Eternal Existence

Chapter 313 Seven Aperture Points

"This is the Seven Acupoints." Chen Feng was stunned at first, then his mind moved, the spell was running, and the seven acupoints burst out with powerful suction at the same time. The true qi in the whole body flowed quickly, and all the pores in the body opened up. The surrounding original power continued to be stuffed into Chen Feng's body from afar. At this moment, Chen Feng felt that the capacity of his body had increased again, and some of the acupoints that were opened up were also slowly expanding.

"What is going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Seven Acupoints, every time an acupoint is opened, your speed and capacity of swallowing and spitting out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be doubled. This time I will help you open all seven acupoints. You will experience it slowly, hahahaha." Ta laughed at the end.

"What!" Chen Feng exclaimed, no wonder his body became like this, it turned out that the Seven Acupoints had this function, opening an acupoint is one time, so now that all seven acupoints are open, isn't it seven times?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was excited and a little worried, worried about whether his body could withstand absorbing so much suddenly.

"Boy, do you remember the spiritual roots I told you about before?" Ta suddenly said at this time.

"Spiritual roots, you mean those people with super talent in cultivation." Chen Feng nodded, remembering some special physiques such as the Five Elements Body and the Red Sun Body that Ta had mentioned before.

"Yes, to be honest, your original physique has been extremely rubbish. In the past few years, you have been practicing the Changsheng Zhenjing, and your physique is constantly improving, but compared with those cultivators who have spiritual roots by nature, there is still some gap. This is a good opportunity. Use the world's original energy to forge your body. Maybe you can condense into a super strong physique." Ta said.

"What physique?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The first physique in ancient and modern times, the Chaos Body." Ta said in a deep voice.

"Chaos Body?" Although I don't understand what this physique is, since Ta said it so seriously, it must be not simple.

"Yes, it is the Chaos Body. Although your physique is rubbish now, you have been transformed by the Changsheng Sutra, and you have also practiced the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Skill. Although you may not succeed, you can't give up even if there is only a glimmer of hope."

"Boy, come on and work hard. If you want to cultivate a supreme physique, this is the first step you take." The tower said loudly.

"Okay, I will definitely succeed." Chen Feng was also aroused by the tower. The acupoints in his body expanded violently, especially the newly opened seven acupoints, which rotated rapidly, and tornadoes condensed by the source of power drilled into them one after another.

At this time, the Changsheng Tower had calmed down, and the source fragments of the outside world had been absorbed by the Changsheng Tower, but Chen Feng was still wrapped in a ball of light yellow energy.

This was specially left by the tower for Chen Feng to practice. Although this ball of source power looked small, it was enough for Chen Feng to practice.

As time passed, the light yellow energy wrapped around Chen Feng was constantly decreasing, and the vortex on Chen Feng's body also changed from two to four, and the swallowing speed was even faster.

"Haha, this kid's Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique and Heaven Swallowing Demonic Art have actually advanced. It seems that we have to find a way to get the complete Heaven Swallowing Demonic Art." The voice of the tower chuckled.

Chen Feng practiced for a long time this time. It took him three months to absorb the surrounding pale yellow energy into his body.

Finally, Chen Feng finished his practice and slowly stood up. At this time, the aura on Chen Feng's body had become different from before. It became sometimes calm, sometimes erratic, and sometimes distant, giving people a sense of uncertainty.

"It is worthy of being the origin of the world, the oldest and purest energy in the universe. I have only absorbed one tenth of it now, and the rest is stored in the body. It will take a long time to completely refine and integrate it into the body." Chen Feng said.

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Chen Feng saw the space in front of him shaking, and a pale yellow light and shadow kept condensing and changing, and finally turned into a human form.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng was shocked.

"Haha, kid, who do you say I am." The voice of the tower came from the human-shaped light and shadow.

"It's the tower, is this your body?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"No, my body is this Longevity Tower. To put it more simply, my current situation is a projection of the soul. Unfortunately, my strength is not enough, so I can only reach this level." Tower said.

"Tower, what level have you recovered to now?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's close to the level of a holy weapon, but unfortunately this fragment of the origin is too small. If it were a little bigger, I could break through another level and truly play the level of a holy weapon." Tower was a little regretful.

"It's good to have a breakthrough. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Chen Feng comforted.

"Yes, when your cultivation is sufficient, we will leave the Eternal World and go to the outer space to find the origin power of other worlds." Tower said with a smile.

"Boy, you have gained a lot this time. Your strength has increased several times at least."

"It's a pity that you didn't achieve the chaotic body you said." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Hahahahaha." Tower laughed immediately after hearing it.

