Eternal Existence

Chapter 1771 Finding a Place

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's ability to block the attack of the four-sided divine beast's soul is one aspect, and there is also the powerful power of the divine weapon. In addition, the opponent of the four-sided divine beast is not only Chen Feng, and the means of attacking Chen Feng are not all, otherwise Chen Feng would not be able to resist it so easily.

After Chen Feng resolved the attack of the four-sided divine beast, Qiu Li Shengjun and others entangled with the opponent again.

At this time, everyone's confidence was gradually aroused. Although this four-sided divine beast is very strong, it is not impossible to deal with it. It seems to be easier to deal with than the two poisonous dragons.

This four-sided divine beast is indeed powerful. The four great laws are all out, plus the hidden way of swallowing, the overall strength is extremely strong. In fact, Qiu Li Shengjun and others are still at a disadvantage.

This is the most shocking. You must know that everyone is in the intermediate Taiyi realm, but the four-sided divine beast still has the upper hand when fighting one against many.

"Forget it." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"What." Everyone didn't understand what Chen Feng meant.

"I mean, let's just leave. There's no need to fight any further." Chen Feng said. Of course, although Chen Feng said this, he stepped forward and performed some secret techniques. The huge shield still suppressed the four-sided beast.

"You are the one who started it, and now you are the one who wants to leave. What do you want to do?" The three beasts didn't say anything, but Taiyin spoke coldly.

"The benefits have been obtained. Do you really want to kill this four-sided beast? Even if you can, the result will be a lose-lose situation." Chen Feng said with a smile, thinking that it was mainly because no one really worked hard, otherwise it would be certain to kill this four-sided beast. Not to mention that Saint Qiu Li didn't use the Wheel of the Universe, the strength of the three beasts was probably only two or three levels. In fact, Chen Feng didn't criticize the other party in his heart, because he didn't use his full strength either. Even if he looked a little embarrassed under the soul attack just now, it was Chen Feng who did it on purpose.

"Daoyou is right. I'm afraid that I can't leave now." Qingfeng Niu said.

The four-sided divine beast was originally practicing, but was disturbed by everyone. The four-sided divine beast will definitely not let everyone go.

"We will know if we can leave after trying. Besides, if we really fight hard, this guy will not have a good time." Chen Feng said, and the shield in his hand hummed. The huge impact was also broken. Chen Feng only stepped back a few steps this time, and then waved the sword of the abyss to cut down the four-sided divine beast again.

Speaking of this, Chen Feng still gained the most this time, after all, Chen Feng had swallowed the blood energy of the four-sided divine beast before.

"Let's go together." Chen Feng said.

"Okay!" Qiu Li Shengjun's eyes flashed, and a black treasure bottle appeared on his head at some point. The mouth of the bottle opened wide, and a stream of black gas gushed out of it, changing various shapes and flying towards the four-sided divine beast.

"The evil spirit of the netherworld, no, it is the evil spirit of the netherworld after containing the nine netherworld heavy water. I haven't seen Qiu Li Shengjun use this method before." Chen Feng said secretly.

In fact, it was not only Saint Qiuli, but the others also used their own methods, and their combat effectiveness suddenly increased a lot. With the joint efforts of everyone, they actually forced back the four-sided beast.

"Good opportunity! Let's go." Chen Feng said, and the wings behind him flashed and left quickly. Of course, the others were not slow either, and they set off almost at the moment Chen Feng left.

"Did they catch up?"

"It seems not."

"Be careful!"

The space was torn, and the four-sided beast came out of it, locked Chen Feng, and pierced Chen Feng with its long tail.

"Why are you targeting me?"

Chen Feng said a little depressed, his body shape changed quickly, and it flashed hundreds of times in a blink of an eye, but the tail of the four-sided beast was still staring at Chen Feng.

"It's normal to target you, you can handle it yourself." Saint Qiuli said, and did not come forward to help Chen Feng, but turned around and left quickly. The others did the same as Saint Qiuli, especially Qingfeng Niu, who shouted at Chen Feng before leaving.

"Daoyou Chen Feng, I'll leave it to you to cover the rear. Show your strength."

Hearing Qingfengniu shouting like this, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. With a wave of his hand, a huge handprint grabbed the tail of the four-faced beast. However, the tail of the other party vibrated, and the large handprint condensed by Chen Feng was shattered. Chen Feng seemed to have known that this situation would happen a long time ago, so he was not panicked. He stretched out his hand and clicked it, and a divine nail passed through a phantom and pierced the tail of the four-faced beast.


The four-faced beast was injured and was angered by Chen Feng. The four faces were actually arranged side by side, and the eight eyes simultaneously shot out beams of light of different colors and swept towards Chen Feng.

