Eternal Existence

Chapter 1724: Cooperation Again

Chen Feng's reaction was also very fast. He blocked the first blood-red light with a sword, but who knew that the second blood-red light suddenly exploded and turned into a huge fireball that wrapped Chen Feng up.

The Changsheng Battle Armor, which could even block the attack of the top-grade artifact, showed signs of melting under the power of the flames. This phenomenon shocked Chen Feng, but he soon realized that it was a problem with his refining technique. Otherwise, since it could not block the burning of the flames, it would not melt so quickly.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and a light blue water wave emanated from his body, and then the flames surrounding Chen Feng disappeared immediately, just like a basin of water poured on a flame. Water overcomes fire, it's that simple.

When this blue wave was turbulent, the boxing monk who was observing on the side suddenly lit up his eyes, and even the pupil monk showed a look of surprise.

Since the power of the water flag was used, Chen Feng was not afraid of being exposed. Anyway, these people kept chasing him for the water flag, so Chen Feng simply took out the water flag.

The green pole had a long strip of flag on it, pure green, without any patterns, and looked very simple. This was the first time Chen Feng had taken out the water banner after getting it.

Seeing Chen Feng take out the water banner, the boxing monk who had been watching could no longer bear it and was about to step forward immediately.

"The water banner in the five elements banner." The pupil monk couldn't help but exclaimed, apparently not knowing that the water banner was in Chen Feng's hand.

Chen Feng just shook the water banner, and a green ripple rushed out, and then the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians immediately felt a strong binding force. At this moment, the two even thought they were ordinary people entering the sea.


Chen Feng grabbed the water banner and shook it for the second time. This time, it was not a binding force, but a mighty stream of water. A long green river roared and rushed over, directly submerging the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians without a trace.

Chen Feng felt weak after just shaking the water banner twice, and then put away the water banner. The divine wings behind him vibrated and quickly disappeared.

Chen Feng didn't want to stay and kill his opponent, but Chen Feng knew that this was simply impossible. Even if he shook the water flag desperately again, he couldn't kill the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians. Although Chen Feng was proud, he was not arrogant. He knew clearly the gap between him and his opponent.

Being able to use the water flag to entangle the two was the best result.

Sure enough, not long after Chen Feng left, a huge fist and a red flame broke through the long river and rushed out.

The boxing monk and the pupil monk came out safe and sound, without even a scratch.

The boxing monk's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't chase him immediately.

"You know that the other party has a water flag on him." The pupil monk asked unkindly.

"I know." The boxing monk said lightly.

A trace of anger flashed in the pupil monk's eyes, and then quickly disappeared. He laughed a few times, and then left directly, actually chasing the direction where Chen Feng disappeared.

The boxing monk had no expression on his face, paused for a while, and then left quickly.

"It is indeed a magic weapon of chaos. Just by shaking it twice, its power exceeds that of the Sword of the Abyss, but its lethality is slightly insufficient. This is still a single water banner. If the five elements banners are combined, I wonder what kind of power it will have." After a while, Chen Feng got into a large meteorite. This area was full of turbulent void. Chen Feng restrained his breath even more, so it was difficult for someone to find Chen Feng even if they passed by.

You should know that the single water banner among the five elements banners is not too strong. It can even be said that it can only be regarded as the level of the best artifact. But even so, it is also the top existence among the best artifacts. After getting the water banner, Chen Feng naturally knew a lot of things. He understood that only the combination of the five banners of gold, wood, water, fire and earth can exert the strongest power. At that time, the power of the complete five elements banner may be ten or a hundred times that of a single banner, and it really has the power to destroy a universe.

"The water banner is exposed, and the other party will definitely chase me. Fortunately, this is the origin of chaos, otherwise it would be really difficult to get rid of the other party." After hiding for a while and not waiting for the other party to catch up, Chen Feng gradually relaxed, and then left the meteorite and began to wander again.

Soon Chen Feng contacted the army of divine insects. The news sent back by the divine insects surprised and delighted Chen Feng. Chen Feng could no longer stay calm and took action immediately.

"I actually found the Chaos Stone and the Heart of Light. I didn't expect that the divine insects have gained a lot in these years when I was away." Chen Feng was a little excited and a little worried. After all, there were not only himself in this space, but also other people. Compared with other cultivators, Chen Feng's strength can only be regarded as the bottom.

"Although there is a Heart of Darkness and a Heart of Light, I have never encountered the Light of Light since entering this area." Chen Feng pondered, and was a little surprised, but since it was the news sent by the divine insects, it should be true, so Chen Feng sped up and found the army of divine insects after a while.

