Eternal Existence

Chapter 194 Four Extremes

Looking at the giant demon face that was like a small mountain in front of him, Chen Feng muttered in his heart: What kind of move is this? Could it be that this face can eat me?

But this time Chen Feng did guess right. The huge demon face suddenly opened its mouth, and a strong and direct force directly acted on Chen Feng, and then swallowed Chen Feng easily.

"Really eaten?" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

Then Chen Feng began to struggle violently, and only felt that the surroundings were full of sticky mucus, which made him more uncomfortable the more he struggled. Moreover, Chen Feng also felt that a wave of corrosive force was constantly invading him, and soon his skin began to feel itchy and stinging.

"This is clearly demonic energy, and it has become so much stronger." Chen Feng tried to absorb a little, and felt that it was difficult to refine, but it was impossible for these demonic energies to corrode himself.

"This is a small trick that is widely circulated in the demon world. In fact, it's nothing. If you are a little stronger, you can easily swallow up these drastically changed demonic energies in one breath. Another way is to break it with force." Tower said lightly.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that the demonic energy around him was becoming more and more sticky, and it also grew tentacles, tightly wrapping him up. Chen Feng struggled for a few times but failed to break free. He felt that the strength of his limbs was consumed by these demonic energy.

Swish! Swish!

Chen Feng released the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword and cut off the surrounding demonic energy one by one, but the surrounding demonic energy was like a piece of taffy, gathering again quickly, and the power of the entanglement was even more tenacious.

The blood soul in Chen Feng's hand also kept piercing the demonic energy in front of him into black holes, but it was useless because there was too much demonic energy around, unless Chen Feng could break out in the shortest time.

"Hey, these demonic energies are released by hundreds of bloodthirsty demon fangs at the same time. Even if you have a treasure, it is difficult to break through at once." Ta said with some gloating.

After struggling for a while, Chen Feng felt that it was a waste of strength, so he stopped struggling and only left the Haoran Zhengang Sword to guard him. He then took back his strength and calmed down to attack the barrier in his sea of ​​consciousness, hoping to succeed in one fell swoop and advance to the third level of the secret realm.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As Chen Feng's soul fire continued to bombard, more and more cracks appeared in the barrier of the third level in his sea of ​​consciousness, and a trace of extremely pure energy was released from it. Every trace of energy contained in it frightened Chen Feng.


A trace of energy flowed out, and immediately burst out with powerful power, constantly colliding in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, causing Chen Feng's soul power to suddenly increase.


Another trace of energy flowed out, and Chen Feng only felt a tremor in his soul, and the soul fire suddenly bloomed with light, and the flames continued to rise.


Another trace of energy flowed out. This time, the energy broke through the sea of ​​consciousness and entered Chen Feng's Tianyuan acupoint. The Tianyuan acupoint suddenly became overturned, and powerful forces continued to grow.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Then, a trace of energy was like a series of thunderbolts, constantly tearing the sky and the earth, and flowing into the five major acupoints of the magnetic pole, Tianyang, Tianshi, and Tianming opened up by Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel heavy, as if these acupoints would be burst if he was not careful.

After these acupoints were almost blocked, the energy that flowed out began to flow around Chen Feng's meridians, tendons, bones, internal organs, blood and other parts of his body.

The power consumed in the body was restored to its original state within a few breaths, and became even more turbulent. As for the wounds on the body, they were recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Why is there so much strange energy released this time?" Chen Feng was a little shocked. If it continued at this rate, after the third layer of the barrier was opened, wouldn't he be submerged and finally blown up by the powerful energy?

However, it was useless for Chen Feng to think about this, because there were more and more cracks on the barrier, and more energy was ejected from the cracks.

"Hey, although this kid's Yuanling body was damaged back then, the essence energy hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness is enough to make up for these defects. Although this kid's talent is not very outstanding, his foundation is still very solid after practicing step by step." Ta said lightly.


With a crisp sound, it turned out that as Chen Feng's soul power increased, the barrier blocking the front was finally blasted open with a small gap. Suddenly, there was a roar, and the energy in the gap was like a torrent of river water.

Swish swish swish!

The powerful energy kept washing all over Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng only felt that whether it was bones or meridians, they were washed over and over again by streams of pure and cool energy, washing away impurities and making his body more powerful.


The barrier leading to the third layer of the sea of ​​consciousness was finally blasted open. It was like a river hanging upside down in the sky, and a surging wave of energy rushed out. Chen Feng only felt that the fire of the soul was shaking constantly in it, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"Too strong, too strong." Chen Feng trembled all over, and lumps kept bulging on his muscles. His soul was constantly trembling. Such a powerful energy was simply not something Chen Feng could refine and absorb.


