Eternal Existence

Chapter 316 Interrogation

"Haha." Chen Feng just smiled and didn't say anything, letting the two of them sandwich him in the middle.

After Chen Feng left, Luo Bo and Sun Xuan looked at each other, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"You think Senior Brother Chen won't be in trouble, right?" Luo Bo asked.

"It's hard to say. Even if you join the elders group, you still have to find out something. Besides, I think the law enforcement elders are here this time. Most of them think that the deaths of He Tian and Ma Jun are related to Chen Feng." Sun Xuan said.

"Senior Brother Chen did not kill anyone. The elders of the sect will not wrongly accuse people casually." Luo Bo said.

"Maybe not. Anyway, we can't help. We can only wait for the news honestly." Sun Xuan said.

In fact, Sun Xuan was thinking in his heart: "Were He Tian and Ma Jun really not killed by Chen Feng? If they were killed by Chen Feng, then how strong is Chen Feng's cultivation?"

Along the way, Chen Feng felt that the eyes of the elders behind him had been staring at his back, making him feel like a light on his back.

"Haha, two elders, I wonder what the elders group wants from me this time. Can you tell me something?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Have you had any issues with the Zhao family?" the monk behind him suddenly said.

Chen Feng immediately understood. It seemed that the Zhao family was responsible for this incident.

"Thank you both." Chen Feng smiled.

"Chen Feng, do you really have a holy weapon on you?" At this time, the monk flying in front suddenly turned his head and asked.

It seemed that the two of them had a pretty good impression of Chen Feng.

"Not rough." Chen Feng nodded and admitted.

Then the two law enforcement elders stopped talking and said when they were about to reach the elder group: "You have to be careful this time. If there is a backstage, move out immediately. I think the Zhao family wants to deal with you this time."

"What are the names of the two elders?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"My name is Li Kong, and this is Zhang Ye, both law enforcement elders." Li Kong said with a smile.

"Thank you two elders for reminding me. I don't have anything good with you. I only have two elixirs. I hope you will accept them." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the two elixirs fell into their hands one after the other.

"Demon Blood Grass!"

"Nightmare Vine!"

Li Kong and both of them exclaimed at the same time. These two elixirs are indeed very precious, and more importantly, they are rare. There are almost no these two elixirs in the outside world. They will only grow in places with demonic energy, and these two elixirs The medicine seems to be a few years old.

"Haha, this small gift is not a sign of respect, so please accept it." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Forget it, thank you very much, Junior Brother Chen. We just happen to be short of elixirs on hand recently. If Junior Brother Chen is useful in the future, we will definitely not refuse." Li Kong thought for a moment and said.

"You two senior brothers are too polite. By the way, I don't know what is going on in the Elders' Hall." Chen Feng no longer calls the two elders.

"This is what happened." Li Kong quickly recounted what happened in the Elder's Hall.

"So that's it. I didn't expect that Yang Dingfang and Jin Shijian could actually speak for me. It seems that what I did at that time was correct. These two people can make friends for a while. It just costs some elixirs. There are many in the Tower of Eternal Life." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Okay, the Elders' Hall is here. Don't worry, Junior Brother Chen, our law enforcement elders will speak for you." Li Kong said at this time.

To Chen Feng's expectation, the Elder's Palace was built in an inconspicuous valley. An inconspicuous valley and an inconspicuous building could not even be called a palace.

"This is the Elder's Hall?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Haha, Junior Brother Chen, don't underestimate the Elder's Hall in front of you. There are many mysteries around here. Even human immortals can't just break into the valley in front of you." Zhang Ye said with a smile.

Looking at the shapes of the surrounding mountains, Chen Feng couldn't help but make some guesses.

"Boy, you guessed it right. The surrounding peaks formed a set of powerful formations, enveloping this valley. It is really difficult for outsiders to rush in." At this time, Ta, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"I just asked how could there be such an ordinary valley in Taiyi Immortal Mountain, and it is also where the Elder Hall is located." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Arriving in front of the Elder's Hall, Chen Feng tidied up his clothes, calmed down his mind, and then walked in with a normal expression.

As soon as he entered the Elder Hall, Chen Feng felt eyes falling on him. There were curiosity, speculation, indifference, scrutiny, and sneers.

But more and more, waves of overwhelming pressure came towards Chen Feng.

There are so many heavenly and human monks in the hall, and the slightest aura emanating from each of them is not something that ordinary monks can bear, not to mention that some of them are hostile to Chen Feng.

Feeling the auras of the mixed Heavenly Realm cultivators that came over him, Chen Feng sneered in his heart. His face remained calm, but he secretly mobilized the strength in his body to counteract these chaotic auras.

At the same time, Chen Feng was still secretly observing the elders in the Elder Hall.

