Eternal Existence

Chapter 311: Bottomless Pit

"You have to be alive to enjoy the treasures." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, kid, there may be some danger, but you won't die. Besides, I'm watching over you, how could anything go wrong?" Ta encouraged.

As the law of time became stronger and stronger, Chen Feng found that there were fewer and fewer trees around him, and finally the surroundings were completely barren.

Desolate, without life, if Chen Feng could not sense the constantly losing vitality, Chen Feng would even suspect that there was no life here.

"This place is so desolate, I even suspect that there is a devouring beast hidden here." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, they are essentially different. The devouring beast only devours upgrades, but the law of time can devour everything. Boy, keep going forward, I feel something interesting." Ta reminded.

"Interesting things, what is it, is it some kind of divine object that can help you recover your strength." Chen Feng guessed.

"Hehe, kid, you guessed a little, it is indeed a divine object, the best thing for me to recover my strength." Ta laughed.

"What exactly is it?" Chen Feng was aroused by curiosity.

"Hehe, you will know it later. If I tell you now, how can you not understand it?" Ta said mysteriously.

"Since it can restore your strength, you can't give up this trip no matter what." Chen Feng said.

"Huh, the passage of time here is stronger. If it continues at this rate, I'm afraid I can't hold on for too long." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng can now clearly feel the loss of the power of time around him. His vitality is constantly being consumed. This is the rapid disappearance of life, which makes Chen Feng feel a sense of urgency from the depths of his soul.


At this time, the Demon Sealing Sword in Chen Feng's hand suddenly vibrated, and at the same time, Chen Feng felt a mysterious energy passing from the sword body along his arm to himself.

Suddenly, everything around him returned to normal. Chen Feng could no longer feel the passage of time, and his state was exactly the same as before he came in.

Chen Feng quickly swallowed a few Essence Pills to restore the vitality he had just consumed. When his strength returned to its peak, Chen Feng asked.

"Ta, do you know what's going on?" Chen Feng waved the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand curiously. At this time, the Demon Sealing Sword was no longer ordinary and common. A trace of mysterious luster emanated from the sword, forming an independent barrier to isolate the surrounding space.

"Hehe, this Demon Sealing Sword is a sixth-grade holy weapon. If anyone knows the value of this sword, even human immortals will attack you." Ta said with a smile.

"This Demon Sealing Sword is very spiritual. It is a good-grade existence even among holy weapons. This long sword contains the power of thunder, the power of sealing, the power of barrier, and the power of suppressing demons. Since the user is a human immortal, it also contains the power of the will of the human immortal. Tsk tsk, although it is nothing to me, for a little cultivator like you, it is a magic weapon against the sky. If you can exert its full power, it will be much more useful than I am now." Ta said slowly.

"Then it should be the power of the barrier just now?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Yes, it is indeed the power of the barrier. Under the pressure just now, the power of this holy weapon has been activated. Now you are shrouded by the power of the barrier, and you don't have to worry about the time law here. It seems that this magic sword does not reject you. It's good to have pressure, so that you can refine this holy weapon faster." Ta said with a smile.

With the help of the magic sword, some of Chen Feng's worries gradually disappeared. Since the surrounding time power can't affect him, Chen Feng's curiosity began to swell, and he quickened his pace, wanting to see what Ta was talking about.

It was getting more and more desolate. Chen Feng couldn't see a trace of life in front of him. Even the ground was dry. The crisscrossing cracks continued to extend far away, and some places revealed deep trenches.

"Even the cultivators of the Heavenly Realm would not dare to come here, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Yes, the time flow rate here is about 300 times that of the outside world. This is not as simple as one to three hundred. The time flow rate of 300 times, tut tut, is not something that ordinary cultivators can bear. Ordinary people come here and lose all their vitality in the blink of an eye." Ta said.

Chen Feng moved forward step by step. Chen Feng now had a feeling that something was attracting him in front of him.

"Hehe, in fact, it's not that something is attracting you, but there is a treasure in front of you. Once a cultivator has cultivated to a certain level, he will naturally have a sense of it." Ta explained.

Chen Feng did not think about this mysterious statement, but continued to move forward according to his feeling, and soon came to a huge crack.

This crack is more than ten miles long. If you look at it from the sky, you will feel that this crack is as if it was split by a knife.

"It's here." Chen Feng stopped and scanned the bottom of the crack with his eyes. He couldn't see the bottom, like a bottomless pit.

"Go down." Ta said.

