Eternal Existence

Chapter 206 Return to the Immortal Mountain

"Brother Chen has been here?" Luo Mingdao was a little curious after hearing what Chen Feng said.

"Haha, when this Liuyun Immortal Mountain just came out, I was watching not far away." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it, come on, tell me what the scene was like at that time." Luo Mingdao's eyes suddenly lit up.

The three of them were not in a hurry to go to Liuyun Immortal Mountain, but walked to a crowded place while talking. The three of them also wanted to inquire about the situation of Liuyun Immortal Mountain.

Chen Feng looked around and found that almost all the people he met along the way were cultivators in the secret realm period. The little people below the secret realm would naturally not come, and those masters of the heavenly realm were not easily noticed by Chen Feng and others.

"Hey, forget it, I think we should go back, we don't have any chance at all." A young cultivator said dejectedly. This person was covered in blood and his face was a little pale. He looked unwell. Several accomplices around him were also wounded, and one of them even had his arm cut off neatly.

"Brother, what happened?" Someone next to him asked curiously.

Chen Feng and Luo Mingdao looked at each other, and quickly walked forward, gathered with the crowd, and soon understood what happened.

In fact, the matter was very simple. This group of young people gathered here, naturally wanting to enter Liuyun Fairy Mountain and touch the fairy fate. The final result was the same as most people. Not only did they not enter Liuyun Fairy Mountain, but they were rebounded by Liuyun Fairy Light, and each of them was seriously injured.

These are not a big deal. What made everyone feel a little aggrieved was that another small team not far from them was actually sucked into a crack that suddenly appeared in Liuyun Fairy Mountain.

Therefore, these young cultivators felt a little aggrieved and a little angry.

"Haha, everyone, look at it more openly. They may not be able to get out after entering. It should be said that you are lucky." Someone next to him persuaded.

"Maybe this fairy mountain leads directly to the fairyland?" Someone in the crowd interrupted.

"Even if it leads to the fairyland, we are just like ants there." Someone next to him retorted.

"I would rather go to the fairyland to be an ant."

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed after hearing this.

"It seems that more and more cultivators have entered Liuyun Immortal Mountain recently, and most of them are cultivators in the secret realm." Chen Feng whispered.

"Why, Junior Brother Chen, do you also want to try your luck with immortality?" Luo Mingdao asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I haven't lived enough." Chen Feng waved his hands repeatedly.

"I am somewhat tempted, but I am also afraid of death. So many people have entered, but no one has come out yet. Tsk tsk, I don't want to try this kind of unknown fear." Luo Mingdao also shook his head.

Although he said so, the three of them rested for a while and rushed to Liuyun Immortal Mountain. After all, if they didn't see the appearance of the immortal mountain during this trip, it would be a pity.

When Chen Feng first saw Liuyun Immortal Mountain, it was just a small hill. After not seeing it for a while, Chen Feng was shocked.

"Why has it become so huge?" Chen Feng looked at the towering mountain in front of him and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although the mountain in front of him was still as smooth as a wall and no grass grew, its height reached the sky. Chen Feng estimated from afar that this mountain was at least tens of thousands of feet high and hundreds of miles in radius. The fairy light on it kept flowing and flashing, killing and injuring some monks who tried to attack the fairy mountain.

Although monks died from time to time, there were still dense monks clinging around the fairy mountain like ants and locusts, trying to find their own fairy fate.

"This is what a fairy mountain looks like, but I don't know if there are any immortals in it." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Whether there are immortals or not, you will know when you enter and take a look." Luo Mingdao laughed.

"These people are so crazy." Ruta was shocked.

"Hehe, we don't know how many monks there are in the entire Eternal World. Even if we pick one out of ten thousand, there are too many to count." Luo Mingdao laughed.

"Let's get closer. I see some familiar faces."

Luo Mingdao is indeed an elite disciple of Taiyi Sect. He has a wide range of friends and is somewhat well-known in the cultivation world. People often greet him along the way, and some cultivators with deep cultivation come forward to chat with him.

"Brother Luo, you are here too. What's up? Are you attracted to Liuyun Immortal Mountain?"

"Hahaha, Brother Luo, long time no see. Last time we went into the Seven Killings Jedi together for adventure. This time, should we join forces to go into Liuyun Immortal Mountain to see if we can get the chance to become immortals?"

"Luo Mingdao, why did you come here alone this time? Where are your fellow apprentices? You don't want to go into the Immortal Mountain alone to die, do you?"

"Old Luo, long time no see. I'll treat you. Let's have a few drinks."

Looking at the cultivators from all sides who kept greeting each other, Chen Feng was a little surprised, because all the cultivators who were talking to Luo Mingdao had high cultivation. The lowest cultivation was the seventh or eighth level of the secret realm. Some of them had a deep aura in their bodies, as if they were about to break through to the heavenly realm at any time.

