Eternal Existence

Chapter 1742: No Agreement

"Sir, there is another warship catching up behind us." Bai Yu suddenly exclaimed.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he really saw a warship flying from behind, also black. Chen Feng looked at it carefully and was a little surprised and surprised, but still smiled and said: "Two identical warships, if I hadn't seen the warship broken with my own eyes, I would have thought it was still the same one, but this also shows a problem."

"It shows that the other party is strong, with more than one warship, and the other party escaped." Queen Mother Mo continued on the side.

"Sir, what should we do now? If it weren't for taking advantage of the fire, the other party must have been injured if they could escape." Bai Yu said.

"Let's take a look at the situation. The other party is obviously coming for us." Chen Feng said, not only did he not stop, but he urged the space array to speed up.

Sure enough, the black warship also sped up. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"It's true, Sir, you are as good as a god." Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Flatterer." The phantom beast sneered.

"You are looking for death."

"I think you are the one looking for death."

Amidst the noise, the black warship behind has gradually caught up. Speaking of which, the speed of this warship really surprised Chen Feng.

"There must be a big force behind the other party, otherwise there would not be such a warship made in the same model, and the old man in Tianqian City at that time didn't even care about the Eighteen Alliances. From time to time, it came from other big forces, and it was from the Eighteen Alliance itself." Chen Feng said.

"Sir, the other party is catching up." Queen Mo reminded.

"The other party is catching up. Do you really think my space array is a decoration?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and at the same time, his feet shook, and the space array accelerated again, slowly pulling away from the black warship.

After a distance, Chen Feng formed a handprint, and the space array circle immediately shot out more than a dozen streams of light, which flew out of the space and vibrated, breaking a space channel, and then the space array went in and disappeared.

"Space shuttle, the other party's array is not simple." After Chen Feng disappeared, a voice came from the black warship.

"Too much. He knew we were chasing him, but he still ran so fast." A crisp voice sounded.

"The other party will not help us for no reason. I thought he was just an ordinary cultivator, but I didn't expect him to be able to block the attack of an intermediate master. I was wrong." An old voice sounded.

"What should we do now? We may not be able to reach Wangyou Cave Heaven in our current state. Or we should find a place to hide and recuperate." A calm and steady voice sounded.

"Where to hide? We are hit by the immortal curse. We can't solve it with our strength." The old voice said again.

"What should we do now? There are too few cultivators in this space. I'm afraid we can't gather them."

"Those guys are good. Let's catch up and see. If the other party is willing to help, it's not impossible to pay some price."

"Hey, I'm afraid they won't look down on us."

This time, Chen Feng traveled 100,000 light years in space. Of course, this is not the limit of the space array, but Chen Feng wants to see if the other party will catch up.

"Do you think the other party will catch up?" Chen Feng asked casually.

"Definitely." The phantom beast said.

"I don't think so. Maybe the battle puppets appeared and stopped them." Bai Yu said.

"That's possible." Chen Feng nodded. Anyway, he was bored. No matter what the other party did, it would not affect him.

A few days later, the black warship really caught up. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng laughed again.

"But there seems to be traces of fighting." Bai Yu said.

"Is it obvious? The warships are damaged, and the fight must have just ended." Huanshou Qianbian said.

"The battle is not over yet." Chen Feng shook his head and said. Although the black warship was very fast, it clearly felt like it was fleeing.


The space was suddenly torn apart, and a huge palm flashed with metallic luster and grabbed the black warship.

Chen Feng and others felt the powerful pressure emanating from the palm from a distance, especially Jin, who trembled with fear and excitement. If this metal hand was swallowed by himself, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

"Interesting." Chen Feng smiled and watched the fight.


A beam of dazzling sword light suddenly rushed out of the warship, pierced through the huge palm and exploded suddenly. The metal palm immediately turned into pieces. Then dozens of energy columns swept out from the warship, completely submerging the broken palm in one breath, and then the black warship suddenly accelerated and fled forward quickly.

Moreover, Chen Feng clearly saw flames burning around the black warship. Just when Chen Feng was surprised, the black warship actually entered the space channel and disappeared.

"Space shuttle." Chen Feng was also a little surprised, but then he saw the broken metal palm condensed into shape again, whistling and covering the sky and the sun and grabbing towards him.

"Unlucky." Chen Feng shook his head, and a beam of dark blue sword light appeared with a wave of his hand. The sword light also pierced through this palm, but it did not shatter. Then Chen Feng urged the space array to shuttle again and left this place.


