Eternal Existence

Chapter 1718: The Birth of Water Banner

"Just in time." The Queen Mother said coldly, and then the formations around her started to work immediately. In the Queen Mother's opinion, it was no problem to stop these people for a while. What the Queen Mother was worried about was the few people in the distance who did not take action. Those people were masters.


However, the Queen Mother felt the pressure as soon as the two sides fought, especially when she saw someone rushing in from a distance, she felt a bad feeling in her heart and became less calm.

"I hope the young master can collect the divine nail quickly." Until now, she could only think so.


"In that case, kill them all, and then deal with Chen Feng."


The number of opponents has exceeded ten, and it is still increasing. Under the temptation of the top-grade artifact, these people have become a little crazy, and their greedy hearts are beating uncontrollably.

As time passed, the formation was constantly broken. Finally, someone rushed in and wanted to rush underground, but was stopped by the Queen Mother.

"A little bug dares to stop me, it's really looking for death." The first one to rush in was the cultivator who started the trouble. He was the strongest among the crowd, holding a lightning spear and killing the Queen Mother.

"Hahaha, I'm here too."

Another person rushed in, but was blocked by Bai Yu.

"Hey, it's the white ghost, good, good, I have been collecting the essence of various beasts, I think this white ghost is good." The cultivator also laughed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As the formation was broken, more and more cultivators rushed in, and then the eagle and the evil tiger also rushed up, and even Haotian and Hongluo entangled one person.

The situation began to tilt, and the Queen Mother and others began to be unable to resist.


The first to be injured was the Queen Mother, because the Queen Mother's opponent was the strongest, then the eagle and the evil tiger were also injured one after another, and Baiyu was also suppressed by the opponent. It was only a matter of time before he was defeated. However, Haotian and Hongluo tied with the opponent because they joined forces.

"Hahaha, I don't have time to tangle with you." A cultivator took out a combat puppet to block the attack of the goshawk, and then he went underground.

The Queen Mother and others were very anxious but there was nothing they could do, but soon the Queen Mother calmed down again, because she knew that going in alone would only lead to death.

Sure enough, the cultivator immediately felt the strong energy impact when he entered the independent space. Under this power, he was like a small boat in the wind and waves, and he would be submerged at any time.


A vine appeared and pierced the body of the cultivator, and then he felt the power in his body fading in fear.


The cultivator screamed. He entered this planet later and didn't know how powerful Chen Feng was, let alone the birth of the first divine nail. Otherwise, he would not be so careless. However, despite the scream, the cultivator still struggled violently and used various means to escape from here.

However, this cultivator still underestimated the power of the Manluo God Vine. One vine after another appeared and quickly wrapped up the man. After a while, the cultivator was silent.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush here."

At this time, someone else came in, and there were two of them. After they came, they did not attack immediately, but carefully looked at the situation in front of them.

At this time, Chen Feng was trying his best to collect the divine nails. It seemed that he had no extra strength at all, so the most important thing at the moment was to deal with the Manluo God Vine in front of him, and to resist the powerful energy that was constantly sweeping over.

"We can't let the other party successfully collect the divine nails. Let's go out together. I will block the Manluo God Vine, and you will attack the other party."

"Okay, no problem."

Boom! Boom!

The two cultivators still planned to take action, and they actually sacrificed the top-grade artifacts at the same time, but before the two launched the attack, they saw Chen Feng turned his head and smiled. From Chen Feng's smile, the two felt the danger.

"Not good."



The divine nail that was about to pierce Chen Feng suddenly changed direction and attacked the two monks. The extremely sharp aura made the two shiver immediately, and then the divine nail suddenly pierced, and the next moment the top-grade divine weapons they sacrificed exploded immediately. At the same time, the two monks also turned into blood mist. Under the attack of the divine nail, the two did not even scream before they were completely destroyed.

After killing the two people, the aura of the divine nail suddenly paused, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to take action and put the divine nail into the chaos stone.


Chen Feng couldn't help laughing after getting another divine nail.

"These two people came at the right time, but they dared to snatch the divine nail with such strength. Even if I don't take action, you can't take it away. You really don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng said, putting away the divine vine, and jumped out.

"Let's go!"

Some people changed color when they saw Chen Feng suddenly appear. They knew that Chen Feng had collected the divine nails and the monks who had entered before had been killed. If they went forward, they would be looking for death. However, since Chen Feng appeared, did these people still want to leave easily?

"Since you are here, don't leave." Chen Feng said lightly. The time disk above his head emitted waves of golden light, covering the four directions of space, and even those monks who were watching the battle from a distance were not spared. From a distance, a golden ball of light was seen expanding rapidly. The time law immediately changed where the ball of light covered.

"Don't you want to rob something? Then show your ability." Chen Feng walked up with the sword of the abyss.


