Eternal Existence

Chapter 184: Starlight Stone Mine

"Tower, have you found anything?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Haven't you sensed what this breath is?" Tower laughed.

"You said that the strange breath just now was somewhat familiar." Chen Feng said secretly.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he said, "It's the power of the stars, but it's a bit strange."

"Hehe, yes, it's the power of the stars, you should sense it carefully." Tower said this and then fell silent.

Under the leadership of two true disciples, the group landed in the town. It's called a town, but it's comparable to a small city in the secular world. After all, for these powerful monks, it's still very easy to build houses with boulders weighing tens of thousands of pounds.

As soon as he entered the town, Chen Feng felt that the power of the stars was even stronger. After some investigation, Chen Feng was surprised to find that these star powers were actually emitted from the buildings on both sides, or more accurately, from the materials used to build these buildings.

"What kind of stone are these? How can they emit star power?" Chen Feng came to a house and touched the hard wall with his hand. This house was built with huge hard stone slabs, and these stones were covered with spots of stars. At first glance, it looked like looking at a starry sky without stars.

"Could this be a star stone?" Chen Feng guessed.

"It's far worse than a star stone. It's just a starlight stone. The star power you sense is emitted by these starlight spots." Ta said.

"Starlight stone, what's the use? Can the star power in it be absorbed?" Chen Feng said, and his mind moved. The two acupoints of Tianyang and Tianshi suddenly emitted a strong suction force. The star power emitted by the stone wall in front of him immediately accelerated, and all entered Chen Feng's two acupoints, and then was quickly refined and absorbed.

"It can be absorbed, but the star power is too weak, and the grade is not high, but there are some strange auras in it." Chen Feng said secretly.

"This is used to build houses, so the grade is naturally low." Ta smiled.

"So how are these starlight stones formed?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"You should know that the eternal world you are in now is itself a huge star." Ta said with a smile.

"I understand." Chen Feng nodded.

"This junior brother, it seems that you have seen something?" At this time, Zhao Qiang looked at Chen Feng and said.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled and did not speak.

"This is starlight stone, and it is also the mission for you this time." Zhao Qiang continued.

"Starlight stone, I know that many buildings and palaces of our Taiyi Sect are built with this kind of stone." At this time, an outer disciple interrupted.

"Yes, there is a starlight stone mine in this place, which is a small industry under our Taiyi Sect. Recently, the sect needs a lot of stone, and there are not enough people here, so you are transferred here. You are all newcomers, and some of the sect’s rules may not be understood. Here I only say one thing, that is, obey orders, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Zhao Qiang sneered.

"So you are here to do hard labor." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"Hey, you think you are here to enjoy yourself. You outer disciples are just like errand boys in the sect." Ta laughed.

Then someone in the town came out to meet them and arranged a place for Chen Feng and others to live. Although it was not comparable to that in Taiyi Immortal Mountain, each person had a small courtyard and was given 100 Pure Yang Pills. The conditions and treatment were pretty good.

In the evening, Chen Feng started practicing again. Unfortunately, the concentration of spiritual energy here was far from that of Taiyi Immortal Mountain. Even the starry sky seemed to have a layer of light mist. Chen Feng did not sense the existence of the Destiny Star that night.

The next morning, Chen Feng and others were taken into a valley. There were already hundreds of people busy in the valley. Chen Feng looked around and found that more than half of these hundreds of people were outer disciples, and the rest were inner disciples.

In the center of the valley, there were piles of neatly cut starlight stones. Some of these starlight stones were long strips, and some were square. It would be more convenient to transport them to Taiyi Immortal Mountain to build houses.

Chen Feng took a quick glance and saw that all the disciples who were working were holding a large sword in their hands, urging the mana in their bodies to continuously cut the raw stones in front of them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cut starlight stones kept falling on the open ground, and then piled up into a small stone mountain again.

"Hey, damn, they actually let us do this kind of work, but I am the prince of the royal palace." A young outer disciple standing not far from Chen Feng muttered unwillingly.

"If someone doesn't want to do it, they can quit Taiyi Sect, but the consequence of doing so is rebelling against the sect. Our Taiyi Sect treats traitors very seriously, and the lightest punishment is to abolish their cultivation." Zhao Qiang said coldly, looking at the outer disciple.

"Haha, in fact, we also came from outer disciples. If you want to get rid of the title of outer disciples, then you can only work hard to practice." Ma Wu said with a smile.