Just after coming out of the space, the space above his head vibrated slightly, and then cracks appeared. Chen Feng's eyes saw the metal palm faintly through the void.

"Still chasing." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. Without waiting for the other party to tear open the space, Chen Feng used space travel again. This time, Chen Feng traveled hundreds of thousands of light years before stopping.

"I hope you don't chase me anymore, otherwise I'll just have to use the Time Disk." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Please stay, my friend." Before he could see the situation around him clearly, he saw the old man with crutches and the girl in red walking towards him. Behind the old man was the black warship, but the young swordsman did not appear.

"Is there anything wrong?" Chen Feng asked indifferently, his face looked a little bad, because he had been attacked many times because of the other party's affairs, and he was considered to have a good temper if he didn't take action directly at this time.

"I want to discuss something with you, my friend, I hope you don't mind what happened before." The old man with crutches said seriously.

The girl in red looked unhappy, as if she didn't want to see the old man like this, and couldn't help but glared at Chen Feng fiercely.

"We were almost killed before, it's impossible not to mind." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"Haha, we also invited you with good intentions, who knew that this would happen." The old man with crutches smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's speak frankly. We are not fools. If we have something to say, just say it. If nothing happens, we will leave. Who knows if the other party will catch up with us." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Okay, we want to ask a few of you to be our guards." When the old man with crutches said this, he sighed in his heart. If his strength was intact, he would never speak in a humble manner like the younger generations, but the situation was urgent and he had to do so.


Chen Feng nodded, not looking surprised at all. In fact, Chen Feng also guessed this.

"Those people before were all guards, and they died so easily. It seems that this job is not easy to do." Bai Yu said on the side.

"Haha, I sincerely invite you." The old man with crutches said with a smile.

"It's not an invitation, it's more correct to say a request, no, it should be a transaction." Mother Queen Mo also said.


The red-clothed girl's face changed and she couldn't help but speak, but was secretly stopped by the old man.

"Xiao Yu, don't say more. We have no other options at this point. The most important thing now is to return to Wangyou Cave Heaven. When we recover our strength, we will have the final say." The old man secretly transmitted the message.

Sure enough, after hearing what the old man said, the red-clothed girl quieted down, but she still looked at Chen Feng and others with unfriendly eyes from time to time.

"Conditions, rewards." Chen Feng said lightly.

"This." The old man with crutches hesitated.

"You won't let us work for nothing without getting paid, right? This is a business that will lead to death." Bai Yu couldn't help but shout.

"Of course it's impossible. There will definitely be rewards, but it will not be paid until Wangyou Cave Heaven, and it will definitely satisfy everyone." The old man with crutches said hurriedly.

"Getting something for nothing, or do you think we are all fools." This made even Chen Feng a little angry.

"Let's go."

Next, Chen Feng didn't want to say more, and turned around to leave.

"My friend, please stay, listen to me first." The old man with crutches hurriedly stepped forward to stop Chen Feng, with a flash of anxiety in his eyes.

"There's nothing to say, fellow Daoist, please get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said coldly, and he had no intention of not being polite to the other party at this time.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the old man with crutches, but it was quickly covered up.

"Hehe, don't be anxious, young friend, please listen to me before you leave." The old man continued.

"Well, then, you say it, I'll listen." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't talk nonsense anymore. Everyone can practice until now, and no one is a fool." Bai Yu said sarcastically on the side.

"Yes, if you want to ask for help, you have to come up with something practical. I think those people before died in vain." Huanshou also said.

"Hey, it's not worth it to practice hard for billions of years and fall like this." Jin also said.

Hearing the sarcasm of several people, the old man with crutches finally got angry, and he wanted to kill these people even if he was injured.

However, thinking about the long road ahead, the old man still endured it. It was the first time that he was mocked by several juniors in person. In fact, the old man was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and he had to secretly stop the girl in red, otherwise there might be a conflict next.

"As long as you can send us back to Wangyou Cave Heaven, everyone can get a Wangyou Divine Pill." When the old man with crutches said this, a hint of pride flashed in his eyes, as if the other party would agree as long as this was said.

"Wangyou Divine Pill, Wangyou Divine Pill that can improve the realm." Chen Feng was really surprised.

"Not bad, and it is a top-grade Wangyou Divine Pill personally refined by a high-level Taiyi Jinxian." Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, the old man with crutches was a little proud, and thought to himself, let's see if you guys are tempted.


