Eternal Existence

Chapter 358: Battle at Yuanshan

Speaking of which, when Chen Feng just came back from Liuyun Fairy Mountain, he had a conflict with Yuan Shan, and the two even fought.

At that time, Chen Feng had just come out of retreat, and when he started fighting, he burst out with the strongest power, directly cracking Yuan Shan's magic weapon, Fuluo Mountain, a fourth-grade treasure. If the elders had not intervened at that time, Fuluo Mountain would have become Chen Feng's possession.

As a cultivator who had survived three thunder tribulations, he was injured by a small secret realm disciple, which made Yuan Shan lose face among the core disciples.

Originally, he was thinking of finding an opportunity to deal with Chen Feng in the future, but who knew that Chen Feng was actually the disciple of Xuanhuo Zhenren, so Yuan Shan never dared to fight again. Xuanhuo Zhenren's fierce reputation, he, an old-fashioned disciple, knew it very well.

So Yuan Shan could only suppress his anger and forget about it for the time being. He usually practiced hard in retreat. The reason why he participated in the sect competition this time was because the reward was too attractive.

I didn't expect to meet Chen Feng in the fourth round. It must be said that it was too coincidental. The moment Yuan Shan saw Chen Feng, his anger rose in his heart. At the same time, he also knew one thing, that is, his chance had come.

"Humph, even Xuanhuo Zhenren wouldn't say anything if he injured this kid in the sect competition. I must seize such a good opportunity." At this time, Yuan Shan's chest was filled with anger, and he forgot whether he could get rid of Chen Feng.

"Get rid of me?" Chen Feng laughed immediately.

"If the elders hadn't intervened last time, all the magic weapons in your hand would belong to me. Have you forgotten this lesson? Be sensible, you should admit defeat. After all, you are also an old senior. It's very shameful to lose in a fight with new disciples like us." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are looking for death." Yuan Shan was so angry that he almost spit out fire. With a wave of his hand, the magic weapon Fuluo Mountain suddenly grew larger, fell from the sky, and directly suppressed Chen Feng.

Yuan Shan's cultivation is pretty good. He has survived three thunder tribulations, and he practices earth-based magic. His life treasure, Fuluo Mountain, is also a fourth-grade treasure. He also has a place among the core disciples. He was able to enter the first round of this competition with his own strength.

Last time, he was injured by Chen Feng before he could show his strength, which caused Yuan Shan to hold back a rage in his heart. Once he broke out, he was so powerful that he even exceeded his previous combat power.

"Last time, I was able to break this treasure with my bare hands, let alone now." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing. Facing Fuluo Mountain falling from the sky, Chen Feng mobilized all his strength and lifted his hands suddenly. Everyone felt that the mountain where the competition was held seemed to tremble.

"Wow, he caught Yuan Shan's Fuluo Mountain with his bare hands. This is a fourth-grade treasure. How can this disciple named Chen Feng have such a strong body?" Lei Batian couldn't help but exclaimed in the stands.

In fact, Chen Feng's favorite is this kind of hard-hitting, force-fighting style of fighting. With the opening of various acupoints in the body, Chen Feng's body is getting stronger every day, especially after the opening of the Six Harmonies Gate, his spirit is full and stable, his blood power surges, and his true energy flows faster. The power acupoint makes Chen Feng have the power of a god.

At this time, after catching Luofu Mountain with both hands, Chen Feng's whole body trembled. Although he felt a strong pressure, this kind of power was within his tolerance range. Even the protective armor on his body did not react. Feeling this situation, Chen Feng immediately had a bottom in his heart.

"Haha, Brother Yuan, did you not eat?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Really? You will know later." Yuan Shan was surprised when he saw Chen Feng catch his Fuluo Mountain at once, but soon calmed down.

I saw a cunning light flashing in Yuan Shan's eyes, and then he flicked his fingers, and Chen Feng immediately felt the Fuluo Mountain on his head tremble violently, and then the pressure suddenly increased.

A talisman suddenly appeared on the top of Mount Fuluo, with a group of earthy yellow light on it. In just a blink of an eye, this group of earthy yellow light quickly spread and enveloped the entire Mount Fuluo.

Chen Feng's whole body was shocked, and he immediately felt ten times the force pressing on him. Under the strong pressure, Chen Feng's whole body began to emit bursts of roars and crisp sounds like bones colliding.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng felt that all the muscles in his body began to twist. At this time, the pressure from the top of his head had exceeded the level of his usual practice.

"It's just a Tuyuan talisman." Ta's voice sounded faintly.

"Tuyuan talisman?" This was the first time Chen Feng heard the name of this talisman.

"A simple talisman of the earth system, just increase the strength of the earth system power." Ta said faintly.

"How to break it?" Chen Feng felt that he could not hold on any longer.

"Break it with force." Ta's answer was very simple.

"You." Chen Feng was so angry that he wanted to curse. What kind of answer was this? If he had the power to break it, why would he ask you for advice?

