Eternal Existence

Chapter 1762 Let’s cooperate

"It seems that the next process will not be so peaceful." Chen Feng said lightly, then waved his hand and put away the beads.

"Isn't this nonsense? There are people watching eagerly from the side. How can you calm down?" Taiyin said.

"Chen Feng should be talking about the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness." Saint Lord Qiu Li said.

Taiyin became quiet as soon as Qiu Li Shengjun opened his mouth. Chen Feng was a little surprised by this situation at first, but then he stopped thinking about it. In Chen Feng's opinion, Qiu Li Shengjun and Shaoyang Taiyin should not come from the same place. However, there is a superior-subordinate relationship between the two parties. Although it is not very clear, it cannot escape Chen Feng's induction.

"Everyone, actually we should talk. In this case, our friendly communication is the most correct choice." At this time, the male cultivator who was watching from a distance spoke.

"The other party hasn't given up yet." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Actually, it would be disadvantageous for us to fight with the opponent under this situation, but we are really not willing to join forces with the opponent." Qiu Li Shengjun said.

Shaoyang and Taiyin nodded and admitted that what Qiu Li Shengjun said was correct. We are not fools. They and others have already offended the local gangsters here. It is really not appropriate to compete with others, but they want to share the benefits in front of them. , it is difficult for these monks with a firm Taoist heart to accept it.

Seeing Chen Feng and the others communicating, a hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the man and the woman. So the male cultivator was about to speak again and suddenly frowned, then waved his hand, and two flying swords flew out quickly, pulling out two swords in the air. A long sword curtain.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

The two giant beasts flying from a distance were torn apart under the sword curtain, and turned into blood mist before they could heal. Then even the blood mist was evaporated by the sword energy.

"The matter is urgent, we can compromise." Chen Feng said suddenly.

"You were the one who made the first move in the beginning, but now you are the one who is willing to compromise." Tianyin sneered.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, his face suddenly sank, and his eyes glanced at Taiyin. It seemed that Chen Feng was angered by Taiyin.

In Chen Feng's eyes, Taiyin could not help but feel a chill and a hint of danger, as if he was being targeted by a peerless beast.

"This guy!"

Taiyin thought to himself, but stopped speaking.

"Okay! This is the best solution. In fact, it is also an opportunity. Maybe we can get those two people together." Holy Lord Qiu Li nodded and made up his mind.

"Two fellow Taoists, please come over and talk." Holy Lord Qiu Li said. A monk with the character of Holy Lord Qiu Li, once he has made up his mind, will not hesitate, but will immediately become decisive.


Seeing Lord Qiu Li speak, a hint of joy flashed through the eyes of the man and woman again, and they rushed over without hesitation.

"I've met you all." Relatively speaking, these two people are quite enthusiastic. After all, I am a latecomer, so I must be more polite when taking advantage of others. Of course, the most important thing is that I am not as strong as the opponent.

"You two fellow Taoists, you're welcome. I think you both know where this place is." Saint Lord Qiu Li said calmly.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness left by a super master." The male cultivator said in a deep voice.

"Tao friendly eyesight." Holy Lord Qiu Li nodded.

"Everyone knows that this treasure land is ownerless, but we arrived one step ahead, so the four of us are ready to divide the death energy here. You two have no objection." Saint Lord Qiu Li continued.

"No objection." The male nun nodded, indicating his approval.

"In addition to the death energy, there are some treasures here. Since the two of them also appeared here, it is considered a chance. After the four of us discussed and decided, the two Taoists can each get one treasure here, just this one. ." Saint Qiu Li said and his face suddenly sank.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng showed a smile on his lips and looked at the two people secretly. Chen Feng had secretly made up his mind. If the other party did not agree, then he would have no choice but to take action.

It is not easy to know the treasures in this sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng has observed before that they are basically the best god-level treasures. The soul-suppressing tower, palace, and long sword obtained before are all considered to be the best among the best.

Chen Feng even wondered whether the owner of Consciousness Sea was Daluo Jinxian.

"No problem, thank you fellow Taoists." The male nun nodded in agreement, which also made Chen Feng secretly relieved. It seems that these two people are self-aware and not too greedy. In fact, after thinking about it, The thought of getting a top-notch artifact is already very satisfying.

"In that case, let's take action, but if someone comes again." Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

"Of course it must be disclosed unanimously." The male cultivator understood what Chen Feng meant and said quickly.

Chen Feng nodded, thinking that this sentence would suffice. No matter whether these two people would take action at the critical moment, the addition of two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals seemed to add some deterrence.

"It's better to arrange it before taking action." Qiu Li Shengjun said and quickly formed a few spells with his hands, and a purple barrier expanded around.

Shaoyang and Taiyin threw out some formation flags and began to set up restrictions around them.

"Yes, in order to prevent others from disturbing us, we do need to put some restrictions in place." The male nuns nodded and took action.

