Eternal Existence

Chapter 1710 Netherworld Valley

After putting away these magic weapons, Chen Feng was relieved. His cultivation had finally come to an end. The result of the refining made Chen Feng somewhat surprised and helpless. On the surface, Chen Feng used three top-grade artifacts to dispel the will of the void beast, which was considered to be refining this pupil, but like other top-grade artifacts, it could not exert the power of this pupil, and in order to prevent changes, these three top-grade artifacts were needed to suppress it for a short time.

In short, it would take a long time for Chen Feng to completely integrate this pupil, but what reassured Chen Feng was that there was no potential threat in this pupil. As long as his strength improved and he had enough time to slowly nurture it, sooner or later he would be able to exert the full power of this pupil. At the same time, through this refining process, Chen Feng also had the experience of refining other top-grade artifacts.

"Young Master succeeded." Seeing Chen Feng put away his pupil, the Queen Mother immediately asked in surprise. At this time, the Queen Mother and Bai Yu could feel that Chen Feng's breath had changed. Chen Feng just looked over casually, and Bai Yu and the Queen Mother felt their eyes blurred, and there was a feeling of instability in time and space.

"I can't send and receive by heart. This is because I haven't completely mastered the pupils of the void beast." Chen Feng said with a smile. Although he said this, Chen Feng was also a little excited, because in the process of refining the pupils, his pupil skills were improved again, and he was only one step away from the eternal eye.

"I have been practicing for so long, I should go to other places to have a look." Chen Feng said lightly. Speaking of it, Chen Feng has been in the thunder magnetic world for a while, but it's a pity that he has only been to a few places. Chen Feng also wants to see if there are any good things in other dangerous places.

"Sir, someone is coming." The mother queen suddenly said. Chen Feng nodded, and naturally knew who was outside.

"This is the third time the other party has come. I think they want to ask for help from you." The mother queen said.

Chen Feng nodded, waved his hand, and the Manluo God Vine made way for Liuyun and Huo Ji to come in.

"Hello, fellow Taoist." Liuyun came forward to greet him, and even Huo Ji was respectful. Chen Feng felt that this was everything brought by strength. At the same time, Chen Feng also knew that the other party did come to ask him for something.

"What are you two here for?" Chen Feng asked directly. Chen Feng didn't want to waste words at this time.

"We need help from you, fellow Taoist." Liuyun said in a deep voice.

"If you ask me to help, what's the benefit for me?" Chen Feng said lightly. Chen Feng was not stupid. The two sides had no friendship. Chen Feng would not help for no reason.

"This is a Chaos Heart." Liuyun waved his hand, and a ball of gray energy sat in front of Chen Feng. There was a heart-like existence in this ball of energy, beating slightly, but it contained pure and rich spiritual energy.

Chen Feng certainly knew that this was a Chaos Heart. He had obtained several of them. At this time, the heart still had two Chaos Hearts that had not been absorbed. Under normal circumstances, a Chaos Heart was equivalent to a hundred high-quality spiritual veins, and the most important thing about the Chaos Heart was its quality. For Chen Feng, who had a Chaos Body, this kind of spiritual object was even more precious.

"Not bad." Chen Feng waved his hand and put away the Chaos Heart.

Seeing Chen Feng put away the Heart of Chaos, Liuyun was secretly relieved. Since Chen Feng did not refuse, then the next thing would be easy. Although the Heart of Chaos is very precious, it is nothing to these Taiyi Jinxian who have practiced for hundreds of millions of years.

"This time we came to find fellow Taoists, on the one hand, we want to rescue Ben Lei, and on the other hand, we want to cooperate." Liuyun continued.

"Go on." Chen Feng nodded.

"Netherworld Valley, Netherworld Holy Fruit." Liuyun simply said.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and then nodded and said, "When will we set off."

Seeing Chen Feng agreed so easily, Liuyun was a little happy, and immediately said, "The sooner the better, and there are other treasures in the Netherworld Valley besides the Netherworld Holy Fruit. I heard that someone got a group of time fragments."

