Eternal Existence

Chapter 364: Battle against Liu Zhihuo

Jian Xiaotian showed his skill in the hope that these people would retreat, but he didn't expect that there would be more monks surrounding him.

"Where did these monks come from? How dare they be so arrogant in our Taiyi Sect? Brothers, let's capture these two together." A monk in the crowd shouted.


Lin Shaokun slammed the gilded long stick in his hand heavily on the ground, and the ground shook under the powerful impact.

"Haha, this is one of the ten great immortal sects in Beiyuan. Usually, they use the number to bully the few and rush forward against the enemy?" Lin Shaokun laughed.

"If they rush forward, we brothers will follow." Jian Xiaotian also took out the giant sword behind him.

"You retreat, I will teach these two guys a lesson." A disciple who had survived a thunder tribulation came out from the crowd. This was the core disciple of Taiyi Sect.

However, as soon as this disciple made a move, everyone saw a stick shadow flash by, and then this disciple was knocked out.

"This." Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect these two people to be so powerful.

"I'll do it!" Another cultivator who had survived the second thunder tribulation came forward, pointed his finger, and a flying sword flashed with lightning and slashed towards Lin Shaokun.


Another stick shadow flashed by, and the flying sword was smashed away and disappeared into the ground. Lin Shaokun had shown mercy with this stick, otherwise it would have been enough to blow up the opponent's flying sword.

Lin Shaokun took two steps forward, and the cultivator who had made the move immediately felt a pressure rushing towards him. He was shocked and wanted to retreat, but at this time Lin Shaokun's gilded long stick was in front of him again.

This cultivator had survived two thunder tribulations, but now he felt that he could not dodge the stick shadow in front of him, and even the idea of ​​resistance in his heart was rapidly weakening.


Without any suspense, this cultivator was also knocked away by a stick, and he turned over several times on the ground and smashed some stones.

After easily knocking away two cultivators in a row, the others were all shocked and looked at Lin Shaokun and the others in surprise.

"Who are you? Are you here to cause trouble in our Taiyi Sect?" The one who spoke was still a core disciple.

"Making trouble, it seems that you were the first to do it?" Jian Xiaotian stepped forward and sneered.

"What happened here?" At this time, the law enforcement elder of Taiyi Sect finally appeared. After looking at the situation at the scene, the face of the law enforcement elder immediately became gloomy.

"Elder, these two people are here to cause trouble." The disciple who was just knocked away immediately stepped forward and said after getting up.

"Which sect are you from? Did you hurt these two people?" The law enforcement elder asked in a deep voice.

"They started it first." Jian Xiao said.

"Oh, so you hurt these two people?" The law enforcement elder's face became even gloomier.

"Yes, I hurt them." Lin Shaokun said lightly.

"You are so bold, you dare to be so presumptuous in our Taiyi Xianshan. Today I will capture you first, and then interrogate you where you are from." The law enforcement elder said and was about to step forward to take action.

This law enforcement elder had only survived five thunder tribulations, so Lin Shaokun and the other two were not afraid. If they really started fighting, it was still unknown who would win or lose.


At this time, Shui Yan and others came over.

"Meet the law enforcement elder." Shui Yan and others stepped forward and said.

"Well, what are you doing here? Do you know these two people?" The law enforcement elder said in a deep voice.

"Yes, these two are our friends. They came here to cheer us up." Shui Yan said.

"Oh, that's it. What are their identities? Although they are here as guests, they can't just attack casually. Don't they take our Taiyi Sect seriously?" Although the law enforcement elder's words were sharp, his expression relaxed.

After hearing this, Shui Yan immediately made a gesture to Jian Xiaotian and the other two.

"I am Jian Xiaotian, from the Tianjian Sect of the Central Plains." Jian Xiaotian immediately stepped forward and said.

"Tianjian Sect!" A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of the law enforcement elder. Although Beiyuan is far away from the Central Plains, the law enforcement elder still knows the name of the Tianjian Sect.

"So you are a guest from the Tianjian Sect. Where is this little brother?" The law enforcement elder's face was completely relaxed. He looked at Lin Shaokun again. In the eyes of the law enforcement elder, Lin Shaokun was more powerful than Jian Xiaotian. He began to secretly guess where this person came from.

"Lin Shaokun, just a casual cultivator." Lin Shaokun acted very calmly.

"Since that's the case, I won't pursue this matter." The law enforcement elder nodded and was about to leave.

"Law enforcement elder, but they injured the disciples and others." The two disciples who were injured just now immediately stepped forward and shouted.

"Humph, don't retreat yet. You can't blame others for your own incompetence. You should practice well in the future." The law enforcement elder scolded.

"Yes, yes." Seeing the law enforcement elder angry, the two men didn't dare to speak anymore. Going forward to find trouble with Shui Yan and others, these two men didn't have the ability and courage.

