Eternal Existence

Chapter 1721 Encountering a Star Beast

This time, Chen Feng almost exerted his soul power to the extreme. The dozens of star beasts that rushed up all paused for a moment. Then Chen Feng took out the Longevity Spear and stabbed it out like lightning. A series of puffs sounded, and the star beasts around all flew backwards. However, only three were pierced by the Longevity Spear. One of them was pierced in the head by Chen Feng and was already dead. The other two were seriously injured. As for the other star beasts, they were only slightly injured.

Moreover, Chen Feng clearly saw that the injuries on these star beasts were recovering rapidly.

"Why are the star beasts' bodies so strong?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. You know, Chen Feng has been wandering in the universe and has seen countless star beasts. Although these star beasts absorb the power of the stars and their bodies are originally strong, they have not reached the level of star beasts. Even some special divine beasts with bloodlines that are against the sky may not have such abnormal bodies.

Besides, Chen Feng would not be worried if he encountered one or two star beasts, or three or four, but Chen Feng could not handle a group of them, and who knows if there will be more next time. Besides, there are also powerful star beasts.

"No wonder star beasts are one of the dangers here. Even the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian dare not be careless when they encounter them. If I leave here at the beginning, maybe it will be fine, but it is difficult to leave now." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. After killing two star beasts, the other star beasts have begun to go crazy. The murderous intent emanating from these star beasts has almost condensed into substance, and a breath of breath keeps locking on Chen Feng.

"What a trouble."

Chen Feng said, waving the Longevity Spear to knock away the two star beasts, breaking through a gap and leaving quickly, but the star beasts behind left and chased after him.

Originally, Chen Feng's plan was to find the source of divine light, collect various divine lights, and then increase his strength, but now it seems that this plan has been stranded. However, the development of things has both advantages and disadvantages, that is, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and others did not catch up. In Chen Feng's view, although the environment here is dangerous, it is better than facing so many intermediate Taiyi Jinxian.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wherever Chen Feng passed, a torrent was opened in the meteorite group. Large pieces of hard meteorites were constantly shattered, and there was a group of star beasts chasing behind.

A beam of fiery red light swept across silently. Chen Feng did not dodge and was swept. There was a flame burning on the hard longevity armor. After Chen Feng drove away these flames, a dent appeared on the armor, and Chen Feng clearly felt the extremely hot temperature. Even with the obstruction of the longevity armor, his skin felt burnt.

"The divine light of fire!" Chen Feng couldn't help but say. This is a good thing. The light evolved from the origin of fire has a very strong attack power. If Chen Feng can refine and absorb it, then the attack power of the immortal light will be raised to another level. In fact, as long as the divine light derived from the power of the origin is very powerful, because it is basically a display of the power of each origin attribute.

At this time, Chen Feng had no chance to collect the divine light of fire, because the star beast behind him immediately pounced on him, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was submerged. Chen Feng relied on the magic of walking and only flashed occasionally.

"I didn't expect that I would come here to chase that kid." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness kept shuttling through the meteorite group, occasionally shaking his body to dodge the divine light that appeared from time to time.

"Since I have arrived at this place, it will not be so easy to find that kid again, but if I am lucky enough, the harvest here may not be inferior to the top-grade artifact of the level of the Time Disk." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness said and quickly landed on a large meteorite.

This planet-like meteorite began to show dense cracks, and finally it was shattered with a bang, and then a ball of light quickly fell into the hands of the Savage Saint.

"The origin of gold, this is a good thing." The Savage Saint said, putting away the light and quickly disappeared in the meteorite group.

"It is indeed the origin of chaos. This time it is really lucky. Compared with this area, whether I can find that kid is nothing." The monk with a lightning mark on his forehead kept walking slowly in the space, but there was a ball of light blue light circling in his hand. This ball of light was a kind of divine light that this person just collected.

"The power of the origin of chaos, I finally found this place. As long as I can collect some of the most ancient power of chaos, my strength will advance by leaps and bounds. Even simple cultivation here is much better than other places. If it weren't for the divine light that appears from time to time here, I would even want to build a cave here." The speaker was a cultivator who was tightly wrapped in purple light. His face could not be seen clearly. Although this person had participated in tracking Chen Feng before, he had always been hiding in the dark and didn't even show his face.

"Humph, that kid is lucky. I don't know if he can still find it. Although the energy here is chaotic, it is old enough and of good quality. And I have a hunch that I might encounter some treasures here." The Swallowing Void Beast stopped on a meteorite, and a large amount of energy continued to gather here. If you look closely, you can see that there are countless small vortices on the Swallowing Void Beast.

Boom! Boom!

Compared with these people, Tianwei Golden Dragon and Chen Feng encountered the same situation, because Tianwei Golden Dragon was also besieged by star beasts.

