Eternal Existence

Chapter 209 Four Demon Cores

Looking at the smile on Zhao Quan's face, Luo Mingdao's smile disappeared, and a cold breath came out of his body.

"Get out of here immediately. If Zhao Hai wants this mountain, let him come in person. Who do you think you are?" Luo Mingdao said coldly.

The smile on Zhao Quan's face also disappeared, and his face turned red, but he didn't dare to get angry. In front of him was an elite disciple, two levels higher than himself, an inner disciple, but Zhao Quan was used to being domineering since he was a child, and he felt a sense of depression in his heart.

"Brother Luo, you should know that I am a member of the Zhao family." Finally, Zhao Quan gritted his teeth and said.

"The members of the Zhao family are also from the Taiyi Sect." Luo Mingdao finally made a move. Just a slight wave of his hand, Zhao Quan felt that his whole body was locked by a breath, and then a powerful force whipped his face.


Zhao Quan was whipped several times, and when he got up, there was a bright red palm print on his face.

"You." Zhao Quan opened his mouth and spit out a few teeth.

"This is a little lesson for you. A small inner disciple dares to challenge the majesty of the elite disciples. Even if I cripple you, no one will say anything." Luo Mingdao said lightly.

"Okay, let's go." Zhao Quan gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and left with his younger brother, but before leaving, he turned around and looked at Chen Feng and the others with a vicious look.

"It seems that this person has a grudge against you?" Luo Mingdao looked at Chen Feng and said.

"A little grudge has caused trouble for Senior Brother Luo." Chen Feng smiled.

"This guy is not to be feared, but he is from the Zhao family and has masters behind him. You have to be careful. If there is any problem, go to Master Zihong." Luo Mingdao kindly reminded.

"Is the Zhao family very powerful?" Chen Feng asked.

"There are several masters in the Zhao family, and it is rumored that there is an old antique in the Zhao family who has been in seclusion for many years, comprehending the way of human immortals." Luo Mingdao said.

"Comprehending human immortals." Chen Feng frowned. If such a person really took action, he would definitely be finished.

"Haha, how could such a person attack us juniors? But you still have to be careful, after all, the Zhao family still has some power in the sect." Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

After Luo Mingdao left, Chen Feng and Ruta began to inspect their residence. They first circled around and then landed on the top of the peak. Looking at the clouds floating under their feet, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"This place is much better than where I lived before, but there seem to be fewer herbs here, and they are not old enough." Ruta looked around and said.

"Of course, the old herbs must have been picked by the previous owner, but we don't need to care about these, because we will move again soon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Are you talking about the true disciples?" Ruta said in surprise.

"Yes, although this place is much better than the outer sect, it cannot be compared with the true disciples, let alone the elite disciples. I have now condensed the soul fire. What I lack is the understanding of the realm and the accumulation of true energy. However, these are all accumulations of time. I think it won't take too much time for me to cultivate to the corresponding level and then be promoted to a true disciple." Chen Feng said.

"Now it's time for us to see what we gained last time." Chen Feng continued.

The last time the three of them went to destroy the bloody whirlwind, they took down the opponent's treasure house and obtained a large number of magic crystals and other cultivation materials, but Chen Feng and the other two still had some looted space bags on them that they had not checked, and Chen Feng felt in his heart that those unopened space bags should contain good things.

"Hahahaha, in fact, not to mention these things, these tens of millions of magic crystals alone are enough for us to upgrade several realms." Chen Feng laughed.

"But I really want to see what good things are in it." Ruta said and took out a space bag that looked very good.

When the divine consciousness entered the space bag, Ruta was stunned at first, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"What good stuff? Look how happy you are." Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

Ruta waved his hand, and with a swish, more than a dozen flying swords with sparkling light appeared in front of him. They were all one foot long, with sparkling light on them. They were all very high-grade magic swords.

"Well, these are fifth-grade magic weapons, these are sixth-grade magic weapons, and this one is seventh-grade. Not bad, I can sell it for a price." Chen Feng smiled.

"Sell it." Ruta was a little surprised and a little distressed.

"Hey, I can't use these things. Can I keep them as decorations, or can you refine all these flying swords at the same time." Chen Feng smiled.

"That's right, I forgot that you have a treasure on you, but I still like to use my Hun Tian Wu Ji stick. It seems that these long swords can only be sold." Ruta felt a little sorry.

Then Ruta continued to take things out of the space bag. In addition to some flying swords, there were some other magic weapons, magic seals, magic robes, dragon ropes, Qiankun nets, Bagua mirrors, seven killing knives and other miscellaneous weapons.

