Eternal Existence

Chapter 1793 New Sea of ​​Consciousness Fragment

The gem-like planet slowly rotates in the palm, just like the planet rotates in the universe. In fact, all this is due to the participation of Chen Feng's power.

In Chen Feng's view, although these blood sulfur crystals are precious, they are not the best and top-notch. They can only be regarded as the bottom of the innate divine objects. Even Chen Feng can't use them. After all, Chen Feng has too many high-level divine objects. But now the number of blood sulfur crystals is more than the number. Don't see that it is just a ball rotating in Chen Feng's palm. In fact, it is compressed by mana. This is a planet with a size of millions of miles.

A million miles in size, it is also a large spiritual stone mine in other super life places.

"I can't use it, but the little brother below can use it." Chen Feng said, and a vortex appeared in his palm to collect the planet.

Of course, it was collected into the inner world. You must know that Chen Feng's inner world has evolved into the scale of the universe, and is now heading towards the small universe. Putting some planets in is just an ordinary means. This can also bring some benefits to Chen Feng's inner world and play a role in accelerating operation and development.

"Sir, this is star pattern steel. This is the first time I have encountered such a large piece. However, it has been refined by someone." Bai Yu also grabbed a planet. This planet was a few points larger than the one collected by Chen Feng. It was metallic in color, but it was shining with starlight.

Star pattern steel is also a good refining material, but it is not very precious. It is not as good as the blood sulfur crystal collected by Chen Feng. It is not very useful for cultivators of Chen Feng's level, but it is a considerable fortune for a force.

The phantom beast collected a burning star, which is ten times the size of the planet collected by Chen Feng. There is actually a heart of fire beating in it.

This is a good thing. In terms of value, it far exceeds blood sulfur crystal and star pattern steel. This kind of thing can be directly refined into the body to increase one's own cultivation, and it can also be integrated into magic weapons to improve the quality of magic weapons.

"Although it is a bit weird, this is the treasure house." Cang Ying also collected a planet, which is also a very precious cultivation material.

"If it is really a treasure, then it is simple. So many stars represent a great harvest, but I think the other party will not leave things here for nothing and wait for future generations to collect them." Chen Feng said lightly. The pupil technique had already begun to sweep over and over again, and soon Chen Feng knew the situation of this starry sky.

It seems that there are indeed a lot of stars, but not to the point of being outrageous, and most of them are good materials, mostly fire and metal, but there are no real top-quality ones, which makes Chen Feng a little disappointed.

After all, there are indeed a lot of cultivation resources here. If all are collected, Chen Feng can add several large treasure houses again, but there are no top-quality ones in Chen Feng's mind, which means that there are few things collected this time that Chen Feng can use himself.

"That's good, we can develop the army of divine insects, and the ancient golden beetles also need these metal materials." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

"Whether there is danger or not, what we have to do next is to collect treasures." Chen Feng said that the Devouring Avenue had been unfolded and extended rapidly, and huge black holes appeared one after another, and burning stars and hidden planets were pulled into the black holes one after another.

From afar, one could only see a piece of stars extinguishing, and what was left was endless darkness.

Compared with Chen Feng's large-scale attack, Bai Yu and the phantom beast only attacked occasionally, because they only collected stars that were useful to them, which was not much.

It didn't take long for this space to become truly dead silent. All the stars were collected by Chen Feng, without even a piece of star fragment left.

"Now that the treasure is in hand, it's time to leave. Should we return the original way or find another way out." Chen Feng said lightly, and the sword of the abyss in his hand had begun to accumulate power.

"Young Master, look."

Just when Chen Feng wanted to violently destroy the space, Bai Yu suddenly exclaimed, and saw a rainbow extending from the depths of the dark space, forming a passage directly in front of everyone.

A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he was a little thoughtful and hesitant.

"Young Master!" Bai Yu saw that Chen Feng had been silent, and couldn't help asking.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng said lightly, and then walked up.

As soon as the rainbow passage rolled up, Chen Feng and the others disappeared, and the space returned to silence again. It seemed that if no one broke into this place, it would remain the same even after 10 billion years.


The transmission process was very smooth, but in the blink of an eye, everyone felt a bright light in front of them and saw the outside world. The towering tombs and the strong power of death showed that everyone had returned to the secret realm of the beast.

"Sir, the rainbow passage just now was a little strange." The phantom beast suddenly said.

"There is nothing strange. We got the benefits and came out safely. Isn't this good?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But!" The phantom beast wanted to say something but was secretly stopped by Bai Yu, so he swallowed the words in his mouth.

