Eternal Existence

Chapter 1732: Light of Life

"It's the Thunder of Destruction. The other party is practicing the Way of Destruction."


"The breath has disappeared."

"Can't run away."

Yan and Han rushed out quickly in the violent explosion. Although the explosion of this scale is powerful, it can't hurt the two of them. It just delays some time.

Chen Feng also knows this. When the Thunder of Destruction exploded, Chen Feng had already entered the Long River of Time. Using the power of time to shuttle is much stronger than other teleportation arrays. It's just that this area is a bit special. This is why Chen Feng hasn't used the Long River of Time for a long time. This time Chen Feng was also forced to do so, because Chen Feng was not sure to get rid of the other party next.

After coming out of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng pulled to an unfamiliar area. Although the surroundings were empty and even a meteorite could not be seen, Chen Feng could still be sure that he was still in this chaotic origin. In fact, Chen Feng had been here for too long and had lost himself in it. He didn't know where he left.

"Those two people must have unique means and secrets, otherwise they would not have been following me all the time." Chen Feng said lightly, but just now he used the Long River of Time, and even Chen Feng himself could not tell how far he had teleported, and Chen Feng did not feel that the other party was catching up.

"Let's take a look at where this place is first. We have been here for quite a while, and it is time to find a way out and leave." Chen Feng said in his heart, urging the array plate to rush forward quickly.

"The breath of the Long River of Time, it's bad, that kid can actually summon the Long River of Time, this time he must have run away."

"Forget it, don't chase him, it's not easy to come here, explore it carefully, and find the Chaos Spiritual Object, isn't it better than the two God Nails."

"Are you not going to fight?"

"We are equally strong, and there is no point in fighting, and I think it's not safe here, maybe the two of us should join forces."

"Hmph, not interested, since you don't want to fight, I'll leave first."

Yan and Han saw that they couldn't catch up with Chen Feng, and they simply parted ways.

Although Chen Feng was planning to leave, he was soon attracted by the sudden appearance of the divine light. So after collecting some holy light, Chen Feng began to look for the origin of this area. After Chen Feng finally left this place, he was attracted by other divine lights. So Chen Feng continued to capture the divine light without hesitation. After all, Chen Feng's original purpose was to collect the divine light.

In this way, time passed silently, and Chen Feng still did not leave. Although he thought of leaving during this period, he could not find the way to leave. The good things here were really attractive. Chen Feng had collected more than ten kinds of divine light, each of which was the best of the best, and was at the same level as the light of extinction that Chen Feng had refined before. Chen Feng was reluctant to leave.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years passed. In addition to capturing the divine light, Chen Feng certainly had other gains. Moreover, he found time to find a place to retreat twice. Each time, he used the law of time to change the passage of time. It can be said that Chen Feng had been practicing here for more than 100,000 years, and his cultivation had increased by more than a million years. After all, the Chaos Lotus Seeds and some Origin Source Crystals were not wasted in vain.

"Hey! It's not that I don't want to leave, it's that I haven't found a way out yet." Chen Feng shook his head, and a beam of green divine light entered Chen Feng's hand and disappeared. Although Chen Feng was feeling emotional, he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, because Chen Feng's gains in recent times were indeed not small. For example, the green divine light that just disappeared was the light of life that Chen Feng wanted most. Compared with the powerful divine light before, the light of life was more important to Chen Feng, because Chen Feng himself practiced the way of immortality, and later condensed the law of life. Although Chen Feng's strength can also emit the light of life, it is still very different and different from the light of life in this place of origin of chaos, just like the immortal light condensed by Chen Feng himself and the immortal light obtained here.

After entering this area for so long, these few beams of life light were also obtained by Chen Feng recently, and part of them were absorbed by the tree of life. However, Chen Feng was very satisfied, because the tree of life had undergone great changes after obtaining these divine lights. You should know that such spiritual roots generally grow slowly over billions of years, and it is difficult to significantly improve the grade. For example, this tree of life has been with Chen Feng for a long time. Although it has absorbed a lot of spiritual veins, it does not change much in Chen Feng's opinion, at least it is far less than the speed of his own cultivation.

However, these few beams of life light have caused great changes in the tree of life. If Chen Feng himself did not need it, he would have given all the life light to the tree of life.

"Since there is the light of life, there must be a place where life originates. I wonder what the place where life originates will be like, the tree of life? Or the fountain of life." With the knowledge that Chen Feng knows, he can only think of these.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes became hot again. The temptation of the place where life originates to Chen Feng is really too great, even greater than a source crystal spiritual vein.

"Since I can't leave for the time being, I'll go find the place where life originated." Chen Feng found a reason for himself to stay.