As a heaven-defying being among the divine dragon clan, the Mighty Golden Dragon was a little angry at being besieged by these strange beasts, so he used his ruthless tactics to kill several star beasts in one go. This not only did not frighten the star beasts, but also attracted them. More star beasts came to attack. These star beasts all had the strength of junior Taiyi Golden Immortal, and their physical defense was extremely strong. They became even more powerful after forming a group. After a fight, some star beasts were killed, but the sky Wei Jinlong was also injured, and several more powerful star beasts appeared later. Although they could not reach the level of intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, they were comparable to the top junior Taiyi Golden Immortal. After Tianwei Golden Dragon was injured, I couldn't resist the crazy attacks of these star beasts. I knew that although I could kill these star beasts by staying here, it was more likely that I would be here too.

Therefore, the mighty Tianwei Golden Dragon also began to escape, and like Chen Feng, it was constantly chased by the star beasts.

Then wait until the two meet.

When Chen Feng met the Mighty Golden Dragon, he was also surprised. You must know that Chen Feng's spiritual thoughts have been released and contracted, but he did not feel the breath of the Mighty Golden Dragon and many star beasts. Chen Feng was sure This should be due to the strange space here.

Seeing Chen Feng's Tianwei Golden Dragon, his color changed a little. If he met Chen Feng's Tianwei Golden Dragon under normal circumstances, he would definitely be extremely happy. As long as Chen Feng is caught, all the good things in Chen Feng's body will belong to the Tianwei Golden Dragon, but the situation is different now. .

Despite this, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the mighty Tianwei Golden Dragon, and then a huge dragon claw struck at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was not surprised by Tianwei Golden Dragon's move. It could be said that Chen Feng was also ready to take action. Therefore, as soon as Tianwei Golden Dragon took action, Chen Feng's fast-moving body suddenly paused, and then quickly retreated, and was in pursuit. The star beasts collided together, and the claws of the Mighty Heavenly Golden Dragon even knocked the two star beasts away.

"The response is quite fast."

Tianwei Golden Dragon sneered, and then he soon felt something was wrong. Just as he was about to dodge, two more things appeared in front of him. Just as Tianwei Golden Dragon had time to call out the words "World Fragments", there was a powerful explosion. The energy swamped the mighty golden dragon.

After the mighty golden dragon rushed out of the explosion range, Chen Feng had disappeared. Looking at the surroundings, the star beasts were already surrounded. Even the star beasts that had been chasing Chen Feng were eyeing the mighty golden dragon.

This time, Tianwei Shenlong was really angry, and his heart was full of murderous intentions towards Chen Feng. This time, his carelessness was actually brushed off by a little god king. Tianwei Shenlong vowed that whenever he saw Chen Feng in the future, he must look good to him, of course. The most important thing now is to get rid of the immediate trouble.


Dozens of star beasts launched attacks on the mighty golden dragon at the same time. Among them, the more powerful star beasts locked the direction where the mighty golden dragon wanted to escape.

"I didn't expect to meet other people. It seems that I need to be more careful next time, but they can't drink me if they appear alone." At this time, Chen Feng got rid of the entanglement of the star beast and quickly changed his position in the meteorite group. , and then stopped after several days.

The reason why he stopped was because Chen Feng knew that the next action would definitely not go smoothly, and he might not stay here for how long. Another point was that the place where Chen Feng stopped seemed a bit safe.

Although there are no large meteorites in this area, they are densely packed. In some places, they are even squeezed into piles. Chen Feng watched for a while and realized that there is no divine light in this area. In addition, the spiritual energy here is somewhat thin. According to Chen Feng's opinion, the star beasts will probably come here.

After randomly placing some restrictions, Chen Feng began to practice.

He said it was cultivation. In fact, Chen Feng wanted to calm down and rationalize what he had gained before, and to speculate and plan his next actions.

On that giant planet, Chen Feng gained so much. A complete set of Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nails, which were divided into nine top-grade artifacts, as well as the Chaos Bead and the Blue Realm. The Chaos Bead contained the Chaos Green Lotus. There are many treasures in the Blue World, including a complete semi-top-grade artifact, the Blue Sword. There were also great gains in the Lei Ci Yuan Realm for a period of time, such as the Manluo Divine Vine, the Origin of Wood, and the Netherworld Sacred Tree. As for other spiritual springs or elixirs, there were so many things that Chen Feng was not willing to sort them out. Of course, The biggest gain was the water flag among the Five Elements Flags, but Chen Feng didn't have time to study most of these things after he got them. Especially the water flag, which inexplicably ran into Chen Feng's body, followed by the pursuit of the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. , this was a good opportunity. After Chen Feng roughly sorted out the recent events, he immediately began to try to communicate with Shui Ban.