"Time fragments." Chen Feng's eyes flashed again.

"The news is true." Chen Feng looked at Liuyun, with a hint of oppression in his eyes.

"Of course it is true. The other party is called Huoyun Saint, a primary Taiyi Jinxian, but he is very powerful, and there are several accomplices, not easy to deal with." Liuyun said.

"Even if it's a primary Taiyi Jinxian, even an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian will have to fight." A gleam of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. The fragments of time were too important to Chen Feng. If he could complete the disk of time in his hand, not to mention that the power of this top-grade artifact could be maximized, even the understanding of the way of time could enter a new level.

"Young Master, we also want to go with you to see the world." At this time, Haotian and Hongluo suddenly came out of the cave. After years of cultivation, Haotian and Hongluo not only recovered from their injuries, but also improved their cultivation. Moreover, Haotian's eyes were clear and his aura was a little different.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the other party changed his name, but thought about it quickly, and then nodded in agreement.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and all the vines outside the cave disappeared quickly, and finally turned into a vine and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

There will definitely be dangers and some fights next, so Chen Feng needs the help of the Manluo God Vine, but before leaving, Chen Feng still casually arranged some restrictions outside the cave.

In fact, except for some special places, most other areas in this city are safe. At least the group did not encounter any danger along the way in the Nether Valley, but they did meet some other monks.

"Something has happened in the Nether Valley recently. Not only has the Nether Saint Fruit appeared, but there are also other treasures. In addition to some people getting time fragments, some people have also got some good top-grade artifacts. It is rumored that one person has got a semi-top-grade artifact. I don't know if it is true." Along the way, Liuyun kept introducing the situation he knew to Chen Feng.

"Semi-top-grade artifact." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He thought of the Nether Blue Sword he got. It was indeed a good weapon. It could be upgraded to a real top-grade artifact. It's just that Chen Feng is not sure to fully master it yet.

"There are so many good things in this city. Maybe the Thunder Magnetic Saint will come back at any time." Chen Feng said lightly.

"This should be impossible. Everyone knows that the Thunder Magnetic Saint has gone to the end of this chaotic space. It is being destroyed there. There has been no news about the Thunder Magnetic Saint for a long time. Maybe he has encountered trouble." Liuyun said.

Chen Feng nodded, and was a little surprised secretly. He had only guessed that the Thunder Magnetic Saint was still alive before, but he didn't expect it to be true. It seems that Liuyun and other locals know much more than he does.

However, Chen Feng did not show it, just chatting with the other party casually. After arriving at the Nether Valley, Chen Feng learned some very important news.

The Nether Valley is the same as the Thunder Domain. On the surface, it is just a small valley. Except for some dark energy flowing, it is different from other valleys. However, only by entering it can you know the breadth and danger of the Nether Valley. Over the years, there have been cultivators entering it and returning seriously injured. It is normal for someone to die in it and not get out.

"Ben Lei is trapped in a broken formation. There are many Nether Bees outside the formation. It is not easy to get in and out." Liuyun said.

"This guy was practicing well in the Thunder Domain at that time, why did he come here again." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou may not know yet, the Thunder Domain has disappeared." Liuyun said.

"The Thunder Domain has disappeared." Chen Feng was a little surprised. This is indeed a big deal, but he didn't know.

"Yes, it has been a while, and it disappeared without any signs. Even the cultivators who practiced in it can't explain it clearly." Liuyun said.

Chen Feng pondered for a while. Although he guessed that it might be related to his killing of the Thunder Saint, he couldn't figure out the specific situation.

"Let's go! Let's go in and take a look. I feel that this Nether Valley is not simple." Chen Feng said in a deep voice. Looking at the small valley in front of him, Chen Feng's heart actually showed a trace of warning signs, and the degree of warning signs was comparable to the pressure brought by the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian.