Then Chen Feng had two more Chaos Stones in his hand, so Chen Feng now had five Chaos Stones. In fact, Chen Feng had been hesitating, considering whether to merge the Chaos Stones with the inner world. In this way, his inner world would be truly sublimated and changed. It would no longer be a simple inner world, but a universe that truly contained the power of Chaos. If he could control the inner world of this quality, then Chen Feng's overall strength would also advance by leaps and bounds. Chen Feng knew that some cultivators had used this method, but there were too few Chaos Stones. Most of the Taiyi Golden Immortals had only heard of it, but had never seen it, let alone possessed it. Of course, this was only one of the uses of Chaos Stones. Each use was not simple. For example, the Nine Extreme Heaven Locking Divine Nails that Chen Feng collected were suppressed in the Chaos Stones. Otherwise, Chen Feng would have to spend a lot of energy to suppress and refine these divine nails.

"Maybe I should think about it carefully." Chen Feng thought after hesitating. He had too many good things on him now, and most of them were just stored and not used. This made Chen Feng a little depressed. After all, he didn't have much time to practice. Even if he had time to practice, his strength needed to be improved slowly. For example, the longevity series of weapons refined by Chen Feng were still being refined autonomously.

After finding a divine insect, Chen Feng gradually sensed the power and situation of other divine insects, and couldn't help but sigh. The large number of divine insects released had actually lost millions so far. This was because of the abnormal adaptability of the insect race. If human cultivators of the same level came and stayed in this area for a period of time, the mortality rate would definitely exceed 90%. After all, the environment here was too bad. When a divine light appeared, even Taiyi Jinxian had to be careful to deal with it. These divine insects at the level of celestial beings could not dodge at all. Besides, there was a space turbulence that would appear at any time, which could also crush all life.

Chen Feng was very surprised to have harvested two pieces of chaos stone. Next, he looked for the heart of light according to the clues provided by the divine insect.

Sure enough, after entering a special area, Chen Feng immediately felt the strong power of light. Under the illumination of the bright light, Chen Feng felt that his spirit and energy had been sublimated. Some impurities in his body seemed to be dissolved. Chen Feng's eyes also changed a little. He actually absorbed some light power to devour and evolve.

"Such pure light power, higher quality than the previous dark power. What is going on?" Chen Feng looked at the light power flowing like water in front of him with some surprise. The whole person seemed to have entered a sea of ​​time.

"Chen Feng!"

At this time, someone came and exclaimed immediately after seeing Chen Feng.

"Taichu Zhenjun." Chen Feng was a little surprised. The person who came was wearing a Taoist robe and had a strange face. It was Taichu Zhenjun. It was just that in Chen Feng's eyes, Taichu Zhenjun looked a little changed. Chen Feng knew that the other party must have gained something in these years. After all, it was impossible for him to have the opportunity alone. It was not simple to think that a cultivator of the level of Taichu Zhenjun was not simple. Chen Feng had never underestimated the other party.

"You are here too." Chen Feng asked.

"Haha, yes." Taichu Zhenjun smiled awkwardly. After all, he had followed Chen Feng secretly when he was being hunted down. But now he was secretly surprised to see Chen Feng. You know, Chen Feng was chased down by a group of intermediate Taiyi Jinxians at that time. If it were him, he would not be sure that he would be safe and sound. Now it seems that Chen Feng is not only fine, but also has improved his strength. It is known that Chen Feng has also gained something here.

"This guy can even get the water flag. His luck is much better than mine. He may have gained more in this land of the origin of chaos in these years." Taichu Zhenjun thought so, and then he planned to join forces with Chen Feng. In Taichu Zhenjun's opinion, Chen Feng's luck was better than his own. Following Chen Feng, he would definitely encounter more good things. Just like on the giant planet, although treasures such as the Nine Extreme Heaven Locking God Nail were in Chen Feng's hands, he also gained a lot and got some good magic weapons.

But thinking about it again, if he encountered good things, he would not be able to get them, so Taichu Zhenjun hesitated again.

Seeing Master Taichu in deep thought, Chen Feng didn't care, but began to observe the situation around him, and at the same time took some light power. Since it was helpful to his pupil technique, Chen Feng would certainly not let it go.

"Haha! I wonder if you want to join forces?" Master Taichu finally made up his mind, so he stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Join hands." Chen Feng looked at Master Taichu in surprise.

"Why do you want to join forces? Did you find a treasure somewhere?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"Haha, that's not the case. It's just that this space is too dangerous, and there are star beasts and so many masters. Our strength is too weak. It should be better to join forces." Master Taichu said with a smile.

"Since that's the case, I think you also know how I came here. I was chased by a group of intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and I have a treasure. Are you sure you want to join forces with me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Taichu Zhenjun smiled and didn't care about Chen Feng's tone. He said calmly: "Pressure is not just a bad thing, but a motivation. Besides, I am not afraid of you, the God King. After all, I am also a Taiyi Jinxian."

