Eternal Existence

Chapter 211: The Challenge of the Overlord Spear

"What happened? Was it Chen Feng's fault?" Zhao Quan was a little dissatisfied.

"We were knocked unconscious without seeing each other." One of the true disciples said calmly.

"We were seriously injured and now we have to go back to recover."

After saying this, the two true disciples stopped talking to Zhao Quan and supported each other and gradually walked away.

"Senior Brother Zhao, what should we do?" One of the inner disciples asked carefully.

"Let's go." Zhao Quan looked at the mountain in front of him fiercely, and finally said through gritted teeth.

Zhao Quan and others left safely, and the four-eared monkey did not pursue him. Chen Feng saw all this. Although Chen Feng is not afraid of trouble, he does not want to provoke Zhao Quan too much now. After all, this guy has a backer, someone. , is not someone Chen Feng can provoke now.

"I hope you won't cause trouble again, otherwise I will kill you regardless of whether you have a backer or not." Chen Feng said lightly.

Then Chen Feng flew away from the mountain peak and began to wander around the area of ​​​​the inner disciples. The number of inner disciples was not as large as that of the outer disciples, and there were relatively fewer peaks, but they were all a bit higher, and there was plenty of spiritual energy and flowing springs. The waterfalls, the beautiful scenery, and the mountains stretching for who knows how many miles, made Chen Feng not feel bored while wandering around, but on the contrary, he felt relaxed and happy.

The peaks where the inner disciples live are also high and short, big and small. Along the way, Chen Feng Fa Jue has seen the highest peaks that are close to a thousand feet, but there are also mountains that are only a little higher than the outer disciples. Some peaks are surrounded by small peaks. From a distance, they look like a mountain range. The mountains are covered with various rare medicinal materials. Some peaks are bare with only one dilapidated building. These situations make Chen Feng feel a little surprised. After all, the area where the outer disciples live is all about the same 100-foot peak, not as jagged as here.

After being surprised, Chen Feng gradually figured out why. He shook his head and said with a smile: "The inner disciples are already considered formal disciples, and the situation of forming cliques and preying on the weak is more serious. I don't know what will happen to the true disciples and elite disciples.

"This junior brother, does he look a little unfamiliar?" Just as Chen Feng was flying in the air, an inner disciple came to Chen Feng.

"I'm new here." Chen Feng smiled.

"Why is it so lively here?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask after looking at the growing number of disciples around him.

"Oh, by the way, you are new here and you don't know yet. Someone is dueling in the duel field."

"Dueling is not prohibited by the sect?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"There is no ban. As long as both parties agree, the sect will not ban it."

"This is a good idea in the duel field. With so many people in the sect, conflicts are bound to happen. Rather than being behind the scenes, it's better to have an open and honest fight." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This junior brother is right."

The two of them were talking and flying forward with the crowd. After talking on the way, Chen Feng knew that the young monk who was chatting with him was called Luo Yang. He looked to be two or three years older than himself. He had plenty of energy in his body and strong soul power. He seemed to be ready at any time. Can condense the fire of the soul.

The place they chose for the duel was very simple. It was a flattened mountain top, in a circular shape. The ground and surrounding areas had been blessed with magic power by monks with advanced cultivation skills, and some magic circles were left behind. It is not easy to destroy the field during a duel.

When Chen Feng and Chen Feng arrived, there were already people fighting. There were hundreds of people around the top of the mountain. Some were floating in the air, and some were standing with swords. These were all nearby inner disciples, and the duel in front of them was The arena is just one of the many dueling arenas in the inner gate area.

The people fighting in the duel field were two monks from the fourth level of the secret realm. They controlled the flying swords to attack from a distance. For Chen Feng, this kind of duel was not interesting. After just a few glances, Chen Feng felt a little boring.

But others around him were different. Faced with this life-and-death duel, some even shouted loudly.

The two flying swords continued to collide in the air, drawing a trajectory, and a trace of sword energy rippled around like waves.

Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head. A fight at this level is really nothing to watch. If he was on the field, he could just reach out and crush the opponent's flying sword. How could it be so troublesome to urge the flying swords to fight with each other.

Seeing Chen Feng shaking his head, Luo Yang on the side smiled and said, "What's wrong, Junior Brother Chen?"

"Haha, it's nothing. I just feel that we are all from the same sect, so it's not good to fight each other like this." Chen Feng changed the subject.

"Haha! Many people say this, but this rule is set by the headmaster, and no one can change it. Besides, a sect like ours does need the existence of a duel field, not to mention our Taiyi Sect, but other All sects also have this kind of thing." Luo Yang said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Luo, have you ever dueled with others up there?" Chen Feng asked with some interest.

