Eternal Existence

Chapter 172 Zhao Quan

Although the innkeeper cursed a few times, he still arranged a room for Chen Feng and the other two. After all, it is normal for the cultivation world to fight for revenge. Besides, if he was attacked by a killer while staying in the inn, it would also affect the boss's business if it got out.

After entering the room, Chen Feng asked secretly: "Ta, do you know that someone wants to assassinate me?"

"Of course I know. I noticed it as soon as the other party entered the yard." Ta said lightly.

"Then why didn't you remind me?" Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied.

"If you need me to remind you even for such a small matter, and you can't solve me, then your cultivation is simply wasted. Besides, with your current strength, these petty thieves can't pose any harm to you at all." Ta said lightly.

Chen Feng thought about it and it was true. The few black-clothed men who appeared today were just good at hiding skills. In fact, their cultivation was not strong. If they fought alone, even Ruta could deal with them.

The time passed quickly in the second half of the night. As soon as the sun rose, Chen Feng and the other two came to the square. Sure enough, there were already many people queuing up next to the teleportation array.

After looking at the sign, Chen Feng and the other two also mixed into a group of cultivators. There were about ten of them, and their destination was Yiyuan City.

"Although these people have good cultivation, they will feel a little sorry for spending a thousand magic crystals, right?" Ruta said with a smile.

"If I fly alone, I don't know how long it will take, and there will definitely be dangers along the way. However, using the teleportation array is faster and safer. But then again, a thousand magic crystals is also a fortune for ordinary secret realm cultivators." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, look, this bastard is here too." Ruta whispered.

Sure enough, the pale young man came over with four guards, and was stunned when he saw Chen Feng and the other two, and then a trace of evil murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Ruta wanted to step forward, but was secretly stopped by Chen Feng.

"Don't do it here." Chen Feng said in a voice transmission.

"Humph!" The pale young man looked at Chen Feng and the other two and snorted coldly, then walked directly to the front of the team.

"Next batch!"

Finally it was Chen Feng and the others' turn. This time, there were more than 30 cultivators heading to Yiyuan City, standing in a scattered manner in the teleportation array.


The array was activated and operated, and all the inscriptions and symbols on the platform were shining, but Chen Feng couldn't understand them at all.

When the teleportation array reached its peak, a huge space channel was opened. Chen Feng and the others felt their whole bodies lighten, and they were wrapped in the power of space and began to travel through the void.

No one spoke. Everyone was still a little afraid of traveling through the void. If there was a mistake in the middle, everyone would fall into the chaotic void, and the chance of survival would be almost zero.

Not to mention Chen Feng and other secret realm cultivators, even the Tianren realm cultivators would be in danger if they fell into the void. Once they lost their direction or encountered space turbulence, they would die. Only when they reached the human immortal realm could they freely travel through the void, and they could run through countless spaces with one step.

In just one stick of incense, everyone was refreshed and appeared on a circular platform, which was almost the same as the teleportation array in Qixing City.

Everyone arrived at Yiyuan City.

"We arrived so quickly." Ruta was surprised. You know, it's more than 300,000 miles from Qixing City to Yiyuan City. I didn't expect that it would take only one stick of incense to travel such a long distance.

"You are a country bumpkin who has never seen the world." The pale young man sneered, rolled his eyes at Chen Feng and the others, and then walked away with several guards.

Chen Feng looked around and found that the surrounding scene was somewhat similar to that of Qixing City. There were some soldiers wearing gorgeous armor standing around, but the shape was a little different from that of Qixing City.

"Zhao Quan, where did you go this time?" At this time, a sergeant leader came forward to greet him.

"Nothing, just bored, I went out for a walk." Zhao Quan was a little arrogant, and seemed to look down on this sergeant leader.

"By the way, I heard that many people died in Liuyun Immortal Mountain, and some monks got in, including people from our Taiyi Sect. What is the specific situation?" The sergeant leader seemed to talk a lot and didn't care about the impatience on Zhao Quan's face.

"How should I know? I didn't go there. But those who go into that immortal mountain will definitely not be able to get out. Let me see that it is not an immortal mountain at all, but a dead mountain. Once you go in, it's a dead end. Those fools will rush to go in. If you are impatient to live, you can apply to go and see." Zhao Quan sneered, and then said no more, and walked away swaggeringly. Of course, before leaving, he looked back at Chen Feng and the others again.

"So this pretty boy is called Zhao Quan." Ruta smacked his lips and said.

"And he is also a disciple of Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng just listened to the conversation between the two without missing a word.

"But it seems that this guy named Zhao Quan seems to have some backers. Just now, he obviously looked down on this military leader." Chen Feng said.