"Good guy, so many elders are all cultivators in the Heavenly Realm." Chen Feng was secretly shocked. This was the first time Chen Feng had seen so many masters.

"Hey, there are one hundred and twenty-one people in total. The strongest one is the old man in front of you, who has survived nine thunder tribulations. In addition, there are two other people who have also survived nine thunder tribulations. There are nine people who have suffered eight thunder tribulations, eleven people who have suffered seven thunder tribulations, and sixteen people who have suffered six thunder tribulations. There is no need to mention the others," Ta told Chen Feng in detail.

"There are actually cultivators who have survived nine thunder tribulations. Doesn't that mean they are about to become immortals?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, how can it be that easy? It is still easy to cultivate to nine thunder tribulations, but if you want to cultivate to become an immortal, the chance of success is one in ten thousand. Remember, there are cultivators who have survived nine thunder tribulations." Ta laughed.

"So difficult?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What do you think? This is a heaven-defying cultivation. How can it be that easy? During this period, I wonder how many cultivators were smashed into pieces by the thunder when they cultivated to the ninth thunder tribulation." Ta said coldly.

Chen Feng and Ta had already reached the center of the hall while communicating. The elders were densely packed around them.

"Disciple Chen Feng greets all the elders." Chen Feng stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Well, not bad, young and promising, it seems that our Taiyi Sect has another genius." At this time, the third elder who had been observing Chen Feng suddenly said.

"The Third Elder is right. Although Chen Feng is only in the Secret Realm, his internal strength is extremely strong. He is not inferior to the little monsters among the core disciples." Someone from the Law Enforcement Elders spoke up at this time.

"Hey, strength does not mean powerful. It's just the seventh level of the Secret Realm." Zhao Long sneered. At the same time, Zhao Long was a little surprised. The last time he clashed with Chen Feng, the other party was only in the sixth level of the Secret Realm. It has only been a few months and he has been promoted to another level. This cultivation speed is really amazing.

Could it be the help of Xuanhuo Zhenren behind Chen Feng? Zhao Long couldn't help thinking.

Zhao Long was a little worried when he thought of Xuanhuo Zhenren. He was afraid that his treatment of Chen Feng would cause Xuanhuo Zhenren's dissatisfaction. However, the death of He Tian and others was a good opportunity, a good opportunity to get rid of Chen Feng. Zhao Long didn't want to miss this opportunity from the bottom of his heart. Especially after seeing Chen Feng's cultivation speed, Zhao Long didn't want to have another terrifying enemy in the future.

"Chen Feng, I'm here to ask you to help investigate something. Just answer the questions truthfully. If we find out you lied, the consequences will be very serious." The third elder suddenly said with a serious expression.

"Yes, I dare not lie." Chen Feng nodded.

"Let me ask you, where were you four months ago?" the third elder asked.

"I went to Heiyuan City." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"It was him. It must have something to do with Chen Feng. The bodies of He Tian and Ma Jun were found in the Heiyuan Mountains at that time, and the time was right." Zhao Long immediately said loudly.

"Shut up, now is not the time for you to talk." The third elder scolded.

"I lost my temper." Zhao Long immediately shut up.

"Humph." The third elder glanced at Zhao Long and said nothing more.

"What did you do in Heiyuan City?" The third elder continued to ask.

"I was born in the Iron Sword Sect of Heiyuan City. I have been practicing in Taiyi Xianshan for a while. It should be human nature to go back to my hometown." Chen Feng answered seriously.

"Yes, it is human nature, but during the time you went back, two of our sect's Heavenly Realm cultivators were killed. Some people said it was you who did it. What do you think?" The third elder suddenly changed the subject.

"Replying to the elder, it was not the disciple who did it." Chen Feng said firmly.

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that it was not you?" The third elder asked immediately.

"Hehe, there is no evidence, but since some people say it was me, I wonder what evidence there is." Chen Feng suddenly sneered.

The third elder showed admiration in his eyes. Not to mention the cultivators of the Secret Realm, even ordinary Heavenly Realm cultivators would be trembling when facing their interrogation, but the young man in front of him was not nervous at all. Even if he had a backer, he could be so calm, which in itself showed the strength of his mind.

"Yes, Zhao Long, do you have any evidence to prove that it was Chen Feng who killed He Tian and Ma Jun." The third elder stopped asking Chen Feng and looked at Zhao Long.

After hearing this, Zhao Long's face turned red and white again. He didn't expect that things would turn out this way. Originally, Zhao Long thought that the Third Elder knew that Chen Feng had a holy weapon and would take some measures, but now it seems that the Third Elder seems to be biased towards Chen Feng and wants evidence. If he had evidence, he would not have waited until now.

"Third Elder, I have a suggestion. We can search Chen Feng's soul. This way, we can prove whether Chen Feng is the murderer of He Tian and Ma Jun." Zhao Long's eyes lit up, and then he said loudly.

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