"Hey, why didn't Jin Ye from your Sword Pavilion come? Doesn't he like the hustle and bustle the most?" Luo Mingdao asked, looking at the young cultivators carrying long swords in front of him.

These cultivators have tall and strong bodies, and every inch of their skin seems to be filled with strong sword intent. Sword beams constantly flash in their pupils. Without asking, Chen Feng knows that these people are cultivators from the Sword Pavilion, pure sword cultivators.

"Our Senior Brother Jin has been in seclusion for three months." One of them stepped forward and said with a smile, and it seemed that he was familiar with Luo Mingdao.

"Three months of seclusion, tut tut, it seems that Jin Ye will be a master of the Heavenly Man Realm when he comes out again." Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Luo should be soon, right?" The cultivator from the Sword Pavilion asked with a smile.

"It's too early, I don't have the slightest confidence to survive the thunder tribulation now." Luo Mingdao shook his head.

"Someone else went in, someone else went in." At this time, a cultivator shouted in the distance.

Chen Feng hurriedly looked up, and felt that the sky was piercing through the distance. Just halfway up the Liuyun Fairy Mountain, a crack suddenly appeared and had not closed yet. People around him drilled in one after another. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen cultivators drilled in and disappeared without a trace.

"I feel like this mountain in front of me is like a huge monster, constantly devouring one cultivator after another." Chen Feng suddenly said. Facing this huge fairy mountain, Chen Feng was not as excited as others. On the contrary, Chen Feng felt a little fear in the face of this existence that eats people without spitting out bones. The unknown is the fear.

He is not short of cultivation techniques now. Speaking of magic weapons, the Longevity Tower is a legendary existence. Although it is broken, the supreme magic weapon plus the supreme magic formula makes Chen Feng not as hungry as other cultivators facing the fairy mountain. Even if there are really immortal pills or opportunities to become immortals in the fairy mountain, the premise is to survive. Chen Feng now only has time and only wants to practice step by step. He doesn't want to go to such a dangerous unknown place to take risks.

"Although I also want to go in and take a look, I don't want to die. After all, I am still young?" Ruta also said.

The craziest people surrounding the fairy mountain are not those young cultivators, but those cultivators whose lifespans are about to run out. Anyway, their lifespans are about to end, and they will die outside. It is better to enter the fairy mountain and fight.


It was unknown which cultivator had used the holy weapon. From afar, a streak of light heavily bombarded the top of the fairy mountain. Suddenly, the flowing clouds and fairy light were strong. The fairy light continued to sweep, not only sending the holy weapon flying, but also smashing the nearby cultivators into pieces.

"Everyone, run away, a human fairy has taken action."

"It's a holy weapon, a human fairy has taken action."

Everyone shouted, and the cultivators who were close to them dodged, fearing that they would be affected.

"A human fairy has taken action. Could it be that this human fairy's life span is about to end, or is he just taking a risk?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

So far, the most powerful cultivator Chen Feng had seen was a master of the Heavenly Realm, but he had never seen a human fairy, so Chen Feng opened his eyes wide and used all his strength to operate the power in his body, wanting to see the power of the human fairy's attack.


Another streak of light fell from the sky and hit the top of the fairy mountain again. This time, the whole Liuyun Fairy Mountain roared, and the waves of Liuyun Fairy Light boiled up. The surrounding space was cracked one after another. Countless space cracks crisscrossed, and all the cultivation around the entire Liuyun Fairy Mountain was bounced away, and the screams mixed into one.

Chen Feng only felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and couldn't help closing his eyes, and his whole head was dizzy.

"Too powerful, is this the power of a human fairy?" Chen Feng shouted in his heart.

"But it seems that there is still no way to deal with this fairy mountain. It turns out that the stronger the attack, the greater the rebound power. If I had approached just now, I would probably be seriously injured if not dead." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Scared, fortunately I didn't go forward just now." Luo Mingdao also opened his mouth.

The existence of the level of human fairy is not something that these secret realm cultivators can figure out. Now seeing the attack methods launched by the human fairy, the countless cultivators around Liuyun Fairy Mountain all felt that they were like a lone boat in the stormy sea, becoming insignificant.

Soon, everything returned to calm. The unknown immortal did not attack again. No one attacked, and the flowing cloud immortal light slowly withdrew. The immortal mountain was briefly calm, leaving only the monks of all levels screaming around.

"Strange, why didn't this immortal attack?"

"Could it be that he entered the immortal mountain?" Someone boldly guessed.

"Nine out of ten."

"I wonder if this immortal can come out."

Just as everyone was discussing, a crack suddenly appeared in an inconspicuous place in Liuyun Immortal Mountain, and three young monks came out of it. The three people showed confusion on their faces when they came out, but after seeing the scene in front of them, the confusion on their faces immediately turned into surprise.

"Someone came out, someone came out of the immortal mountain." The monk who first saw this scene shouted immediately.

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