"Hahaha, kid, how about it, can you still hold on? If you beg for mercy and surrender now, it's still not too late, otherwise I will crush you into a pulp." Yuan Shan was very proud. This was his hidden trick. He spent a lot of effort to practice the earth element talisman on Mount Fuluo. He originally wanted to use it in the finals, but now he used it on Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk, this is good, Yuan Shan, work harder and crush him to death." Zhao Hai in the stands couldn't help but sneer.

"I didn't expect Chen Feng to make it to the fourth round. I really underestimated him before." Sitting next to Zhao Hai was Zhao Quan.

"Hmph, he's just a small character. If it weren't for the Master Xuanhuo behind me, I would have found someone to deal with him." A hint of murderous intent flashed in Zhao Hai's eyes.

"Brother Chen was a little careless and shouldn't have waited for the opponent's attack to land. It seems that he is in trouble now. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shan actually had a killing move hidden in his hand." Luo Kong said.

"Brother Chen shouldn't be defeated so easily. Let's take a look." Zhou You said.

"Earth Shield!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice. Yellow light glowed under his feet, and the power of the underground earth continued to gather on Chen Feng.

"It's useless. The level of your earth magic is too low. It can't stop my Baliksan at all. Hahaha, Chen Feng, it seems that you are unwilling to admit defeat, so don't blame me for being rude." Yuan Shan said and flew to the top of Baliksan Mountain, then stretched out his right hand, and the tips of his five fingers immediately split into five small holes, and five drops of blood immediately came out.


Yuan Shan placed a heavy palm on Baliksan. The yellow light on Baliksan surged again, and strong pressure followed Baliksan to suppress Chen Feng.

Click, click, click!

Cracks immediately appeared under Chen Feng's feet. The field here had been blessed with magic power before the game. It was harder than gold and stone, but it had begun to show signs of collapse under the strong pressure.

"Fuyue, who do you think will win this round?" Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

"It should be Chen Feng." Fuyue answered directly without thinking.

"Oh, but now it seems that Chen Feng will lose at any time." Mu Lingfeng raised his eyebrows.

"Chen Feng is also the disciple of Master Xuanhuo after all, so he shouldn't be so weak, and doesn't he still have a sacred weapon that he hasn't used yet? This Yuanshan only has this ability. It is said that he has been trapped in the realm in front of him for some years. I think It will be difficult to survive the fourth thunder tribulation, maybe it will stop here," Fuyue said.

"Yes, after entering the realm of gods, each time you survive a thunder tribulation, you can increase your lifespan by a thousand years. Some peerless geniuses can survive the next thunder tribulation within ten years, and ordinary geniuses can also advance again in decades. If this person can advance to the next level after a hundred years, he will really have no future," Mu Lingfeng said.

"The essence, energy and spirit are fused and penetrated, and the force point changes the world." As Chen Feng shouted, the roar from Chen Feng's body became even duller.

"Arrange the stars in formation, seven stars unite into one."

"The heaven and earth are positioned, and the mountains and rivers are ventilated."

While Chen Feng encouraged the acupoints in his body to resist the pressure from above, he began to secretly operate the sky-swallowing absorption technique, slowly absorbing the power of earth infused into his body.

"Eh!" Yuan Shan felt it when the power of earth on Balo Mountain began to drain away. He felt very strange in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

As the sky-swallowing absorption technique unfolded, Chen Feng immediately felt that the pressure above him was getting smaller and smaller. The earth power that Chen Feng absorbed using the sky-swallowing absorption technique was not completely swallowed into the body, but most of it was absorbed by the body. Chen Feng passed along his body to the ground.

It's time for a competition now, and Chen Feng doesn't want others to notice the magic he's practicing.

"It's strange, it seems to be a magic trick like grafting flowers onto a tree?" There were many experts in the stands, and it was natural to see what was going on in the arena.

"It's a pity that there is a barrier covering the competition venue, so I can't feel the power fluctuations on the two of them. Otherwise, I would be able to tell what kind of technique this guy is practicing."

After just a few breaths, Yuan Shan felt something was wrong. He knew that he could not go on like this, so he made a decision and immediately controlled Balik Shan to fly upward.

"Haha, let's go now." Chen Feng's body lengthened, and he bounced up from the ground. The earth power that had just been input into the ground quickly came out of the ground, and finally poured into Chen Feng's arms.


Chen Feng hit the bottom of Mount Balik with a heavy punch, causing the huge Mount Balik to shake violently and fly up into the air.

"What a powerful punch, this guy's body is too strong." Someone in the stands exclaimed in admiration.

After making a circle, Chen Feng did not pause, but flew up again. After catching up with Baliksan, like lightning, countless fist shadows hit Baliksan one after another.


Every time Chen Feng bombarded Mount Luofu, the mountain shook. Mount Balik was the magic weapon of Mount Yuan. It was uncomfortable for Mount Balik to be hit, so he had no choice but to quickly shrink Mount Balik to the size of a palm. In the palm of your hand.

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