"Is this the light of Taiyi? It doesn't seem like it." Chen Feng said secretly, but he felt a strong sense of crisis, so the other eight divine nails flew over in a series, just blocking the attack of the eight streamers.

The nine divine nails vibrated at the same time, and the divine nail formation was almost broken. Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he knew that he could not fight anymore, otherwise he would be entangled by the opponent and it would be difficult for him to get away.

The nine divine nails still protected Chen Feng. If someone helped to entangle the four-sided beast, Chen Feng would still be sure to use the divine nails to attack the opponent. Now he could only protect himself. However, after repelling the opponent's attack just now, Chen Feng also had some time. He raised his hand and threw out a black mass of divine thunder.

These divine thunders were all prepared by Chen Feng a long time ago. In fact, since dealing with the intermediate Taiyi master, Chen Feng began to prepare various means, not to injure the opponent, but to delay some time.

This is what Chen Feng is doing now. The divine thunder thrown out was condensed by Chen Feng using the original power of various attributes. It contains Chen Feng's will and is still very powerful. It can kill some elementary Taiyi gold. There is still no problem with the immortal, but Chen Feng knows that it has little lethality against such intermediate Taiyi masters, so Chen Feng directly throws thousands of them, which is also a large part of his inventory.

The moment Chen Feng left, these divine thunders began to explode one after another, including the roars of four-sided divine beasts.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

Beams of terrifying energy were shot out from the Chaos Divine Thunder, still firmly locked on Chen Feng. From this point, it can be seen that the four-faced beast is not seriously injured. The speed of these beams is extremely fast, far exceeding Chen Feng's flying escape. speed, but Chen Feng also had arrangements. The huge sky-shielding shield was erected directly, allowing these beams to hit deep pits on it.

"After all, this is the best artifact of mine, and it is also a real defensive magic weapon. Even if it is stronger, it cannot break the defense." Chen Feng said lightly, full of confidence in the shield. Then Chen Feng accelerated his speed, and for a few seconds In a blink of an eye, he traveled through countless spaces and quickly caught up with Shengjun Qiu Li and others.

"Hey, so fast!" Everyone was still surprised that Chen Feng got rid of the four-faced beast so quickly.

"I don't know whether we got rid of it or not. Maybe the other party won't let us go so easily." Chen Feng said, with a flash of light in his eyes. He was still observing and sensing the situation around him, and was ready to fight at any time, but the order Everyone was relieved that the four-faced beast didn't catch up again.

"It seems that guy also knows that we are not easy to deal with." Qingfeng Niu said.

"After all, we are also Taiyi Golden Immortals. We can dominate everywhere. Unexpectedly, we are running away now. It's really embarrassing." Greedy Beast shook his head and said.

"Actually, you can stay and fight to the death. I will definitely support you mentally." Nightmare said with a smile.

"Hmph, I think you want me to die." Greedy Beast said dissatisfied.

"Actually, entering the secret realm of mythical beasts this time was very smooth." At this time, Holy Lord Qiu Li suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean by fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed, as if he thought of something.

"My destination is coming soon, and I still need your help next." Holy Lord Qiu Li said, his eyes sweeping across everyone.

"This is natural." Qingfeng Niu was the first to agree.

"What I am looking for is the corpse of the Transparent Beast. In addition, there are other treasures. Maybe I can get the blessed land left by some senior masters." Saint Lord Qiu Li continued.

"It's easier said than done in the Cave Heaven Paradise. At our level, it's even harder to die." Nightmare said lightly, with a bright light in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't agree with Qiu Li Shengjun's statement, or he meant to shirk it. After all, this Unlike Chen Feng and the others, the three strange beasts appeared temporarily. They had no friendship at all and could only join forces if they had the same interests. It was unrealistic to help Holy Lord Qiu Li for no reason.

"You can't say that. Although it is said that Taiyi Golden Immortal has endless lifespan and is immortal, it has been countless billions of years since the creation of Chaos, and I don't know how many masters have been born. I don't believe that these masters can live forever, otherwise they wouldn't There is a secret realm of mythical beasts." Chen Feng said with a smile. It was obvious that he was speaking for Holy Lord Qiu Li. Of course, Chen Feng also had his own ideas. He knew that the journey ahead would definitely not be smooth, so uniting three strange beasts was considered too much. A few helpers, after all, Holy Lord Qiu Li had come several times before without success.

"What fellow Taoist said makes sense. We all come here to take risks. Being able to form a team is considered fate. Of course we have to help each other if something happens." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"Let's go"

Although I don't know if these three strange beasts will help when the time comes, they are moving forward now, because Saint Qiu Li has a faint sense of oppression, as if something is about to happen.