Chen Feng also had this intention. He jumped down. The surface was soft soil, but after Chen Feng descended hundreds of meters, it turned into hard rock.

Looking at the hard rocks that kept sliding on both sides, and looking at the dark and deep below, Chen Feng felt a little expectant but more alert.

Humans generally feel a sense of fear about the unknown, even monks with high levels of cultivation are like this.

"It's not really a bottomless pit, is it?" Chen Feng said uncertainly, holding the Demon Sealing Sword tightly.

"It's this breath, haha, it's really this breath, hurry up, keep going deeper." Ta's voice was a little urgent.

Chen Feng didn't ask much, knowing that Ta wouldn't say much now, so he had to speed up and continue to descend.

"Tower, it's already a thousand feet, are you sure there is something below." Chen Feng took out several night-light pearls and threw them directly downwards, and Chen Feng descended at the speed of the night-light pearls.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Not long after, these night-light pearls cracked and turned into shatters.

"So serious." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, here is not only the flow rate of time, but also mixed with the laws of space. In addition, the flow rate of time here is a thousand times that of the outside world, and it is still increasing." Ta said.

"A thousand times." Chen Feng took a breath of cold air. If it weren't for the barrier power of the Demon Sealing Sword covering him, he should have gone into the Longevity Tower to hide now.

"Two thousand feet." Chen Feng finally closed his eyes and let his body continue to fall.

"Hey, don't worry, keep descending, the thing is below." Ta's voice became more and more excited.

Chen Feng stopped talking, but silently calculated the distance he had descended.

"If there were really treasures here, there would be no need for any monsters to guard them. Just the time law here would make even a celestial cultivator quickly age and turn into ashes." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Three thousand feet."

"Four thousand feet."

"Five thousand feet."

"Huh, why haven't we reached the bottom yet?" Chen Feng was a little impatient. With a wave of his hand, the Demon Sealing Sword was inserted into the hard rock and stopped.

"Don't stop, hurry up, we'll be there soon." Ta shouted hurriedly.

Chen Feng had no choice but to continue descending. After descending another two thousand feet, he finally saw the ground below. Chen Feng waved his hand, and a ball of fire rose from his palm, illuminating the surroundings.

"Finally, we've reached the bottom." Chen Feng stomped his feet hard, only to feel that the ground was extremely hard, which surprised Chen Feng.

You have to know that with Chen Feng's current strength, not to mention stones, even a large piece of pig iron can be crushed into pieces with one foot.

Chen Feng looked at the absorption and walked forward. Not long after walking, he saw a light in front of him, so Chen Feng extinguished the flame in his hand and increased his speed.

Soon a building appeared in front of Chen Feng.

It was ten feet high, in the shape of a palace, made entirely of unknown metal, emitting a cold and dim luster, with the door in the middle open, and a faint light projected from it.

"It turned out to be an underground palace, haha, there must be good things." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and wanted to walk into the palace to see what was inside, but was blocked by an invisible barrier, and Chen Feng's eyesight could not see the specific situation inside, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Open it for me." In a hurry, Chen Feng waved the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand and slashed forward.

A sound of gold and silk tearing sounded, and Chen Feng felt that the pressure around him began to weaken.

"Good job." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He continued to swing the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand. Every time he swung it, Chen Feng could move forward a few steps. Just as he was about to enter the palace, Chen Feng was blocked again.

This time, no matter how hard Chen Feng swung the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, he could no longer move forward.

"Tower, help quickly." Chen Feng shouted.

A strong force was injected into the Demon Sealing Sword in Chen Feng's hand. Chen Feng immediately felt that the Demon Sealing Sword was violent, and the power in the sword continued to increase.


With just one sword, the pressure in front of Chen Feng disappeared, and Chen Feng strode into the palace.

"Why is there nothing?" Chen Feng walked while holding the Demon Sealing Sword, searching for everything he could see, but in the end Chen Feng was disappointed. The whole palace was empty, and there was nothing.


Chen Feng was so angry that he punched the wall in a corner of the palace heavily, making a dull sound.

"I came here for nothing, Tower, install this palace, and I can't come empty-handed no matter what." Chen Feng said angrily.

"Haha, little guy, you have a good eye. This palace is made of black iron and refined steel. You can take it away, but it will take some effort, and this is not the purpose of our visit this time." Ta said.

"There is nothing here except a palace. What is the divine object you are talking about?" Chen Feng frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there is another thing in this palace, I think you should be interested?" Ta said with a smile.

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