Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,757: Counterattack

Sage Qiuli was stopped, Chen Feng was ambushed, and Shaoyang and Taiyin still did not show up. Sage Qiuli had to think about the bad things, but soon gave up the idea, because Shaoyang and Taiyin would not betray him. Since they have not shown up until now, they must have encountered troubles like Chen Feng.

"Qiuli, you are too impatient. We have been waiting for you here. We didn't expect you to come so soon. We are also surprised."

The two monks carried a giant sword and a long stick respectively. They looked like ordinary warriors, but from the vigilant eyes of Sage Qiuli, it can be seen how powerful these two people are.

And from the words just now, it can be seen that this is not the first time for the two sides to deal with each other.

"Since you know I am coming, can you two stop me?" Sage Qiuli said coldly. He was not afraid of the other party before. Now that he has obtained the fragments of the Wheel of the Universe, his strength has increased, and he is more confident in dealing with the other party. What Chen Feng is worried about now is that his plan has changed because of the other party's participation.

You have to know that Saint Qiuli came here to look for something, so it would be best to solve it smoothly, and not to fight if possible. Saint Qiuli also knew that this idea was unrealistic, which was why he asked Chen Feng to help him. Who knew that he was attacked before he even got to the place.

"It would be best if you can stop him, but it doesn't matter if you can't stop him, as long as you don't have the strength to do anything else." The monk carrying the giant sword said with a smile.

"You two are the guardians of the Fire Dragon Clan after all. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the younger generation for saying this?" Saint Qiuli said lightly. The other party did not attack directly, and Saint Qiuli did not take the initiative to attack. He was just thinking quickly about what to do next, and at the same time waiting for Shaoyang and the others. As for Chen Feng, Saint Qiuli did not hold out hope for the time being, because after the large area of ​​destructive thunder, someone secretly performed the sealing technique. Saint Qiuli thought that even if Chen Feng was very powerful, it would take time to break through all this, so he could not help himself in a short time.

"Just laugh at it, and no one will laugh at us. The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. As long as we can deal with you, it will be the greatest gain and achievement." The monk carrying the long stick said with a smile.

"Oh, you still want to keep me." Saint Qiu Li sneered.

"Yes, you think it's impossible." A thunderous voice exploded, and two more monks came out. The monks who came out later were a man and a woman. The male monk wore armor covered with strange patterns, with an ugly face and some simple patterns on his bald head. Compared with this male monk, the female monk also wore special armor and was equally ugly, but she had long hair, otherwise they looked similar.

But the two were very powerful, exuding a breath of danger every moment, and even the war spear in their hands was different from others. This was a specially refined poison spear.

Seeing the two people appear, Saint Qiu Li's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and then he realized that he had come a little abruptly and carelessly this time. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal this time, but he might even be left behind.

"Didn't you expect us to join forces with the poisonous lizard clan?" The monk carrying the giant sword was very satisfied with Saint Qiuli's reaction, and he was a little proud when he spoke.

"I didn't expect that although you are allies, you will not join forces on some things. I was wrong." Saint Qiuli said lightly.

"You are indeed wrong. It is inevitable to join forces under common interests. Moreover, if both of us want to join forces to open up the secret realm of divine beasts, some core-level secrets also need to be communicated with each other.

"Okay, Saint Qiuli, what else do you have to say? I know you are powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, this is our territory. You can't leave this time. When we catch you or kill you, I think someone will come to thank us." The monk carrying the long stick laughed after he finished speaking. It seems that all this will become a foregone conclusion, but in order to avoid complications, it is better to act as soon as possible.

"Knowing that you will not surrender, we have to act. "The giant sword monk said as he waved his hand, and the giant sword on his shoulder made a dragon roar. The giant sword directly turned into a majestic fire dragon and rushed towards Saint Qiuli.

The moment the giant sword monk took action, the other three also took action, and blocked Saint Qiuli from four directions, obviously not wanting Saint Qiuli to leave alive.

The giant sword and long stick are both fierce weapons. Under the urging of the two fire dragon clan masters, they burst out with extremely fierce attacks. In contrast, the man and woman of the poisonous lizard clan used feminine moves with their war spears. The two war spears kept moving like poisonous snakes, making it even more difficult to defend against. At least in the eyes of Saint Qiuli, it is better to fight with the giant sword and spear than to deal with this. Two sinister and strange spears.

As soon as he came, Saint Qiuli was at a disadvantage, and he recovered quickly. However, Saint Qiuli did not use the Wheel of the Universe. This level of treasure was too important. It was best not to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. It might attract countless masters to snatch it. Besides, even if Saint Qiuli wanted to use it, he had to wait until the critical moment.