"No way, what a coincidence, we are from the same sect." Ruta said in surprise.

"Fellow sect, hehe, it seems that there will be some troubles after entering Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng sighed.

"This little jerk, find a chance to kill him." Ruta said indifferently.

"It's not that simple, let's go, find a place to settle down first, and then inquire about the situation. Although this Yiyuan City is the territory of Taiyi Sect, it is still some distance away from Taiyi Immortal Mountain." Chen Feng said.

One Yuan City is an existence on the same level as Seven Star City. They are all famous large-scale immortal cities in the North Plains. There are almost no ordinary people living here, and they are all monks who have entered the world of cultivation.

The three words "Yiyuan City" are taken from the beginning of Yiyuan, which also represents the meaning of entering this city and entering the world of cultivation. Of course, there is also a hidden meaning, that is, wanting to become the number one city in the world. But this is just an idea.

"The atmosphere of this city is quite good. It's not like when I was in Seven Star City, where I could not absorb the power of so many stars." Ruta looked at the dazzling street scene around him and said with a smile.

"Be careful, we are being watched." Chen Feng pretended to look around while secretly sending a message to Luta.

"Who?" Ruta also pretended not to know anything.

"They're just two ordinary little monks. They should be keeping tabs. I think it's the person named Zhao Quan who came here." Chen Feng said secretly.

"It's this kid again, what should we do now? This is the opponent's territory." Ruta seemed a little anxious.

"Don't worry, since this is the case, let's not rush to find a place to live. Let's take a look around first." Chen Feng said with a smile.

For the next whole day, Chen Feng and the two of them walked around Yiyuan City leisurely, occasionally buying some things in the process.

In Chen Feng's perception, someone has been secretly following behind, but it's not the two people at the beginning, but two people will be replaced every once in a while. If Chen Feng hadn't cultivated the soul fire, he might not have noticed the other party's movements.

"Good guy, this guy named Zhao Quan is quite powerful." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Then Chen Feng and the two of them began to enter one shop after another, or chat with some monks setting up stalls on the roadside. After a period of chatting and asking for common ground, Chen Feng finally roughly figured out Zhao Quan's identity.

Zhao Quan, an inner disciple of the Taiyi Sect, is not very strong, but he is a native of the Taiyi Sect. He has brothers, sisters, parents, uncles, and grandfathers. In a word, the Zhao family is in Taiyi Sect. Yimen has some status, so although Zhao Quan is not strong enough, he does not take some people seriously. He is arrogant and domineering on weekdays. If he encounters some problems, he can just find a few cousins ​​to settle them.

"It turns out that this is the case. It's really the same no matter where you go. It was like this in the Iron Sword Sect before, and it's the same now in the Immortal Sect. It's just a different level." Chen Feng sneered.

"Brother Chen, if this is the case, it would be a bit dangerous for us to enter the Taiyi Sect. The opponent is so powerful and wants to punish us. Isn't it just a matter of words?" Ruta said.

"It's not that easy. No matter what, I want to enter Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

At this time, Chen Feng thought of Bai Ziyan and his cheap master. Bai Ziyan had already entered Taiyi Sect, and his cheap master also recommended him to enter Taiyi Sect, and also said that he would find an opportunity to practice Taiyi Immortal Art. Just by hearing the name, you know that this is a peerless scripture, but this scripture is obviously the treasure of Taiyi Sect. How can ordinary disciples learn it?

In fact, Chen Feng has speculated more than once whether his cheap master is a member of the Taiyi Sect. Even if he is not a member of the Taiyi Sect, he should be related to the Taiyi Sect.

In order to meet Bai Ziyan and his generous and cheerful master, Chen Feng had already identified this sect in his heart.

"By the way, Ta, do you know Taiyi Immortality Technique?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"I've never heard of it, but the name seems very domineering." Ta said nonchalantly.

Seeing Chen Feng's persistence, Luta didn't say anything. He embarked on the path of cultivation. If he retreated because of timidity, he would not have much future in the future.

In the evening, Chen Feng and Luta sat on the stone table in the yard, holding wine bottles and drinking to the moon. However, since Chen Feng drank the fairy wine that night, he felt a little indifferent when he drank other drinks. Chen Feng was secretly depressed.

"Will the other party come to kill you?" Ruta asked in a low voice.

"Nine times out of ten, Zhao Quan would dare to find someone to attack us in Seven Star City, let alone in Yiyuan City. But the things we have inquired about are almost the same. In one month, the Taiyi Sect will officially accept people. Let's play here for a few days, and then go directly to Taiyi Immortal Mountain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You can't go anywhere in the future." A dull voice suddenly sounded in the small courtyard. At some point, a young monk wearing black clothes appeared not far from Chen Feng and the other two.

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