Although these weapons are of high grade, none of them can be favored by Chen Feng. The reason is very simple, that is, these things are all magic weapons, not treasure weapons.

"In addition to these magic weapons, there are some ores and metals in it. They all look good. I don’t recognize some metals." Ruta said.

"Give me all the ores and metals." Chen Feng said directly.

The purpose of Chen Feng to get these metal ores is naturally for the Longevity Tower. Although Chen Feng also knows that it is very difficult to find that kind of god-level metal ore, Chen Feng will not let go of any opportunity.

"In addition to these, there are some medicinal herbs. Wow, good stuff. There are even some medicinal herb seeds, so that they can be planted on the mountain."

In addition to these things, Ruta found some random things, some of which he knew and some he didn't, but to Chen Feng's regret, there were no treasures or high-level elixirs.

"I hope I can have some good things here." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a bunch of space bags appeared on the ground. Some of these were robbed from the black-clothed robbers who flew out of the cave, and some were robbed by killing people along the way.

Next, these space bags were opened by Chen Feng one after another. Sure enough, there were a lot of things, and there were many varieties, crystal stones, metals, medicinal herbs, magic weapons, and some elixirs. Chen Feng even found several sets of formations, but there were still no high-level treasures that Chen Feng needed.

But just when Chen Feng was disappointed, a square stone box caught Chen Feng's attention.

"It won't be some dense immortal scriptures?" Chen Feng joked, but Chen Feng also knew that it shouldn't be this kind of thing. As soon as he opened it, Chen Feng saw four fist-sized demon cores appear in front of him.

"Demon core, this breath is clearly the demon core of a great demon." Chen Feng's eyes widened immediately.

"What, great demon, isn't that equivalent to a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm?" Ruta almost jumped up.

"These four demon cores are red, black, yellow, and green, and they are actually four attributes. Although this kind of thing is good, there are very few cultivators who can directly absorb and refine it. Although this is the case, it is not cheap if it is sold, but I don't plan to sell it because I can absorb it myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Well, we are lucky this time. Those robbers have been collecting things for who knows how many years, but they have all been plundered by us. With these things, our cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds next." Chen Feng said and began to study those sets of magic array flags.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, the flags flew out of Chen Feng's hands and were quickly inserted around the mountain. After a set of magic arrays was successfully arranged, the whole mountain was suddenly surrounded by strong winds and rolling clouds, and patches of lines quickly covered the mountain.

But Chen Feng still did not stop, and set up the second set of magic arrays, the third set of magic arrays, and the fourth set of magic arrays. He set up seven sets of magic arrays in a row before stopping. Although Chen Feng was not very proficient in the formation, these magic array flags were all made by others. All Chen Feng had to do now was to activate his magic power.

Every time a magic array was set up, some changes would occur around the mountain, or there would be wind and clouds, or lightning and thunder, or sword energy like rainbows, or knife energy like tides.

But in the end, after all seven sets of magic arrays were set up, the area around the mountain suddenly became calm and returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

After setting up the magic array, Chen Feng adjusted his breath and entered the Longevity Tower with his mind, while Luta went to find a place to practice with a large number of magic crystals.

After entering the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng directly threw two demon cores to the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao. There were four demon cores in total. The red one was of fire attribute, the yellow one was of earth attribute, the green one was of wood attribute, and the black one was mainly of dark power, supplemented by water and fire power. Chen Feng threw the black and red demon cores to the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao.

"Demon core." Seeing Chen Feng coming in, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao had no reaction at first, but now it jumped up and directly pulled the two demon cores in front of it in front of itself.

"Humph, looking at your appearance, you don't have the dignity of a big demon at all." Chen Feng couldn't help but scolded.

"This is a demon core, a demon core of a big demon." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao emitted a strong spiritual fluctuation.

"Since you know it, don't waste it. I hope these two demon cores can help you survive the thunder tribulation." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao, but left the Longevity Tower directly, and released the four-eared spirit monkey at the same time.

At this time, the four-eared spirit monkey's strength has been rising because of the refining of the demon core. Although it is far from the level of a great demon, its current combat power is equivalent to that of a cultivator in the seventh level of the secret realm.

"You will be the guardian beast of this mountain in the future." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

After coming out of the Longevity Tower, the demon beast was extremely excited and kept somersaulting on the ground. After all, apes and monkeys are good at moving. This period of time in the Longevity Tower has bored the monkey.

"This time I have gained a lot. I thought that the magic crystals on my body were consumed a lot, but I didn't expect that they are now catching up. Next, it's time to practice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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