Eternal Existence

Chapter 213: Setting a Trap

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a young monk quickly landed in front of Chen Feng and the two of them, and said with a cold face: "Who is Chen Feng?"

"That's me." Chen Feng said calmly.

"Get ready and go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain early tomorrow morning." After the young monk said this, Chen Feng couldn't react, and immediately rose into the sky and disappeared quickly.

"What's going on?" Ruta's face became serious.

"Why don't you ask? It's obvious that he wants me to go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain to have a chance at immortality." Chen Feng said with a smile, but the corners of his mouth and eyes were cold.

"It must be that bastard Zhao Quan who did it. Chen Feng, you don't have to go. At worst, we just leave the Taiyi Sect." Luta couldn't help but cursed.

"Even if you go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain, you don't necessarily mean to die. Maybe you really have a destiny?" The smile on Chen Feng's face became even colder.

"You won't really go to the Immortal Mountain, people will die." Ruta said anxiously.

"If you don't go, you will be betraying the Taiyi Sect. Then we will spend our days being hunted by the Taiyi Sect. Besides, we may not lose our lives if we go. At worst, I just have to be careful and stay away from the Immortal Mountain. "Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.

"What if we really enter the fairy mountain?" Luta was still worried.

"I shouldn't have such luck, right?" Chen Feng shook his head.

The two discussed for a while. Unless they left Taiyi Sect immediately, the situation would not be changed at all. This kind of sect does not just come and go. Chen Feng thought about it quickly and quickly made up his mind, that is to go Liuyunxianshan looked at it, the worst thing he could do was be careful when the time comes, and what made Chen Feng somewhat relieved was that this time it did not affect Luta. It seemed that it was only aimed at himself.

Early the next morning, a group of disciples from the Taiyi Sect flew out from between the two huge peaks at the mountain gate like a torrent.

What surprised Chen Feng was that this time the sect sent out a total of 500 disciples, of which 400 were inner sect disciples, and the remaining 100 disciples were composed of true disciples and elite disciples.

Chen Feng looked at it. Some of these people were excited and seemed to want to try their luck in the fairy mountain. Some were dull and silent and didn't know what they were thinking. There were also some who showed traces of nervousness inadvertently on their faces. Chen Feng knew that These people did not want to go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain. To put it simply, these people did not want to die like this. Only a few of them had some indignation on their faces. Chen Feng understood that these people should have been used to join this team just like him.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly became a little angry for no reason. The last time he was mined ore by this method, if something unexpected hadn't happened, he would still be in the ore pit. Now something like this happened again. , what happened this time was a bit special. On the plus side, he was trying to catch up with the immortal, but Chen Feng knew how small the chance was. Injury was the best result. Even being shocked to death by the flowing cloud immortal light was normal. Things, of course, may happen if you enter the Fairy Mountain but cannot come out.

Chen Feng had an expression on his face and did not communicate with the disciples around him. No one could tell what Chen Feng was thinking. Feeling the various moods of the people around him, Chen Feng secretly sneered. He didn't know how many people would die this time. But even though some people's future is very dangerous, they still won't back down. Immortal fate, these two words are so attractive that even humans and immortals can't control them, let alone these little monks at the secret realm level.

Led by several elite disciples, everyone quickly arrived at Yiyuan City, and then used the teleportation array to travel through space over long distances.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive in front of Liuyun Immortal Mountain. Chen Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he looked at more monks around him.

"I didn't expect that the number of monks here would increase so much. Is the attraction of the Fairy Mountain really so great?" Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Look, people from Taiyi Sect are here too, so many at one time?" There were people talking around. Chen Feng turned his head and glanced slowly, and saw that other immortal sects had also sent a large number of monks.

As for the Liuyun Immortal Mountain in front of them, it was already densely covered with countless monks. These monks were like flies, biting stinky eggs and only falling off when they were injured or killed.

"It's really crazy." Chen Feng looked at the huge fairy mountain in front of him with emotion. He didn't expect to be back here again so soon.

"Someone came out of the fairy mountain." At this time, a loud roar spread out for dozens of miles, and chaos immediately began in one of the tall fairy mountains.

Everyone felt a golden light, and some monks fell from the sky like reptiles.

A young monk urged a shining golden magic weapon to keep flying through the air, trying to break away from the surrounding crowd, but there were too many monks around, and they rushed towards the young monk crazily, thinking If you want to snatch this man's magic weapon into your own hands, these people will not ask what will happen after you snatch it.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, two loud noises exploded in the crowd, like thunder falling from the sky. Under the powerful power of thunder and lightning, the monks who did not avoid the surroundings were blown to pieces, and some who escaped quickly were also blown to pieces.