With the sword in his hand, a monk was killed and his soul power was directly crushed.


A flash of sword light, another cultivator was cut off in the middle. Just as he was about to escape, he was caught up by the Queen Mother and the Goshawk and turned into a bloody mist.

Chen Feng sent out three swords in a row and killed three people. As a result, the remaining cultivators were all panicked and terrified. They no longer had the will to fight and only thought about how to leave.


Chen Feng sent out the fourth sword, and the blue-black sword light swept out in circles. Several cultivators were immediately affected and screamed and escaped from the golden light curtain. Several cultivators with slightly stronger cultivation quickly left as soon as they felt something was wrong and did not fight with Chen Feng.

The golden light curtain disappeared, and Chen Feng's fighting spirit became stronger and stronger. Some cultivators who had not escaped far felt Chen Feng's breath and immediately regretted it secretly. They knew that Chen Feng was powerful, so why did he come to the muddy water again? This was all blinded by greed.

While Chen Feng was killing people in all directions, the gloomy man who came with Taichu Zhenjun was eager to try and wanted to attack several times, but after Chen Feng killed and maimed these people, the gloomy man began to fear, especially after seeing Chen Feng's sweeping eyes, he turned around and ran away. The trace of pride in his heart immediately disappeared without a trace, and he secretly thanked himself for not attacking before, thus saving his life.

"Sure enough, this is the result." Taichu Zhenjun, who was far away, felt the scene of the battle and said involuntarily, with a complicated expression.

"I wonder how powerful Chen Feng will be after he advances to Taiyi Jinxian." Huoyan Zhenjun said on the side.

"By then, the opponent can kill us without using magic weapons, and it will be an easy kill." Taichu Zhenjun said lightly, as if the answer to this question had already been in his mind.

"It is the right choice not to fight against such people. I was thinking of taking advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Fortunately, I didn't do that. Otherwise, I would die and regret it too late." Huoyan Zhenjun said with a smile.

"Let's go and look for other divine nails. Although we know that the hope is slim, we still have to fight for it. Even if there is only a slight possibility, we can't stay here like this, otherwise we can only watch Chen Feng collect this set of top-grade divine artifacts." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head and said.

"Actually, I think differently from you." Huoyan Zhenjun retorted.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Taichu Zhenjun asked in surprise.

"At the beginning, I really didn't take Chen Feng seriously. I wanted to attack this guy several times, but after several fights, I knew that I was far from this guy, especially now that the other party has obtained the second divine nail, and he will definitely get the third and fourth ones next. If we really find one or two, hehe, the other party will definitely attack us in order to form a complete set. Under the opponent's attack, the two of us can only run for our lives, or even run for our lives." Huoyan Zhenjun said.

"You think long-term." Taichu Zhenjun looked at Huoyan Zhenjun in surprise. He didn't expect that these words came from the mouth of Huoyan Zhenjun, who had a hot temper. This also shows how deeply Chen Feng shocked Huoyan Zhenjun. Of course, it also shocked himself. Otherwise, he would not have given up before, but would have gone forward to compete with Chen Feng.

"So, since we know the established facts, instead of offending this terrifying guy, we might as well take this time to look for other opportunities. This planet is so strange and similar to the legendary ancient star. In addition to the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail, there must be other treasures." Huoyan Zhenjun said.

"I think so too, but it's not that easy. We have stayed in the Thunder Magnetic Realm for too long. If we enter this planet at the beginning, then the good things here will be ours." Taichu Zhenjun said in a deep voice.

The two talked a lot, but they did not relax their search for the surroundings while moving forward. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared.


A powerful chaotic aura gushed out from a mysterious space. The aura contained the most original life force and a powerful and direct binding law. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped a large area of ​​space. Chen Feng and others were naturally in it. Not only did they not feel any discomfort, but they felt that their spirits had changed.

"This is the reason why the second suppression point was removed. The aura of the water flag is stronger than before. What a pity. If I can completely remove the nine divine nails in the shortest time, I can collect them before the water flag recovers its power. Otherwise, if I collect the divine nails slowly, the power of the water flag will definitely be extremely strong at that time. Even if I use all the top-grade artifacts to help, I am afraid I can't collect them." After feeling this aura, Chen Feng naturally understood a lot of things.

"It is worthy of being a chaotic innate spiritual object. Just the aura has benefited us a lot, which is comparable to tens of thousands of years of practice." The mother queen said with some satisfaction.

"Some more idiots came, and it seems that they were also attracted by the aura here." Bai Yu stared into the distance.

"Master Taichu and the others left quickly, otherwise it would be good to practice here for a while. It seems that they are also worried that I will take action." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As if knowing Chen Feng's strength, some new cultivators stopped quickly, felt the breath of the water flag and began to practice, and some even nodded to Chen Feng in a flattering way. If they were not worried that Chen Feng would take action, some people might have approached.

