Eternal Existence

Chapter 217: Violent Training

Under Chen Feng's threat, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao began to act as a pioneer in the front. The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao was a big monster after all, and was very sensitive to the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth. Chen Feng could not compare with it in terms of the ability to perceive the surroundings.

Watching the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao shrinking its body and moving forward, Chen Feng slowly retracted the soul power he had released.

"It's very complete here, there should be no other monsters." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao said.

"In this case, then practice here for a while. Anyway, there is enough spiritual energy here, and there are a lot of towering trees. I hope you can survive the thunder tribulation here." Chen Feng said.

"Survive the thunder tribulation, it should be about the same when I completely absorb the two demon cores, plus the abundant spiritual energy here, I think it won't be a big problem." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao was a little proud. Originally, according to his own cultivation, it would take a period of time to accumulate before he could survive the thunder tribulation, but now because of the refining of the two demon cores, the time has been greatly shortened.

Chen Feng carefully checked the surroundings, then flew onto a big tree, stepped on the lush branches and leaves and kept running, and soon reached the top of the tree canopy. A breeze blew on Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel like a knife cutting.

This time, Chen Feng did not absorb the wood essence of these giant trees, but took out a demon core from the Longevity Tower, a green demon core.

This is a wood-attributed demon core, left by a great demon, which is equivalent to the essence of a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm.

If it were an ordinary cultivator, it would probably be difficult to refine this demon core, but Chen Feng was different. After practicing the Changsheng Sutra, Chen Feng was destined to devour most of the power of refining time.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to absorb another demon core, but after entering the Immortal Mountain, Chen Feng absorbed a lot of wood essence. Chen Feng felt that his cultivation had reached a bottleneck again, and his savings had reached a peak again, just like a reservoir, which was about to be broken by the surging water.

Chen Feng knew that he was about to break through.

This demon core was quietly placed in Chen Feng's palm, emitting a psychedelic luster, which contained strong energy. Chen Feng took a breath slowly, and a green essence emanated from the demon core, and then flowed into Chen Feng's mouth like a stream. After circulating in Chen Feng's body for several cycles, it melted into his limbs and bones.

The muscles and bones of the whole body were constantly trembling, the pores closed and closed, the acupoints opened up were constantly swallowing, and the soul fire was constantly burning.

After this energy was completely refined by Chen Feng, Chen Feng opened his mouth again to absorb another energy and continued to refine it. In this way, over and over again, with continuous practice, Chen Feng felt that his strength was slowly and firmly increasing again.

"It is worthy of being a demon core left by a big demon. This essence is equivalent to dozens of magic crystals or pure yang pills, and the grade is higher." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Regardless of Chen Feng's cultivation on the treetop, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao showed off its huge physique, opened its mouth, and continuously swallowed the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Under the powerful suction, a giant vortex composed entirely of spiritual energy formed around the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao.

As time passed, the quantitative change in Chen Feng's body finally turned into a qualitative change. A stream of powerful energy turned into a torrent of giant dragons that broke through the barrier of the fourth layer of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Cracks appeared in the barrier of the fourth layer of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the energy hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness continued to diffuse out. Then, with a bang, the channel was opened, and the endless energy surged out, filling Chen Feng's whole body in the blink of an eye.

In the words of the tower, these energies were the immortal true spirits that were sealed in Chen Feng's major seas of consciousness when Chen Feng was very young. As Chen Feng's realm improved, they were constantly released, changing Chen Feng's constitution and enhancing Chen Feng's strength.


Under the impact of the powerful force, bursts of explosions sounded in all parts of Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng felt that his body began to swell again, because there was too much energy in his body.

With previous experience, Chen Feng did not panic, but urged the power of all parts of his body to absorb and accommodate the sudden extra energy.

Tianyuan acupoint, magnetic pole acupoint, three-star acupoint, and four-pole acupoint all vibrated, emitting strong suction, constantly swallowing the energy flowing out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Soon, these acupoints were full, and Chen Feng's heart moved. The Haoran Zhen Gang sword that had been floating around to protect him flew into the Tianyuan acupoint with a swish. The violent Tianyuan acupoint immediately stabilized and continued to expand its capacity.

A cycle was quickly formed between the Tianyuan acupoint and the Haoran Zhen Gang sword, and then began to absorb the immortal spirit again.

Even so, it still could not absorb the immortal spirit that was constantly gushing out. Sure enough, Chen Feng's whole body began to swell again, and the pain of tearing flesh surged all over his body again.

"Let's give it a try." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and took out the magic weapon Blood Soul. This magic weapon has been in Chen Feng's body for quite some time. It has experienced many battles with Chen Feng and absorbed a lot of blood. Moreover, Chen Feng would slowly refine and temper this magic weapon when he had nothing to do, or throw the blood soul into the Longevity Tower to use the lightning power in the tower to refine it, constantly enhancing the running-in degree between it and Chen Feng.