According to Chen Feng's idea, as long as he can activate the power of a water flag, he will have more means of self-protection when facing the pursuit of the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. Chen Feng already has a lot of top-quality artifacts. It is difficult to refine these artifacts, and Water Banner is a chaos magic weapon with a higher level than the top artifacts. Whether it can be refined is still a question. Chen Feng has already made plans to use other top artifacts to suppress it, but Chen Feng soon He knew that everything he had thought about before was unnecessary, because the process of communicating with Shuihan was very smooth. At first, Chen Feng thought that he had an illusion, but then he was sure that it was true. Shuihan responded to him eagerly, Unlike other magic weapons, there was no rejection of Chen Feng's communication water flag, just like his own magic weapon.

So Chen Feng tried to refine it. To Chen Feng's expectation, the refining process went very smoothly, with almost no twists and turns. Chen Feng was so excited that he couldn't suppress his boiling thoughts. After a while, Chen Feng thought As soon as he moved, a stream of cyan light surged out, circling around Chen Feng like a ribbon, wrapping Chen Feng's entire body. In the cyan light, images of water streamers appeared from time to time.

With the protection of Shui Banner, Chen Feng became more at ease during the subsequent cultivation process. He was completely silent in the will world of Shui Banner, a chaotic magic weapon. Although Shui Banner was actively refined by Chen Feng, this time It still took Chen Feng a lot of time to practice. If someone hadn't disturbed Chen Feng, maybe Chen Feng would have continued to practice. After all, Chen Feng entered the period of chaos through the water flag. This mysterious state made it difficult to feel the time. the passage of.

Chen Feng woke up the moment he felt the crisis. At the same time, the cyan light that protected Chen Feng turned into a long river and suddenly rushed out. Then the long river was blocked, and a Lei Xiu with a lightning symbol between his eyebrows came out. This person stared at Looking at Chen Feng, there was a complicated look in his eyes.

"You actually refined the water flag." Lei Xiu stared at Chen Feng and said. Although he did not attack, Chen Feng felt the opponent's tyrannical and powerful thunder will, and he could burst out the most powerful attack at any time.

"What do you call fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng said lightly, but he was on guard. This person had not directly attacked him before, but in Chen Feng's opinion, this Lei Xiu must be very powerful, at least not as powerful as him. The Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness.

"You can call me Tian Lei." Lei Xiu said lightly.

This person was very strange. He just looked at Chen Feng and did not take action again. Instead, he turned around and left quickly.

Chen Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after waiting for the opponent's aura to completely disappear. This intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal named Tianlei put a lot of pressure on himself. When he started to move, Chen Feng had no confidence to block the opponent, even if he was refined. After getting the water banner, Chen Feng was still not sure, but he was confident that he could leave. Moreover, Chen Feng was a little disappointed that the other party suddenly left just now. That was because he had no chance to show the power of the water banner.

But no matter why the other party left, there was no fight, which was also a good thing for Chen Feng. However, Chen Feng could no longer continue to practice here, so Chen Feng left here.

A few days later, Chen Feng finally encountered a beam of divine light again. The divine light he encountered this time was black and bright, just like a ray of black light born from the chaos and darkness of the universe. Although it was black, it seemed More glaring.

"Light in the dark night!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of energy swept towards the black light. This energy contained the water source power of the water flag, and it actually slowed down the rapidly sweeping black light. Then Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the black light, which reached Chen Feng's palm before it had time to disperse.

"It is indeed the light of the dark night. This kind of thing is more effective in the dark night." Chen Feng thought and put away the light of darkness. Then Chen Feng quickly moved forward and rushed towards the place where the light appeared.

Next, several more lights of the dark night swept over. Chen Feng did not collect them, but continued to speed up. Chen Feng wanted to find the source of the light of the dark night. Although his previous search for the divine light had not been successful, Chen Feng Feng was not discouraged at all, and this time he was still full of confidence and moved forward.

"The power of darkness is so strong. It seems that I have found the right place." After a while, Chen Feng found that the surrounding space and even the floating meteorites had turned black. He knew that all this was caused by the erosion of the power of darkness. I also know that the path I am taking is correct.

Another beam of dark light appeared. Chen Feng used his eye skills to the extreme and finally found some clues.


The divine wings behind Chen Feng vibrated rapidly. Chen Feng's speed suddenly increased, and he quickly got into the void turbulence. He saw that Chen Feng seemed to have sunk into the water, and seemed to have entered another spatial interface. The whole body stretched and turned, and then returned to normal.

"No wonder we can't find the source of the divine light. It turns out that the law of space is involved." Chen Feng said in surprise, his eyebrows cracked, and his third eye finally opened. This is Chen Feng's strongest pupil technique. .

