Eternal Existence

Chapter 1712 The Second Sacred Tree

"So many people!"

Tianlong Zun looked at the situation in front of him with some surprise. This was a broken valley, and also an ancient formation. The moment he entered this space, he was trapped in the formation.

"Be careful, this is a very powerful killing formation. The reason why so many people are trapped here and can't get out is clear." Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw that more than a dozen cultivators were trapped here, and the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness rushed into a shadow. Although the formation was powerful, Chen Feng could still see that there was a Netherworld Holy Tree hidden in the shadow.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. The Netherworld Holy Tree in the shadow was more vigorous, and the Netherworld Holy Fruit on it was probably several times more than what he got.

"Hey! Interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

"Daoyou, that person is the Fire Cloud Saint." Tianlong Zun suddenly said.

Chen Feng nodded. In fact, Chen Feng could find the Fire Cloud Saint without the reminder of the Heavenly Dragon Venerable. The Fire Cloud Saint was standing on the Fire Cloud, and the flames around him were floating like clouds. He was holding the Fire Cloud Sword and was constantly bombarding the restrictions in front of him. He looked very majestic.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he saw four cracked blades coming down from four directions towards himself and others.

"It's the attack of the formation, block it." Chen Feng said, waving his spear and stabbing out, breaking a blade. The Queen Mother blocked one, and the Heavenly Dragon Venerable blocked one, and the remaining one was blocked by Haotian.

"Hey! Heavenly Dragon Venerable, you are finally here." The Fire Cloud Saint said, and his figure flashed in front of the Heavenly Dragon Venerable.

"You brought these little guys." The Fire Cloud Saint looked at Chen Feng and others and said indifferently.

"Haha, yes." The Heavenly Dragon Venerable smiled a little unnaturally, not knowing what to say, and finally had to look at Chen Feng.

"Although the cultivation is not very good, but the advantage is that there are many people, which can be used. You guys come here, listen to my arrangements, and then we will break the formation together." The Fire Cloud Saint said unceremoniously.

Seeing the Fire Cloud Saint like this, the Tianlong Venerable had a strange feeling, as if watching a clown performing. Of course, this is because the Tianlong Venerable knew Chen Feng's strength. Thinking about the Tianlong Venerable, wasn't it the same back then?

Seeing Chen Feng and others motionless, the Fire Cloud Saint's face suddenly darkened, and then looked at the Tianlong Venerable.

"What's going on? Didn't you lead these people? Why are they so unruly? Don't young people nowadays know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is?" The Fire Cloud Saint said coldly, and a strong pressure swept across Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng waved his hand, the space fluctuated, and the pressure attack of the Fire Cloud Saint immediately dissipated.

The Fire Cloud Saint's face suddenly changed, and he felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, stop being so funny. I'm asking you, do you have a time fragment on you?" Chen Feng said calmly.


Fire Cloud Saint shouted coldly, and the floating flames around him suddenly burned several feet, wrapping up the whole person, looking extremely powerful.

"It seems that I can't do it without taking action." Chen Feng shook his head, feeling a little speechless. Originally, according to Chen Feng's original idea, he would take out some things to exchange with the other party, but now it seems that he can only do some business without capital.


Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and Fire Cloud Saint felt the extremely strong binding force pressing against him. He was shocked and immediately began to struggle. This struggle found that the binding force around him was too strong, and he couldn't break free in a short time. This time he went from being shocked to being terrified.

"Suppress!" Chen Feng shouted coldly, and the Tianlong Venerable who was leaning against him felt his eyes blurred and lost his perception for a short time, not to mention the Fire Cloud Saint who was directly attacked.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his fingers and sealed off the energy in the body of the Fire Cloud Saint in the shortest possible time, and even a seal was added to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing that the Fire Cloud Saint was restrained, Tianlong Venerable immediately showed a gloating look in his eyes.

"You deserve it."

Tianlong Venerable only felt a burst of pleasure and almost said it out loud. Although he had some friendship with the Fire Cloud Saint, Tianlong Venerable had some hatred for the Fire Cloud Saint at this time. If it weren't for the Fire Cloud Saint, Tianlong Venerable would not have ended up like this. In Tianlong Venerable's view, it was natural for the Fire Cloud Saint to be captured.

