Eternal Existence

Chapter 1748 Stone Age Civilization

No matter what Holy Lord Qiu Li said, Chen Feng would not exchange the Disk of Time, and Chen Feng secretly guessed that Holy Lord Qiu Li was probably proficient in the Law of Time, otherwise he would not have caught up with him so quickly. Of course, it is also possible that Regarding other methods, Chen Feng guessed that in addition to the law of time, the opponent most likely had a good magic weapon that could travel through space.

Although Saint Qiu Li said this was this place, in Chen Feng's opinion, it was also the first time that the other party had come to this space. However, since the other party was sure that this was here, he must have his own way.

"The other party is here for the first time, so I don't know if it's reliable or not." Chen Feng muttered to himself.

"Are you doubting me?" At this time, Holy Lord Qiu Li seemed to be aware of Chen Feng's thoughts.

"No." Chen Feng shook his head, of course he would not admit it.

"Have you found the place?" Chen Feng then asked.

"Not yet, but I can confirm that it is this space, but the entrance is hidden deeper, but there is no need to worry, it just takes some time." Qiu Li Shengjun said lightly.

"I hope so." Chen Feng said casually, and then used his pupil technique to observe. After all, Chen Feng's pupil technique is also very powerful. In terms of level alone, he has reached the Taiyi realm. If he uses the power of the void beast's pupils, it will be even more powerful. Stronger.

Qiu Li Shengjun was a little surprised to see Chen Feng perform his pupil technique, but he soon calmed down. Qiu Li Shengjun admitted that Chen Feng's pupil technique was very powerful, but it might not be possible to discover the secret space here.

But then Holy Lord Qiu Li showed a look of surprise again. It could even be said that he was shocked. In just a few breaths, a dazzling stream of light flew out of Chen Feng's eyes, and then the void space shook. An ancient and huge portal Looming in the void.

"I've found it." Holy Lord Qiu Li couldn't help but say that although he could find it himself, he wouldn't be able to find it so quickly.

"This guy is indeed not simple. He actually has such a powerful pupil technique. It seems that we need to be more careful during the cooperation. However, although the other party can find the portal, it cannot enter. Even using magic weapons to attack is useless." Saint Qiu Li thought so.

In fact, just like what Qiu Li Shengjun thought, although Chen Feng found the door, he had a feeling that he couldn't get in. If it weren't for Qiu Li Shengjun beside him, Chen Feng might not have really attacked.

"Don't think about bombarding it with magic weapons. Even if you break this portal, it will be useless. By then, this ruins will disappear directly." Saint Lord Qiu Li said.

"Fellow Taoist, there is a way to get in." Chen Feng said and put away his pupil technique, the portal disappeared, and the surrounding space returned to calm again.

"Of course, otherwise what would I be doing here?" Shengjun Qiu Li said casually.

"Then find a way to get in." Chen Feng couldn't help but said. Since there is a way to get in, there is no need to use force to break it.

"That's fine!"

As Saint Qiu Li spoke, he took out a scepter that was only one foot long. A look of surprise flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. The scepter seemed to be carved from stone. Although there were some patterns on it, It can't change the ordinary nature, at least Chen Feng didn't see anything precious about this scepter.

"This is not a magic weapon, but a key to open a portal." Qiu Li said and waved the stone staff and flew out, emitting a gray luster as it flew out, and then the portal appeared again .

This time the portal was clearer, and Chen Feng could see it clearly. The portal was ten thousand feet in size, and the surrounding area seemed to be made of rocks. The middle was covered in gray, which Chen Feng could not see clearly.

Soon, the stone scepter penetrated into the portal, and then the portal changed and began to fluctuate slightly. Chen Feng felt that the power of space was vibrating, and knew that this was a sign that the portal was opening.

"There may be danger inside." Holy Lord Qiu Li said suddenly, but his eyes were always staring at the door. Because he was so close, Chen Feng felt a trace of excitement from Holy Lord Qiu Li that could not be concealed, and secretly thought that there must be something inside. There are good things.

"It's normal to be in danger, because it means there will be treasures." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That makes sense. I hope we can cooperate smoothly in the future." Qiu Li Shengjun said calmly.

"I think so too." Chen Feng nodded.

Although the two of them had been talking, they were always staring at the door in front of them. At this time, the door was fluctuating more and more violently, as if a sledgehammer was beating randomly inside. It only took one step to blast a big hole in the door.

"The scepter just now is not just a key, right?" Chen Feng asked nonchalantly.

"Then why don't you think it's simple?" Shengjun Qiu Li asked.

"I feel like that should be a good magic weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Maybe, I haven't had it for a long time, and I haven't fully understood it yet. Well, the door is open, we should go in." Qiu Li Shengjun said.

