Eternal Existence

Chapter 1746: Cold and Beautiful Female Cultivator

"We are millions of light years away, but we still haven't gotten rid of them. But it will take time to catch up." Queen Mother Mo said on the side.

"Not bad, how did you get?" Chen Feng nodded and asked with a smile.

"Sir, the harvest is great. This land of life is worthy of being managed by the Three Souls Clan. The resources are very rich. In addition to collecting the Forget Worry Spirit Spring, we also got some Forget Worry Divine Pills. It's a pity that the time is too short. If we can stay a little longer, it won't be a problem to sweep the entire Forget Worry Cave Heaven." Queen Mother Mo said.

"Oh, how much did you get?" Chen Feng asked while recovering his strength.

"Less than 10%." Queen Mother Mo shook her head, and the surprise expression disappeared.

"This is normal. After all, the good things are hidden or guarded by people. It's not that easy to collect them, but 10% is not bad compared to a big world." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, what should we do next? Should we continue to move forward?" Bai Yu interrupted on the side.

"Of course, I think the other party will not give up and will definitely continue to catch up. Let's practice while moving forward. It's best if the other party can't catch up. If they catch up, it's nothing more than another fight." Chen Feng said that the space array under his feet kept getting bigger and bigger, and it expanded for hundreds of miles before stopping. At the same time, Chen Feng secretly urged the Qingjing Pearl, and a group of green light spread out, forming a layer of barrier to protect the entire space array.

Then Chen Feng used some small magical powers of displacement, and the land, streams, plants, and hills immediately appeared on the space array. From a distance, it looked like a small world full of vitality.

In fact, after a few spiritual springs came out, the spiritual energy did become more and more abundant. It was a kind of enjoyment to practice without delaying the journey and seeing the situation outside.

"So far, we have advanced more than 30 million light years, but there has been no news of them. It is even difficult to meet the cultivators of the heavens. Could it be that these people have gone to the end of the space?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

After pushing the space array forward for several days, Chen Feng's consumed strength was completely restored, so he released his divine thoughts to sweep out in circles, exploring the situation in the surrounding space.

"There is a vague sense of oppression. It seems that the other party has really caught up. It is worthy of being a Taiyi Jinxian. The distance of millions of light years cannot block the induction. In this case, I will set some obstacles for the other party." Chen Feng said as he quickly created some energy balls. These energy balls looked like crystal beads at first glance. Each one was the size of a fist, but it sealed Chen Feng's aura, and this kind of thing is not easy to damage. Even if it enters the void storm, it will not be crushed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Chen Feng waved his hand, and dozens of energy balls flew out in all directions, disappearing in the vast space in the blink of an eye.

Some energy balls even drilled directly into the barren planet, and some energy balls smashed the meteorites, but more energy balls were still flying in the space without direction, because Chen Feng not only sealed his own breath on it, but also carved some magic arrays, including the spirit gathering array and the wind array, which can absorb the energy in the space on the one hand, and can also move forward quickly on the other hand. As long as the magic array above can operate, it can theoretically continue to fly unless it is blocked.

"Young Master's move is too insidious." Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the strange beasts who were practicing secretly complained.

"I hope those people are not too stupid." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his mood inexplicably improved, so the speed of the space array disk immediately increased.

A few days later, two monks tore through the space and walked out where the space array disk passed. The two wore the same green robes and held a seemingly ordinary long sword in their hands, but judging from the means of tearing the space, the two must be extraordinary.

"What do you think?"

"The opponent's aura suddenly became scattered, clearly trying to distract our attention. How can such a trick confuse us?"

"Yes, this is what we played before."

One of them stretched out his hand and grabbed it from a distance. The whole universe seemed to shake. Soon, some light spots flew over one after another, and energy balls fell into this person.

"It's really this little trick." The man said with a smile.


All the energy balls were shattered, leaving only a ball of energy that kept flowing in the hands of this cultivator.

"It's actually a God King. Hey, have you ever seen such a powerful God King?"

"No, God Lord and Half-step Taiyi can't do it, but the primary Taiyi Golden Immortal can do it."

"If Tianyan and the others hadn't recovered from their injuries, the other party wouldn't be able to escape."

"Not necessarily. The other party has a lot of top-grade artifacts. He actually has a complete set of Nine Extreme Sky Locking Divine Nails. It's really amazing."

"Don't say so much. Let's catch up with the other party first."

"It's not that easy. The other party can summon the long river of time. This is troublesome."


The two blue-clothed monks moved their feet as they spoke, and quickly advanced in the starry sky. In the blink of an eye, they left a large area of ​​stars behind them.

"Hey! This feeling comes again. It seems that the other party didn't fall for it." Chen Feng frowned.