The process of refining the light of life was extremely smooth, several times faster than other divine lights. Chen Feng refined a beam of light of life, and then the entire sea of ​​consciousness was illuminated by a bright light. Under the illumination of the light, the entire sea of ​​consciousness became clearer than ever before. Chen Feng never knew that there were so many impurities in his sea of ​​consciousness, and various energies were flowing chaotically. When they accumulated to a certain extent, they would immediately mutate, and then Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness would be damaged.

"Eh! I didn't know there would be such a situation. Is it because I am not at the right level?" Chen Feng was a little shocked. You know, there is a top-grade artifact in his sea of ​​consciousness. But after thinking about it, Chen Feng felt that all this was normal. After all, he practiced the Devouring Dao. He didn't know how much energy he had devoured and refined along the way. Although his skills were unique and his body was against the sky, he constantly removed impurities, but after all, he could not reach the level of perfection. He produced extremely tiny impurities every day, but it would be extraordinary after thousands of years. This time, the light of life made Chen Feng see these deeply hidden dirt clearly.

"I didn't expect the light of life to have such an effect, but I think the effect of the light of light should be better." Thinking of this, Chen Feng moved some thoughts, but then he was still immersed in the brilliance of the light of life. The light not only made the impurities appear, but also actively removed and dissolved these dirt. When Chen Feng's mind moved, small vortices appeared out of thin air and began to sweep and crush continuously. Large areas of dirt were cleared away wherever they passed.

These whirlpools were not simple either. They were condensed by the fire of origin used by Chen Feng. Among them, the immortal light swept out from time to time. Soon, Chen Feng cleaned up the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's just like cleaning up garbage." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

After refining this beam of life light, Chen Feng immediately began to try to refine the light of light. It was almost the same as Chen Feng guessed. The light of light illuminated the sea of ​​consciousness, making it clearer and more thorough, several times brighter than the light of life.

"Sure enough, there are still many places that I haven't cultivated in the past. A little bit of accumulation makes a big thing. It seems that I can't be careless in cultivation in the future." Chen Feng nodded and said, then urged the immortal light to sweep across his body again and again. Compared with the sea of ​​consciousness, his body absorbed more energy, and even the high-level chaotic power could not be pure and flawless, and the glass was clear.

Several years passed in this way, until the rich vitality fluctuation came and woke Chen Feng up.

"Such a strong vitality, could it be that we have arrived at the origin of life, or that a treasure has been born." Chen Feng couldn't help but walk out of a rock that was only ten feet square. You know, although Chen Feng was practicing, this meteorite was always moving, and Chen Feng didn't know where it went during this process.

"Chen Feng."

As soon as Chen Feng came out, he heard the voice of Taichu Zhenjun, and then he saw Taichu Zhenjun and Huoyan Zhenjun driving a chariot and rushing over quickly, and behind the chariot was a torrent of star beasts.

"I wonder why it's such a coincidence, it turns out that they were chased by star beasts?" Seeing these two people, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

There were at least a hundred star beasts in that torrent, and some of them were powerful star beasts. No wonder these two people ran away.

"Do you two know that I'm here?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say, and at the same time, the Changsheng Sword turned into a stream of light and fell into Chen Feng's hand. The moment he held the long sword, a majestic fighting spirit conflicted. After practicing for so long, he had accumulated too much power and wanted to release it.

"Now is not the time to fight. We have found the origin of life. There is a spring of life there. It is the origin of chaos. Unfortunately, there are many star beasts guarding it." Taichu Zhenjun shouted.

"It is indeed the spring of life." Chen Feng's eyes lit up. You know, Chen Feng also got the life spring, but Chen Feng also knew that the quality of the life spring he got was not as good as this one even if it was improved tenfold. This is the origin of chaos, and the things that appear are of course the top.

"How many star beasts are guarding it." Chen Feng said, and he quickly stepped forward. At the same time, a wave of sword energy swept towards the torrent of star beasts.

"I don't know, there are too many." Taichu Zhenjun thought for a while and said.


The fierce torrent of star beasts paused for a while, but still broke through Chen Feng's sword energy frenzy.


However, Taichu Zhenjun was surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Feng's strength would improve so much after not seeing him for a while.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist." Taichu Zhenjun said quickly, and at the same time urged the energy cannon on the chariot to bombard the star beasts.

"What are you congratulating me for? I guess you have gained something in these years." Chen Feng said with a smile. With a flick of his finger, a beam of golden light suddenly spread out and turned into a golden road that swept forward.

"Immortal Light." Flame True Lord was surprised. He could naturally see the difference in the immortal light emitted by Chen Feng.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Although Chen Feng's attack was fierce, he still couldn't stop the attack of the star beast. In the blink of an eye, the golden road was smashed to pieces, but the golden light did not dissipate, but quickly condensed into a beam of immortal light and returned to Chen Feng's hand.

