Eternal Existence

Chapter 1790: Abyssal Sword Fragments

The seal that sealed the fragment of the Abyss Sword was powerful on one hand, and on the other hand, it was round and integrated. No matter how Chen Feng urged the power to attack, the surrounding space was constantly vibrating, and it looked like it would break at any time, but there was not even a crack.

This was also the reason why Chen Feng was willing to choose to use the divine nail to attack. You must know that the divine nail has an indestructible piercing edge, which is the most suitable for dealing with this situation.


So Chen Feng used the divine nail, and saw a divine nail flying out and stabbing fiercely, and a small hole was pierced through the round restriction that was not damaged at all under the attack of the Abyss Sword.

Dense cracks appeared around the small hole, and the fragment of the Abyss Sword sealed in it immediately gave off a powerful breath and connected with the Abyss Sword in Chen Feng's hand.



With a loud bang, the restrictions around exploded, and the flashing runes also exploded in a series of explosions. Powerful forces continued to conflict and instantly enveloped Chen Feng.

At this time, Bai Yu and others who were waiting for Chen Feng on the Star Road felt that the road under their feet suddenly shook slightly, and then a very powerful breath rushed out from the abyss.

"What's going on!" Bai Yu and the phantom beast looked at each other, only the goshawk was quiet and motionless, and no one knew what he was thinking.

You must know that the road under your feet is condensed by countless stars, and it has been blessed with great magic power. Even if Taiyi Jinxian fights on it, it will not destroy the road, but now just the power fluctuations rushing up from below have affected this road.

And Chen Feng is still below.

So Bai Yu and the phantom beast began to get anxious. Such a powerful power fluctuation, the two could not resist it, and Chen Feng was still below.

Although anxious, the two beasts obeyed Chen Feng's orders and could not go down. They just waited in agony. However, when they saw the goshawk being unusually quiet on the side, Bai Yu and the phantom beast also calmed down.

The goshawk is Chen Feng's clone. If Chen Feng is in danger, the goshawk will definitely know it at the first time. Now it seems that Chen Feng should be fine.

The turbulent energy fluctuations continued to surge for several days before gradually weakening, and then a little bit of starlight suddenly floated out from the depths of the abyss.

"Come on, it's starlight, no, it's stars, what are you doing?" Bai Yu couldn't help but say.

"Condensing the road." At this time, the silent Goshawk spoke.

I saw that there were so many densely packed stars flying out, and then gathered together, and soon condensed into the prototype of a section of the road, one end connected to the ground, and the other end connected to the other side.

The gap in front was filled, the broken road was connected, and everyone could continue to move forward.

"Why hasn't the young master appeared yet?" Bai Yu said.

"Don't worry, the main body just got the fragments of the Abyss Sword and is now being sacrificed." Goshawk said.

"That's good, then just wait with peace of mind." Hearing that Chen Feng was fine, Bai Yu and the phantom beast were relieved, and then began to look for energy fragments that had not completely dissipated around them.

"It seems to be a fragment of will. Could it be that this abyss space just now was really transformed by will." Bai Yu said with some surprise.

"It turned out to be a fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness. I guessed wrong before. The restriction here was actually left by the owner of the Abyss Sword. I just don't know how this fragment appeared here. This is a bit strange. There is no mark left, not even in the sword body. This is very strange. Could it be that the war that year destroyed everything? Then there is only this explanation." Chen Feng was refining the Abyss Sword in an independent space in the void, and some thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

At this time, the Abyss Sword had become longer, and the fragment had merged with the Abyss Sword in Chen Feng's hand. It seemed that there was no gap, and it was basically a whole. It was a pity that there was no sword tip.

"The Abyss Sword was divided into three in the war. Now only the sword tip has not returned to its place. I don't know when it can be found." Chen Feng said this and a stream of true fire spurted out of his mouth, wrapping up the Abyss Sword in front of him. Before, the spirit had penetrated the Abyss Sword, and now it was refined with the heart fire.

Waiting for the flame to gradually penetrate into the Abyss Sword, no strange phenomenon occurred. Chen Feng was a little relaxed and a little disappointed, and there were some guesses.

You should know that the Sword of the Abyss has been in Chen Feng's hands for a while, and Chen Feng has used it many times to defend against enemies, but the real situation is that Chen Feng has not been more deeply involved in refining the Sword of the Abyss, because he is worried that there are some dangers hidden inside the Sword of the Abyss. This is also the reason why Chen Feng has many top-grade artifacts but has not been deeply refined.

After all, these are top-grade artifacts, and Chen Feng's current realm is still a bit too low. Among all the top-grade artifacts, Chen Feng is most assured to use the Time Disk, because the Time Disk was obtained with the help of the Longevity Tower, which means that Chen Feng has no reservations about the Longevity Tower.

Now that a fragment is in hand, Chen Feng tried to deeply refine the Sword of the Abyss during the fusion process. The result of everything going well made Chen Feng even more entangled.