Who knew that Chen Feng just nodded, his face returned to calm, and saw that the old man had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Forget Worry Pills are good pills that can purify the soul and improve the realm. However, it is impossible to ask us to work hard for just a few Forget Worry Pills. What's more, we haven't even got the goods. I have never done such cooperation before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What you said makes sense, we don't even take a few pills seriously. If you are really sincere, you should take out hundreds of Forget Worry Pills now. If we think it's good, we can take a few hundred pills after the matter is done." Queen Mother Mo said immediately.

"Sir, I think you should not ask for the Forget Worry Pill. It's just a pill. It's more appropriate to ask for a magic weapon." Bai Yu interrupted.

"Bai Yu's words make sense this time. If each of us has a top-grade artifact, we will accept this mission." Huanshou Qianbian also said.

"Hundreds of magic pills, top-grade artifacts." After hearing these words, the old man with crutches could no longer suppress his expression, and his whole body began to tremble. This was due to the impact of anger.

"You are too much. Do you know the value of the Forget Worry Pill? You still want a top-grade artifact. I think you are dreaming." The red-clothed girl couldn't help but shout, and the anger in her eyes almost turned into flames.

"Goodbye." Chen Feng turned around directly. This time he really didn't bother to pay attention to the other party. Although Chen Feng only knew the basics of the Forget Worry Pill, he knew that it was a very good pill. Just like what Chen Feng said just now, it can purify the mind and improve the realm. Chen Feng has seen or known many kinds of pills similar to this type, such as the Soul-Enriching Pill, the Soul-Nourishing Pill, the Tranquility Pill, the Ice Heart Pill, the Soul-Clearing Pill, etc. Some pills have the effect of purifying the mind, honing the soul and improving the realm. However, Chen Feng knows that it is difficult for these pills to reach a certain level. This is not as good as the Forget Worry Pill. Even a fool knows that the pill that even Taiyi Jinxian is tempted by is not simple, otherwise the old man with crutches would not bring it up to tempt Chen Feng and others.

"It is said that the Forget Worry Pill can only be refined in the Forget Worry Cave Heaven. What is needed is the Forget Worry Spirit Spring, plus the high-level Taiyi Jinxian to open the furnace to refine the pill. It would be strange if it is not a magic pill." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Seeing Chen Feng leave so simply, the old man wanted to stop him, but he stopped after feeling the murderous intent of Queen Mother Mo and others. His eyes flashed with divine light, and he was thinking whether to take action to keep the other party.

However, the old man with crutches did not take action until Chen Feng and others left, but sighed and entered the black warship.

"Why didn't you take action just now?" The young sword cultivator was waiting in the warship, but at this time, this powerful sword cultivator looked weak and had some wounds on his body that had not disappeared. It was obviously injured in the battle just now, which was why only the old man with crutches came out alone.

"Not sure." The old man with crutches said.

"If I hadn't been injured just now, the two of us should have been about the same." The young sword cultivator said.

"Yes, although the other party's breath is weird, it can deceive other Taiyi Jinxian, but it can't deceive us." The old man with crutches said.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about." The red-clothed girl was a little confused.

"That kid is a god king." The old man said lightly.

"What, God King, impossible." The red-dressed girl exclaimed immediately, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief.

"It's true." The old man on crutches nodded, and then couldn't help sighing.

"Impossible, I don't believe it." The red-dressed girl shook her head repeatedly, but deep in her heart she knew that what her grandfather said was true, which made the red-dressed girl even more unacceptable.

"How could there be such a powerful God King who could block the attack of an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian? Even a chaotic body can't be so powerful." The old man on crutches looked incredible.

"You have been chatting with the other party, you should know more than me. Once this kind of genius really grows up, it is normal for him to kill us, and he comes from the Changsheng Heaven Realm, which is a big threat." The young sword cultivator showed a glimmer in his eyes, and the sword intent was slightly released. The strong pressure made the red-dressed girl couldn't help but take two steps back.

"See, this is the gap. The other party can even take the attack of an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian." The young sword cultivator looked at the red-dressed girl and said.

"Okay, just say less. I'm afraid there is not even one genius like this in our universe." The old man with crutches said. The universe he mentioned refers to this chaotic space.

The red-dressed girl's face kept changing, and it took a long time for her to calm down. At this time, the old man with crutches was secretly relieved.

"The other party has a lot of treasures, and there are many top-grade artifacts alone. Although the Forget Worry Pill is good, it can't attract the other party. What's more, our means are originally illusions, and I just had a vague feeling that if I really take out the Forget Worry Pill or other treasures, the other party may try to snatch it." The old man with crutches said.

The young sword cultivator was not surprised, but his face changed. He was silent for a while and said: "The road ahead is not easy to go. I don't know when the person who will meet will arrive."

