Eternal Existence

Chapter 304: Psychic Illusion

"It's just a little bit of poison, what's the use of it." said the beast-driving master.

"Hehe, don't underestimate this bit of poison, this is the emerald green poison light that I carefully refined. I used this poison to kill three Tianren realm monks. As long as you get a little bit of it on your body, it's useless even if you hold your breath and seal your sweat pores." The master of the Poison Gang Cave laughed.

"Don't poison Chen Feng to death, I still want to capture him alive." At this time, He Tian couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry, just kill him half to death."

At this time, the sharp arrow condensed by the emerald green poison light had arrived in front of Chen Feng, and the green color looked a little weird.

"A sneak attack?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and he stretched out his palm and directly grabbed the sharp arrow in his hand.


Chen Feng was a little surprised, because Chen Feng didn't feel the power from the sharp arrow.


The sharp arrow exploded and turned into a strand of emerald green poison gas that wrapped Chen Feng up.

Chi chi chi chi!

The robes on Chen Feng's body began to corrode, and in the blink of an eye, small holes were corroded. From a distance, Chen Feng looked like a sieve.

"What a powerful poisonous smoke." Chen Feng was surprised. You know, Chen Feng was wearing an eighth-grade protective robe, but it couldn't stop the erosion of the poisonous gas in front of him.

Soon, these poisonous gases touched Chen Feng's skin, and Chen Feng immediately felt a burning sensation, but Chen Feng's mind moved, and the protective armor that was integrated into the skin quickly emerged, blocking the erosion of these poisonous gases.

Chen Feng's whole body was shocked, and the powerful true qi left his body, directly sweeping away the surrounding poisonous gas, and then Chen Feng waved his hand and put on a top-grade robe again.

"What a powerful poison." Chen Feng felt a trace of fear in his heart. If he hadn't been wearing a protective armor, these poisonous gases alone would be enough to make him drink a pot.

"Boy, you are still too careless, and you don't have enough experience in fighting enemies. The poison just now can kill even a cultivator in the Heaven Realm, let alone a cultivator like you in the Small Secret Realm." Ta said lightly.

"It seems that the other party really thinks highly of me. First, they set up a large formation, and now they are using poison gas to attack. They really think I am a master." Chen Feng sneered.

"But the other party also exposed his direction by doing this." Chen Feng said, his feet paused, and the ground cracked. The next moment, Chen Feng was a hundred meters away, rushing towards the direction where the sharp arrow just flew.

"How is it possible? This kid is fine." The Poison Gang Cave Master was surprised. The poison just now was his ultimate move, which was extremely expensive. Generally, he would not be willing to use it. But now it seems that although Chen Feng's robes were corroded, Chen Feng himself was fine.

"This kid's body was corroded even if it was made of iron." The Poison Gang Cave Master exclaimed.

"I said at the beginning that Chen Feng had a very powerful protective armor. It should be the protective armor that blocked the erosion of the poison." He said.

"This kid has such a strong explosive power that he actually rushed towards us." The beast-driving master said.

"It's just a waste of effort. Let this kid see my mental illusion." The owner of the soul-bewitching cave said with a smile.

The owner of the soul-bewitching cave is a middle-aged woman. Every move is charming, and every word and smile is full of charm. Now her eyes are constantly flowing, and the power of the soul quickly condenses into a series of nothingness talismans and sinks into the space.

The illusion of the owner of the soul-bewitching cave unfolds.

With the protective armor protecting him, Chen Feng no longer has fear in his heart, but he quickly moves forward in a direction, wanting to directly use thunder to pull the other party out.

However, Chen Feng, who was running, suddenly saw a blur in front of his eyes, and the scene in front of him suddenly turned, and a group of colorful beasts roared and pounced on Chen Feng.

"A small illusion, you still want to disturb my mind." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, jumped up directly, and punched a three-meter-long long-haired ape to fly away. The long-haired ape just screamed and turned into nothingness.


Another colorful tiger with long fangs was smashed into pieces by Chen Feng's palm.

Crack! Crack!

A golden dragon of dozens of feet was torn into seven or eight pieces by Chen Feng in succession.

"Boy, this is the most superficial illusion. You just need to keep your heart still. Why waste such energy." When Chen Feng killed twenty beasts, Ta finally couldn't help it.

"Hey, I'm just keeping my heart still now. I only know one way to deal with illusions, that is, to break it with one force. The opponent should need soul power to simulate so many beasts. I will compete with the opponent to see who can outlast the other." Chen Feng said a thunderous punch, and the fist wind shook, smashing a ferocious monster bird more than ten meters long into pieces.

The three points of spirit, energy and spirit in the body are connected together, making Chen Feng's spirit, energy and spirit united, and his spirit is full. The force point is constantly agitated, making Chen Feng's whole body strength continue to rise.

The four pole points run through the southeast, northwest and northeast, allowing Chen Feng to gradually form a pattern of his own domain. The Qianxun mirror in the destiny point is constantly circling, capturing all the situations around.