"It's good that there is no problem. I will come to clean up the hidden dangers after I advance to the God King." Chen Feng said, and he sprayed a stream of true fire again to wrap up the Sword of the Abyss.

In this way, Chen Feng spent a month refining the Sword of the Abyss, and then he walked up with the Abyss in his hand.

"What a pity, there is no other good thing in this fragment of sea of ​​consciousness." After returning to the Star Road, Chen Feng still sighed with regret.

You should know that the fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness that Chen Feng encountered before not only collected a large amount of death power, but also obtained top-grade treasures such as the Soul-Calming Tower and the Soul-Snatching Bell. In comparison, the fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness encountered this time seems too stingy.

"If this fragment is really left by the owner of the Sword of the Abyss, it is not simple. Is it the Abyss Emperor? This is a legendary figure. I am afraid that he has already comprehended the Daluo Law. It's a pity that this fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness has no energy to absorb except some strange power." Chen Feng said lightly.

But fortunately, I collected a fragment, which is also a big harvest. In Chen Feng's view, this fragment is comparable to an ordinary top-grade artifact.

After all, not all top-grade artifacts can be compared with the Sword of the Abyss.

The Abyss Emperor, the Sword of the Abyss, the Primordial Emperor, the Primordial Sword, although the universe is big, people of this level will come into contact sooner or later, as long as my strength is enough.

"Let's go." Chen Feng thought so in his heart, but he continued to move forward with Cang Ying and the others. At this time, the Star Road had been filled, and there was no need to find a way to pass.

However, because of this delay, Chen Feng became more interested in the next truth. At first, he just wanted to rescue Bai Yu and the phantom beast from the phantom array, and he didn't expect it to go so deep.

"I hope it can bring me a surprise, but there is already a surprise." Chen Feng still held the Sword of the Abyss while walking, and there was a stream of light wrapped around the Sword of the Abyss from time to time. This was Chen Feng's sacrifice. The next road should not be so safe. Chen Feng still needs the power of the Sword of the Abyss.

"Sir, there is something in front." Bai Yu suddenly said.

"I see, it's a mountain." Chen Feng nodded.

"A mountain, it won't be blocked, I'll go and see." Bai Yu's eyes lit up and rushed forward faster.

"I'll go too." The phantom beast followed and also accelerated.

In this way, Chen Feng slowed down a little, so it took some time to get to the front of the mountain. When Chen Feng arrived, he saw Bai Yu and the phantom beast taking turns to attack the mountain in front of them, which was not too big, or it was more appropriate to open it up.

"It's really a mountain. It's not that easy to block the road of stars with a size of thousands of feet. You know, this road is made up of countless stars." Chen Feng said lightly, his eyes sweeping over the mountain.

"Sir, this mountain is very strange. I can't tell what its attribute is." Bai Yu said.

"Yes, sir, it seems to be an ordinary rock, but it's too hard, ten times harder than the five elements of refined gold." The fantasy beast also said so.

"Let me take a look." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a piece of rock cut by Bai Yu fell into his hand.

"Huh, it's really heavy, but this material seems familiar." Chen Feng frowned and said.

"Ah! I remember, it's a bit similar to that super hard rock, the aura is similar, but the quality is not as good as playing with a piece." Chen Feng looked at the rock and finally a ball of fire appeared in his palm, and then he saw that the rock began to slowly merge, and the speed was very slow.

The super hard rock that Chen Feng mentioned was the mysterious rock that once wrapped the Abyss Sword. Because it was too hard, Chen Feng melted it into the Longevity Armor, which directly improved the defense level of the Longevity Armor.

Chen Feng also looked up various information about the mysterious rock, but he had no results. He couldn't figure out its origin, so he had to call it a mysterious rock. At this time, Chen Feng was a little excited to find that the thousand-foot mountain in front of him was actually the same as the mysterious rock, but the quality was a little lower, but it was still a treasure for Chen Feng.

"Good stuff, put it away first." Chen Feng said, and the Abyss Sword in his hand slashed down fiercely. The hard mountain was immediately cut into a gully of dozens of feet. Chen Feng was surprised and happy. The power of the Abyss Sword was indeed improved, and the mountain in front of him was indeed hard enough.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng flicked his finger and a ball of green flames flew out. It landed on the mountain and spread with a bang, wrapping up the entire mountain.

The mysterious rock that Chen Feng had obtained before was smelted by burning with the Chaos Spirit Fire, but it took a long time at that time. Now Chen Feng's strength has improved, and the quality of the rocks that make up the mountain in front of him is also inferior, so under the burning of the flame, the entire mountain is slowly melting, but the speed is too slow. It is unknown how long it will take to completely melt. You know, although the quality is lower, there is a thousand-foot mountain in front of you, which is much larger than the mysterious rock that Chen Feng obtained.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Feng used the Immortal Light. The golden beam seemed to sweep across, but it was actually vibrating at a high speed. This was because it contained the cutting technique. Soon the Immortal Light gradually cut into the mountain.

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