Eternal Existence

Chapter 350: First Round


Except for Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng, all the cultivators present were monks who had survived the thunder tribulation. When they released their aura, a huge collision occurred immediately. The small pavilion where everyone was resting immediately exploded and turned into powder.

"Damn it, get started, and deal with these guys." Zhou You was the first to take action. With a roar, the Shura Knife in his hand had already reached He Sanbo.

"I don't know who will deal with whom." He Sanbo said as his figure changed and suddenly disappeared from Zhou You's sight.

Zhou You was not discouraged after his move failed. It seemed that he had known this result long ago, so he turned around and attacked another person with the Shura Knife in his hand.

After He Sanbo dodged Zhou You's attack, Shui Yan and Luo Kong attacked again before he could stand firm.

Zhou You and the other two had experienced countless battles, and they cooperated well with each other. In such a small scene, the three of them did not need to discuss at all.

On the other side, Chen Feng and Luo Mingdao attacked Chi Lianfeng.

There were originally five people on Chi Lianfeng's side. Zhao Hai was injured by Chen Feng, and Chi Lianfeng and He Sanbo were besieged again. The remaining two were also surrounded by Li Lang and the other four people and fought wildly.

There was not much difference in the cultivation of the two sides, but Chi Lianfeng's side suffered a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Not long after the fight, all four people on Chi Lianfeng's side were hit.

"Hey, this is a good opportunity. Beat them half to death directly, so that they can't participate in the sect's competition. This can also be regarded as getting rid of several competitors in advance." Luo Kong said domineeringly, and the Great Tearing Sword Technique had been launched. It seemed that he wanted to cut He Sanbo into seven or eight pieces.


Blood bloomed on He Sanbo's chest, and bursts of exploding sword energy continued to erode He Sanbo's body.

"These guys are crazy, we don't need to fight desperately." After being hit by this, He Sanbo no longer had the mind to stay and fight, and began to think of ways to conflict outside.


Chi Lianfeng was the first to be hit. Before the wind-gathering banner in his hand could exert its power, it was hit by the attacks of Chen Feng and Luo Mingdao. He spat out blood and flew out.

However, this also gave Chi Lianfeng a chance. He saw Chi Lianfeng waving the wind-gathering banner in his hand quickly a few times, and a fierce hurricane roared towards Chen Feng and the others.

Chi Lianfeng took the opportunity to fly far away, and in the blink of an eye, he was a thousand meters away.

"I will remember you guys." Chi Lianfeng said, stepping on the wind ball and disappearing quickly.


He Sanbo was heavily blasted away, smashing a deep pit on the ground.

"Okay, this guy can't recover in a short time, go and deal with the other two." Shui Yan said.

The three of them joined forces to quickly deal with He Sanbo, and then stepped forward at the same time to quickly hit a killing move, bombarding the other two.

"You are bullying the few with your numbers." One of them just shouted and was chopped away by Li Lang's sword, and then Zhou You stepped forward and kicked him unconscious.

"That's cruel enough." Chen Feng was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that these core disciples would be so cruel and straightforward. It seemed that this kind of fight was very common in the sect.

The last person saw that the situation was not good and immediately shouted to surrender, but he was still beaten by the crowd and vomited blood.

"Hey, this time we have dealt with a few people off the field first, and the others should be grateful to us." Shui Yan said with a smile.

"Fellow brothers, is it appropriate to do this?" Chen Feng asked with some concern.

"Haha, don't worry, it is normal for disciples to fight each other. In order to motivate the competitiveness of disciples, the sect encourages this situation." Shui Yan said with a smile.

"In a word, no matter where you are, you are the first in strength. The sect will not deal with the victorious disciples for the defeated disciples, because the victorious disciples are more promising and valuable to the sect." Li Lang said with a smile.

"But these guys have some backers. Everyone should be careful in the future and don't be beaten by the other party." Shui Yan said with a smile.

"Let's change the place. This place has been beaten to pieces." Chen Feng said.

When the crowd was fighting, some other disciples came to watch, but after the fight was over, these disciples dispersed. After all, it was none of their business, and no one wanted to intervene. Besides, the other core disciples hoped that these people would fight harder, so that there would be fewer opponents in the next competition.

"Fight, fight hard, at least until I am the only one left in the end, so that I don't have to go on the field." Someone couldn't help but say.

"Hey, you think well, don't you still have me?" Someone said next to him.

In the next three days, the true disciples and elite disciples started the competition one after another. Chen Feng and others also watched a few games casually, but the strength of the crowd was too high, and this level of competition seemed to have no interest, so they had to find a place to chat again.

"Chen Feng." At this time, Ruta and Luo Bo ran over from a distance and were very happy to see Chen Feng.

"What, how was the preliminary round?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Haha, no need to ask, judging from the expression, I passed." Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

"I defeated the opponent easily in the first game." Ruta said with a smile.

