Eternal Existence

Chapter 362 Xuanhuo Zhenren takes action

Just when Chen Feng was getting closer and closer to Zhao Hai and was about to make a move, he suddenly saw that Zhao Hai was not panicked, but instead showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng stopped immediately, but it was too late. A middle-aged cultivator suddenly blocked Zhao Hai. Chen Feng didn't see how this middle-aged man appeared. The next moment, Chen Feng saw that the other party had actually rushed in front of him and stretched out his palm to grab the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand.

Too fast.

This person was so fast that Chen Feng didn't have time to react.

The Demon Sealing Sword was snatched away by the other party in a face-to-face encounter. At the same time, Chen Feng felt a shock in his chest, and the other party printed a palm on his chest.

Then Chen Feng seemed to be struck by lightning and rolled back quickly.

"Brother Chen." Shui Yan and others immediately stepped forward and wanted to support Chen Feng.

"Don't touch me." Chen Feng shouted.

But it was too late. Shui Yan and Luo Kong were the fastest. They had already touched Chen Feng with their palms. But the next moment, they flew backwards like being struck by lightning, and blood spurted out of their mouths.

When Chen Feng stood firm, there was already a trench on the ground. Chen Feng was fine, but he felt a little stuffy at first. The powerful impact caused the blood and qi in his body to flow turbulently. If it were an ordinary person, his heart would have burst.

"Good guy, this man is trying to kill me." Chen Feng was shocked. If he didn't have a protective armor, this palm would be enough to kill him.

Not only the previous one, but the middle-aged man who attacked Chen Feng was also not doing well. When his palm hit Chen Feng, the ice and fire power on the protective armor suddenly rushed out and climbed up along the middle-aged man's palm.

When the middle-aged man dispersed the ice and fire power on his arm, the whole arm had been rotten beyond recognition, and some places even revealed the white bones, which looked very scary.

"You still have a holy weapon on you." The middle-aged man's eyes were about to spit fire.

Speaking of which, he was also a master who had survived six thunder tribulations. When had he ever suffered such a loss, and it was at the hands of a little guy in the secret realm.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?" Chen Feng asked back, and at the same time stepped forward to help Shui Yan and Luo Kong up. The injuries on their bodies had not recovered, and now they were even more injured. Chen Feng felt a little angry that his friends were injured because of his own affairs.

"Chen Feng, this is a cultivator from the Zhao family, named Zhao Zhen, who has survived six thunder tribulations. We are not his opponents." Shui Yan said quickly.

"Another person from the Zhao family, hehe, to deal with a small secret realm cultivator like me, you actually sent out a senior who had survived six thunder tribulations. Don't you feel ashamed if you tell others about it?" Chen Feng sneered.

Chen Feng didn't seem to be worried about the Demon Sealing Sword being taken away.

"Originally I just wanted to take this Demon Sealing Sword, but you actually hurt me. It's impossible for you to leave peacefully today." Zhao Zhen said as he flashed in front of Chen Feng, stretched out his intact palm and swung it fiercely, and a flash of lightning cut towards Chen Feng's arm.

Chen Feng did not dodge, nor did he worry, as if he did not see the opponent's attack.

"I will also cut off one of your arms." Zhao Zhen sneered.

"Get out!" At this time, the voice of Xuanhuo Zhenren suddenly fell from the sky, and then a spark exploded in front of Zhao Zhen's chest, and the next moment Zhao Zhen turned into a fire man and flew backwards.

Zhao Zhen first turned over several times on the ground, and then a ball of flowing water exploded on his body, and then the blazing flames on his body went out.

"Hey, it turns out that you have been prepared for a long time. You actually carry high-level weak water on your body. No wonder you can extinguish my flames." Xuanhuo Zhenren looked at Zhao Zhen with a sneer, and then waved his hand, and the Demon Sealing Sword fell into Chen Feng's hands again.

"Master, why did you come just now? I was almost beaten to death just now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Humph, you are wearing a high-level treasured robe to protect yourself. This guy is only at the sixth level of the Heavenly Man, how can he hurt you." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

In fact, when Chen Feng found that there were masters hiding on the left and right, he had already notified Xuanhuo Zhenren through the communication talisman on his body, and Xuanhuo Zhenren had already come to the top of the valley, but he had never shown up.

Although Zhao Zhen extinguished the flames on his body, his body was still charred in pieces, and some flesh wounds were inevitable.

"Why, don't you have anything to say? You dare to ambush my apprentice here. Don't you take me seriously?" Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand and grabbed Zhao Zhen from a distance, and then threw him heavily to the ground.

The cultivator who had survived six thunder tribulations had no power to resist in front of Xuanhuo Zhenren.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren, I didn't know that Chen Feng was your apprentice. Please forgive me, senior." Zhao Zhen said hurriedly.

"I don't care if you know it or not. Just because you ambushed my apprentice, I can kill all of you. What's more, you colluded with outsiders. Hehe, I, Xuanhuo Zhenren, can kill a few people at will." Xuanhuo Zhenren said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhao Hai and others in the distance.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren, others are afraid of you, but our Zhao family is not afraid of you. We have a fairy in our Zhao family who has come out of retreat. One finger can kill you." Zhao Quan shouted loudly.

