Eternal Existence

Chapter 1744: Invasion

Sure enough, what happened next confirmed that Chen Feng's premonition was correct. When the token was turned over, Chen Feng immediately saw the word "thunder" written on this side, and immediately knew that the next attack would be the Thunder Avenue.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Although he guessed that it was the Thunder Avenue attack, the attack method and speed still exceeded Chen Feng's expectations. There was no vast and domineering scene, just a flash of lightning, and then three lightning bolts came in front of Chen Feng.

The speed was beyond Chen Feng's imagination. Chen Feng raised his sword to block a lightning bolt, and then a powerful force exploded, paralyzing half of Chen Feng's body for a while, and then the other two lightning bolts hit Chen Feng.


This is the sound of the Changsheng armor breaking.

"So strong."

The powerful force paralyzed Chen Feng's whole body, and his tough and strong body was covered with dense cracks. However, Chen Feng's mind was not confused. The fire of his soul just shook for a while and then burst into a more fierce flame. A strong life force was like an ocean boiling in Chen Feng's body. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng recovered.

You should know that Chen Feng has been absorbing the spiritual spring of life for years. In terms of vitality, Chen Feng can even be compared with the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian.

"The Wind and Thunder Token is really good. It should be from an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. It seems that he doesn't want me to disturb his healing." Although Chen Feng was injured, he recovered quickly. Feeling the surging power in his body, the increasingly perfect laws, and the increasingly profound avenues, Chen Feng knew that the resources of these years were not used in vain. You must know that Chen Feng consumed the life spring and various spiritual fruits in the process of cultivation over the years. As for the large spiritual veins or the heart of chaos, they are the necessities of Chen Feng's cultivation. In addition, Chen Feng has refined various divine lights. It is impossible for Chen Feng to practice as slowly as other cultivators.

In addition, because of the Devouring Void Beast, Chen Feng made rapid progress in the Devouring Avenue. It can be said that he has upgraded several levels and left other avenues far behind. It can be said that compared with before Chen Feng entered the dazzling light zone, the whole person's life level has changed.


After the wind and thunder attack, the token was still floating and began to rotate. As the token rotated, the power of wind and thunder surged, and various changes were derived. In the blink of an eye, a torrent of wind and thunder was formed. This torrent attack was somewhat different from what Chen Feng had encountered before. The torrent seemed to be slow, but it arrived in front of Chen Feng in the blink of an eye. There were no waves, no tornadoes, and even no lightning, only countless tiny runes.

"The Void Extreme Born Rune, this is a qualitative change. This token has the potential to be upgraded to a top-grade artifact." Chen Feng said lightly, and the Time Disc flew out from above his head, sending out three swords of time in a row, cutting off the wind and thunder torrent that rushed in front of him.

Then Chen Feng's figure flashed in front of the wind and thunder token, and swung his sword to cut the wind and thunder token.

Who knew that in the face of Chen Feng's attack, this wind and thunder token turned into a stream of light and quickly drilled into the mountain and disappeared. At the same time, countless tiny runes covered Chen Feng like stars, which actually made Chen Feng feel a little pressure.


The power of time swept across, and the runes disappeared completely.

"Since there are masters in charge, why don't you come out? I don't believe that the big can't bully the small." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It's almost the same in the world of the heavens. In order to avoid the Taiyi War, Taiyi Jinxian generally won't attack low-level cultivators, otherwise it will definitely cause trouble, but it's different in this space, not to mention that the strength shown by Chen Feng can also be comparable to the Taiyi realm.

"There is only one reason, that is, the masters here can't leave at will. Could it be that they really want to help those two people heal their wounds." Chen Feng thought, the person who just took action was obviously a mid-level Taiyi Jinxian, and it was not the old man with crutches and the young swordsman.

"There is no time to delay." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and with a wave of his hand, a divine nail grew out of thin air, turning into a size of ten thousand feet, exuding a breath that penetrated everything and crashed into the strange mountain in front of him.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Of course, Chen Feng used the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, which was also the most powerful divine weapon on Chen Feng's body. It was a pity that Chen Feng could not exert much power.

However, Chen Feng thought that it should not be a problem to penetrate the mountain in front of him, even if there were masters living in the mountain.

As the divine nail fell, black silk threads flew out from the mountain, and circles of them were like tornadoes entwined around the divine nail.

"Black Flame Phantom Silk!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was a good thing. He had seen it in the hands of the Black Netherworld before. Chen Feng also snatched a little bit, and later refined it into the Immortal Binding Rope, and the effect was extremely good.

It's just that this kind of thing is too rare and precious. It is a rare divine object. It can only be found in some specific places, such as the Netherworld and the Extreme Flame Area. This kind of thing is difficult for even the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal to have, not to mention that special techniques are needed to bring out the strongest effect of the Black Flame Phantom Silk.