"It's really not the time to fight. There are too many star beasts." Chen Feng shook his head, and his figure flashed directly into the chariot. His eyes swept across the star beasts, and a group of rapidly rotating vortices appeared. These vortices stretched quickly and formed a tornado in the blink of an eye.

"Leave the star beasts behind to me, you lead the way to find the Fountain of Life." Chen Feng said, and then he used pupil skills repeatedly, and tornadoes and storms continued to appear. Although he didn't kill even one star beast, he got rid of it after a while.

"Finally safe." Flame Master breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have been hunted for more than a month." Taichu Master continued.

"It's been fine for more than a month, so you are lucky." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There weren't so many star beasts at the beginning, they were added later. Oh, fellow Daoist Chen Feng, where have you been these years? I thought you left this place." Taichu Zhenjun stared at Chen Feng and asked. After not seeing Chen Feng for a while, Taichu Zhenjun's feeling about Chen Feng changed again.

"I do want to leave, but I can't find the direction." Chen Feng said with a smile. In fact, if Chen Feng really wanted to go out, there was still a way, but there were so many treasures here that Chen Feng was not so eager to leave.

"It's impossible to find the direction. You have so many divine insects to explore the way, but you can't find a way out. If you can't get out, we can't get out even more. Speaking of it, I encountered divine insects several times before. I wondered if I could find you through the divine insects, but who knew that I would return empty-handed." Taichu Zhenjun looked at Chen Feng with a surprised look.

Chen Feng just smiled casually, and then asked: "Why are you looking for me? Have you found a good place again?"

"There are several good places." Taichu Zhenjun nodded.

"But our most important goal now is the Spring of Life. The Spring of Life has erupted several times in recent years, which will definitely attract other cultivators. Although there are many star beasts there, we also have many cultivators." Taichu Zhenjun continued.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded with some regret, knowing that it would be impossible to get the Spring of Life with the strength of one or two people alone, but if there were too many people, there would also be risks, because there were too many masters, and he and his people could only be considered as medium-level existences.

"I have also won over two partners. We can join forces when the time comes." When Taichu Zhenjun said this, he deliberately looked at Chen Feng. In Taichu Zhenjun's opinion, Chen Feng is the most suitable partner. Although his realm is low, his combat power is amazing, especially with some top-grade treasures on him. Even the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian can be seriously injured when they burst out at the critical moment. More importantly, the two have known each other for some time and have had good cooperation experience. They also have some understanding of Chen Feng and know that Chen Feng is not the kind of person who will do dirty work for the sake of profit. The last point is what Taichu Zhenjun values ​​the most. After all, there are too many good things here. If you come across any one of them, you will be jealous and greedy.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded calmly. It was hard to tell what Chen Feng was thinking. In fact, Chen Feng's own idea was very simple. No matter how dangerous the road ahead was, Chen Feng would go there even if he had no partners, because the Spring of Life was too useful to him. If he could really get this chaotic and original Spring of Life, then Chen Feng's cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds to an unimaginable level, which was even more terrifying than absorbing those source crystals. After all, although Chen Feng could evolve several avenues, the avenue of longevity was the foundation of Chen Feng's cultivation.

"Those two are both primary Taiyi Jinxian, one man and one woman, with good strength. We have cooperated several times in other places, and they are also reliable." Taichu Zhenjun thought for a while and said again.

"Daoyou, there is no need to explain. It really doesn't matter to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, the two of you. Now the star beasts are catching up again." Huoyan Zhenjun said on the side.

"It's another team of star beasts. It seems that they are almost at the range of the origin of life." Taichu Zhenjun looked at it and said.

"I think it should be coming soon." Chen Feng said, and saw a beam of green and white divine light coming across. With the appearance of the divine light, everything around was full of vitality, especially Chen Feng's feeling was even more profound. The pores of his body opened up, and the tree of life began to shake.

Chen Feng quickly took action and soon captured this beam of divine light in his hand. He refined it a little and put it away. This beam of life light was much higher in quality than the one he had obtained before.

Looking at Taichu Zhenjun and the other two, they also showed a trace of envy. No one did not want this kind of divine light, but Chen Feng acted too quickly, and Taichu Zhenjun and the other two were embarrassed to snatch it.

"Daoyou, are you collecting so much divine light to refine magic weapons?" Taichu Zhenjun asked curiously. After working with Chen Feng for a while, Taichu Zhenjun knew clearly how much divine light Chen Feng had collected.