"These people are not to be feared." Chen Feng said lightly, and did not take action to drive them away, but calmed down and devoted himself to refining the newly obtained divine nail. Chen Feng did this of course to find other divine nails.

At the same time, all the divine insects on this planet became more crazy and active. These divine insects have been looking for divine nails. Later, it was easier to find the divine nails through the divine nails transmitted by Chen Feng. However, it took a while to find the third divine nail.

Three years later, Chen Feng went out again and got the third divine nail. Because of the experience of the previous two times, the collection process this time was very smooth, and surprisingly no one came to make trouble. Perhaps it was the deterrence of the previous killing, so Chen Feng got the third divine nail very easily.

The speed began to accelerate. Two years later, the fourth divine nail was obtained, and one year later, the fifth divine nail was obtained.

In the next three years, the sixth and seventh divine nails were obtained one after another.

Of course, this process was not so smooth. As a result, several people died in Chen Feng's hands. As more and more divine nails were obtained, Chen Feng was delighted and felt a sense of crisis. He knew that it was not so easy to collect the chaotic treasure of the water banner.

And as the number of divine nails decreased, the breath emitted by the water banner became stronger and stronger. At the same time, the binding force on this giant planet was also weakening, and the strength that the monks who were active on it could exert was also increasing.

Of course, in addition to the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, there are also other treasures that are constantly being found. Some of them are even as valuable as the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail. For example, Taichu Zhenjun has obtained a top-grade artifact in recent years.

In addition to Taichu Zhenjun, several people later also made great gains. Chen Feng certainly knew the news, but Chen Feng had no energy to participate in these things in order to collect the divine nails. This is also a choice. Since he does not have the strength to take everything, he will choose the most important part to start with.


Chen Feng quickly landed on the ground, and then the Queen Mother and others arrived one after another, and then silently set up the formation quickly, because there was the eighth divine nail here.

"Huh! Things are going well, but the pressure is getting greater and greater. After collecting these divine nails, the water flag will definitely be born. I don’t know how many people will come to rob it at that time." Chen Feng said lightly, but soon his eyes turned into a strong murderous intent.

"No matter who it is, as long as they dare to rob me, they must die."


Chen Feng found the divine nail, and then the extremely strong aura of the water banner rushed out. This time the aura was even more violent, almost covering half of the planet. As soon as the aura came out, the Queen Mother and others began to practice.

In recent years, Chen Feng has been collecting divine nails, and the Queen Mother and others have also increased their cultivation. Of course, because the aura is released, it will also attract the attention of other cultivators. There have been fights before, and this time it happened again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several strong auras suddenly burst out, and then the Queen Mother and others were attacked. The Queen Mother and others have made rapid progress in their cultivation over the years, and there are formations to block them, but they still can't stop the opponent.

Although the cultivators who appeared this time were not intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, each of them was very strong, far exceeding the Queen Mother and others, so the formation was quickly torn apart, and the Queen Mother and others were seriously injured in a short time.

After Chen Feng collected the divine nails, he saw that the Queen Mother and others were all seriously injured. If he came out a breath later, someone would have fallen.

There were four invaders in total, and Chen Feng had seen all four of them.

One of them was wearing dark red armor and holding a spear. He was the Fire Kirin, a divine beast that came out of the Thunder Magnetic Realm. Chen Feng knew that this person was very powerful when he was in the Thunder Magnetic Realm.

There were two others who looked the same. They were brothers and were masters that Chen Feng had seen in the Thunder Magnetic Realm. The two cultivators, Feng Jun and Lei Sheng, were masters of the same level as Taichu Zhenjun. In particular, the two brothers had a telepathic connection, and their strength would be even stronger if they joined forces.

In addition to these three people, there was another person, the gloomy man Wuchang Zhenjun who had appeared before. This person was scared away by Chen Feng once before, and later he was afraid of Chen Feng's strength and never dared to conflict with Chen Feng. But now it was different. After winning over several powerful allies, this person had dispelled the fear of Chen Feng in his heart. In Wuchang Zhenjun's view, only by killing Chen Feng could the influence that had grown in his heart be completely eliminated. Otherwise, if the fear was not eliminated, his future practice would also be affected.

As soon as Chen Feng appeared, he launched the fastest attack. With a wave of his hand, several streams of light flew out quickly, and then exploded at the same time with a bang, turning into golden thin lines interlaced, and then the flow of time around changed.

"Hmph, it's the power of time. I heard that this kid has a top-grade artifact, the Time Disk, and now it seems to be true." Feng Jun said.

"Be careful, this guy has other top-grade artifacts." Lei Sheng said.