After hearing that these two people were friends of Shui Yan and others, the law enforcement elder had already made up his mind not to pursue the matter.

Although this law enforcement elder has survived five thunder tribulations and his cultivation is higher than Shui Yan and others, he is definitely more promising than Shui Yan and others.

Shui Yan and others are core disciples, young, talented, and have stamina, which is not comparable to these elders who are retired.

For the sect, these young core disciples are much more precious and promising than these elders.

Seeing the law enforcement elder leave, the disciples who had just surrounded him and wanted to fight also dispersed, and the two disciples who were knocked away by Lin Shaokun also left in dismay.

"Hello everyone." Jian Xiaotian stepped forward to greet Shui Yan and others.

In terms of cultivation, Lin Shaokun is stronger than Jian Xiaotian, but in terms of hospitality, Lin Shaokun is not as good as Jian Xiaotian.

"Are you two friends of Chen Feng?" Shui Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes." Jian Xiaotian nodded.

"I didn't expect Chen Feng to have two such powerful friends. We are all Chen Feng's brothers. You two brothers, please join us." Shui Yan invited with a smile.

"You are too polite. This time, the two of us came here to cheer for Chen Feng, but we didn't expect to encounter such a thing right at the beginning." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"I don't know when Chen Feng will end the battle. It's been a long time." Luo Kong said.

At this time, the entire competition venue was still full of raging flames. In the end, even the surrounding barrier energy shield was burned and looming. Everyone could only see two figures constantly intertwined in the flames, and at the same time, there were constant sounds of fighting.

"It seems that Chen Feng's fire control technique is indeed not simple." Someone in the stands said.

"Oh, what do you think?" Someone asked next to him.

"This is not simple. You see, these flames did not cause any harm to him at all. Isn't this enough?"

"Brother, what you said makes sense."

Although the flames enveloped the two people, many people with high cultivation in the stands could still clearly see the situation in the flames.

"Fu Yue, who do you think will win this game?" Mu Lingfeng asked.

"Chen Feng." Fu Yue answered very straightforwardly.

"Oh, are you so optimistic about Chen Feng?" Mu Lingfeng asked with a smile.

"I just have such a feeling. In fact, I didn't see the reality of the fight between these two people clearly." Fu Yue smiled, his eyes were unusually bright and agile.

"If we look at the energy in their bodies and the aura they emit, Chen Feng is indeed stronger." Mu Lingfeng nodded.

At this time, Chen Feng and Liu Zhihuo had already fought in the flames. They had exchanged thousands of moves since they started fighting, and it was actually a situation where they were evenly matched.

Liu Zhihuo quickly formed a hand seal with both hands, and suddenly a series of agile fire snakes swam out from between his fingers, biting Chen Feng from all directions.

"It's useless." Chen Feng said, swinging his fists repeatedly, smashing these fire snakes into pieces, and then turning them into balls of flames, making the surrounding sea of ​​fire more fierce.

"Chen Feng, it's impossible to tell the winner with bare hands, let's use weapons." At this time, Liu Zhihuo suddenly gritted his teeth and said.

This round of fighting, coupled with the continuous release of flames, Liu Zhihuo felt that his internal strength was consumed greatly, while Chen Feng looked energetic and seemed to be fine. He knew that if he dragged it on, he would most likely lose.

"No problem." Chen Feng smiled faintly, still with a calm expression, as if he was not here to compete, but to exchange ideas.

Liu Zhihuo spread his hands, and a mighty and domineering flame spear suddenly appeared in his hand. He waved it casually for a few times, and the surrounding flames drilled into the spear. Liu Zhihuo was shocked, and his fighting spirit suddenly increased to a higher level.

"It turned out to be a sixth-grade treasure." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and he waved his hand and took out the Fire Bagua Sword, which was also a sixth-grade treasure.

"Come on." Liu Zhihuo's spear shook, and Chen Feng immediately felt the surrounding space vibrate, and the flames of the spears had covered his whole body.

"Zhoutian Bagua formation, Fire Bagua." Chen Feng threw the fire sword in his hand directly, and then the fire sword immediately began to decompose, transforming into eight fire swords, and began to circle around Chen Feng, and in the blink of an eye, the Fire Bagua formation was set up.


As Chen Feng moved, the Bagua acupoints in his body began to stir again, especially the fire acupoint in the Bagua acupoints, which lit up, as if a channel could be opened at any time.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Countless gun shadows attacked the Bagua field opened by Chen Feng like lightning, and constantly collided with the sword energy shot out from the Bagua acupoints.

"Humph, you are only at the seventh level of the secret realm, unable to fully display the Zhoutian domain, you are not my opponent at all." Liu Zhihuo shouted in a deep voice, and the attack became more urgent. The flame spear in his hand seemed to turn into a fire dragon, which was more agile and powerful.

"Really? Then let's see how you defeat me?" Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands. Two fireballs flew out quickly. This was the five elements of fire condensed by Chen Feng.

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