"This, this, this."

Fire Cloud Saint felt that the whole world was different, as if he was dreaming. How could he be restrained when he was fine? This should be fake, so Fire Cloud Saint looked at Tianlong Venerable, and when he saw the teasing in Tianlong Venerable's eyes, he knew that all this was true.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Huoyun Saint and three companions rushed over immediately after seeing the change, but saw Huoyun Saint standing there stupidly, with a blank look on his face.

"Huoyun Saint, what are you doing?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Tianlong Venerable, what happened to him?" One of them looked at Tianlong Venerable in confusion, but Tianlong Venerable just shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Daoyou, please give me your orders." Huoyun Saint said slowly, while clasping his hands, a hint of viciousness flashed across his eyes.

"Why, you are not convinced." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I dare not." Huoyun Saint said in a low voice.

"It seems that you don't know the situation of this matter yet. I want to kill you but it's just a thought." Chen Feng said coldly.

Huoyun Saint's face changed drastically, but he soon calmed down, and then said in a deep voice: "Please give me your orders, Daoyou."

This time, the Fire Cloud Sage's tone was relatively stable, his eyes were calm, and there seemed to be no trace of resentment.

"Well, let's take out the time fragments." Chen Feng said lightly.

Saint Huoyun's expression changed and he fell silent.

Seeing this scene, the three newcomers were immediately dumbfounded. What was going on? Why was the Fire Cloud Saint scolded by a god king? It seemed that the Fire Cloud Saint did not dare to struggle.

"Why, you have an opinion." Chen Feng's face darkened, and a strong will came out. The Fire Cloud Saint's face changed, and he couldn't help but take two steps back. The sea of ​​consciousness was still shaking, and he felt that it would collapse at any time. Generally broken.

"No objection." The Fire Cloud Saint gritted his teeth and took out a ball of golden energy with a wave of his hand.

Seeing this ball of energy, the eyes of all the monks present lit up, and even others were alarmed.

"Hey! It's a fragment of time." The voice of the Savage Saint Ancestor even came from the black shadow.

Chen Feng collected the energy with a wave of his hand, and the next moment it was sucked into the disk of time, and then began to absorb and fuse. Feeling the changes in the disk of time, Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

"Bring the time fragments to me." Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to let go of the other party, someone else came to cause trouble.

An old man holding a scepter came over, followed by two monks. Although this old man was old, the vitality in his body was extremely strong, and Chen Feng could tell at a glance that the other man was also cultivating the power of time, the power of time. force.

"Are you talking to me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, I want that fragment of time." The old man nodded and said unceremoniously.

"Haha! Why do I feel like I've met so many idiots recently?" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

The old man's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, Chen Feng continued: "Okay, you want the time fragments, right? You can give me something in exchange."

"Oh, what do you want?" the old man said lightly.

"Let me think about it, a top-quality artifact should be almost ready." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young people today, are they so ignorant of the heights of the sky?" The old man said, waving his scepter, and the surrounding space fluctuated. Chen Feng immediately felt that the passage of time around him had changed.

"Cast the Law of Time in front of me." Chen Feng said coldly, and then he stomped his feet. The Law of Time circled around him like a dragon. Then the old man felt that his attack was not only broken, but also there was a torrent of time. It hit me, and I actually felt lost in front of this torrent.

"not good!"

The old man immediately knew that the other party's cultivation of the Law of Time was not under his own. Then the old man took two steps back, and a golden stream of light bloomed from the scepter in his hand. The stream of light exploded, and the torrent of time in front of him disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

This was Chen Feng's first fight with a monk who practiced the Law of Time. Although it was very brief, Chen Feng gained some gains and experience.

Chen Feng's fighting spirit suddenly rose, and the power of time spread out from his body, quickly forming a pair of wings behind his back.

"Wings of Time!"

The old man exclaimed, his eyes flashing, but he quickly said: "You were condensed with the help of external forces, and you are not really a wing of time. If we really want to fight, I can completely suppress you."

"Really? Just by relying on the high-grade time scepter in your hand, do you, an old man, think that you are arrogant just because you have practiced some laws of time?" Chen Feng said with a smile, stretched out his finger, and a ball of golden thunder and lightning struck Chen Feng. The fingertips flickered.