However, facing the attack of four people, even if he activated the Wheel of the Universe, it would only temporarily change the situation. It was hard to say whether it could help him achieve his goal next.

Bang! Spray! Bang! Bang!

Saint Qiuli had already used all his means, but he still couldn't stop the siege of the four people. Saint Qiuli also felt that someone was ambushing in the dark and would give him a fatal blow at a critical moment.

"Did I really come here by mistake this time? But according to my previous calculations, I should have gained something this time. Or maybe my calculations were wrong. If so, I should find a way to leave as soon as possible." Some thoughts flashed through Saint Qiu Li's mind.

"Don't have illusions. No matter how many helpers you find, they will stay here this time." The giant sword monk laughed. He had fought with Saint Qiu Li several times, and he was seriously injured every time. This time he finally turned the tables.

Saint Qiu Li had a face like an expression and a murderous look in his eyes. He didn't care about the provocation and threat of the other party. In fact, Saint Qiu Li was not worried that he couldn't leave. He was just considering whether to use his strongest means.

After several more fights, Saint Qiu Li was injured again. He knew that if this continued, the situation would gradually trap him. In this case, he should leave as soon as possible. As for Chen Feng and Shaoyang Taiyi, it depends on their luck.

However, just when Saint Qiu Li wanted to leave, he suddenly received a message. With Saint Qiu Li's cultivation, he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise, and then the aura on his body suddenly became fierce.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Feeling the changes in Saint Lord Qiuli, the four cultivators instinctively felt something was wrong. Before they could figure out what was happening, they felt that the space that had been blocked around them had changed immediately. First, the original situation was broken, and then it was blocked by another extremely powerful binding force.

In other words, the four people went from blocking each other to blocking themselves, and then they saw nine divine nails floating in the surrounding space.

"Nine Extreme Sky Locking Divine Nails, or the best, no, hurry up." The first to speak was the ugly male cultivator from the poisonous lizard clan, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was pierced through the body by a divine nail, and then a golden hand suddenly appeared, grabbed the ugly male cultivator and disappeared.


At the moment when Chen Feng took action, Saint Lord Qiuli finally used the Wheel of the Universe. It can be said that Saint Lord Qiuli was still very decisive. He knew that this was a good opportunity to strike the opponent. As for what troubles would come next, they could only be solved later.

The most important thing is to solve the problem in front of you first. The Wheel of the Universe only had a collision, and the giant sword monk was crushed into pieces. A cloud of blood mist evaporated quickly before it could condense. The Wheel of the Universe is too powerful. Even if this monk entered the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, he could not escape.


After killing one person, the huge wheel continued to crush the long stick monk. The same person was also turned into pieces, but a fire dragon phantom came out and quickly fled far away.

"Where are you going!"

Since Saint Qiu Li had used this strongest trump card, he had to play the biggest victory. So the Wheel of the Universe shook and chopped a section of space in front of it, and hit the fire dragon phantom heavily.

Seeing that the long stick monk was about to be annihilated, a huge dragon claw suddenly appeared and hit the Wheel of the Universe like lightning.


With a bang, the Wheel of the Universe vibrated, and the dragon claw was shattered. However, the forward momentum of the Wheel of the Universe was blocked, and the phantom of the fire dragon quickly fled without a trace.

"Sure enough, someone is hiding in the dark." Saint Qiuli knew that it was useless to chase, so he looked to the other side and saw the ugly female cultivator of the poisonous lizard clan fleeing.

Saint Qiuli felt a little strange about this. You know, if no one secretly attacked, Saint Qiuli would definitely kill both of the opponents. It stands to reason that Chen Feng would use the God Nail Formation and leave the other two behind.

Could it be?

Saint Qiuli soon understood. Chen Feng walked out of the space in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and the nine God Nails drilled into Chen Feng's body one after another.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was embarrassed. His breath was scattered, his face was changing, and even the hard longevity armor had countless cracks, and there were several deep wounds, which first tore the armor and then severely injured the body.

"So he was injured. That's right. It's impossible not to be injured when ambushed by such a means." Saint Qiuli nodded, and understood why Chen Feng let one person go. He secretly thought that Chen Feng had done his best to be perfect after being injured and then activating the God Nail Formation to help him out, and killed another person. If it were him, he might not be able to do it.

"Are you okay?" Saint Qiuli expressed his concern.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. Originally, the Destruction Thunder could not do anything to me, but there were two people ambushed in secret. If it weren't for my armor, I might have been killed. The two of us are out of danger now. I wonder how Shaoyang and Taiyin are doing." Chen Feng said quickly.

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