So when he saw the black flame silk wrapping around the nail, Chen Feng was surprised and a little greedy, thinking of taking these things for himself.

However, Chen Feng also knew that it was not that simple, so when these black flame silks wrapped around the nail, Chen Feng did not think about breaking free, but waved his hand and sent out the second nail. With a hissing sound, the second nail suddenly stabbed forward, and the whole mountain and the surrounding mountains shook.


A giant shield flew out, blocking the mountain, and dozens of black flames quietly penetrated Chen Feng.

That's not all. In addition to these, two sword lights swept towards Chen Feng from the left and right.

"Good fellow, there are more than one person who took action. This means there are at least four intermediate Taiyi Jinxian in the mountain. Tsk tsk, am I too bold to do this? It seems that we need to fight quickly." Facing so many attacks, Chen Feng was not nervous, but laughed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

While Chen Feng was laughing, three more divine nails appeared. Although they could not exert the full power of the divine nails, Chen Feng could activate nine of them after years of sacrifice and training. Of course, the power exerted was probably less than 10%.

The first divine nail was entangled by the black flame silk, and the second divine nail stabbed fiercely. The giant shield in front of it trembled and immediately shattered, and then continued to stab towards the mountain.

The three divine nails that appeared later were divided into three groups and pressed against the mountain at the same time. As for Chen Feng, he sprayed a mouthful of blood on the sword of the abyss in his hand. The blue-black sword curtain immediately swept and impacted. With two loud noises, the two sword lights were broken. As for the dozens of black flame ghost silks, they were twisted into pieces.

While breaking these attacks, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the first divine nail struggled, and the black flame ghost silk on it disappeared.

Chen Feng reached out again and grabbed, and the twisted black flame ghost silk also fell into Chen Feng's hands. During this period, these broken black flame ghost silks were still struggling, but they became quiet after Chen Feng threw them into a special space.

"Hey! My black flame ghost silk."

There was a cry of exclamation, and then the huge mountain was pierced by the divine nail, the ground shook, the rocks collapsed, and in the blink of an eye, this seemingly extraordinary fairy mountain turned into nothingness.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the divine nails returned one after another, floating around him. As for the first divine nail, it had been collected into the Chaos Stone. The other party would not be able to take away the things in Chen Feng's hands again. What Chen Feng wanted to know most now was whether the other party still had the Black Flame Silk.

"Boy, you are too much. You are provoking our Three Souls Clan like this. Aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to your family?" A murderous voice sounded.

The mountain had disappeared, and what appeared in front of Chen Feng was a cave carved by crystal piles. There were flowing lights floating on the cave, and countless restrictions appeared from time to time. In addition, Chen Feng also saw the energy cannon hidden in the dark.

Chen Feng was not surprised at this situation. At this level of master, he would definitely not just dig a hole in the mountain to practice. No one would believe that there were no better magic caves. Chen Feng even thought that there were some independent spaces hidden in the mountain.

"Your Three Souls are at war with us. Now you are just slapping yourself in the face by saying these things. Do you really not know me, or did the old man not tell you about the matter?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph, your Changsheng Heaven Realm will be conquered by us sooner or later. Since you are here to die, I will grant you your wish." The voice sounded again, but no action was taken.

Chen Feng laughed immediately: "It's just to delay time. The Three Souls Clan is a big family with a history of 10 billion years. How come there are only a few small fish now? Isn't it a bit disappointing?"

When Chen Feng said this, he was also a little surprised. After all, the Three Souls Clan was also a heaven-defying race that could be ranked in this chaotic space. Now only a few Taiyi Jinxian came out, which was indeed strange. However, this was in line with Chen Feng's mind. He came to plunder, not to fight. These heaven-defying races invaded the heavens, killed into the heavens, and robbed resources. Even the Changsheng Heaven Realm suffered heavy losses and was almost a barren land. What he did was also a courtesy.

Since he knew that the other party was stalling for time, Chen Feng was no longer polite. With a wave of his hand, the divine nails killed the crystal cave mansion.

In fact, it was not Chen Feng's fault for talking nonsense just now, because it was not so easy to activate the divine nails. After the first wave, Chen Feng also needed to recover some vitality. The other party was stalling for time. Chen Feng was also the same.

"Looking for death, I will meet you."

Finally, someone came out. A dark man wearing bronze armor and holding a giant shield suddenly appeared in the air. He didn't care about the divine nails. His body twisted a few times and came in front of Chen Feng. Then a spear stabbed Chen Feng's cheek.

"They are not simple characters." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind. Since the other party attacked him directly, he was not afraid that his attack would destroy the crystal cave mansion. However, it was one thing for the other party to think so, and it was another thing for Chen Feng to think so.