"The Five Thunder Talisman is the talisman of the Jade Talisman Sect." someone exclaimed.

"No matter how arrogant the Jade Talisman Sect is, they can't kill people casually."

"This is our disciple of the Jade Talisman Sect. Fight to death." A huge thunder-like sound rolled in the sky, and then a rainbow crossed the sky, falling just in front of the monk who came out of the fairy mountain. Then the rainbow disappeared, and this The monk also disappeared, apparently being picked up by the great supernatural power user of the Jade Talisman Sect.

"The Yufu Sect is so great that they can kill people at will."

Although the cultivators present were dissatisfied, they were just dissatisfied. No one dared to step forward. Of course, the main reason was that the cultivators who died and injured just now were not from the ten major sects, otherwise the Yufu Sect would not have acted so arrogantly.

"The magic movement just now was quite good, quite gorgeous." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"But I didn't see clearly what magic weapon the man took out just now."

"If these cultivators who were killed were taken to Black Source City, they would be high-ranking figures, but now they died in vain, and there is no place to reason. The cultivation world is worthy of being a place where everything is determined by strength." Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

"Someone came out again." At this time, someone shouted again.

This time, even Chen Feng could see clearly that a crack suddenly appeared halfway up the mountain, and a total of three cultivators came out of it one after another, two of whom were covered with blood.

After the three monks came out, they were stunned for a moment, then showed ecstasy on their faces, but then they saw the dense crowd of monks rushing towards them, and the ecstasy on their faces disappeared, and they became solemn, yes, solemn, not nervous.

Seeing that the crowd was about to drown the three people, suddenly, three sword qi rushed to the sky, as if the sky was split into three cracks.

Then there were three blood waves, with broken limbs on both sides. Just one contact, dozens of people were killed, and there were even disciples from the ten major immortal sects among them.

The three people who came out turned out to be masters with profound cultivation.

"These three are powerful." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, his eyes became brighter, staring at the three people from a distance, watching the three people constantly killing the monks around them.

The next few breaths were still a chaotic battle. No Tianren realm cultivator took action. Although there were many cultivators around, they could not stop the three people for a while, because the three people were masters who cultivated the Zhoutian force. More importantly, the long swords in the hands of the three people were extremely powerful. Every time the sword light flashed like breaking the wind and waves, a cultivator in front of them would be killed or the magic weapon would be chopped into pieces.

"Treasures, these three people have treasures taken from the fairy mountain, and they are high-level treasures." At this time, someone shouted.

"Awesome, awesome, the treasures in the hands of these three people are probably more than the fifth grade." Chen Feng was shocked. Although he was just watching from a distance, Chen Feng still felt a chill in his heart.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three sword beams soared into the sky, and the three people were also wrapped in sword light and flew into the sky quickly, wanting to leave this place. After all, there were too many cultivators here, and disciples from major sects were all here. There must be disciples from these major sects in the killing just now. If they don’t leave now, they may not be able to leave.

Seeing that the three were about to soar into the sky, the hidden masters of the major sects finally made a move.

A huge palm fell from the sky, but it was the god who stretched out his palm and slowly grabbed the three people.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Three thick sword auras emanated from the three people, heavily shooting on the huge palm, and then burst out with a strong and dazzling light, as if three suns appeared in the air, making people feel dizzy.

The three monks were desperate. The strongest attack they launched did not even break the palms that the other party casually hit. They knew that the other party was not a figure that the three of them could contend with.

"A master of the heavenly realm is also bullying the weak?" One of them shouted in grief and anger.

"Haha, you are also monks who have cultivated the power of the Zhoutian. Isn't it bullying the weak to attack ordinary disciples of my sect?" A dull voice came down from the sky, and then the five fingers of the huge palm grabbed fiercely, and two of them were caught in the hand, unable to resist at all.

As for the other person, he was swept up by another invisible force and flew into the sky without a trace.

"Huh, a master of the Heavenly Man Realm has taken action, but I don't know which sect did it?" Chen Feng was a little shocked.

Each of the three people just now was stronger than himself, but he had no power to fight back in the hands of the Heavenly Man Realm cultivators. If he encountered such a thing, he would definitely end up like this.

"These Heavenly Man Realm masters from the big sects are really bullying." Some casual cultivators who couldn't stand it secretly discussed.

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