The magnetic pole points on both feet are combined with the streamer shield, making Chen Feng's body movement faster and more flexible.

Chen Feng quickly entered the state, only feeling that the acupoints that have been opened up in the body are constantly connected, and there are signs of fusion.

Chen Feng didn't care about the illusion in front of him at all, just wanted to make the illusion in front of him more fierce. Chen Feng has regarded the illusion in front of him as a way of cultivation.

"These beasts are too weak, and there are too few of them." Chen Feng's figure flashed six times in a row, and six ferocious beasts were torn into pieces.

"Too weak, too slow." Chen Feng couldn't help but howled.

"These beasts are too weak to consume my strength."

In fact, in the eyes of He Tian and others, the situation was like this. Chen Feng was running fast at first, and suddenly began to attack randomly around. Everyone knew that Chen Feng was trapped by the illusion of the Soul-Bending Cave Master, and they were very happy.

But after a long time, everyone felt something was wrong. Chen Feng was still attacking fiercely, and the Soul-Bending Cave Master next to him had beads of sweat on his forehead.

"It's a bit bad. I think we should go directly into the formation and capture this kid head-on. It's useless to go through so much trouble." Jin Guang Zhenren said.

"With the strength of so many of us, we can indeed capture this kid, but it is hard to guarantee that no one among us will be injured or killed. Who among you present is sure that you can confront Chen Feng head-on." He said.

Looking at Chen Feng, whose aura was becoming more and more violent in the formation, everyone was silent. Thinking about the fact that the other party was only a cultivator in the secret realm, everyone felt that they had practiced in vain for so many years.

"Hehe, in fact, you don't have to think too much. The reason why Chen Feng is so powerful is all because of the holy weapon on his body. If we also have holy weapons, I am afraid that we can do whatever we want in the heavenly realm." He Tian said with a smile again.

"Yes, He is right. No matter what, this kid has a holy weapon on him. If we want to fight head-on, this kid will fight back desperately, and we will be unlucky. Let's slowly consume this kid's strength. When he is exhausted, I will capture him with the golden light divine line net." Jin Guang Zhenren said.

"This kid has a strong power, and the true energy in his body is endless, as if it will never run out. In this case, it seems that I can only change my tactics." The owner of the soul-confusing cave whispered, and then the streams of light in his eyes began to rotate rapidly, and the talismans condensed by the power of the soul began to flash continuously.


The last giant wolf was kicked into pieces by Chen Feng, and the scene in front of him became calm.

Chen Feng sneered: "Why, is this the only way?"

No one responded, but the environment around Chen Feng changed again.

Flowers were everywhere, the sun was shining, the soil was moist, a breeze blew, petals fell, and the air was mixed with a soft and fresh fragrance, which made people feel lazy.

A young woman in revealing clothes danced by the river not far away. Her body was covered with a light veil, and her fair skin was looming. Her body was constantly twisting, and the silver bells on her body emitted a crisp sound. She slowly approached Chen Feng with her dancing steps.

"Hey, isn't this illusion too low-level?" Chen Feng sneered in his heart. Before the other party got close, the longevity knife flew out of his hand and nailed the woman not far away to the ground.

But there was a burst of fragrance around him. This time, there were a total of ten gorgeous women who surrounded Chen Feng. The sound was pleasant to the ears, and the fragrance that could arouse the desire in the human body was pleasant to the nose. The white skin that kept shaking was dazzling and addictive.

"Hehe, this method is useless to me. We are all cultivators. We have cultivated to this point and can be considered as a person. Let's fight openly." Chen Feng laughed coldly, ignoring the confusion of the women around him.

"Really? Look who I am." The gentle voice suddenly came into Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng suddenly found that the women around him all had the same face, which turned out to be Bai Ziyan's appearance.

Chen Feng was stunned, and immediately felt a fire rising from a small place, and at the same time even his breathing became a little hurried.

"Chen Feng, do you think I am beautiful?" One of the women came to Chen Feng, smiling like a flower, her eyes rolling, her clothes slipped off, her skin shone, and her beauty was dazzling.


Chen Feng only felt a ball of fire exploded in his body, and a desire was released from the depths of his soul. This desire seemed to be planted in Chen Feng's soul like a seed, and now it suddenly began to take root and sprout rapidly, and it was out of control.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed a trace of blood, his heart beat vigorously, and blood gushed out of his body. He wanted to rush forward and throw the woman in front of him to the ground and vent his anger.

"No, I'm hit." Chen Feng reluctantly closed his eyes, but a series of hot pictures continued to rush into Chen Feng's mind, affecting Chen Feng's mind.

"No, no, as the saying goes, the devil comes from the heart. These pictures are not transmitted from the outside world, but are bred from the depths of my heart. This is the most primitive desire in everyone's heart. Hehe, I have a lot of power, but I can't deal with this kind of mental illusion. It seems that I have to think of a way." Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

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