Chen Feng could destroy the mountain and then destroy this cave mansion again. This was the confidence brought by strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng swung his long sword and collided with the opponent's spear several times. The last blow even cut the opponent's spear into two pieces.

"Top-grade artifact, Sword of the Abyss, it's a pity that you can't exert your full strength yet." The dark-skinned man said as he waved his hand. The huge shield hit Chen Feng like a mountain. At the same time, he waved his hand and the severed spear healed again.

The dark-skinned man kept attacking Chen Feng because he didn't want Chen Feng to have extra strength to attack the crystal cave. What's more, the divine nail Chen Feng took out was a top-grade artifact, and these monks were also eyeing it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The divine nail was blocked by the big hand that emerged from the crystal cave. Although the big hand was pierced and shattered, the divine nail had no strength to continue moving forward.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, several people came and did not participate in the fight. They just guarded around to prevent Chen Feng from escaping. As for Chen Feng's several clones, they were surrounded by seven or eight Taiyi Jinxians and could not leave.

"The pressure is getting bigger and bigger, but it's good. I also entrusted these people here. I don't know what the mother queen and others have gained." Chen Feng thought about it and slapped a big handprint on the shield.


There was a loud noise, and waves of dull sound waves rushed out. Chen Feng's big handprint was broken, but the dark man also stopped and looked at Chen Feng in shock.

"It's just a clone." Although Chen Feng blocked the opponent in a head-on confrontation, he was not too happy. On the contrary, he was a little worried.

"You go to other places to have a look. You are not needed here." The dark man suddenly said.


The monks around nodded immediately and left the place quickly. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng immediately became anxious. If these people rushed over, the mother queen and others would definitely get into trouble.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Manluo God Vine flew out, and then quickly grew countless vines, covering the space of a million miles in a blink of an eye. As for the cultivators present, none of them escaped, and they were all covered.

Although the Manluo God Vine is good, it is only at the primary Taiyi realm. There are nearly twenty Taiyi Golden Immortals here, and it is good enough to block the opponent for a moment.

"Hey! Good God Vine, it seems that you have a lot of good things on you." The dark man said with a smile in surprise.

"The opponent wants to entangle us and buy time for his accomplices. Everyone quickly break the vine net." At this time, if you don't understand Chen Feng's intention, you are a fool.


Who knows that at this time, two vines suddenly whipped over, and the two cultivators were unable to dodge and were directly blown up, turning into a ball of blood mist.

"It's not a sacred vine, it's a branch. Such a strong vitality, it's the Tree of Life. You have the Tree of Life on you." The dark man looked at Chen Feng with his eyes wide open, and flames danced in his eyes. Chen Feng held the Sword of the Abyss in his hand, and the Time Disk was floating above his head. He also urged several sacred nails to attack the mountain, and then took out the Manluo sacred vine. Now the Tree of Life appeared again. How many good things are there on this kid? He must be kept.

Thinking of this, the dark man became excited. Flames burned quickly, and soon formed a fiery red battle armor around him. Combined with the dark face, it gave people a very strange feeling.

However, Chen Feng felt that this man had become much stronger, so he waved his hand, and the Tree of Life flew out, and thousands of branches and leaves extended out. In the process, two more monks were blown up. Since absorbing the spiritual spring of life in the origin of chaos, the vitality of the Manluo sacred vine of the tree of life has been vigorous. At this time, because of the participation of the tree of life, the Manluo sacred vine took the opportunity to reinforce and block the surroundings.


Then the crystal cave was pierced by the divine nail and exploded directly. Then Chen Feng waved his hand to take back the divine nail and the abyss. His eyes became solemn. He could only hear the violent beating of his heart. A strong force was constantly accumulating in Chen Feng's body.

Even the dark-skinned man could feel that Chen Feng was abnormal, and even felt a sense of crisis rising in his heart.

"What tricks is this kid going to use? It's better to strike first." The dark-skinned man thought of this and waved his spear to form a silk thread and stabbed Chen Feng.


The spear was suddenly blocked by a powerful force. The dark-skinned man immediately felt a strong crisis. He retreated without thinking too much, but he was still a step too late. He only felt his whole body tighten and loosen, and then half of his body exploded.

"What's going on?"

The dark-skinned man was horrified, and quickly retreated. He quickly performed a secret technique, stimulating the hidden energy to restore his exploded body at the same time, and then he saw nine divine nails floating around Chen Feng. The most important thing was that these nine divine nails were connected into a large formation. With the dark-skinned man's eyes, he could naturally see that the formation was not simple.

"It turned out to be the Nine Extreme Heaven Locking Divine Nails, and it was a set. This is troublesome." The dark-skinned man's eyes flashed with deep fear. Even the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian would feel fear, which explained the problem.