After throwing out the energy ball, Chen Feng took out the Abyss Sword and slowly sacrificed it in front of him. However, he felt a little strange before he entered the state. He thought about it and immediately knew what happened. He couldn't help but shook his head secretly, thinking that this level of monks was not so easy to fool.

"Sir, why don't we stop and have a fight with each other." Mother Queen Mo suddenly said.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and then shook his head: "No, since the opponent dares to catch up, he must be sure of it, and in my current situation, I simply cannot activate the Divine Nail Formation again, so I'd better wait."

"Sir, actually I don't think the other party is very good, otherwise I wouldn't have been unable to catch up until now." Bai Yu also said the same.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Is it because my strength has improved rapidly recently that I don't pay attention to the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal? None of these people have practiced for more than a billion years. If I hadn't carried the best artifact, we wouldn't be the same person together. A human opponent." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No one can tell unless there's a fight." Seeing that Chen Feng was determined, Queen Mother Mo stopped talking, but Bai Yu was still muttering in a low voice.

It's quite interesting to say that thousands of years ago, Chen Feng's strength was far inferior to that of now, but he dared to provoke the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, and even escaped from the pursuit of several Taiyi Golden Immortals, but now Chen Feng's strength has improved However, he became more cautious. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that this was not due to caution, but because of his improvement in realm and his understanding of the realm of Taiyi. He could kill the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal before and escape. It's one's own strength, and another aspect is luck.

He is just a God King and has such strength, and there is no shortage of opportunities for monks who can cultivate to the Taiyi realm. If one or two guys who are as talented as himself suddenly pop up, let alone the intermediate Taiyi realm. Even the junior Taiyi realm can kill himself.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a mentality, but it's good to be cautious, but you can't avoid trouble when it comes, otherwise you will lose your enterprising spirit. Without passion, future progress will become slower, which will trigger a series of The impact of this will prevent him from entering the Supreme Realm." Chen Feng thought in his mind, but he quickly moved his hands. Since the previous small methods didn't work, it would be better to try some other methods, even if they can stop the opponent. Yes, in this way sooner or later you can get rid of the other party.

Two monks in green shuttled quickly through the space. Occasionally, with a wave of their hands, the galaxy in front of them was cut open, revealing a passage.


One of them punched out, and the space in front of him suddenly shook, like a tsunami rising into the sky. Hundreds of spiritual stones suddenly flew out of the empty space, and there was a palm-sized fragment among the spiritual stones.


First, the spirit stones exploded like a chain, and then the palm-sized fragment suddenly expanded. An extremely powerful aura of destruction clashed from it, and exploded the next moment. The resulting destructive power engulfed the two of them. .

But then a big hand appeared, and with a gentle grasp of the big hand, all the destructive energy gathered into the palm. All the energy was compressed into a small ball before he could breathe. Then the big hand shook slightly, and the surrounding space It immediately became quiet.

"It can actually detonate world fragments. The method is not bad. If this fragment is ten times or a hundred times more powerful, it may cause some trouble for us, but it is just a small trouble." The monk in green waved his hand as he spoke. The energy ball suddenly flew out, then stretched suddenly, turning into an energy storm that swept away into the distance.

If nothing unexpected happens and no one intervenes, this energy storm will exist for millions of years and will not dissipate.

This is the power of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Let's go, it's just a small trick, just to stop us."

"Hey! It seems a bit uneconomical to waste so many resources just to block the opponent's breathing time." Chen Feng frowned slightly and put away a piece of world fragment in his hand with a wave of his hand. A world fragment of this size is not suitable for Taiyi Gold. Immortals are of little use, not to mention that the opponent is still an intermediate master, unless he uses a better quality star core, but Chen Feng is reluctant to do so.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, a bunch of black threads suddenly penetrated the barrier, and then a black light flashed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was shocked, and with a wave of his hand, a cyan light curtain blocked his face. This was the power of the Qing Jing Bead.

At the same time, Chen Feng was ready to fight, and Queen Mother and the others also gathered around.

The black light did not hit the light curtain, but stopped. It flickered slightly and turned into a monk, a female monk wearing a black dress. Her appearance was exquisite but cold and noble. The occasional flash of evil spirit in her eyes showed that Thinking that the other person is unattainable or cruel.

"It's you!"

Although he made some guesses and preparations, Chen Feng was still a little surprised after seeing the person clearly.

Chen Feng knew that someone was chasing him behind him, but it was definitely not the cold and charming female cultivator in front of him. What's more, in the previous battle, especially after Chen Feng used the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail, he even thought that his opponent would die even if he didn't die. He was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, but he didn't expect to see the other party again in a short period of time, and the other party still caught up with him quietly. In addition, the cold and charming female cultivator did not seem to be injured when Chen Feng came, so Chen Feng immediately I knew that things were somewhat different from what I had guessed.

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