"That's not true. I am a relatively low-key person. I don't provoke others, and others generally won't provoke me." Luo Yang smiled.

Chen Feng was a little funny after hearing this. If he doesn't provoke others, does it mean that others really won't provoke him?

When Chen Feng and Chen Feng were talking, the duel in the field had already decided the winner. One of them was weak in magic, and his sword was knocked away in mid-air, and then his arm was cut off by the flying sword that flew by quickly.

"I surrender." The man shouted quickly, and a shining flying sword stopped in front of him.

"Is it possible to take someone's life in a duel?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"There is this rule. You know, only the two sides with hatred will come up to duel. However, there are not many cases of killing each other. Most of them are seriously injured. After all, killing a fellow disciple is not a good reputation." Luo Yang said slowly.

"That's true, but we inner disciples are not good enough, and we don't have high-level elixirs. It's difficult to recover after breaking limbs." Chen Feng, a fellow disciple who walked down the duel field with his broken arm covered, said.

"There will be progress only if there is competition. The cultivators from the Sword Pavilion are more arrogant than each other. Why? It's because their cultivation methods are more perverted. I heard that there are often some big fights in the Sword Pavilion. A large number of sword cultivators are injured every day. This kind of injury of cutting off limbs happens from time to time. There are even some disciples who are directly killed in the fight." Luo Yang said a little excitedly.

"Tsk tsk, how crazy is the Sword Pavilion? Fortunately, I didn't enter the Sword Pavilion to practice." Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph, coward, how can you succeed in cultivation with your mentality." A rough voice next to him said disdainfully.

As soon as Chen Feng turned around, he saw a rude and unrestrained inner disciple looking at him with disdain, his eyes full of contempt, as if he was mocking his cowardice.

Facing the other party's contempt, Chen Feng just smiled and didn't say much. As Chen Feng's cultivation became more and more profound, his realm continued to improve, and his mind gradually became more open, and he would not care about such a weak cultivator.

Next, there were two more duels, one of which was a loss to both sides, and the other one of the inner disciples was beaten to vomit blood.

Finally, no one came to the duel field, everyone looked around, and then turned around to leave.

"Chen Feng, I challenge you."

Just as everyone was about to turn around and leave, a figure landed in the center of the duel field, and a dull voice rolled towards Chen Feng.

Everyone was stunned, then all stopped and started talking again.

A tall young monk pointed a ten-foot-long Overlord Spear at Chen Feng. He had dark skin, a naked upper body, bulging muscles, and messy hair. He looked like a wild man.

"Overlord Spear Sun Kui." Someone exclaimed, recognizing the man's identity.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then looked forward along the tip of the other party's spear, just in time to see Chen Feng who was frowning.

"Who is this person, and he was challenged by Sun Kui?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"He is new here, I don't know how he offended Sun Kui, this kid is miserable now, everyone knows that Sun Kui's attack is very heavy, this kid will most likely have to crawl down the mountain today."

"Brother Chen, is it you?" Luo Yang on the side immediately took two steps back, feeling the fiery gazes from all around.

"It should be me." Chen Feng smiled.

"How did you get into trouble with this Overlord? This guy is the top among the inner disciples, and he is born with supernatural power. A few days ago, a disciple was shot down the mountain by him in the duel field. He is still lying on the bed. I advise you not to accept this challenge." Luo Yang said quickly.

"Chen Feng, come up now. If you don't dare to fight, kneel down and kowtow three times." Overlord Spear Sun Kui shouted at Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng ignored this person, but his eyes kept scanning the crowd and finally saw a familiar face.

"Earth Evil Sword Pang Ming." Chen Feng thought about it and recognized this person. When he had not entered Taiyi Gate, Pang Ming came to kill him in Yiyuan City. In the end, he was injured by himself and Ruta and fled. Unexpectedly, he met him now.

"Earth Evil Sword, Overlord Spear, these two people have nicknames. It seems that they are doing well among the inner disciples. No need to ask, this Overlord Spear should be instigated by Pang Ming." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Boy, are you scared?" Overlord Spear Sun Kui was still yelling.

At this time, the inner disciples who were watching looked at Chen Feng with curiosity in their eyes, wondering if Chen Feng was scared at this time.

"Pang Ming knew that he was not my opponent, but now he provoked this Overlord Spear to provoke me. What is he thinking?" Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Chen Feng, come up quickly, I'm challenging you." Overlord Spear was still yelling, but his face became more and more ugly.

The inner disciples around were waiting for Chen Feng's reaction, wanting to see how Chen Feng would deal with it. Who knew that Chen Feng was neither afraid nor responded to the challenge of Overlord Spear, but had no reaction at all.

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