The void beast was already good at the way of the void. Its pupils were refined by Chen Feng and integrated with Chen Feng's own pupil technique. Although it has not yet exerted its strongest power, the path of pupil technique has become wider.

In the following time, Chen Feng traveled through several space compartments, and finally felt a deeply hidden power of darkness.

"Is this the place where the origin of darkness is?" Chen Feng said lightly, and then he saw a beam of black light appear. It did not sweep across, but penetrated straight through, like a black line moving steadily forward in the endless universe. .

"It seems that we have found the place." Chen Feng said, reaching out and grabbing it, and then there were layers of barriers blooming in front of him like flowers.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The jet-black light touched the barrier and immediately penetrated small holes. The dozens of layers of barriers arranged by Chen Feng were completely penetrated in the blink of an eye, but the jet-black light did not stop at all.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then a black light shot out of his right eye. At a glance, the black light emitted by Chen Feng was exactly the same as the dark light in front of him, but the essence was indeed different. What Chen Feng emitted was a devouring light. And it's not dark, it's pure black.


The two black lines collided with each other. There was no earth-shattering sound, but only a continuous melting sound. The dark light was still moving forward, but it was constantly melting.

Only Chen Feng knew that it was not melting, but was swallowed by his own devouring light.

The two black lines were rapidly shortening and weakening. Finally, the devouring light emitted by Chen Feng completely disappeared, and there was still a foot of dark light left. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. This time, the dark light seemed to have exhausted its power and fell directly into Chen Feng's hands.


Chen Feng quickly disappeared from the spot.

After a while, Chen Feng stopped again, looking at the black shadow in front of him with excitement in his eyes.

The black shadow in front of him was like a corner of the universe that disappeared, silent, without life and everything, only a black shadow. As long as you enter it, it seems to disappear from this world.

"The Heart of Darkness, the origin of darkness, turns out that the Dark Light comes from here, then what about other divine lights, is there also such an existence from the source of the Light of Extinction and the Light of Devouring, if it is true." When Chen Feng said this, his eyes suddenly became hot, and flames jumped in his eyes. These things are different from the existence of magic weapons, but no one can say which one is more important. For example, the Heart of Darkness in front of him, for Dark Qilin, its role is comparable to that of a top-grade artifact, or even better. You must know that no matter how powerful the artifact is, it is just an external object, while this Heart of Darkness can be completely refined and absorbed into its own power. No matter where and when, only its own power is the most real and reliable. Of course, for cultivators who practice other origins, this Heart of Darkness is far less valuable than a powerful magic weapon.

"Put it away, and you can give it to Dark Night later. It's been a long time since we last met. I wonder how far this guy has practiced now?" Thinking of Dark Night, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

As soon as he said he would start, Chen Feng waved his hand and threw out some formation flags to seal off the black shadow in front of him.

As Chen Feng moved, the black shadow in front of him gradually became real and clear, as if there was a black flame boiling. After a while, the space of the black shadow in front of him quickly shrank and turned into a ball of black rolling energy.

Chen Feng's eyes at the center of his eyebrows directly broke through the black energy and saw a black heart in it. The heart was not big, but the dark power contained in it made Chen Feng feel frightened. In addition to the powerful energy, there was also the oldest and most original dark law. If Chen Feng could refine this heart and slowly comprehend it, then the dark avenue would immediately make rapid progress and surpass other avenues he practiced in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng was a little moved, but he suppressed it abruptly. You know, Chen Feng also practiced the Dark Sutra, and he could fully play the role of this dark heart to the greatest extent.

"Forget about refining it, let's leave it to Dark Night. I can use it to comprehend it." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

Chen Feng now has countless treasures, and there are several avenues waiting for Chen Feng to comprehend and practice. Chen Feng can't spend a lot of energy on the dark avenue.

"Put it away first." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand to grab the dark energy in front of him.


The moment Chen Feng touched the dark energy, the dark heart in it beat for a moment, just like the birth of chaos, the universe began to evolve, an inexplicable torrent turned into a circle of ripples and swept around, and Chen Feng's palm immediately began to crack, and it was about to be shattered.

Chen Feng's face was calm as if he had known this would happen. The dark power surged quickly, and soon the broken palm immediately returned to its original state. At the same time, the power of immortality and the power of time continued to surge inside the palm. Under the blessing of the three powers, Chen Feng still grabbed the black energy.

It seemed that the dark heart in the dark energy did not beat again, as if it felt the dark power emitted by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng held it in his hand.

The dark power quickly contracted, and a black heart appeared in front of Chen Feng. This heart was of course different from that of humans. In fact, it was more like an inconspicuous round stone. A cultivator with a low level of cultivation might not even recognize it.

Then Chen Feng's eyes began to move, and countless runes came out of his eyes, sealing the dark heart layer by layer in the blink of an eye.

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