Eternal Existence

Chapter 327: Strange Blood

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of swamp ropes quickly formed a huge cage, surrounding Chen Feng in the middle, and quickly shrank, trying to squeeze Chen Feng in the middle.

Chen Feng's thoughts moved, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword circled out sharply, slashing at the surrounding swamp ropes.

At the same time, Chen Feng held the Golden Shadowless Knife in his hand and fired out a series of flaming swords. Wherever the power of fire emitted from the Golden Shadowless Knife passed, the swamp rope immediately became dry, and finally it was broken inch by inch.

"Okay, I didn't expect the Golden Shadowless Blade to have such power." Chen Feng said in surprise.

Chen Feng used his power to act. Under a burst of sword energy, all the swamp ropes surrounding him were chopped into pieces by Chen Feng.

Just when Chen Feng thought he had broken the Ze Zhi Formation Eye, the ground began to squirm, and a monster formed from the mud bit into Chen Feng with a huge mouth.

"Hey, there are still monsters." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood soul flew out and got directly stuck in the mouth of the swamp monster, making it impossible to close its big mouth.

"Thunder Sword." Chen Feng shouted, and the Thunder Sword flew out from the magnetic pole hole and circled around the huge mire monster. Under the power of thunder and lightning, the mire monster was cut in half.

Then Chen Feng drew out his sword and slashed at the swamp monster. Finally, the monster exploded with a bang and turned into streams of essence that spread out in all directions.

"Swallow it for me." Chen Feng activated the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art at the same time, once again completely absorbing the essence of Ze in front of him.

At this time, Mo Ji also eliminated the wind beast in front of her.

At this time, Mo Ji has solved two formations, and Chen Feng has solved four places, and there are still great gains.

"This kid has even absorbed Ze's essence. No matter how powerful the magic he cultivates, it's impossible. His body will definitely not be able to bear it." The old man said beside Mo Ji.

"Maybe there is something inside him." Mo Ji guessed.

"That's not the case. The power of fire, thunder, and water that this boy has absorbed from the beginning has all been absorbed into his body, and most of it has been refined. The rest is also hidden in his body. I'm afraid he won't be able to use it. How long will it take for it to be completely refined, and then its cultivation level will increase greatly?" the old man said.

"Is his physical body so powerful?" Mo Ji said in surprise.

"Speaking of which, you gained some experience in the killing array in Black Wind Mountain this time, and this boy named Chen Feng really benefited from it." The old man said with a smile.

"There are still two final formation eyes. I will deal with the Heavenly Formation Eye." Chen Feng made up his mind.


As soon as he came within the range of the Eye of Heaven, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure falling from the sky, and at the same time, there were waves of tall, majestic and unscalable aura that constantly impacted his mind.

"This is the power of heaven. Hehe, the power of the domain pulls the laws of heaven. Although it is not a real law, it is not something that ordinary monks can resist. If you come with the demon-sealing sword this time, it will be easy to do it. Break the formation in front of you." Ta suddenly said with a smile.

"I want to experience the power of heaven." Chen Feng sneered.


The pressure continued to increase, reaching fifty times, and the ground began to collapse. Instead, Chen Feng floated, letting the pressure falling from the sky fall on him.

"Is it only fifty times the level?" Chen Feng smiled softly. The pressure he endured while practicing in the Tower of Eternal Life was much greater than this. Fifty times the simple pressure was really nothing to Chen Feng. .

After a stick of incense, Chen Feng was a little disappointed. The law of heaven triggered by the domain was really too weak, and Chen Feng didn't even bother to train.


The blood soul flew out and inserted directly into the crack in the ground. A stone platform depicting a slow restriction was shattered under the attack of the blood soul.

The law of heaven disappears, and now only the last force of earth is left in this killing array to attack.

Chen Feng stopped taking action, but stood aside to watch how Mo Ji would do it.

boom! boom!

Two earth dragons suddenly emerged from the ground and bit into Mo Ji. These were earth dragons completely formed from the power of earth. Chen Feng was a little moved when he saw it. This was not an ordinary power of the earth. This was The condensed essence of earth.

However, Chen Feng is also powerless now, because the power absorbed in the body has not been completely digested. If it is swallowed, he may really be able to hold on.

Seeing Chen Feng destroying five formation eyes in one breath, Mo Ji seemed to be aroused to be competitive. Suddenly, there was an aqua talisman in her hand. Chen Feng took a look and felt that there were water waves in it. It is flowing, as if this talisman is refined by the power of water.