"This is a magic sword specially made by the sect. Although the grade is not high, it is sharp and is specially used to cut the mined starlight stones." Ma Wu said as he took out a batch of long swords and distributed them to everyone.

These long swords are one foot longer and two centimeters wider than ordinary long swords, and they feel extremely heavy in the hands.

Ma Wu looked at everyone and then stretched out his hand, grabbing a long strip of starlight stone weighing tens of thousands of pounds.

"Your task is to cut out one hundred pieces of these long stones every day." Ma Wu said with a smile.

"What if we finish ahead of schedule?" Someone asked at this time.

"Finish ahead of schedule?" Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang looked at this person at the same time, with a half-smile in their eyes.

"If we can finish ahead of schedule, then we can rest and arrange our own activities." Ma Wu said with a smile.

"Okay, let's start now."

Then the two true disciples took off into the air, flew far away, and disappeared.

Looking at the piles of raw ore in front of them, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Damn, I spent so much effort to enter Taiyi Sect. I thought I could practice well and prolong my life, but I didn't expect that we would do this kind of thing?" It was still the prince of the palace who said dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, brother, don't complain. Not only our outer disciples, you see, those inner disciples were also sent here." Someone next to him comforted.

"There are countless outer disciples of the Taiyi Sect, and there are more than 10,000 new ones this time. Why did they choose us? And this kind of task is obviously not profitable at all."

"It's our bad luck. I think the two true disciples should be the same as us. They came to such a barren place. Hehe, don't complain. We didn't join the immortal sect to enjoy ourselves. It's good that the sect didn't send us out to fight monsters."

"Hmph, I would rather fight monsters to the death."


At this time, a light sound attracted everyone's attention, and Chen Feng was seen chopping a piece of raw ore with a long sword.

"I finally understand why the two true disciples had that expression just now. Cutting a hundred pieces a day is a difficult task." Chen Feng sighed.

At this time, everyone realized that Chen Feng's sword only cut a small gap on a piece of raw ore.

"What, it can't be so hard, let me try." These disciples finally felt something was wrong, and immediately picked up the long sword in their hands and chopped at the raw starlight stone in front of them.

The result was like an ordinary person holding a blunt axe and chopping at a tree that two people could hug.


A piece of completely cut starlight stone was thrown on the ground, and a disciple couldn't help shouting: "These ores are too hard. If we cut a hundred pieces, we can't even think about resting today."

"Hey, whether we can complete the task is still one thing."

"Maybe this long sword is not sharp enough, let me try with the flying sword." An outer disciple said and waved his hand, and a three-foot flying sword flashed with a sharp cold light and chopped at a piece of raw ore.

"This person is practicing a gold-attributed technique, and this flying sword is sharp enough." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Pieces of stone chips were cut off and fell to the ground one after another, but the last crack was obviously a bit strange.

"Ah! My flying sword actually cracked. My flying sword is made of gold refined from one million kilograms of gold, and it was damaged like this." The disciple shouted, with a distressed expression on his face.

"Everyone, although this long sword is only a third-grade magic weapon, it is made of black iron and fine steel, and some formations are engraved on it. It has been blessed by some masters with magic power, so it is indestructible." Chen Feng waved his hand and a piece of raw ore weighing tens of thousands of pounds was cut open by Chen Feng with a sword, revealing the smooth starlight stone inside.

"Let's get to work." Chen Feng said as he activated his magic power, and the sword in his hand began to shoot out sword light. Then a burst of sword light flashed, and a piece of starlight stone was cut neatly.

Seeing Chen Feng take action, others also started to get busy. For a while, the whole valley was filled with the sound of ding-dong, and there were sword energy everywhere.

"Hey! I never thought that I would open a mine after entering Taiyi Sect." An outer disciple was a little emotional.

"Just treat it as an alternative practice." Someone said with a smile.

Although these starlight stones were extremely hard, Chen Feng did not take them seriously. The huge pieces of raw ore were as fragile as tofu in Chen Feng's hands, and soon changed shape under Chen Feng's sword.

Chen Feng did not even use his magic power, but only relied on his strong body and sharp sword to cut the raw ore in front of him into pieces and pile them up.

"Although this kind of thing makes me unhappy, I have to think of ways to have fun in hardship, or find ways to practice, otherwise it would be a bit boring to work like this." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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