"I guess so." Chen Feng said casually. If Chen Feng said that he had refined all these divine lights and integrated them into his soul, the other party would definitely not believe it. Not to mention that Taichu Zhenjun did not believe it, even other cultivators would not believe it. You must know that for cultivators who want to make rapid progress in their cultivation, it is best to practice a source avenue, specialize in one path, and be clear and pure. This is the most correct way of cultivation. It is not useless for cultivators like Chen Feng to open up so many inner worlds, condense multiple source laws, and evolve multiple avenues, but most of them consume their minds and minds, and it is difficult to cultivate to a very high level. Generally, they will choose a path to practice as the main path, and the others are auxiliary avenues. In Chen Feng, there are indeed more auxiliary avenues.

Fortunately, Taichu Zhenjun was just asking casually. After all, he did not expect Chen Feng to integrate all these divine lights into his soul.

"Here they come."

At this time, Taichu Zhenjun suddenly said, and Chen Feng immediately saw two people flying from a distance with divine lights under their feet. They came in front of several people in just a few flashes.

It was indeed a man and a woman. Both of them had ordinary looks, but unique temperaments. The man had a vigorous and refined temperament, with a hint of dominance, which could invisibly bring a sense of spiritual oppression to others. The woman had an ethereal temperament, as if she did not belong to this space, giving people a feeling of seeing flowers in the fog. Of course, in Chen Feng's eyes, the identities of these two cultivators could not be hidden.

"Well, these two people's cultivation is not bad. In terms of the powerful magic power and the level of the realm, they are almost the same as the Taichu Zhenjun. I just don't know if there are any hidden means." Chen Feng guessed in his heart. Although he could see the general cultivation of the two people, he couldn't use the pupil technique to investigate nakedly. This would be a provocation and not take the other party seriously.

"Taichu Zhenjun, this is the partner you are looking for." The male cultivator looked at Chen Feng. At first, he showed a look of disdain in his eyes, but soon became solemn. It was obvious that Chen Feng's divine light was not as simple as it seemed.

"God King."

The female cultivator looked at Chen Feng and said no more, and there was no fluctuation.

"Let me introduce them. These two are Pingshan Zhenjun and Suifeng Fairy. They are both my old friends. This is Chen Feng, also my partner. The two of us have escaped the pursuit of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian together." Taichu Zhenjun hurriedly introduced them. Both parties just nodded to each other and didn't say much.

This is the best for Chen Feng. With the continuous improvement of his cultivation, Chen Feng no longer has any pressure when facing ordinary Taiyi Jinxian. In fact, there are quite a few Taiyi Jinxian who died in Chen Feng's hands. Anyway, this time they came to snatch the Fountain of Life. Everyone joined forces to deal with other crises. If they face the Fountain of Life, everyone will change from partners to opponents.

"This time, not only did we detect the fluctuation of life, but there will definitely be a fierce snatch next." Pingshan Zhenjun said.

"This is also normal. Besides, we can't deal with so many star beasts with our strength alone." Taichu Zhenjun said with a smile.

As everyone moved forward, the vitality in the void became more and more intense. Chen Feng even saw the appearance of the Void Flower. This is a spiritual flower derived from the depths of the void when the vitality has reached a certain level. It is slightly similar to the Light of the Void. It is also a good thing, but compared with the Light of Life that appears from time to time, Chen Feng doesn't like these things.

It was just that with the addition of two people, Pingtian Zhenjun, Chen Feng could no longer eat alone in the process of collecting the divine light, and this kind of divine light was more useful than other divine lights, so Taichu Zhenjun and Huoyan Zhenjun were not idle either, so some competition appeared.

"Hey! The light of life is effective for almost all cultivators." Chen Feng sighed, and he could already imagine how fierce the competition would be when he found the Fountain of Life next.

Finally, everyone stopped on a large floating meteorite. Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw star beasts appearing in front of him. When Chen Feng saw the number of star beasts, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"These star beasts should be over a thousand. Could this be the lair of star beasts?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"This place of origin is originally the territory of star beasts. It is normal for them to gather next to the Fountain of Life to practice." Pingshan Zhenjun said lightly.

"Thousands is still an understatement. You will know when they start fighting." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head, his face was a little ugly. Although he had been here once, he still felt infinite pressure when he saw so many star beasts again.

"With so many star beasts, the best way is to kill them in, snatch the life spring, and then fight your way out. If you die in there, it can only be attributed to your own lack of strength." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The other few people did not speak, obviously tacitly agreeing with Chen Feng's words, because there were so many star beasts blocking them, no one had a good way out. Stealth and sneaking were simply impossible, and talking to the star beasts was even more ridiculous.

"So, this place is not something that can be taken by three or two people. More cultivators need to join forces." Taichu Zhenjun said.

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