Eternal Existence

Chapter 1803 Poisonous Mist

"Every time, the Queen Mother gets the most. It's really depressing. Maybe I should join forces with the Fantasy Beast, but the Fantasy Beast is not a good guy. Maybe he will laugh at me." Bai Yu stood on a rolling mountain. He just waved the Xuanming Halberd, and several mountains exploded, revealing a crystal mine of good grade. It can't be compared with the source crystal, but it is also a good large spiritual vein. More importantly, generally speaking, spiritual veins with quality assurance usually have some special treasures.

"I hope to find some good things." Bai Yu kept waving the Xuanming Halberd, and a large number of crystals kept flying out and scattered around, but Bai Yu didn't care about these crystals at all.

However, it is rare to wave a high-grade artifact to mine. Bai Yu was secretly glad that there was no one else here, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

However, the movement here soon attracted some fighters. After these fighters arrived, the divine insects immediately began to skillfully sweep everything here. As for the spiritual stones dug out by Bai Yu, they were quickly looted.

"These guys run fast." Bai Yu said with some dissatisfaction.

However, Bai Yu looked down on these spirit stones, but they were still very useful for some low-level divine insects.

In addition to the fighter divine insects, the devourer divine insects soon joined in. Compared with the fighters, the devourers looked more domineering, and the energy in the spirit stones was absorbed wherever they passed.

At this time, Bai Yu did not dare to speak, because this was not an ordinary devourer, but Chen Feng's clone, or it could be said that this was Chen Feng.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Anyway, these peripheral crystals were not useful to him. Bai Yu secretly complained and continued to work. Under the power of the top-grade artifact, one mountain after another was flattened, and millions of miles of mountains were cut off one by one.

Finally, Bai Yu found something that he liked a little bit, and some crystals in the core of the spirit vein were collected by Bai Yu.

"It's really depressing to spend so much effort and only get this little thing." Bai Yu shook his head and said.

There is no way. In fact, there are not many things that can really attract Taiyi Jinxian. Some cultivators have been traveling in the universe for hundreds of thousands of years, searching areas exceeding tens of millions of light years, hundreds of millions of light years, and sometimes they can't find any resources that can be used.

After all, the universe is too big, and Taiyi Jinxian's vision is too high.

"Forget it, it's better to have a harvest than nothing, and it's also good to use it to set up some magic arrays." After Bai Yu collected the spirit stone, he was about to leave this place and go to other places to search. Only this place should be left to the fighters and devourers.


Just when Bai Yu wanted to leave, he suddenly saw some light black mist rising from the flat ground. Originally, this situation was not a wonder. Bai Yu didn't care too much, but he took a look before leaving, then stopped, and his eyes became serious.

Because the moment he saw the black mist, Bai Yu felt a little bad in his heart. When he cultivated to this level, any feelings would not appear casually.

Then Bai Yu saw some fighters and devourers collapse in the black mist.

"Not good! This black fog is poisonous, leave here quickly." Bai Yu shouted hurriedly, but it was too late. All the divine insects shrouded in the black fog lost their strength. Even the divine insects on the edge did not rush out. They only stuck a little bit of black fog and had no strength to leave.

"What a powerful poisonous fog." Bai Yu's face changed, and he quickly made a move, grabbing in the air. A large number of divine insects were caught, but still no, as long as they were previously contaminated by the black fog, they would still collapse on the ground and gradually lose their vitality even if they pulled out of the black fog.

Bai Yu was really surprised. You know, the divine insects are not ordinary lives. They can invade the Zerg that sweeps across the universe. They have strong vitality and can adapt to various cruel environments. Even if they encounter irresistible dangers, they can struggle before dying. But now it is too easy to die under the poisonous fog.

Although these divine insects are nothing compared to Bai Yu, they also have the strength of true immortals and heavenly immortals, which is stronger than most lives. Just like this, large numbers of them died under the inexplicable poisonous fog.

Bai Yu calculated that only a small number of divine insects had escaped just now, and more than 100,000 divine insects were stuck by the poisonous fog, which means that 100,000 divine insects died in a short period of time.

This is a considerable force. Maybe it is nothing in a place like the heavens, but it can easily sweep some low-level life places.

"It's bad, the mother queen won't blame me." Bai Yu suddenly thought, and then saw the mother queen flying from a distance.

Bai Yu wanted to say something, but saw that the mother queen had a serious face, and then shut up again, just watching the mother queen collect the sub-insects. After busying around, he saw that the poisonous fog below was several times thicker than before, and it was still rising to the sky. Bai Yu felt a chill in his heart and followed it up.

"What happened here?" At this time, the mother queen asked first.

"Just like what you saw, these poisonous fogs appeared suddenly. If I hadn't wanted to leave at that time, I would have been..." Bai Yu still felt a lingering fear when he said this. Although he was much stronger than these divine insects, he clearly felt a sense of crisis when he saw the poisonous fog. In other words, these poisonous fogs could at least hurt himself. If he ended up like these divine insects, then, thinking of this, Bai Yu's heart trembled violently.