"If you can't find a helper, you can only pin your hopes on the person who will meet you. Alas, since I have succeeded in cultivation, I haven't been so frustrated for many years." The old man with crutches said.

"When I recover my strength, I will kill that kid." The young sword cultivator said.


A strong aura enveloped him, and then a stream of purple light suddenly exploded, sweeping across the sky and the earth, and the black warship was frozen at a distance.

"Not good, they are chasing again." The old man with crutches suddenly changed his face.

"I will stop the opponent, and you will control the warship." The young sword cultivator gritted his teeth and said, then stood up suddenly, the whole person was like a sharp sword out of the sheath, and one look at it could cut even the soul.


Although he was a little worried about the young sword cultivator, the old man with crutches had no good way, so he could only drive the warship.

Bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

A series of collisions sounded, and the young sword cultivator had already fought with the opponent. In the blink of an eye, the young sword cultivator's body shook, and blood began to flow out of his seven orifices.

"Grandpa, I'll start the warship." The red-dressed girl said, immediately mobilizing all her mind to communicate with the warship. Seeing this, the old man with crutches gritted his teeth and swung his crutch fiercely, and saw a phantom of a dragon flying out.

Regardless of the outcome of the fight between the two sides, Chen Feng had already left this place by activating the space array. Because of the previous incident, Chen Feng's slight good impression of the old man with crutches also completely dissipated. Chen Feng never thought that the cultivator who could cultivate to this level would be of this quality, and he never thought that someone would actually choose to die.

"Sir, actually we should have taken action just now. If I guessed correctly, the other party must have the Forget Worry Pill." Queen Mother Mo seemed to see that Chen Feng was in a bad mood, so she spoke.

"The opponent should be from Wangyou Cave or the Three Souls Clan. I don't believe that he doesn't have Wangyou Pills, but I'm not sure if I can do it. After all, he is also an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. Especially when he is injured, he will definitely burst out one or two desperate moves. But if we plan well, it is not impossible to take him down." Chen Feng said slowly. You know, there are more than one or two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals who died in Chen Feng's hands. Chen Feng is just wary of such masters, not afraid.

"Sir, there is movement behind. It is possible that they are fighting again." Bai Yu said.

"No matter how much, let's speed up to Wangyou Cave. I heard that there is a new Wangyou Valley there. I hope to find some good things." Chen Feng said.

"Sir, it would be great if we can get Wangyou Pills, even if we get Wangyou Spirit Spring. With Wangyou Spirit Spring, we can make pills ourselves." Mother Queen Mo said.

"Yes, Wangyou Pills are not difficult to make. The important thing is the materials." Chen Feng nodded.

"Let's go!"

The space array plate vibrated violently, and it entered the space channel and started to shuttle directly.

Chen Feng did not summon the long river of time, otherwise he would have arrived at Wangyou Cave Heaven very quickly, but the speed of the space array plate was not fast, especially Chen Feng used the shuttle function, and entered the area of ​​Wangyou Cave Heaven a few days later.

Wangyou Cave Heaven suddenly heard that it was just a cave paradise, but in fact it was a large-scale land of life, composed of large and small land islands, which looked a bit scattered. Chen Feng knew that this was the territory of the Three Souls Clan, and the territory belonging to Wangyou Cave Heaven was a few points larger than the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

"The Three Souls Clan has been invading our heavens. I now want to release the army of divine insects to sweep across this land of life." Chen Feng couldn't help saying as he looked at the gradually prosperous starry sky in front of him.

"Young Master, are you going to do it?" Queen Mother Mo said a little excitedly, which surprised the other three beasts, but when they thought that the Zerg was originally an invading race, they were all relieved.

"I was actually afraid that one or two Daluo Jinxian would appear here. Uh, Daluo Jinxian is impossible. Even if a high-level Taiyi Jinxian appears, he can wipe us out." Chen Feng shook his head and said, but although he said so, everyone could see the passion in Chen Feng's eyes clearly.

"The most precious thing here is the Forget Worry Spirit Spring in the Forget Worry Valley. I heard that a new Forget Worry Valley has appeared. I don't know if it's true. Anyway, let's check the situation first. If possible, we will definitely send out the army of divine insects." Chen Feng said lightly. The Three Souls Clan took the lead in invading the Heaven Realm. The two sides have long been mortal enemies, so Chen Feng has no burden at all invading this land of life.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, everyone became excited again. After leaving the meteorite zone, everyone has not had a real battle. As alien beasts, they are naturally more bloodthirsty than human cultivators.

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