"Really?" The smile on Xuanhuo Zhenren's face suddenly turned cold.

"Yes, of course it's true. You let us go now, otherwise the immortal ancestor of my Zhao family will come out, and you can't provoke him." Zhao Quan thought Xuanhuo Zhenren was afraid, and shouted even more.


Xuanhuo Zhenren flicked his finger, and a spark drilled into Zhao Quan's body. Zhao Quan's face twisted, and he couldn't help rolling on the ground, and his screams spread throughout the valley.

"My brother talked nonsense and offended the senior. Please show mercy." Zhao Hai immediately stepped forward and begged.

"Hmph!" Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand, and the spark drilled out of Zhao Quan's body again, falling into his palm and disappearing.

"Now your meridians have been burned, and your sea of ​​consciousness has been dried up. Go back and find your family immortal ancestors for treatment." Xuanhuo Zhenren sneered.

At this time, Zhao Quan's eyes were wide open, and his whole body was still shaking. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't make a sound. He could only look at Xuanhuo Zhenren and Chen Feng with hatred.

"Please let us go, senior." Zhao Hai was secretly panicked when he saw Zhao Quan's appearance, but he still bit the bullet and stepped forward to beg for mercy.

"Hey, no one has ever dared to act arrogantly in front of me, Xuanhuo Zhenren. However, it is indeed a loss of my status to attack you guys, but you bullying my apprentice cannot just be let go." Xuanhuo Zhenren said as he flicked his fingers, and a finger-sized fireball suddenly appeared in his palm.

"Please spare my life, senior." Zhao Hai and others were all scared. Everyone knew that if this small fireball fell on them, they would probably die, so Zhao Hai and others all knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Xuanhuo Zhenren thought about it and waved his hand. The fireball flew towards Zhao Zhen on the ground, but when the fireball was about to fall on Zhao Zhen, it suddenly turned and fell into Xuanhuo Zhenren's hands again.

Xuanhuo Zhenren was stunned for a moment, then put away the fireball, waved his hand and said; "I'm in a good mood today, all of you go away, if you dare to provoke my apprentice again, I don't care whether your Zhao family has human immortals or earth immortals, I will kill them all."

"Yes, yes." Although Zhao Hai and others didn't understand why Xuanhuo Zhenren suddenly let them go, they felt that they had escaped a disaster. At this time, everyone believed that Xuanhuo Zhenren was indeed as terrible as the rumors said.

"Go away." Xuanhuo Zhenren was a little impatient.

So Zhao Hai and others immediately began to flee in a panic, not even picking up the corpses on the ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Among these people, Zhao Zhen was the most scared. He had seen the fireball falling on him, and his heart was already desperate, but he didn't expect that Xuanhuo Zhenren would let him go again. When he fled back to the mountain where he was in one breath, he found that his whole body was soaked, and it was all cold sweat from being scared.

"Tower, did something happen?" Chen Feng knew something was wrong when he saw Xuanhuo Zhenren's expression.

"Yes, it was the human immortal who took action just now." said the tower.

"Human immortal!" Chen Feng was surprised. No wonder Xuanhuo Zhenren suddenly let Zhao Hai and others go so kindly. It turned out that there were human immortals hidden around.

"Hey, it's just a beginner human immortal. If I wasn't afraid of attracting the attention of other masters in Taiyi Sect, I would have wanted to take this person directly into the tower for refining." The tower's voice was full of regret.

"Why, do you blame me for letting these people go?" Seeing Chen Feng stunned, Xuanhuo Zhenren thought that Chen Feng was somewhat unwilling to do what he did.

"Hehe, that's not the case. I'm just thinking about some things. These guys will naturally be dealt with by the apprentice himself. The master's move is indeed a bit bullying." Chen Feng smiled and did not say anything about the human immortal. It seems that Xuanhuo Zhenren was stopped by someone and was unhappy.

Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand, and several lightning flashes flashed, drilling into the bodies of Shui Yan and others. Soon Chen Feng found that the injuries on Shui Yan and others were slowly stabilizing, and the aura on their bodies was slowly improving.

"This is the power of heavenly thunder that I have condensed. It can not only heal your injuries, but also strengthen your meridians. You should practice well." Xuanhuo Zhenren flew away without saying hello to Chen Feng.

"Thank you, senior." Shui Yan and others were overjoyed, and they all bowed to the sky.

"This old man must be a little depressed." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing in his heart.

When Shui Yan and others recovered, Chen Feng said, "Okay, let's go. Now that the revenge has been avenged, it's time to return to the competition."

When Chen Feng returned to the stands, he saw a young cultivator in a fiery red armor walking into the competition venue before he stood firm.

"It's Liu Zhihuo." Chen Feng recognized this young cultivator. Including himself, there were five secret realm cultivators among the core disciples, and Liu Zhihuo was one of them.

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