Chen Feng nodded without saying anything, which was considered as his agreement. In fact, Chen Feng had never seen Taichu Zhenjun clearly. From the first time he met Taichu Zhenjun, he knew that this person was not simple. He also had the same trump cards and means, and could deal with the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian like himself. The fact that he could live well in this area explained everything.

"I have also found some interesting places here in recent years, and I need your help." Taichu Zhenjun saw that Chen Feng agreed, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Just help each other." Chen Feng nodded, and thought of some dangerous areas in his heart, maybe he could win over Taichu Zhenjun to act together.

"Daoyou just came here and I am afraid you don't know the situation in this bright area. I know there is a heart of light here, but I am afraid we can't get it." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"Someone is coming." Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"I saw three intermediate Taiyi Jinxians and star beasts entering the depths of this area." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"So there will definitely be a fight next." Chen Feng's eyes lit up again.

"Whether we can get the Heart of Light or not, since we are here, we can't return empty-handed." Chen Feng's eyes turned into two whirlpools as he spoke, and a large amount of light power was pulled and absorbed by Chen Feng.

Whether it is the need of pupil technique or the devouring method of his own practice, these light powers can be easily absorbed. For Chen Feng, who has a chaotic body, as long as it is energy, he can refine it for his own use.

Seeing this scene, Taichu Zhenjun was just a little surprised, not shocked. In fact, Taichu Zhenjun can also absorb the energy here to practice, but it is not as exaggerated as Chen Feng looks.


There was a violent sound in the distance, and the two knew that this was a counterattack.

"Such a strong light power, it should be the birth of the Heart of Light." Chen Feng said in surprise. Feeling the energy here, the Dark Heart that Chen Feng had put away vibrated uncontrollably, and waves of black ripples emanated. If Chen Feng hadn't suppressed it quickly, he might have been discovered by Taichu Zhenjun.

"Let's go! Go and have a look." Taichu Zhenjun also said so. Even though he knew that he couldn't grab the Heart of Light, the desire and curiosity in his heart also encouraged him to go.

The two were moving very fast, and soon saw several monks fighting. Not far away was a dazzling ball of light energy. The two immediately knew that it should be the Heart of Light.

"Good stuff."

Chen Feng couldn't help but say that the Heart of Darkness had already started beating. If Chen Feng hadn't used the best artifact to suppress it, it might still jump out. If the Heart of Darkness really appeared, then Chen Feng would be miserable and would definitely be hunted down by the monks present.

"Don't show any clues, otherwise it will be troublesome." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The appearance of Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun attracted the attention of the fighting monks, and then a monk rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng immediately recognized that this person had chased him before. Between the Heart of Light and the Water Banner, the other party chose the Water Banner, a chaos magic weapon.

"See, this is the disadvantage of joining forces with me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But it came too fast." Taichu Zhenjun smiled bitterly. Although he knew that he would encounter this situation a long time ago, he still felt a strong pressure after he really encountered it.

"Boy, you came at the right time. I was looking for you everywhere." He was just a cultivator wrapped in black air. At first, Chen Feng tried to capture Chen Feng, but he just hid in the dark. Later, he felt a little regretful after entering this area and losing Chen Feng's trace. When he saw Chen Feng, he immediately gave up fighting for the Heart of Light. In his opinion, the treasures on Chen Feng were much more valuable than the Heart of Light. Just a water banner was enough to change his mind.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Chen Feng said lightly, and directly took out the Sword of the Abyss. Facing such a master, Chen Feng did not dare to be careless at all.

"Of course there is something." The cultivator wrapped in black air said, and a black curtain covered Chen Feng, and even the Taichu Zhenjun on the side was affected.

"You have cultivated the power of darkness and are trying to snatch the heart of light." Chen Feng sneered, and then he slashed out with a sword, and the rolling sword energy directly tore apart the black curtain that was rushing over. In fact, Chen Feng was also proficient in the way of darkness. As long as Chen Feng encouraged the heart of darkness, he could not only break the opponent's attack, but also give Chen Feng some blows. However, Chen Feng also knew that as long as he released the breath of the heart of darkness, the cultivator in front of him might go crazy directly.

When Chen Feng made his move, Taichu Zhenjun also made his move, and also sacrificed a long sword. The sword was covered with ancient patterns, and countless runes flew out of the sword. After piercing through the opponent's black curtain, he rushed towards the cultivator again.

"Hehe, two little bastards dare to fight back." The black-qi cultivator sneered, and he didn't know what tricks he used. The black gas on his body suddenly became turbulent, turning into roaring waves that swept towards Chen Feng and the others.

"Come on."

Taichu Zhenjun rushed straight towards the black cultivator with a long sword in hand. The divine wings behind Chen Feng suddenly turned black, and the huge black waves that rushed over were dissipated without a trace by Chen Feng's waving wings.


The cultivator was a little surprised. He didn't expect Chen Feng to practice the dark art, but then he saw Chen Feng holding the sword of the abyss in front of him.