"That space is actually not that simple, but we have already gained something, so let's not make trouble. The most important thing now is to find the mother queen Mo and them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What the young master said makes sense." Bai Yu said quickly.

Next, Chen Feng sensed secretly and soon felt the presence of Queen Mother Mo. After all, there were too many divine insects scattered in this space, collecting all the resources here.

But soon Chen Feng frowned, because the army of divine insects did not gather together, and was a little scattered around, because there was no one to command.

"It seems that Mo is in trouble." Chen Feng said, waving his hand, opening a passage, and then a large number of fighters gathered and entered the special space in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness through the passage.

Not long after, Chen Feng collected hundreds of millions of divine insects, and then continued to move forward. After a while, he stopped again and went up hundreds of millions of fighters. In this way, nearly one billion divine insects were collected by Chen Feng.

At this time, the position of the mother queen Mo was finally determined.

Speaking of it, whether it is the clone or Bai Yu, Chen Feng is most assured of the mother queen Mo. As the mother queen of the insect race, she is the existence of carrying a large army to invade and conquer the universe, and her ability to adapt to harsh environments is even better than Chen Feng.

So since the mother queen Mo is in trouble, it must be a big trouble.

"Sir, I found a fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness." At this time, Chen Feng received the news from the mother queen.

"Fragments of the sea of ​​consciousness!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up. The first thing he thought of was the death lake he had encountered before. There were many treasures in that lake at that time. The Soul-Calming Tower and Soul-Snatching Bell he had obtained were only part of them. Treasures such as the Death Sword and magic weapon fragments were divided up by others.

So now that the Queen Mother said that a fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness was found, Chen Feng was of course excited, and even wondered if it was the same origin as the one he had encountered.

"Tell me more about it." Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

"It is a lake of death." Chen Feng was basically certain as soon as the Queen Mother spoke.

"This lake is condensed by the power of death, and there are also power fluctuations of the Daluo Law in it. It is just a fragment, and there are also several powerful magic weapon auras, but it is a bit dangerous. I am trapped in it now." The Queen Mother Mo's divine thoughts came over intermittently.

Chen Feng was so surprised that his expression was a little solemn. There was a soul chain between him and the Queen Mother, but now such a short space blocked the connection between them, which showed that the place where the Queen Mother was was indeed very dangerous.

"Don't worry, I will rescue you." Chen Feng said lightly, but the power of his soul condensed into a steel needle and stabbed at the place where the Queen Mother was.


The steel needle exploded, and Chen Feng felt the strong power of death. Because of Chen Feng's provocation, a strong will of death penetrated the space and swept towards Chen Feng.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but take a step back. Now he could be sure that the fragments of the sea of ​​consciousness found by the Queen Mother were indeed from the same body as the one he encountered before.

"Not all the fragments of the sea of ​​consciousness are in this space." Chen Feng thought so, and hesitated a little. You know, Chen Feng planned to leave this space after finding the Queen Mother, but who knew that he would encounter treasures one after another, and Chen Feng was reluctant to leave.

"Don't think so far, just take it one step at a time, and talk about it later." Chen Feng said lightly, and was about to move forward, and then he felt the extremely tyrannical pressure shrouding him. Chen Feng immediately knew that a master had appeared. Before Chen Feng could figure out who it was, a will turned into a galaxy and swept across.

This almost covered the space of tens of millions of miles. Not to mention that some dead creatures screamed and exploded into pieces, even some huge tombs had cracks. Chen Feng clearly saw a death dragon of the God level screaming and struggling and rolling on the ground, and finally lost his life.

"Be careful!" Chen Feng waved his hand, Bai Yu, the phantom beast and the eagle all came behind him. Even the existence of the God level collapsed under the will of the other party. Chen Feng also felt a strong pressure, fearing that Bai Yu and others could not resist.


The power of time bloomed, forming a golden barrier, wrapping Chen Feng and others. The sword of the abyss in Chen Feng's hand hummed, and then a strong sword intent rushed into the sky. The powerful will that swept across was immediately pierced with a big hole, making a tearing sound that shook the soul.


Even so, Chen Feng still felt that his sea of ​​consciousness had found the baptism of the soul storm. Once he could not resist, he would end up like the death dragon.


A surprised voice suddenly sounded, just like a divine thunder exploding in the sea of ​​consciousness, shaking Chen Feng's head and shaking the time barrier around him.

"So strong, very strong!" Chen Feng was secretly shocked. He had encountered many intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, but this was the first time he had encountered someone with such power just by will.

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