The result was similar to what Chen Feng expected. Chen Feng was very clear about Ruta's strength. If he didn't meet a truly powerful master, ordinary inner disciples would not be Ruta's opponents at all.

"I almost fell down. I met a master right at the beginning. It took me a lot of effort." Luo Bo said.

"The competition among elite disciples is still very fierce, and there are some masters among them, even comparable to the cultivators in the heavenly realm, but they have never been promoted." Shui Yan said on the side.

"Don't worry." Chen Feng said, waving his hand and taking out a long sword.

"This is the second-grade treasure, the Flowing Light Sword. I believe it can help you a little." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Isn't this a bit unfair?" Luo Bo hesitated.

"Hey, even if you have this treasure, you may not get the prize. It is said that some elite disciples came to the core disciple area to borrow magic weapons some time ago. Hehe, these disciples have also started to use their hands and feet for the prizes of the sect." Shui Yan said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded. It was indeed the case. Some disciples with backers and backstages naturally had to use some means to get the rewards of this competition.

"Okay." Luo Bo nodded and reached out to take the long sword handed over by Chen Feng.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this time, Chen Feng and Shui Yan were shocked at the same time, and then quickly took out the token symbolizing their identity.

"The draw has begun. I will be the second game tomorrow." Shui Yan said.

"I will be the first game the day after tomorrow." Luo Kong said with a smile.

"I'm in the third match today." Zhou You also said.

"Brother Chen, what about you?" Shui Yan asked.

"First match!" Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"What a coincidence, it's the first match." Everyone was surprised.

"Let's go and cheer for Brother Chen." Everyone laughed.

When everyone arrived at the core disciple competition venue, they saw a huge fluorescent jade floating in the sky, which displayed the names of each disciple, as well as the venue and date of the competition.

"My opponent is Mo Fei, do you know him?" Chen Feng saw his and Mo Fei's names appear on the fluorescent jade.

"Haha, Brother Chen is very lucky. This Mo Fei is just an ordinary disciple. It hasn't been long since he was promoted to a core disciple. He should have survived a thunder tribulation." Luo Kong laughed.

"It's just a thunder tribulation." Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

Chen Feng's competition venue was a flattened mountain. When Chen Feng flew to the venue, the opponent was already waiting for him.

He was wearing a black armor, and his figure was as steady as a mountain. A dark and dull long sword was inserted behind him, which looked extraordinary.

"Chen Feng, Mo Fei." A middle-aged monk stood in the middle of the venue. This was the steward elder sent by the elders.

"Yes." Chen Feng and Mo Fei spoke at the same time.

"Okay, the game begins." The steward elder said this very simply and quickly retreated to the stands.


At the same time, a circular barrier rose up quickly, covering Chen Feng and Mo Fei. The core disciples already had the ability to split mountains and cut rivers. If there was no prohibition, the venue here would be beaten to pieces after a battle.

"Mysterious Realm Monk, is it a mistake?" Mo Fei frowned as he looked at Chen Feng and said.

"That's right, I just got promoted." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Just got promoted." Mo Fei was still a little surprised. Obviously, this guy was not well-informed and didn't know that there was another secret realm monk among the core disciples.

"Yes, Chen Feng is a newly promoted core disciple. Okay, the competition can begin. Don't waste time." The voice of the steward elder came in.

"So that's the case. Well, admit defeat." Mo Fei said very straightforwardly.

"Admit defeat!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes, admit defeat. Your realm is too low. I don't want to bully you." Mo Fei said lightly.

"Bullying." Chen Feng laughed immediately. In fact, this sentence was exactly what Chen Feng wanted to say.

"Since you don't want to do it, then don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said and stepped lightly on the ground. The magnetic pole point on the bottom of his foot surged, and a ball of light yellow light flashed. Chen Feng arrived in front of Mo Fei.

Then he simply punched out, and there was a ball of light yellow luster on his fist.

"Earth power." Mo Fei said in surprise. Facing Chen Feng's attack, there was no backstage, but he waved his hand, and the black long sword behind him cut through the space and slashed towards Chen Feng.


The earth power on Chen Feng's fist was cut off by Mo Fei's sword, and the light yellow luster immediately dissipated.

Mo Fei's pitch-black long sword went straight in and cut Chen Feng's fist, but it didn't even cut Chen Feng's skin.

"Huh!" Mo Fei couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. The opponent's fist could actually block his long sword. This is a treasure.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng's figure flashed quickly, and he punched every time he flashed. Due to the fast speed, outsiders could only see yellow fists bombarding Mo Fei from all directions.


Mo Fei stood still, shouted softly, and the black sword in his hand quickly burst into groups of black sword light. Every time a group of black sword light flashed, a yellow fist was split apart.

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