"Thunder of Time!" The old man exclaimed again.

"Either get lost or do something, don't be surprised here." Chen Feng said coldly. This was to deliberately provoke the other party, so that the two sides could fight again, and then Chen Feng could absorb some experience in the way of time. After all, Although Chen Feng had been practicing the Law of Time for some time, he had never used it to actually fight.

However, in the face of Chen Feng's provocation, the old man calmed down, then turned around and walked away. This scene surprised the monks around him again. Everyone knew the old man's character and methods very well, and no one could have imagined this. The old man actually relented.

"It's a pity." Chen Feng shook his head, then glanced at the other monks.

"Do you have anything else? If not, just go away. Don't stay here, otherwise you will be an eyesore." Chen Feng said a little arrogantly.

"Why is this kid so arrogant?" This was the thought in most people's minds. Only Haotian and Hongluo looked at Chen Feng in surprise, because they knew that Chen Feng was not such a person.

Then Chen Feng did this on purpose.

"Since you are so arrogant, you must have some skills. Let me teach you." A monk wearing black armor walked out holding a giant sword, staring at Chen Feng with murderous eyes.

Chen Feng chuckled, and then glanced at Lord Tianlong. Lord Tianlong felt a chill in his heart, and then gritted his teeth and walked out.

"If you want to challenge my young master, you must first pass me." Lord Tianlong said, taking out the dragon spear, and his fighting spirit gradually became stronger.

"Master Tianlong, you." This monk in black armor obviously knew Master Tianlong, and he didn't understand why he did this. Could it be that this young god king really has a relationship with Master Tianlong.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you want to take action?" Lord Tianlong said, stabbing the black-armored monk directly with the dragon spear in his hand.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed." This monk also had a hot temper. When he saw Lord Tianlong being aggressive, he became furious and immediately stepped forward to fight.

"Is there anyone else?" Chen Feng looked at the others lightly.

"And I'm here to ask for advice."

A white-clothed sword cultivator came out, his aura restrained, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a strong sword intent rushed straight into Chen Feng's mind.

This time, without waiting for Chen Feng's hint, Saint Huoyun walked out and said in a deep voice: "I'll come."

After saying that, the flames all over his body burned, turning into a long river of flames and attacking the sword cultivator in white.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also smiled secretly. Having two more thugs really saved him a lot of trouble.

"Hehe." Chen Feng glanced at the others again. This time, no one took action again, and they all retreated. Even the Fire Cloud Saint and the Heavenly Dragon Venerable took action for Chen Feng, so Chen Feng must not be simple, and neither are everyone. Fool, although the other party is more arrogant, he doesn't want to fight for no reason.

"Master, if I hadn't interfered," Hao said.

"No need." Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't seem to be worried about the two battles. Instead, his eyes swept across and he was constantly observing the situation around him.

Although everyone is trapped in the formation, the degree of danger is still different. For example, some people went to pick the holy fruit of the netherworld in the shadows, some were trapped in the restriction and could not move, some were avoiding killing attacks, and some Several people hid in a safe place to practice.


When Chen Feng's eyes swept across, a wave that condensed into substance fell down. Chen Feng's eyes shrank. He was already very familiar with this kind of attack. This was the suppression of will.

Chen Feng was surprised that he did not expect that there was a strong will here. In this way, it would be the same existence as Leiyu. Thinking of this, Chen Feng was even more interested in the master of this world, Thunder Ci Sage.

Chen Feng made a hand seal with his hands, gathering up this will, and then shattered it into pieces. This was a little secret technique he learned from Zhang Ping, but Chen Feng quickly relaxed, and then whispered: "Surprisingly, It’s not as good as the will of Lord Lei Ji.”

"Although the formation here is very powerful, it is a bit broken after all. Getting out is not a problem at all. The most important thing now is to pick some Netherworld Sacred Fruits." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then his eyes flashed, and there were two waves of void turbulence impacting And out.

The two people who were fighting with Lord Tianlong and Saint Huoyun immediately dodged away, so that the two sides would not be able to fight.