Then Bai Yu was horrified to see a cloud of poisonous mist floating towards the Queen Mother, and he was standing next to the Queen Mother. Seeing this scene, Bai Yu couldn't help but dodge back.

The Queen Mother stretched out her hand to compress the poisonous mist into a ball and held it in her hand. Then she glanced at Bai Yu in surprise, feeling a little baffled.


Feeling a little embarrassed by the Queen Mother's gaze, she laughed a few times in embarrassment, and then walked up: "What kind of toxin is this? It's so powerful."

"I don't know! I haven't seen it before." Queen Mother Mo shook her head and kept exploring.

So Bai Yu also grabbed a cloud of poisonous mist, looked at it carefully and said, "It looks very ordinary, why is it so poisonous?"

As Bai Yu spoke, he released a trace of his divine will and got into the poisonous mist. Then he felt that his divine will was being corroded rapidly, and then he exploded the poisonous mist with a burst of excitement. The real fire flew out, the poisonous mist crackled, and was quickly burned away.

"What do you dare!"

Mother Queen Mo glanced at Bai Yu with some dissatisfaction. She didn't understand what happened to Bai Yu today. She was shocked. Just now, Bai Yu squeezed out the poisonous mist, but some of it splashed out and landed on Mother Queen Mo, but it was blocked by the Queen Mother's body. The protective barrier on the surface blocked it.

"Sorry, sorry, I lost my composure." Bai Yu said with a slight blush.

"I think so." The Queen Mother said casually.

"These poisonous fogs don't appear for no reason. There must be a source under the ground. Just now, there were thousands of miles of mountains and a good spiritual vein. Could it be that the mountain peaks were destroyed and the spiritual veins were collected." Bai Yu changed. Topics are used to cover up one’s embarrassment.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There must be a reason." The Queen Mother said disdainfully.

Bai Yu's face turned red, and then he endured it again, thinking to himself: "I endure it. Now I don't have the same experience as you. If it weren't for the death of so many divine insects, I would definitely want you to look good."

In fact, Bai Yu guessed it right. The reason why Queen Mother Mo was in a bad mood was because of the death of Zichong. There were a hundred thousand Zichongs, and among them there were several immortal golden immortals whom he had focused on cultivating. They just disappeared silently. died under the poisonous mist, and I still haven't figured out the origin of the poisonous mist, and there is this idiot Bai Yu. Since this guy is here, how can he watch so many worms being poisoned by the poisonous mist? It's poisoning.

Of course, Bai Yu didn't know what the Queen Mother was thinking, otherwise he would have screamed loudly. How could he blame himself for this? The poisonous mist was so poisonous that by the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late. Besides, the poisonous mist was really... It's so powerful that even a trace of it will kill you.

I saw the Queen Mother wave her hand, and a hurricane rose out of thin air. The poisonous mist covering tens of thousands of miles of land was sucked into it, gradually compressed to a size of ten miles, and then sealed in an independent space.

"What are you going to do!" Bai Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Find the root cause." The Queen Mother said as she sent out several blades one after another. Suddenly the earth cracked, and then it was shattered under the blades. One person could not breathe, and the land with a radius of 100,000 miles dropped by tens of thousands of meters.

"I don't know what's underneath, the Ten Thousand Poison Spiritual Spring, or the extremely poisonous mineral vein, or maybe it's man-made." Bai Yu guessed on the side, holding the Xuanming Euphorbia, and feeling eager to try it.


Suddenly a thick black smoke spewed out, rushing up to an altitude of 10,000 meters in the blink of an eye. From a distance, it looked like a tsunami or a volcanic eruption, except that what was erupted was not water or magma, but black water. cigarette.

"No, it's poisonous smoke, quickly." At this time, the Queen Mother shouted loudly, and then quickly retreated, tens of thousands of miles back in an instant.

Bai Yu took a step slower and saw some scattered black smoke falling on the ground. In an instant, the hard rocks were corroded, and some spiritual trees disappeared directly.

There was even some poisonous smoke floating towards Bai Yu, hitting the energy shield emitted by Bai Yu and making a snapping sound.

"This guy runs so fast!"

Bai Yu muttered and backed away quickly, and soon came to the Queen Mother. At this time, the poisonous smoke that rushed into the sky gradually dispersed to the surroundings, and some impurities fell down. Immediately, invisible people appeared on the ground. The hole in the bottom.

Bang bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

There were constant explosions, and the space in all directions shook slightly. Bai Yu looked around in surprise, wondering if it was the power of thunder and lightning.

"Don't look at it, it's the poisonous mist that's corroding the space." The Queen Mother said calmly.

"No way." Bai Yu exclaimed, not knowing but knowing that what the Queen Mother said should be true.

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