Faced with the attack of the best artifact, the Black Qi monk did not dare to be careless. He took out a small black drum with a wave of his hand and knocked it hard. Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun felt their whole bodies shake, and their hearts beat uncontrollably. At the same time, There is also a dark power drilling into the body.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The black snare drum that the opponent took out was a top-grade artifact, but the power it exerted made Chen Feng feel pressured by the top-grade artifact. Chen Feng knew that this was just an illusion, because with his current strength It is still difficult to exert the full power of the top-grade artifact, and even the top-grade artifact is difficult. It is like Chen Feng can exert the full power of the Eternal Life Sword, but the Great Wild Cauldron has been in Chen Feng's hands for a long time, and even Chen Feng reshaped it. It was successful, but it still couldn't exert its full power. This was related to Chen Feng's own cultivation level.

Facing this strange attack, Chen Feng did not panic. Instead, his left eye turned completely black, and the dark power that was close to Chen Feng or penetrated into Chen Feng's body was sucked into the left eye.

"Dark Demonic Eyes!"

The Black Qi cultivator said with some surprise that what Chen Feng used was indeed the Dark Demon Eye. Chen Feng had also practiced the Dark Scripture, and he had already cultivated the Dark Demon Eye to a small level. However, later on, Chen Feng had been focusing on cultivation. Eyes in other directions did not take much time to continue practicing the Dark Scripture, but even so, the Dark Demonic Eyes were close to the realm of great achievement, and swallowing these dark powers was of course a trivial matter.

On the other side, Taichu Zhenjun also defused the opponent's attack, but his forward speed slowed down. The black vortex in Chen Feng's eyes quickly stopped, and streams of black light kept shooting out, covering the black energy monk in the blink of an eye. stand up.

"Hmph! I'm quite good at practicing the art of darkness, but the level is too low." The black energy monk said and beat the black drum in his hand again. A black ripple struck out, and the black stream of light emitted by Chen Feng was shattered into pieces.

At this time, Taichu Zhenjun brandished his sword and came over to kill again.

The fight here is exciting, and the battle among the few monks who snatched the Heart of Light can be said to be fierce. These people are all intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals, and the destructive power produced by their attacks is really too strong. The void shattered, shattered, and billowing energy continued to spurt around. As for those hard meteorites, they had long since disappeared.

It seems that due to the influence of these people's fight, the power of light in this area gathered towards the heart of light. After a period of time, all the power of light in this area disappeared completely, and the group of light energy also became clear, and the light The heart is finally clearly revealed.

Seeing the appearance of the Heart of Light, the fighting monks became even more crazy. They rushed towards the Heart of Light. At this time, the Heart of Light suddenly beat, and then the power of light surged. Even Chen Feng in the distance felt dazzling. .


The Heart of Light beat again, then broke through the space and disappeared, and the fighting monks immediately chased after it.

"The Heart of Light escaped on its own." Taichu Zhenjun was a little surprised.

"No, someone must have done it secretly. I'm afraid those people's trip will be in vain." Chen Feng said lightly, knowing that Chen Feng had never encountered such a situation before collecting the Heart of Darkness.


The Black Qi cultivator was angry. He had not obtained the Heart of Light. He still had not dealt with these two boys. He only felt that his face was dull, so he repeatedly used his special moves. Under pressure, Chen Feng secretly activated the Heart of Darkness. Sure enough, all the opponent's attacks were neutralized by the heart of darkness. In this way, the black energy monk immediately knew that Chen Feng had the heart of darkness, so his eyes became a little fiery, and he began to attack Chen Feng crazily, which made Taichu Zhenjun was a little surprised.

"Is this guy crazy?" Taichu Zhenjun said in surprise.

"Boy, hand over the things." The Qi machine on the Black Qi monk's body was firmly locked on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt increasingly strong pressure.

"It depends on your ability." Chen Feng said lightly. This monk is indeed very powerful. If he encountered him, he might have found a way to escape, but with the help of Taichu True Lord, Chen Feng was not afraid of him.

"Senior, you are also an intermediate master after all. It's a bit embarrassing to argue with us juniors." Taichu Zhenjun couldn't help but said. In this fight, Taichu Zhenjun did not show his true strength. It can be said that this fight It came out of nowhere, and Taichu Zhenjun even regretted joining forces with Chen Feng. After all, the treasures on Chen Feng were so attractive.

"This is just the beginning. I don't know what dangers there will be next." Although he thought so, Taichu Zhenjun still waved his long sword and continuously attacked the black energy monks.


The black energy in the black monk's body was completely restrained, and then he punched the black drum hard. A black torrent suddenly erupted, sweeping away the Supreme Lord. Then the black drum in the black monk's hand quickly grew in size and turned into a small mountain. Big and small, it hit Chen Feng directly.

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