"Why, you can't interfere if you want to." The sword cultivator said coldly.

Chen Feng ignored the other party and said to the two Venerable Tianlongs: "Let's go pick the Netherworld Sacred Fruit."

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of Master Tianlong and Saint Huoyun. Master Tianlong naturally knew Chen Feng’s ability. He had collected some Netherworld Sacred Fruits before. If he hadn’t been restrained by Chen Feng, it would have been a small matter for him to enter the Netherworld Valley this time. There was a gain, and Huoyun Sage also knew how powerful Chen Feng was through the previous fight, and thought that following Chen Feng would not lead to a loss, but when he thought about the restrictions on himself, he felt a little sad.

Not many monks entered the black shadow. Chen Feng activated the space-time array and felt a powerful restriction as soon as he got closer. Waves of lines were rippling like water waves, blocking Chen Feng's path.

"It's so strong, no wonder so many people can't get in." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then a little starlight exploded in front of him, and then a small hole appeared in the ripples in front of him, but it healed quickly and Chen Feng didn't have time to enter.

"Hmph, I really thought it was that easy to get in, otherwise so many of us would be waiting here." Someone immediately sneered when they saw Chen Feng's actions.

"Would you like to join forces together?" At this time, Lord Tianlong said.

"This is not a matter of joining forces. If we join forces, the restrictions in front of us will also become stronger." Chen Feng shook his head and thrust out the war spear again. This time the speed was much slower, and everyone could see Chen Feng's movements clearly.

Bang bang bang bang!

The war spear stabbed the restriction and immediately erupted with a series of loud noises. Chen Feng's expression remained normal, but Lord Tianlong and others felt a mountain of pressure. Only then did they realize that trying to break through the restriction in front of them with their own strength was basically impossible. impossible.

Lord Tianlong looked at Saint Huoyun. As expected, Saint Huoyun nodded and admitted that he had acted before but failed.


A powerful aura burst out from the war spear, and a large hole suddenly appeared in the restriction in front of him. Chen Feng activated the formation disk and entered it in just a flash.


Before the big hole healed, two more people quickly followed in, and the others could only stomp their feet in regret.

In the corner not far away were Liu Yun and three others. Liu Yun and Huo Ji had teamed up to rescue Ben Lei from a killing restriction, but they didn't have the nerve to step forward. At this time, they saw Chen Feng open the They broke the restriction and left, with a trace of regret in the eyes of the three of them.

What you see after passing through the restriction is the huge and lush Netherworld Sacred Tree. The powerful Netherworld Qi rolls across, making these Taiyi Golden Immortals feel a little oppressive.

"This Netherworld Sacred Tree is stronger." Lord Tianlong couldn't help but say.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that there are other Netherworld Holy Trees?" Saint Huoyun asked with some surprise.

"Haha!" Only then did Lord Tianlong realize that he had spilled the beans and could only laugh dryly, while Lord Huoyun had a thoughtful look on his face.


At this time, Chen Feng suddenly snorted coldly, and the two monks who followed him felt a little embarrassed.

"I've met fellow Taoists." One of them saw Chen Feng's gloomy face and stepped forward to say hello.

"Isn't this Tianluo Zhenjun? Didn't he want to attack us before? Why are you following us now?" Tianlong Zun said coldly.

"Hehe, don't blame us, fellow Taoists. We also want to get some benefits." The cultivator didn't dare to get angry and could only say it with a thick skin. When competing for opportunities, being thick-skinned and getting the upper hand is the most important thing.

Chen Feng no longer paid attention to the two people, but looked at the Netherworld Holy Tree. Under Chen Feng's gaze, there was a strong Netherworld aura. The thick branches and leaves seemed transparent. Even the power fluctuations of the Netherworld Holy Tree itself could not stop Chen Feng's prying.

Chen Feng saw the Wild Saint Ancestor jumping among the branches and leaves, and also saw several other cultivators, one of whom was also a mid-level Taiyi Jinxian. Chen Feng could also guess that this person came with the Wild Saint Ancestor, but the Wild Saint Ancestor went to find trouble with him, and this person came here directly. There were three other people. Although they were only primary Taiyi Jinxian, they were able to break the ban and come here, which was obviously extraordinary.

