Eternal Existence

Chapter 219: Strange Golden Light

"So exaggerated, I remember that the tree spirit in the Black Source Mountains should not be so powerful when it passed the thunder tribulation?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't know that the tree spirit used a secret technique at that time, using other trees as its substitute, so he didn't think that the situation in front of him looked so abnormal.

When Chen Feng found the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao, the big monster had become dying. If Chen Feng and the other party had not had a spiritual connection, Chen Feng couldn't even believe that the thing in front of him was the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao.

A black wooden stake-like thing was placed in front of Chen Feng. If Chen Feng hadn't had a connection in his soul, he really couldn't recognize that the wooden stake in front of him was the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao.

Originally, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao had a silver-white scale armor, and the dragon horn on its head flashed with purple lightning. It was majestic, turning the clouds and rain, and extremely chic, but now it has become black charcoal under the thunder tribulation. This gap made Chen Feng almost unacceptable.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it on the purple lightning silver light dragon. A stream of pure long-body true qi continuously flowed into the purple lightning silver light dragon's body. Chen Feng only felt that the other party's body seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the true qi he output.

After a full stick of incense, when Chen Feng's longevity true qi in his body was consumed by nearly half, the lightning silver light dragon finally moved, opened its mouth, and a stream of black gas sprayed out.

"I succeeded in overcoming the tribulation." A weak soul fluctuation was captured by Chen Feng.

"Go to the tower to recuperate first. If you succeed in overcoming the tribulation, your strength will increase exponentially, and this injury will recover soon." Chen Feng said, and waved his hand to put the purple lightning silver light dragon into the longevity tower.

Then Chen Feng looked around and soared into the sky, his whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of aura, and flew away quickly.

Such a big movement just now will definitely attract other things. In this strange and dangerous environment, Chen Feng doesn't want to cause trouble. It's better to leave quickly and find a safe place.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng hid in the dense branches of a towering tree. At this time, Chen Feng was getting familiar with the sudden increase in power in his body.

Now Chen Feng is already a cultivator in the fourth level of the secret realm, but the abundant true qi in his body is not comparable to that of the cultivators in the seventh and eighth levels of the secret realm. At the beginning, Chen Feng's physical body could not keep up with the progress of the soul power, but now the two have begun to be equal. Chen Feng has no problem returning to the sect to assess the true disciples, but according to Chen Feng's plan, he will wait until he cultivates to the sixth level of the secret realm or at least the fifth level of the secret realm before being promoted to a true disciple.

However, Chen Feng also knew that it would not be possible to break through again in a short time.

Carefully feeling the surging power in his body, Chen Feng actually sighed. This time, the great increase in cultivation is certainly a happy thing, but it also made Chen Feng understand that the more he cultivates, the greater the problem will be. Every breakthrough and promotion is several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times the previous one. There are also many people who are stuck in a realm and cannot advance again for their entire lives.

Chen Feng sat on the tree and practiced for three more days. He felt that everything was calm, so he began to think about it. Chen Feng was a lonely man with no relatives at all. He entered Taiyi Sect for cultivation. Although he was a little reluctant to enter Liuyun Fairy Mountain at the beginning, now that he entered the fairy mountain, Chen Feng began to make plans for the future.

For Chen Feng, as long as he could practice, it didn't matter where he was, and it was the same now. If some unknown dangers were excluded, this place was indeed a good place for cultivation, which was much better than Taiyi Fairy Mountain.

Not to mention Chen Feng, even for most cultivators, if they could continue to practice here, even if they practiced for decades or even hundreds of years, it would not be unacceptable, provided that they could survive here.

For example, Chen Feng was attacked by Mu Ze's spirit snake within a few days after he came in. If Chen Feng didn't have a treasure and didn't subdue a big monster, then Chen Feng's fate would be certain to die unless he hid in the Changsheng Tower.

Even Chen Feng, who possesses a treasure, is like this, not to mention other ordinary secret realm cultivators. Chen Feng now has a guess that if all the cultivators who come in will encounter some dangers of this level, then only a few of the cultivators in the secret realm stage can survive, and even fewer of those who survive can get out. As for those who get treasures, they are rare among the rare.

Of course, these are just Chen Feng's random thoughts when he is bored, because in this strange world, Chen Feng dare not relax a bit, maybe there will be danger at any time.

Of course, the most important reason that prompted Chen Feng to stay here is that he can practice here, and fear is only a small part of the reason.

During this period of time, Chen Feng communicated with the tower every day, but for some reason, the tower did not respond, which made Chen Feng a little worried, worried that the devouring beast suppressed on the second floor of the Changsheng Tower had changed.