The Tianyuan acupoint was already full, and it was impossible to squeeze in a trace of energy.

The absorption speed of the two magnetic pole acupoints also began to slow down, and it seemed that they would be filled up at any time.

Only the three stars of Tianmen were still slowly absorbing the surging energy, but the speed of these three acupoints was too slow, and Chen Feng might be blown up by the surging energy before he could hold on.

Gradually, Chen Feng felt his meridians swell up, his bones began to creak, and his body began to slowly fill up like a ball. If there was no better way, Chen Feng would have no choice but to explode.

"Tower, shall I pass the energy to you?" Chen Feng suddenly suggested.

"No, this is your power, you have to completely refine and absorb it with your own power, and don't think about transferring the energy into other magic weapons, I won't allow you to do that." The voice of the tower was a bit majestic and serious.

"Rely on my own power." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, but feeling the growing power and the swelling body, Chen Feng knew that he couldn't delay any longer.

"Do you think I have no way? I'll continue to attack other acupoints." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.

According to the records in the Changsheng Zhenjing, the next thing to be opened is the four polar acupoints, which are the four major acupoints of the East Pole, South Pole, West Pole, and North Pole.

The four directions are vertical and horizontal, the four symbols are rotating, going up to the sky and into the earth, and penetrating the east and the west.

These four acupoints are on both hands and feet. Chen Feng has known the method of cultivation for a long time. According to Chen Feng's cultivation style, he should wait until he has firmly established the third level before practicing these four acupoints, but now he can't wait until then.

The Changsheng Zhenjing is running over and over again, and the true energy in the body immediately changes the flow direction and begins to gather towards the right palm.


A dull sound came from Chen Feng's palm. Chen Feng felt that his right palm almost exploded, and a piercing pain surged throughout his body.

Without waiting for the pain to disappear, Chen Feng once again mobilized the true energy of his whole body to attack his right palm.

After attacking eighteen times in a row, his right hand once again made a burst of sound, and Chen Feng immediately laughed, because the boiling energy in his body began to gather along his arm to the right palm.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that his right palm had become a sea eye in the deep sea, constantly devouring the surrounding energy.


In just one breath, Chen Feng felt that the energy absorbed by his right palm was enough for him to practice for several months. His swollen body finally slowed down, but it was just a delay. The crisis of exploding body in front of him was still not resolved.

But these powers were enough.

Chen Feng slowly stretched out his right hand and pushed forward fiercely. A powerful shock wave exploded in the thick demonic energy, shaking the entire demon face.

However, the demon face still existed, and Chen Feng did not break free.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and held the blood soul in his hand. His own powerful power merged with the blood-colored spear. He thrust forward fiercely. From the outside, a hole appeared in the huge demon face, and then Chen Feng rushed out with a blood-colored spear.

After escaping from the predicament, Chen Feng was very excited. The blood soul in his hand bloomed a spear shadow in the air. The huge demon face in front of him immediately began to collapse and finally turned into pieces.

"Are there any other means?" Chen Feng sneered as he looked around.

The bloodthirsty demons surrounding Chen Feng were all stunned. They didn't expect Chen Feng to rush out of the demon face.


The blood soul in Chen Feng's hand stabbed out diagonally, and a phantom beast hiding in the dark was pierced by Chen Feng's spear.

"Now my strength has increased by more than ten times than before. This level of concealment is useless to me." Chen Feng said, and the phantom beast was sucked into a dry corpse.

Next, the blood soul turned into a sky full of spear shadows, attacking the bloodthirsty demons around.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Each spear shadow easily took the life of a bloodthirsty demon, and dozens of bloodthirsty demons were slaughtered by Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

The remaining bloodthirsty demon fangs were all terrified. Although these demon beasts were bloodthirsty and ferocious, they were also afraid of death, especially such meaningless death. Facing a powerful enemy, any species would be afraid, even the most ferocious species in the world, unless the opponent was a puppet or puppet without a soul.


Under Chen Feng's violent attack, the remaining bloodthirsty demon fangs scattered, and even the few phantom beasts hiding in the dark stopped attacking and left quietly.

Chen Feng did not chase, because Chen Feng had more important things to do now, that is, Chen Feng's third level of sea of ​​consciousness was still surging, and the energy like a fountain was still gushing. Even if a four-pole acupoint was opened, it would only alleviate the current situation and could not change the situation.

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