Seeing the giant holy tree in front of them, Tianluo Zhenjun and the other two could no longer bear it. They just saw that Chen Feng and the others did not take any action, so they did not dare to rush forward and just waited in agony.

"Let's act separately." Chen Feng said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the two cultivators quickly rushed towards the Netherworld Holy Tree, and then Tianlong Zun and Huoyun Sage nodded to Chen Feng and rushed up.

Especially Huoyun Sage, whose time fragments were snatched away by Chen Feng, could only make up for his losses by collecting some Netherworld Holy Fruits.

The two entered the dense branches and leaves one after the other and soon found two Netherworld Holy Fruits. Tianlong Zun had the previous experience and picked them carefully, while Huoyun Sage swung an energy blade and cut them down.


Tianlong Zun blocked the energy blade.

Huoyun Sage's face changed: "You want to snatch it from me."

"Idiot, you can only cause trouble." Tianlong Zun said coldly, then turned around and headed forward.

The Fire Cloud Saint was stunned for a moment, then he also learned from the Heavenly Dragon Venerable to collect the Netherworld Holy Fruit at this moment, and then quickly chased after him.

"Why are you still following me?" The Heavenly Dragon Venerable had no good face for the Fire Cloud Saint.

"Hehe, I want to ask you something?" The Fire Cloud Saint said in a flattering way.

"Ask." The Heavenly Dragon Venerable said coldly.

"Have you seen the Netherworld Holy Tree before?" The Fire Cloud Saint asked.

"This is not something you should know." The Heavenly Dragon Venerable sneered.

"Well, I think it's a bit dangerous here, it should be more convenient for the two of us to join forces." The Fire Cloud Saint said with a smile.

This time, the Heavenly Dragon Venerable did not speak, but turned and left, and the Fire Cloud Saint followed closely.

After a while, the Fire Cloud Saint knew the reason for the matter, and at the same time secretly felt that it was no wonder that the Heavenly Dragon Venerable did not like him. It turned out that because of him, his soul was controlled by others. If it were him, it would definitely be the same.

"Anyway, we are also connected by the same fate." The Fire Cloud Saint shook his head and said.

Then the two of them joined forces, and with the previous experience of Tianlong Zun, the two of them also gained a lot.

Chen Feng and others also entered the crisscrossing branches and leaves. With the presence of two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, Chen Feng could no longer take away the whole tree as before, and this holy tree was not so easy to take away.

Chen Feng quickly moved through the branches and leaves, and his eyes swept across. He could not hide where the netherworld holy fruit was. Wherever Chen Feng passed, the netherworld holy fruit kept falling into Chen Feng's hands.

Queen Mother Bai Yu and others also acted separately. Gathering together in such a place could not maximize the benefits.

Soon Chen Feng met the Wild Saint Ancestor. The Wild Saint Ancestor just snorted coldly and turned to go in other directions.

"Hehe, interesting, the one who can make the Wild Saint Ancestor alert must not be a simple person." This scene was seen by those who were interested, and they immediately began to imagine.

Chen Feng was very fast, and he had a Netherworld Holy Tree, so even though he collected a lot of Netherworld Holy Fruits, he still did not encounter any danger. Even if he encountered Netherworld Poison Bees or Netherworld Snakes, Chen Feng would leave quickly. Now was not the time to fight.

However, it was different for others. Soon Chen Feng felt that Bai Yu was in danger, so Chen Feng quickly changed direction. Although his speed was increasing, he still collected all the Netherworld Holy Fruits he encountered.

"What a strong Netherworld Snake, silent, hard to guard against, and there are a lot of them." Bai Yu quickly shuttled through the branches and leaves, and a group of Netherworld Snakes were chasing him closely.

"Depressed, why are these Netherworld Snakes chasing me specifically." After a while, Bai Yu's face became more and more ugly. Just now, Bai Yu passed by a cultivator. Of course, this does not rule out that Bai Yu did it on purpose, but the Netherworld Snakes behind him did not seem to see the other party and continued to chase Bai Yu closely. What's more interesting is that a group of Netherworld Poison Bees chasing the cultivator also changed their targets and swarmed towards Bai Yu.

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