"Of course!" Feng Jun nodded.

Then the two of them quickly performed the Wind and Thunder Art, forming a Wind and Thunder Seal. This seal was blue, and it quickly circled and blocked the erosion of the surrounding time power.

"It's really not simple, but let me see how you block it next." Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, and his speed almost exceeded time and space. I saw a blue-black sword energy flashed, and then this wind and thunder seal was shattered, and at the same time, there were strands of blue-black sword light that suddenly stretched and pierced through the four monks.


At the same time, the Time Disk also flew out, and golden light bloomed, constantly corroding the surrounding space.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although the Queen Mother and others were seriously injured, they still seized the opportunity to launch an attack. They all activated the high-grade artifacts and smashed them down with a violent attitude.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

"Wind and thunder are flowing!"

"Fire burns the world!"

"Dark night erosion!"

Under the attack from Chen Feng and others, these four people also felt the pressure and crisis, and immediately used their strongest methods.

The power of wind and thunder formed an arc-shaped stream of light. This stream of light was a bit strange. While resisting attacks, it could also burst out powerful attacks. What surprised Chen Feng was that the strength that the two brothers unleashed when they joined forces actually reached the intermediate level. The level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The fire unicorn is not simple at all. As a very rare beast in the entire universe, his whole body is wrapped in flames. Balls of flowing flames are constantly flying out from his body, and the war gun in his hand is turning into balls of gun shadows from time to time. .

Compared with the two parties, the Yin Ying man's cultivation level was also extraordinary. What surprised Chen Feng was that this man actually used dark magical powers. A black shadow enveloped his whole body, guarding his body while still expanding. However, Chen Feng The focus is on hitting this person, so most of the attacks from the Sword of the Abyss fall on this person.

The sword light tore open the black curtain, and then there was a scream. Then the black curtain suddenly expanded, and a big black hand grabbed Chen Feng.


At this time, a divine nail suddenly appeared on top of Chen Feng's head, and just thrust forward. The sharp force immediately tore the big hand into pieces, and then the black shadow exploded with a bang, and the screams stopped. Immortal Lord Impermanence was directly nailed to death.

"Idiot! Since you know that I collected the divine nail, why don't you be prepared?" Chen Feng said coldly, and then the divine nail above his head locked onto the other three people.

In Chen Feng's opinion, these people are really powerful, but if they provoke him, he can only kill them.

"not good!"

"You can't escape, you can only fight hard."

"The fire is rolling!"

"Wind and thunder break the void!"

After Chen Feng killed the Yin Ying man, the other opponents launched more powerful attacks. A torrent of flames and a torrent of wind and thunder struck continuously. Suddenly, the Queen Mother and others were knocked away with their magic weapons. The two torrents mainly attacked. The target is Chen Feng.

"Let's do it together!"

Although she was knocked away, the Queen Mother quickly regained her composure, and at the same time activated two high-grade artifacts to rush over again.


Chen Feng shouted coldly, and the divine nail suddenly grew in size, stabbing directly at the torrent formed by the power of wind and thunder, while Chen Feng swung the Sword of the Abyss and slashed at the torrent of fire Qilin's flames.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

The torrent of wind and thunder was torn apart, and the torrent of flames rolled back. It was just a stalemate. The Queen Mother and others once again urged the magic weapon to smash it down.

After a series of explosions, the two torrents finally shattered into pieces. The formation of Huo Qilin and the three men broke up and flew out one after another. They were obviously traumatized. However, the magic weapons of the Queen Mother and others bounced out again, and even Chen Feng was also hit by the tiny energy, which hindered his progress.


Chen Feng snorted coldly. The divine nail on his head had disappeared, but he mobilized all his strength to swing the Sword of the Abyss again. Chen Feng knew that he could not keep the other party this time, but he was still unwilling to do so and wanted to teach the other party a serious lesson.

The sword curtain quickly stretched and expanded, covering a large space in the blink of an eye. Huo Qilin and the three of them were submerged in it at the same time. When the sword curtain disappeared, Chen Feng also froze, and the Sword of the Abyss buzzed and turned into silence, just like a It's just an ordinary broken sword. Chen Feng's face is also pale. The few battles just now have consumed Chen Feng a lot. The Sword of the Abyss is better. After all, it has been used several times and has a tacit understanding. But the Divine Nail is the first. Although he killed one person after using it for the first time, Chen Feng knew that the divine nail still had greater power waiting for him to develop. Otherwise, if the divine nail attacked a few more times, it would not be a problem to kill all the opponents in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng glanced around and saw the three Huo Qilin turn into stars and disappear in a blink of an eye. He knew that even if he was at his peak, it would be difficult for him to catch up with them.

"These guys are really not simple. If I encounter them alone, I might suffer a loss." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

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