At this time, the door did open. It was a little different from the portals I had encountered before. Only a black hole of several feet in size appeared on the 10,000-foot-sized door, but no breath came out.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng nodded.

"You'd better put them away first, maybe some accidents will happen during the process of going in." Qiu Li Shengjun said and flew directly towards the door.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he became more wary of this cold and charming son-in-law. This simple sentence showed that the other party had already seen the relationship between Mother Queen Mo and the others.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and Mother Queen Mo and the others turned into streams of light and fell into Chen Feng's hands. The array disk under Chen Feng's feet roared. The moment Holy Lord Qiu Li entered the black hole, Chen Feng followed.

Chen Feng entered a special space through the black hole. Chen Feng encountered this situation many times. After entering, he immediately released his spiritual thoughts, hoping to understand the laws and structure of the avenue in the shortest possible time.

"It seems that there is no dispersion, which is for the best."

Chen Feng saw Holy Lord Qiu Li standing in front of him holding the previous stone scepter. Although the stone scepter was still the same as before, Chen Feng faintly felt that some changes had occurred.

"Now that I've come in, I won't hide it from you. The reason I came in this time is to get a chaos treasure inside, so I need the help of your Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail. Except for that chaos treasure, the rest Everything belongs to you," Qiu Li Shengjun looked at Chen Feng and said.

"Chaos treasure." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. When the other party said this, his vigilance became much weaker.

"It's a Chaos treasure, but I don't know what it is specifically. We sincerely cooperate. There are many other treasures here. There are at least a few top-grade artifacts. In addition, there are some innate artifacts. These are all yours, but you You must help me get that chaos treasure," Saint Qiu Li said in a deep voice.

"As long as you are a partner, I will treat you sincerely. Since it was agreed upon before, I will do my best. As for whether I can collect the Chaos Treasure, I can't guarantee it." Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Okay, as long as you try your best, I won't blame you whether I succeed or not. Now let me tell you, this space is a place of extremely ancient life and a stone civilization. The Stone Clan once lived here. , the scepter in my hand is not only a key to access, but also a good magic weapon. It is called the Supreme Scepter. It was once a sacred object of the Stone Clan. With the guidance of this thing, our next actions will be It's going very smoothly. I don't know whether you will encounter danger or not. I will take the lead in helping you find the treasure. Do you have anything else to ask?" Qiu Li Shengjun said slowly. Although he said a lot, Chen Feng said a lot. He could tell that the other party had something to hide, but so far Chen Feng had not seen anything disadvantageous to him, so he nodded and said, "I have no problem."

Then Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and Queen Mother and the others flew out one after another, rushing directly into the distance without stopping. At the same time, a huge space passage appeared not far away, and the army of divine insects began to emerge in a mighty manner.

"Having an army of divine insects in your hands represents a steady stream of resources. I envy you." Holy Lord Qiu Li suddenly said.

"Really, many people envy me, but it takes countless resources to feed these divine insects." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Come with me."

Saint Qiu Li stroked the Supreme Scepter with his hand, said something after a moment, then turned and walked in one direction.

According to Chen Feng's past style, he must have released the army of divine insects to search and slowly explore by himself, but now that someone was taking the lead, Chen Feng felt a little different, so he laughed and followed.

Although this land of life is a stone civilization, in Chen Feng's opinion, it is not much different from other worlds on the whole. It also has steep mountain peaks, plains, hills and ravines, and the Yangtze River, as well as rich and lush vegetation. There are even tree monsters and stone monsters hiding in it. It can be said that the vitality here is still very strong, but no human monks or stone clans have been found. Although the legal structure is a bit special, Chen Feng quickly adapted to it.

The two people walked casually, seemingly slowly, but soon they came to a towering mountain peak. Seeing this mountain peak, Chen Feng nodded and said, "This has the feeling of some stone civilization."

The reason why Chen Feng said this was because the tall mountain peak in front of him was completely a naked rock mountain. With Chen Feng's eyesight, he could see that the mountain peak was made up of several giant rocks. Although it was surrounded by plants, Chen Feng could see that the mountain was covered with plants. Feng could still see the traces of being refined with mana. Of course, what interested Chen Feng the most was that this mountain peak had fluctuations of strange laws, and there were also some avenue imprints integrated into the mountain. Of course, there were also traces on the mountain's appearance. Quite a few, but after Chen Feng quickly scanned it with his eyes, he looked at Holy Lord Qiu Li.

Saint Qiu Li nodded and waved the Supreme Scepter, and a gray light swept out, instantly covering the entire mountain peak.


The mountain peak shook slightly, and some strange changes occurred. A vast, ancient, dignified and thick aura emanated from the mountain peak. At this moment, Chen Feng deeply felt a civilized aura. Chen Feng knew that this aura had no effect on strength. But it can sublimate the realm of practitioners.

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