To this day, Chen Feng still has no confidence that he can integrate this magic weapon into his body.

But now, under the impact of the powerful force, Chen Feng became a little crazy, and a wave of power spread out from his hands, and he began to use strong force to compress and fuse this magic weapon.

Slowly, the blood soul continued to shrink between Chen Feng's palms, and finally turned into a ball of fiery red light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, and then quickly drilled into the Dongji point in Chen Feng's right palm. This was a decision that Chen Feng made after considering for a long time. The three-star point is on the top of the head. Without a trace of confidence, Chen Feng certainly did not dare to take this risk. The magnetic point is at the bottom of the foot, connecting the earth and generating magnetic force. Chen Feng felt that it was not suitable to integrate the blood soul into it, so he chose to integrate this murderous blood-colored spear into his right palm, so that the attack power could be enhanced again.

Sure enough, after the blood soul entered the Dongji point in the four-pole point, the Dongji point in the right palm immediately stabilized, and then began to absorb the energy in the body at a faster speed, and the Dongji point was also constantly expanding, expanding nearly twice in just one breath.

A large amount of Chang Shen Zhen Jing poured into the Dongji acupoint, and Chen Feng felt that the power of his right palm was constantly increasing.

But after all, Chen Feng had not completely refined the blood soul. With Chen Feng's current strength, he was not enough to suppress this second-grade treasure, so the blood soul began to rebound in the Dongji acupoint.

The entire Dongji acupoint began to become turbulent, as if a huge meteorite fell into the sea, triggering a tsunami.


Chen Feng felt that his Dongji acupoint seemed to be broken, and his entire palm seemed to be smashed. Chen Feng's face turned red and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"The method of suppressing the acupoint."

Chen Feng roared in his heart, constantly urging the method of suppressing the acupoint recorded in the Changsheng Zhen Jing. One talisman after another flew towards the Dongji acupoint of his right palm like snowflakes, and then quickly rotated and stuck to the blood soul, trying to suppress this magic weapon.

But this magic weapon is too strong. Chen Feng's acupuncture method cannot suppress this magic weapon for the time being, so cracks began to appear on Chen Feng's right palm, as if his right hand would be completely shattered at any time.

"Hey, I don't believe it." Chen Feng shouted in his heart, and then waved his hand, and a small mirror with a stream of light appeared in his hand. It was the Qianxun Mirror.

Chen Feng thought about it and threw the Qianxun Mirror directly into the Xiji acupoint of his left palm. Originally, Chen Feng planned to suppress this Qianxun Mirror in the Sanxing acupoint, but now it seems that it is not possible. It can only be used to temporarily balance the Siji acupoint, and then move it when there are other suitable magic weapons in the future.

Qianxun Mirror is also a second-grade treasure, but it is easier to master than Blood Soul. After all, this is a magic weapon refined by immortal means, without the bloodthirstiness and madness of magic weapons. However, relatively speaking, Blood Soul has been in Chen Feng's hands for a period of time, and Chen Feng doesn't even understand Qianxun Mirror. In this way, the difficulty of refining the two is almost the same.

As soon as the Qianxun mirror entered the Xiji acupoint on the left hand, a huge tsunami occurred in this acupoint in an instant, and the acupoint expanded, absorbing a large amount of immortal true spirit in a short period of time. Chen Feng's pressure was relieved a little.

But this was only temporary, because not long after that, the Qianxun mirror began to struggle and vibrate. No matter what, this was also a second-grade treasure. It was impossible to completely subdue and suppress it with Chen Feng's current cultivation, unless Chen Feng himself cultivated to the level of the heavenly man realm.

Cracks began to appear on both hands, and the blood was evaporated by the shock force before it flowed out. It seemed that Chen Feng's hands would break at any time.

What was even more terrifying was that Chen Feng's body began to swell again, because this time the energy flowing out of the fourth sea of ​​consciousness was dozens of times that of the third sea of ​​consciousness, and even the grade was one level higher.

Chen Feng felt that his body suddenly became weak and could not accommodate so much energy. At this time, Chen Feng felt that he was a little too hasty. After all, the time he entered the third level of the secret realm was still too short. If he practiced for a few more years, it should be better.

When he thought about cultivating for a few more years, Chen Feng gritted his teeth and threw away the idea. He felt extremely uncomfortable thinking about being delayed for several years or even decades like other ordinary cultivators.

"If I cultivate at the same speed as other cultivators, I am afraid I will never be able to cultivate to the human immortal realm in this life." Chen Feng thought to himself, and then began to digest the energy in his body with all his strength.

Chen Feng felt that his whole body was filled with rich energy, and even the fire of his soul became violent. The most important thing was that his body was still expanding. If there was no way to solve this problem, then Chen Feng would be really miserable this time.

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