So Holy Lord Qiu Li couldn't help but look at Chen Feng and saw Chen Feng nodding. He immediately asked with a move in his heart: "You feel it too?"

"It should be from the Fire Dragon Clan, the Gila Monster Clan, and maybe other forces. This is their territory after all. It's pretty good that we can get all the way here." Chen Feng said.

"It's troublesome!" Holy Lord Qiu Li frowned.

"Perhaps we can use some means." Chen Feng suggested.

"You mean setting up some illusion formations." Saint Lord Qiu Li thought for a while and said.

"I'm afraid I can't stop the other party."

"Of course it can't be stopped, as long as it can be delayed for some time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's fine, but I still ask fellow Taoists to help." Saint Lord Qiu Li said.

"This is what it should be." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and a foot-long command flag flew out. The command flag grew when it saw the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became the size of a thousand feet. Then Chen Feng cast a magic trick with both hands. , this command flag swayed for a moment, and then it turned into eight phantoms, smoke rose around it, thunder and lightning flashed, and the wind roared. Then these command flags gradually disappeared and disappeared. The command flag disappeared, the surrounding smoke disappeared, and everything disappeared. Everyone regained their composure, as if nothing had happened.

"Nine-pole Heavenly Lock Formation!" Saint Lord Qiu Li showed surprise in his eyes. He looked at Chen Feng and then regained his composure. Chen Feng was pregnant with the Nine-pole Heavenly Lock Divine Nail, which was a top-grade artifact, so he naturally understood it. It is normal to arrange some small Tiansuo formations, but Qiu Li Shengjun also saw that the flags used by Chen Feng to set up the formations were high-grade artifacts, which was quite a feat for Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"This guy is really generous." Saint Qiuli thought to himself, and then he quickly set up the formation. Chen Feng set up a blocking formation, and Saint Qiuli and Shaoyang Taiyin set up a real psychedelic formation. The attack power is not strong, but it can make people fall into it and cannot extricate themselves. Of course, the opponent can definitely break out of the formation, but it takes time.

Chen Feng and others fought for this time. It didn't take much time to set up the formation. Then everyone left quickly and came to a strange area soon.

"Is it here?"

"It's here!"

"What a strange place."

The reason why this area is strange is that there are tombs of all sizes here at a glance, and the tombs here are also different. Some stand on the ground like mountains, occupying a spiritual vein, and some appear and disappear in the stacked space. With the eyes of everyone, you can naturally see that some tombs are completely hidden in special independent spaces, some tombs are like floating islands, and some tombs are simply a world.

Of course, compared to these majestic tombs, there are some inconspicuous mounds of earth, but Chen Feng and others also understand that the tombs that can exist here must be extraordinary.

"This is a bit like the secret realm of divine beasts. Uh, this should be called the cemetery of divine beasts." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

Chen Feng's eyes were dim, and his pupils penetrated through layers of void. What he saw were countless different cemeteries, and with Chen Feng's eyesight, he couldn't even see the specific number of cemeteries here.

"Such a strong death aura, are there any living beasts here?" Qingfeng Niu said.

Although these three beasts came from the Beast Alliance, it was also the first time they entered this area. Naturally, they felt curious and shocked, and because of the beasts themselves, they could feel the aura here more deeply, and clearly knew that all kinds of powerful beasts were buried in these cemeteries.

"This is the real death aura. The death aura I have seen in the past is too weak." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. A huge vortex immediately appeared in the air, and the energy around gathered in the vortex.

"With so many high-level life forms, it would be strange if some death energy didn't appear." Saint Qiu Li said as he walked forward first, passing through several tombs in the blink of an eye.

Shaoyang and Taiyin quickly followed without saying a word.

"Daoyou, this place is not simple." At this time, Qingfengniu suddenly came to Chen Feng and said.

"Really? This is my first time here. Although I don't know the situation here, it does look very complicated now." Chen Feng nodded, and the huge vortex in front of him had been compressed in his hand, naturally forming a black bead.

"The aura here is very chaotic, and the space is torn and overlapped. If a cultivator with insufficient strength comes here, he may get lost in it, or even be torn into pieces." Nightmare suddenly said, and the Greedy Beast was also absorbing the death energy here. Chen Feng looked at the Greedy Beast in surprise. He didn't expect that this strange beast actually used the energy here to practice.

"Even if you can avoid the tearing of space, it is difficult to resist the impact of death. The death here contains too many powerful beasts' wills, which can impact the soul, making people lose their minds and lose their vitality, and then die here after exhausting their vitality." Qingfeng Niu pointed his finger, and Chen Feng saw some corpses that had not yet completely decayed. In addition to the beasts, there were actually several humans. It seems that these people died here because of their insufficient cultivation.