"Young Master, that is the Venerable Tianlong, an accomplice of the Fire Cloud Saint." Just when Chen Feng wanted to enter the valley, Liuyun suddenly transmitted a voice secretly. At the same time, Chen Feng also saw a cultivator wearing a robe with dragon horns on his head entering the Nether Valley before him.

"Follow him." Chen Feng entered the Nether Valley without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the Nether Valley, Chen Feng felt the rich power of the Nether. After the cultivators with insufficient cultivation were infected with this breath, their sea of ​​consciousness would be eroded, and they would gradually become irrational, just like demon cultivators, and finally become killing puppets without independent consciousness.

This kind of netherworld power is certainly not harmful to Chen Feng. If Chen Feng is willing, he can completely absorb this power to practice. However, Chen Feng now has an important thing to do, that is, to find the Tianlong Venerable.

It seems that he did not feel that someone was tracking him, and it seems that the Tianlong Venerable did not take Chen Feng and others seriously. The Tianlong Venerable continued to move forward in the valley and ignored Chen Feng at all.

However, after a while, Chen Feng still angered the other party, because Chen Feng's tracking method was too blatant, almost following the other party clearly, so the Tianlong Venerable was a little angry.

A golden dragon roared and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Facing this attack, Chen Feng just punched out and smashed the golden dragon into pieces.

"Are you looking for death?" The Tianlong Venerable held a long dragon spear and locked Chen Feng from a distance.

"Are you the Tianlong Venerable?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"So what?" Venerable Tianlong said coldly. Although he wanted to kill Chen Feng and others in his heart, he was still cautious on the surface. After all, in addition to Chen Feng, there were Huo Ji, Liu Yun, Queen Mother, Bai Yu, Evil Tiger, Hao Tian and Hong Luo. Although there was no particularly powerful existence in this force, there were more people, so Venerable Tianlong could not help but be careful.

"Do you know the Fire Cloud Saint?" Chen Feng asked again, not caring about the other party's aura locking on him.

"Are you looking for the Fire Cloud Saint?" Venerable Tianlong was stunned. He thought that Chen Feng and others followed him with bad intentions, but he didn't expect that they were looking for someone.

However, Chen Feng's attitude still made Venerable Tianlong dissatisfied, so he said coldly: "If you are looking for the Fire Cloud Saint, don't follow me."

Venerable Tianlong turned around and was about to leave.

"Haha! Walk slowly." Chen Feng said, took two steps quickly, and immediately stopped the other party.

"Since you know the Fire Cloud Saint, then take me there." Chen Feng said with a smile, as if this matter was a matter of course.

"Who do you think you are?" Although he was a little surprised at Chen Feng's speed, Venerable Tianlong still did not take Chen Feng seriously. He opened his eyes and the invisible spiritual power rushed towards Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, a dragon roar emanated from Venerable Tianlong's body, and the shadow of a golden dragon circled around Venerable Tianlong quickly. After several circles, the dragon opened its mouth towards Chen Feng and wanted to bite him.

Tianlong Zun knew that the other party had many people, so he planned to deal with Chen Feng quickly and then leave. In Tianlong Zun's opinion, the strength of the Queen Mother and others was not outstanding, and he could completely defeat the other party one-on-one. However, this was the Nether Valley, and the environment was bad. He would have time to deal with the other party.

However, Tianlong Zun soon stopped thinking so, and began to panic, because in the face of his attack, the other party still punched out, shattering the shadow of the dragon, and the powerful force acted on him. Tianlong Zun immediately knew that the other party's strength was still better than his, but before Tianlong Zun continued the next move, he felt his body shaken, and the whole person was bound by a tyrannical force. The next moment, his neck tightened, and he actually fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Not bad." Chen Feng just tried the pupil technique, and it worked immediately. He was secretly surprised, and the murderous intent on his body was also reduced a lot.

Tianlong Zun wanted to struggle but felt a tyrannical force bombarding his body. Just a few impacts blocked all his strength. At this time, Tianlong Zun still had a way to escape, that is, abandoning the flesh and escaping from the soul. However, Tianlong Zun was unwilling to give up. Although he could cultivate again, it would take time and cost. Besides, Tianlong Zun was not sure.