Chen Feng floated in the air with a calm face, and the nine divine nails floated around, just emitting a little bit of pressure. Only Chen Feng who was in it could feel the power contained in the divine nails. The nine divine nails were connected into a set, and the power that could be exploded was too strong. Chen Feng was not sure to control it.

"This can be considered an attempt." Chen Feng said as he quickly received a few hand seals with both hands, and then the nine divine nails hummed at the same time, and nine divine nail phantoms flew out quickly.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Almost at the same time, the Taiyi Jinxian who was attacking the Manluo Divine Vine turned into blood mist under the shadow of the divine nail.

Nine balls of blood mist, nine Taiyi Jinxian were nailed to death at the same time by Chen Feng's attack.

Seeing this scene, the dark-skinned man's eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and then he realized that he had underestimated the opponent.


Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it, and another shadow of the divine nail flew out. Although he was already on guard, a cultivator was still pierced through the body. Maybe this person was a little stronger, or maybe Chen Feng's attack was weaker. This cultivator just screamed and did not fall. However, he was seriously injured by the top-grade artifact, and it was not so easy to recover.


Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, and the field created by the divine nail condensed a little more, and a shadow of the divine nail appeared again.


The dark man finally couldn't help it anymore, and rushed towards Chen Feng again with his spear in hand.


The shadow of the divine nail rushed towards the dark man.


The dark man shouted, and the spear in his hand turned into a complete shadow, and then the shadow quickly merged a little and touched the shadow of the divine nail.


With a violent collision, the shadow of the divine nail was actually blocked by the dark man.


But then two more shadows of divine nails came out, piercing the dark man's body from the left and right.


A ball of blood mist rose up, and at the same time, countless light spots flew out of the blood mist, shooting towards Chen Feng like meteors, but these light spots would melt immediately when they approached the divine nail field.

The blood mist quickly gathered and turned into a dark-skinned man again, but Chen Feng laughed: "Even if your real body came, it would not be able to block this attack, but your clone is really good. It seems that you must have spent a lot of effort."

"But you can block it the first time, let's see how you can block it the second time." Chen Feng said as he formed seals with his hands again. Nine divine nails actually circled around Chen Feng, and the phantoms of divine nails kept flying out. This situation was like the sword control technique, but Chen Feng was not driving a flying sword, but a top-grade artifact.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

As the phantoms of the divine nails flew, Taiyi Jinxian were constantly nailed to death. The dark-skinned man was an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and he could resist one or two attacks from the divine nails, but those primary Taiyi Jinxian were far behind. They could only be slaughtered under a set of top-grade artifact attacks. This was because Chen Feng could not exert the power of this set of divine nails, otherwise even an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian could be easily nailed to death.

In the blink of an eye, all the primary Taiyi Jinxians present were slaughtered by Chen Feng. At the same time, the Manluo God Vine also opened a path, and several clones of Chen Feng rushed out quickly.

Since taking out the God Nail, it means that Chen Feng has tried his best, and it also means that Chen Feng will solve the problem here as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it takes a long time, when the other party's masters arrive, Chen Feng will still be unlucky.

Boom! Boom!

Two huge palms tore through the void and appeared, and there was also a bunch of black flames. Then the old man with crutches and the young swordsman also came out, but there was no red-clothed girl.

"My friend, attacking our Three Souls Clan for no reason is too much." The weird old man said lightly, but the murderous intent in his eyes could not be concealed.

"For no reason? Actually, it doesn't matter. I just need some Forget Worry Spirit Spring to refine the God Pill." Chen Feng said with a smile, but secretly he was on guard, wondering if the other party had recovered from his injuries.

"I think you need more than just the Forget-Sorrow Spirit Spring. You want to plunder our Forget-Sorrow Cave Heaven." The old man with crutches waved his cane, and Chen Feng felt the space vibrate slightly. Some cracks appeared in the vine barrier arranged by the Manluo God Vine.

"It's still on the opponent's territory. With a wave of your hand, you can use the power of Forget-Sorrow Cave Heaven to defend against the enemy." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the vines surrounding the surrounding disappeared one after another, and finally turned into a stream of light and wrapped around Chen Feng's wrist again. As for the Tree of Life, it also returned to Chen Feng's body.

The pressure of the tyrannical law descended, but it dissipated as soon as it approached Chen Feng. At this time, Chen Feng activated the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail. The law here is that even if it is ten times more powerful, it can't hurt Chen Feng, but it will have some impact.

This time, Chen Feng used the God Nail to kill dozens of Taiyi Jinxian of the opponent. It was a big trauma for the entire Three Souls Clan. Chen Feng knew that the opponent would definitely use powerful means to keep him.

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