"Is it really the first time for you to come here?" Chen Feng suddenly had an idea, and then asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, although we have entered this space before, we didn't know there was such a compact cemetery here." Nightmare said with a smile.

"Whether it's your first time here or not, we should follow them. Since so many powerful beasts can be buried here, there must be some benefits." Chen Feng said as he moved into the cemetery. At this time, the three Saint Lord Qiu Li were almost nowhere to be seen. After all, the cemetery here is like a mountain, with luck lingering and death floating around. In addition, the stacked broken space is comparable to the most powerful maze. It's a small matter for cultivators with poor insight to get lost after entering. If they are not careful, they will lose their lives.

Since Saint Lord Qiu Li has been here before, at least the route of the outer area should be clear. Chen Feng will not walk around randomly, but just lock on Saint Lord Qiu Li and the three people. This can also save a lot of trouble and sweep away some detours.

Qingfeng Niu and the other two looked at each other, secretly discussed and followed, and soon caught up with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked relaxed on the surface, but he was always on guard in secret to prevent any danger. After all, Saint Lord Qiu Li had come several times without success, so there must be danger or obstacles here. Apart from anything else, the aura emitted by these tombs is enough to make people feel difficult in their progress.


At this moment, a loud bang exploded, and the three people of Saint Qiuli who were walking in the front stopped and took a defensive posture.

A powerful force swept over in the form of a shock wave. Chen Feng immediately knew that the explosion just now was the Death Thunder. He suddenly had an idea in his mind. The power of the Death Thunder produced in this environment must be not small.

"Has the Death Thunder appeared before?" Chen Feng asked Saint Qiuli.

"Death Thunder is a very common existence here." Saint Qiuli said.

"Since it is a very common existence, why did you stop and be so alert?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and his eyes swept across to take in the expressions and reactions of everyone.

"It is true. These people have been here before and have some understanding of the situation here. Only I am a newcomer." Chen Feng thought to himself. In fact, before entering this tomb, Chen Feng felt a hint of pressure and warning, and knew that the next thing would definitely not be so easy.

"It is because we have encountered this situation that we know that there will be danger next." Qiu Li Shengjun said.

"Is it dangerous?" Chen Feng nodded, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he felt that the aura of the surrounding space had changed. Soon Chen Feng determined that it was because of the tomb. He saw a turbulent flow in one direction, and then the turbulent flow separated, and a fierce tiger with great momentum rushed towards everyone. Before he arrived, the wind and clouds were surging around, and some overlapping spaces were smashed.

"So this is the situation." Chen Feng nodded, and he had seen the origin of this tiger.

"Although this is a tomb, it is a powerful life after all. Even if it is dead, not everyone can be reckless. Moreover, it is normal to experience the nourishment of the power of death and give birth to some special existences." Saint Qiu Li pointed his finger at the tiger, and a black line flew out, directly piercing the tiger's forehead. Then the black line was retracted, and the tiger gradually became illusory and finally disappeared. Chen Feng saw that there was a black crystal in Saint Qiu Li's hand. The crystal was shining with a faint luster, but Chen Feng felt a strong vitality fluctuation.

"From the infinite to the life and death, this tiger is also very powerful, equivalent to the strength of the God." Chen Feng said lightly.

"If it's just this level, there won't be any danger. Look around." After Saint Qiuli put away the crystal, he pointed to the distance. Chen Feng saw the clouds rolling, the tomb shaking slightly, and various kinds of energy impacting each other, making the power of death become complicated. A strong breath was like an oil lamp being lit in the dark. Chen Feng clearly saw countless lives hidden in the dark. These were all similar to tigers. Some of them had very strong breaths and had reached the realm of Taiyi.

"Since you have cultivated to this point, are you still guarding the tomb? It's right to go to other places. The world outside will be more vast." Chen Feng said with a smile, but there was indeed a solemn look in his eyes.

"How can it compare to the cultivation environment here." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Daoyou Qiuli, I don't want to get caught up in the endless fighting. I'd better find the Tongming Beast as soon as possible." Chen Feng looked at Saint Qiuli.

"Of course, it's hard to enter this place quietly." As Saint Qiuli said this, the black flame silk flew out again, and another dragon-like beast was killed, and a road was immediately cleared in front of them.

"Let's go!"

But before they walked far, they were surrounded by various beasts. If they wanted to move forward, they had to fight. Although Chen Feng just said that he didn't want to fight, he still had to fight. He just killed an ancient ape with a long sword, and was entangled by two huge spirit snakes.

"Everyone follow me, rush out in one direction." At this time, Saint Qiuli's voice sounded.

"It's so easy to say." Chen Feng shook his head, quickly dealt with the two spirit snakes, and then shook his body to avoid the attacks of other beasts, and the next moment he arrived beside Saint Qiuli.

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