"It's really strange. After I came in, I didn't meet any other cultivators. There wasn't even a trace of human cultivators' activities. Apart from the Mu Ze Spirit Snake, I didn't encounter any other monsters or demons. Moreover, the trees here are endless. Could it be that there is an endless jungle in the fairy mountain?" Chen Feng felt that everything he saw was indescribably weird and strange.

After a few days, Chen Feng finally couldn't help it and decided to move forward, because the breakthrough a few days ago gave Chen Feng some confidence. He thought that if he moved forward carefully, he could avoid danger even if he encountered it. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to wait for the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao to recover before moving forward, but Chen Feng looked at it and found that although the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao was repairing its injuries quickly, it was too serious and difficult to recover in a short time, so he gave up.

"I didn't expect that the thunder tribulation would be so dangerous. If there is no one to protect the law during the thunder tribulation, wouldn't it be extremely dangerous under the heavy reward?" Chen Feng thought of this.

Watching the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao recovering from its injuries in the Longevity Tower, and then looking at the constantly decreasing magic crystals, Chen Feng also gritted his teeth. Usually, Chen Feng's magic crystals were consumed quickly enough during cultivation. Now the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao, which had survived a thunder tribulation, absorbed them at an amazing speed. Chen Feng only felt that the magic crystals piled up in the Longevity Tower like a hill were constantly being flattened.

"I didn't expect that the big monsters would absorb the magic crystals so quickly. It seems that I have to look for higher-level crystals in the future." Chen Feng shook his head. He thought that he had enough magic crystals on him. Unexpectedly, seeing the absorption speed of the purple lightning silver light dragon, Chen Feng knew that things were beyond his imagination.

"If the four ears are promoted to the level of big monsters, more crystals will be needed." Chen Feng said secretly.

This time, Chen Feng did not bring the four-eared monkey out, but left the four ears on the mountain where he practiced. After all, these monsters don't like to be imprisoned in the longevity tower all the time.

Chen Feng's speed of advancement was very slow. He slowed down and was careful. He advanced two or three hundred miles a day, sometimes advancing at night and sometimes traveling during the day.

After advancing for eight days, Chen Feng finally encountered some things, some corpses of monks, and it seemed that they had not died for long.

After Chen Feng went forward to investigate, he determined that these monks came from outside. They were all monks below the sixth level of the secret realm, and they were all killed by an unknown creature. The magic weapons they carried with them were left on their bodies.

Chen Feng did not take away the things left by these people, but dug a pit in the ground and buried these bodies. After all, everyone is a human cultivator, and it takes a little insignificant time to let these people rest in peace. After all, Chen Feng is not yet cold-blooded.

"Since there are deaths here, there may be some dangers in this area." Chen Feng thought about it and stretched out his left hand, and the Qianxun Mirror slowly emerged.

Although the Qianxun Mirror and the Blood Soul have not been completely refined, they have formed a balance point at the four extreme points of Chen Feng's left and right hands. However, these two treasures are only temporarily stable, and they may explode again at any time, so Chen Feng is also a little worried.

But no matter what, Chen Feng still has some results by doing this. At least as time goes by, Chen Feng can play the power of these two treasures more and more.

Controlling the Qianxun Mirror to explore around, then the Qianxun Mirror began to bloom with a trace of light, and then images began to appear in the Qianxun Mirror.

"This mirror is really strange." Chen Feng opened his eyes wide when looking at the picture in the mirror.

The mirror showed that these monks were walking and talking in the woods. They didn't seem to be nervous or alert, as if they were just a few friends out for fun.

Just as Chen Feng was wondering whether these people came in together or gathered together after coming in, the picture in the mirror appeared. A dazzling golden light suddenly fell from the sky. These monks were killed by the golden light without any defense or resistance.

"They died just like that." Chen Feng understood how the wounds on these people were caused, but Chen Feng still couldn't accept it because Chen Feng didn't see the murderer who killed these monks in the Qianxun mirror.

"Golden light falling from the sky." Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly felt his scalp tingling, and several thoughts flashed through his mind, so he shook and quickly disappeared from the spot, dozens of meters away.


Just like fireworks suddenly bloomed, golden light fell from the sky, leaving deep holes where Chen Feng was standing. One of the rocks was hit by one of the golden lights and turned into nothingness silently.

Chen Feng was shocked when he saw this scene. If he hadn't run fast just now, he would have had a few more transparent holes on his body.

"Could it be some kind of monster?" Chen Feng turned his hand and shone the Qianxun Mirror towards the sky. Streams of spiritual light shot out from the mirror. Wherever they passed, the dense branches and leaves were shattered, and soon the branches and leaves above his head were cleared.

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