recovers, it will leave hidden injuries." The white-robed elder said while injecting true energy into Yan Luo's body.

"I'm just curious about who hurt Yan Luo. Yan Luo has amazing talent in cultivation and has passed five thunder tribulations early. The one who can beat Yan Luo like this must not be a simple person." The black-robed elder said.

"Brother Yan was injured like this. What did he encounter in there?" At this time, Lei Sha and a group of disciples from Jiuxiao Palace also surrounded him.

Yan Luo, who was about to be done, was usually one of the best among the core disciples. Now he was suddenly beaten like this, which was somewhat unacceptable.

After a long time, Yan Luo finally woke up under treatment. Although the injuries on his body could not be recovered in a short time, his life was saved.

"What happened? What did you encounter in there?" The white-robed elder asked hurriedly.

"It was Chen Feng and the others. Chen Feng and the other two injured me." Yan Luo gritted his teeth and said.

"Chen Feng, are they in there?" The black-robed elder asked.

"Yes, I was besieged by Chen Feng and the other two not long after I entered. I almost didn't escape." Yan Luo said.

"What's in there?" At this time, the elder of Jian Pavilion suddenly asked.

Yan Luo's eyes flashed, but he didn't speak. Instead, he closed his eyes, obviously not wanting to say anything.

"Hmph, you Jiuxiao Palace must know something. I think you should tell us what you know." The elder of Jian Ge sneered.

"Yes, everyone is here. You can't keep the good things to yourself." Elder Xue also said.

"What do you want to do? Didn't you see that our disciples were seriously injured?" The white-robed elder said in a deep voice.

"You were still talking just now, and now you are pretending to be dead. Humph, do you Jiuxiao Palace not take the cultivators of other sects in Beiyuan seriously?" It was still the cultivator of Jian Ge who asked impolitely.

"Yes, let Yan Luo explain this matter clearly, and how did your people from Jiuxiao Palace get in." The cultivator of Tianchi Sect also spoke.

"If there is something, everyone should share it. With so many people watching, don't think about eating alone." Someone else followed up with ridicule.

"Hehehehe." The white-robed elder sneered and stood up.

"Why, it seems that you want to go against our Jiuxiao Palace. I dare not say other places, but in Beiyuan, our Jiuxiao Palace has never been afraid of others. If you want to fight, just do it." The white-robed elder sneered at everyone.

Seeing the white-robed elder so tough, everyone looked at each other and began to think about whether to tear their faces.

"Hey, you are scaring people with the name of your Jiuxiao Palace again, but if you fight now, you will suffer." The elder of the Sword Pavilion stepped forward, raised his hand, and the sword energy rolled all over his body, the wind and clouds whistled, and the powerful aura broke free from his body, and the monks around him scattered.

The monks of the Sword Pavilion are the most aggressive in Beiyuan. Even the three major sects of the Jiuxiao Palace will not easily provoke them, because there are many crazy people in the Sword Pavilion.

"Why, are you going to go to war with our Jiuxiao Palace?" The white-robed elder sneered, and at the same time, his clothes rustled. The air around him solidified, and layers of domain power continued to spread around. In terms of the aura on his body, the white-robed elder actually surpassed the elders of the Sword Pavilion.

"Hehe, if we really fight, today will definitely be a big melee." Elder Xue sneered, waved his hand, and a small alchemy furnace appeared in his palm, but the aura emanating from the alchemy furnace made the surrounding cultivators frightened.

"It's a holy weapon, it's actually a holy weapon!" Someone exclaimed.

At this time, Yuqingshan of the Yufu Sect flashed a bright light in his palm, and a talisman flashing with lightning appeared, constantly turning in his palm, and waves of terrifying pressure continued to emanate.

"Sacred weapon, another sacred weapon." Someone around exclaimed again.

"Mountain-suppressing Cauldron, Five Thunders Righteous Heaven Talisman, it seems that you are well prepared." The faces of the elders and disciples of Jiuxiao Palace were all moved. Everyone knew that if they fought, they would most likely be wiped out.

"Why bother, Elders Hei Bai, if you have anything to say, just tell us and let us share it. We are all from the Beiyuan lineage, there is no need to fight and kill." At this time, someone began to act as a peacemaker.

"My disciples were seriously injured, there is nothing to say." The elder in white robe did not give in.

"In this case, we have nothing to say, let's fight." The elder of Jian Ge took a step forward, and the dense sword intent kept crisscrossing around his body, and a heavy but sharp long sword appeared in his hand.

"Haha, I don't believe that Jiuxiao Palace will go to war with all our sects because of this matter." Yu Qingshan sneered, and the lightning on the Five Thunders Righteous Heaven Talisman in his hand became more fierce.

The situation on the field was on the verge of breaking out. Just when everyone was about to start a fight, Taoshan suddenly shook. Although it was very slight, a magical force ejected from the mountain. The monks present were not careful and almost all of them were knocked away.

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