“It’s not that simple. I said at the beginning that the Chaos Body is the number one divine body throughout the ages. There may not be even one in countless time and space, countless star fields, and countless great worlds combined. You have only absorbed some small fragments of the origin, and you want to achieve the supreme divine body. How can it be so easy? If you want to become a Chaos Body, you still have a long way to go. There is one more thing I want to tell you, that is, the probability of you becoming a Chaos Body is only one in ten thousand, or even less.” Ta said with a smile.

"Less than one in ten thousand? Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a will. As long as there is a chance, I will not let it go." Chen Feng clenched his fist and nodded.

"It's good that you have this heart." Ta nodded.

"Just now, during the practice, I have broken through the sea of ​​consciousness of the seventh level of the secret realm. Now I am a real cultivator of the seventh level of the secret realm, and I have touched the threshold of the Zhoutian realm. After I persevere for a while, I will be able to cultivate the Zhoutian power and condense the Zhoutian realm." Chen Feng said.

"Alas! Although the Changsheng Zhenjing is powerful, it advances too slowly. If other cultivators with so many world origins were replaced, they would definitely be able to easily cultivate to the Tianren realm, but I only advanced to one realm." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, this time I helped you open up the seven orifices in your body. The foundation was originally unstable. Now you have absorbed and refined the world origin power to make up for this defect. In addition, you still have a large amount of origin power stored in your body that has not been refined and absorbed. After you completely absorb it, you should be able to break through the Tianren realm." Ta said.

"It will probably take some time to reach the Heavenly Man Realm. It seems that you will not be able to break through before the sect competition." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go. With your current strength, you can already fight against the core disciples." The tower said and began to fly to the ground.

When the Immortal Tower took Chen Feng back to the palace, Ye Tian was still practicing with his eyes closed in the crystal stone.

Chen Feng did not disturb Ye Tian, ​​but left the palace and quickly returned to the ground.

After returning to the ground, Chen Feng put the Immortal Tower into the Tianyuan Cave, and then smiled: "I didn't expect that there would be such a place in the Black Source Mountains. No wonder even the secret realm cultivators dare not enter at will."

"The inheritance left by the human immortal is not something that everyone can get. Your friend can be said to have some opportunities, but if he wants to ascend to the fairyland, relying on this opportunity may not be enough." The tower said.

"Haha, okay, let's not talk about this for now. Now I have been to Black Source City, and it's time to return to the sect. There is not much time left before the sect competition." Chen Feng smiled.

Without delay along the way, Chen Feng quickly returned to Taiyi Immortal Mountain and went straight to the mountain where he was.

The soul power spread out and soon enveloped the entire mountain. Chen Feng felt that everything was normal. Ruta and Zidian were practicing, and Si'er and Phantom Beast were hiding in a newly excavated cave to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"The killing of He Tian and Ma Jun will cause a great deal of fluctuations in the sect. I will practice in the mountain for the next few days and wait for the reaction of the sect." Chen Feng did not even alarm Ruta, and began to practice in his residence, waiting for the arrival of the sect competition.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's trip to Black Source City this time was quite fruitful. Not to mention that Chen Feng killed and captured seven Tianren realm cultivators, the biggest gain was that he obtained the power of the origin of the world.

The Golden Light Divine Thread Net, the Locking Vein Needle, the Flowing Light Sword, the Armor-breaking Iron Mountain Spear, the Green Poisonous Mang Staff, plus the Wuwang Sword snatched from Zhao Hai, Chen Feng had six more treasures in his hands this time.

Of course, Chen Feng couldn't take out these treasures for the time being, and Chen Feng really didn't like some of them. He was waiting for a chance to sell them in the future, and then buy some magic weapons he needed.

Among these magic weapons, Chen Feng was most interested in the Locking Veins Needle, which was snatched from He Tian. It was actually a second-grade treasure. When fighting against an enemy, it can lock the opponent's blood, blood, and veins. Once successful, the opponent will have no choice but to surrender.

"This kind of magic weapon is quite insidious, and it works well. Let's refine this Locking Veins Needle first." Chen Feng said.

In one day, Chen Feng melted this Locking Veins Needle into the Chong acupoint of the Six Harmonies Gate. In the process of refining the Locking Veins Needle, Chen Feng felt that his own strength had increased again. At the same time, the Chong acupoint expanded, which accelerated the flow of true qi. The original power stored in the body was refined again and melted into all parts of the body.

"My strength has increased again. Now I have refined enough magic weapons. I will refine myself first and not rush to refine other magic weapons." Chen Feng stopped his plan to refine other magic weapons and began to refine himself.

This time, Chen Feng's strength increased a lot. Chen Feng was also afraid that his foundation was unstable, so he planned to just polish his existing strength before the sect competition and no longer absorb other energy.

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