Mo Ji just stretched out her fingers, and two water ripples rippled out. The two earth dragons immediately became sluggish, and then the bodies of the two mighty earth dragons began to become sticky, with wet pieces broken off. The mud kept falling off, as if the dry soil had been eroded by running water, turned into thin mud, and finally scattered on the ground.

"Earth overcomes water, water overcomes earth, tsk tsk, I didn't expect Mo Ji to have this skill, but the talisman in her hand is pretty good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, this is a sacred weapon, and it's obvious that this girl has mastered the power within it," Ta said.

"Holy weapon, hey, it really has a great background." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go." Mo Ji put away the talisman and smiled proudly at Chen Feng.

"I wonder if there will be a killing array next?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course there is. According to the information I received, outsiders who want to enter the Black Wind Mountain have to pass through the nine-layer killing array. We have only passed the first layer." Mo Ji smiled.

"Nine-layer killing array." Chen Feng frowned.

"Time is running out, let's keep moving forward?" Chen Feng said.

"Okay." Mo Ji nodded. Mo Ji did not expect that the killing array here was so high-level that even she felt the pressure, but it was good this way, and it was also a training.

After the two advanced for thousands of meters, a ten-foot-long sword aura cut through the sky and slashed towards Chen Feng and the others.

The attack came, and the two broke into the next killing array again.

"I'll do it." Chen Feng stepped forward, and the blood soul in his hand turned into a blood light, directly smashing the sword aura that was slashing in front of him.

But then another heavy sword aura slashed down from the sky.

In the next three days, Chen Feng and Mo Ji did not stop. They kept breaking through the killing array layer by layer with their strength. Finally, they broke through the nine-layer killing array. Both of them felt a little tired and had some injuries on their bodies. However, they felt that this journey was not in vain. Although they were tired, they had more combat experience and their strength was more condensed.

Along the way, only Chen Feng and Mo Ji took action, and the old man followed Mo Ji and watched Mo Ji fight and fight again and again.

Along the way, Chen Feng also admired Mo Ji a little. As a cultivator, a tenacious mind is indispensable. At first, Chen Feng thought that Mo Ji relied on taking spiritual medicine to cultivate to this level, and her combat power and mind should not be too strong, but after breaking through the nine-layer killing array together, Chen Feng's impression of Mo Ji changed.

At this time, Chen Feng and Mo Ji knew that something happened in Black Wind Mountain without sensing, because they had seen the rich blood rising into the sky, and the weird scene stunned Chen Feng and the others.

"It's a bit bad." Chen Feng said.

"It's really not good. Don't forget that we haven't encountered any robbers so far." Moji said.

Chen Feng and Moji slowly recovered the power consumed in their bodies while observing the situation around and in the distance.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng and Moji had just entered the Black Wind Mountain, and there was still some distance to go to the core area of ​​the Black Wind Mountain.

Chen Feng estimated that it was still hundreds of miles away from the place where the blood energy came from, but Chen Feng and Moji could clearly feel the bloody air in the air.

"You said, the robbers here will not be massacred together?" At this time, Chen Feng suddenly had this idea.

"This." Moji was also shocked, but she thought about it and it was indeed possible.

"Hehe, I'm afraid there will be some interesting things." Ta suddenly said.

"Interesting things, Ta, what did you feel?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Don't talk about these first, you can't miss these blood essences. If the blood soul wants to advance, this is an opportunity." Ta said.

Chen Feng nodded, shook his palm, and the blood soul in his hand began to absorb the blood energy floating around.

"Girl, I suggest we retreat now." At this time, the old man suddenly spoke, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"What's wrong, old man, have you also missed something?" Moji asked anxiously.

"I feel a dangerous breath." The old man said in a deep voice.

Moji was surprised. Moji knew very well what the old man was like. Even the old man felt dangerous, so if she went forward, she would definitely die.

"No matter what, I have to go and see." Chen Feng smiled, and then flew forward alone without Moji.

"I want to go and see too." Moji gritted her teeth and was about to follow.

"No." The old man's face changed, and he went forward to hold Moji, and then a powerful force imprisoned Moji.

"It's too dangerous, I can't let you take risks." The old man said in a deep voice.

"I just want to see what the situation is. If it's dangerous, just retreat immediately." Moji said in a voice.

"No." The old man simply refused.

"I must go, or I can go ten miles ahead to observe the situation. My curiosity has been aroused. If you pull me back now, I will come in again." Mo Ji begged.

"Well, that's fine. Don't act on your own. Stay close to me. I'm not trying to scare you. I really feel the danger. If something happens to you, how can I explain it when I go back?" The old man sighed.

"Tower, tell me if there are any monsters ahead." Chen Feng absorbed the blood energy in the surrounding air while flying, and he didn't seem to be worried.

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