Only Chen Feng did not move. On the contrary, Chen Feng was still smiling bitterly. If he and others had made these preparations before, the later events would not have happened. Although the restrictions set up may not be able to stop these masters, they can stop them for a while. As long as some time, Chen Feng and others can divide up this sea of ​​consciousness.

After setting up the restrictions, everyone started to take action. Except for Chen Feng, the other five were intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. These people were too strong. They could easily destroy a starry sky with one move, and could reach tens of thousands of light years with a thought. But now they can only turn the world upside down in a lake when they join forces.

At this time, the death energy in the sea of ​​consciousness has dropped by half. The remaining ones are the strongest and most difficult to collect. Chen Feng's collection speed is the fastest. In fact, Chen Feng has already obtained a quarter of it. The swallowing vortex is still swallowing crazily. Others did not refute, or acquiesced to Chen Feng's approach. After all, in this situation, taking away the things here as soon as possible is the most critical.

Shaoyang and Taiyin teamed up again and locked onto another treasure. Unexpectedly, this time they collected a long sword, which was a top-grade artifact that was almost the same as the previous Holy Sword of Death. However, it did not emit the power of death, but a hidden vitality that was about to erupt.

"Hey! A long sword with vitality. It was the Holy Sword of Death before, and now it is the Holy Sword of Life. I was wrong before. These two people practiced both yin and yang, and now they have the Holy Sword of Life and Death. This opportunity is really good." Chen Feng was a little envious when he saw this scene, but then he also showed a hint of joy in his eyes, because the magic weapon he was going to collect next was more satisfying to him, and its value was even higher than the other party's sword.


The first time Chen Feng collected the Soul-Calming Tower, and now he collected a black ancient bell that looked more simple.

Soul-Snatching Bell!

Soul-Calming Tower! Soul-Snatching Bell!

These are two treasures that Chen Feng has long been eyeing. Although he dare not say that they are the strongest magic weapons of the master of the sea of ​​consciousness, they are at least the top existences in this sea of ​​consciousness. They can calm the soul and seize the soul, which is very suitable for Chen Feng's needs. You should know that Chen Feng also practices the soul-soothing spell, which is a type of soul secret art, and can better appreciate the importance of this type of magic weapon.

Before, Chen Feng's collection of the Soul-Soothing Tower was already enviable, and now he has made the Soul-Soothing Bell, which makes others even more jealous, but they can't rob it, so they have to find a way to rob other good things.

Fortunately, Shaoyang and Taiyin are also very satisfied with the swords of life and death they have collected. The two are dual cultivation partners, and they can better exert the power of these two swords. At this time, I am afraid that Chen Feng will not be willing to take out the Soul-Soothing Tower in exchange.

And because the two of them are working together, their strength exceeds that of others. They took the lead in collecting the Holy Sword of Life, and then set their eyes on another treasure.

What Saint Lord Qiuli got before was a strange palace whose origin was unknown, but now he is aiming at a piece of magic weapon fragment. This magic weapon fragment is wrapped by black flame silk and emits a dark luster. Judging from Saint Lord Qiuli's appearance, it seems that the process of collecting it is not smooth.

Chen Feng glanced at it and was secretly surprised. You know, because of the competition among many people, everyone is looking for some complete and powerful treasures to collect. Saint Lord Qiuli got a piece of fragment, which is a bit unexpected. In addition, in Chen Feng's opinion, although this dark fragment is not simple, the fluctuations it emits show that it is only a top-grade artifact. However, if Saint Lord Qiuli does this, then this magic weapon fragment must be not simple.

"It seems that the fragment must be not simple. Let's ask next." Thinking of this, Chen Feng swept his eyes to the male and female cultivators.

These two people also gained something. The male cultivator received a big seal, which was square and seemed to be able to suppress the universe. It was dark without light, and it could suppress all darkness.

The female cultivator collected a long whip. From the shape, it was nothing special, but from the nervous and excited look of the female cultivator, it was clear that the long whip was definitely not simple.

"What a pity, there are so many good things in this sea of ​​consciousness, and they have to be divided up." Chen Feng's heart was full of fire when he saw so many treasures. He wanted to sweep away all the other people present and grab all the treasures in his hands.

Of course, Chen Feng only thought about these ideas. They were not realistic at all. Unless Chen Feng could advance to the Taiyi realm and use the power of magic weapons to sweep these people, Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli were partners, and he couldn't eat alone.

"Collect! Collect! Collect!"

A strong force continued to gushed out from Chen Feng's heart. The nine divine nails bloomed with more powerful power than before, and the soul-stealing bell gradually shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Success." Looking at the small bell in his hand, which was only the size of a palm, Chen Feng smiled.

In fact, Chen Feng also has bell-type magic weapons on him, such as the top-grade artifact Soul-Falling Bell, which is also a good soul-type magic weapon, but it is much inferior to the top-grade artifact in front of him. The difference in grade is like heaven and earth.

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