"Daoyou, we can talk about it." Tianlong Zun was still afraid. He felt humiliated as soon as he said this.

"We can talk about it, right?" Chen Feng said lightly. A stronger experience rushed into the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, messing up Tianlong Zun's sea of ​​consciousness. Tianlong Zun was horrified. If his sea of ​​consciousness was controlled by the other party, he would be at the mercy of others, and even his soul could not escape.

So Tianlong Zun began to fight desperately. A little dragon soul exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time, a huge dragon-shaped phantom appeared from his body. Tianlong Zun would not fight desperately if there was any way, but he had to do so at this time. Otherwise, if his sea of ​​consciousness was controlled, his life and death would be completely controlled by Chen Feng.

However, just as Venerable Tianlong mobilized his strength to resist, a ball of fire exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness, and then a huge pupil appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. This pupil was only transformed by Chen Feng's divine consciousness, but it contained the true meaning of the pupil of the void beast, so Venerable Tianlong's entire sea of ​​consciousness shook violently, and then countless cracks appeared.


Venerable Tianlong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then blood gradually flowed out of his seven orifices. At this time, Venerable Tianlong looked ashen, because at this time Chen Feng had already arranged a soul mark in Venerable Tianlong's sea of ​​consciousness. As long as Chen Feng's mind moved, Venerable Tianlong would be annihilated.

"Ah!" Venerable Tianlong sighed, and there was still some confusion in his eyes. Until now, Venerable Tianlong did not understand why this happened, or Venerable Tianlong did not dare to believe that this would happen to him. After all, he had practiced for hundreds of millions of years and was considered a genius among geniuses. He didn't know how much luck and opportunity he needed along the way, but he didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of others without any reason or signs.

"Are you wondering why you encountered such a thing?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Tianlong Zun's eyes narrowed, but he soon thought that even his soul was under the control of the other party, so how could he hide his thoughts from the other party.

"Please show mercy and spare my life." Tianlong Zun said hurriedly. There was no way. People had to bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention that the other party controlled their life and death.

At this time, the Queen Mother and others also chased over. Seeing that Tianlong Zun was restrained by Chen Feng, Liuyun and Huoji showed shock in their eyes. Although they knew that Chen Feng was powerful, Tianlong Zun was not weak either. They had some understanding of Chen Feng's combat power, and secretly felt that they were lucky not to continue to make enemies with Chen Feng. Haotian and Hongluo looked calm and didn't seem surprised at all.

"It's your bad luck that you actually know Huoyun Saint. Lead the way." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Are you just asking for directions and finding someone?" Tianlong Zun felt a little trembling.

"What do you think? I have no grudges against you. If it weren't for the Fire Cloud Saint, why would I look for you? If you honestly told me where the Fire Cloud Saint was, we wouldn't have the next fight." Chen Feng said lightly.

Hearing this, Tianlong Venerable almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and regretted it to the extreme. Isn't this asking for trouble? If he had known this, why would he still do it? Why didn't he honestly take the other party to find the Fire Cloud Saint? But now it's too late to say anything. My life is in the hands of the other party. Maybe the other party will take my life if he is unhappy.

"If you want to live, be honest and take me to find the Fire Cloud Saint." Chen Feng's voice turned cold. Chen Feng has also summed up a rule over the years, that is, some cultivators are used to being high and mighty and don't take others seriously. You can only make him convinced. What's more, Chen Feng has completely controlled the other party now, and he will not be polite to him.

"Yes, yes." At this time, Venerable Tianlong was completely honest. He just wanted to find the Fire Cloud Saint as soon as possible, and then the other party would let him go as soon as he was happy. At the same time, Venerable Tianlong kept cursing the Fire Cloud Saint in his heart. If it weren't for this guy, how could he be so unlucky.

Venerable Tianlong was obviously not here for the first time. He led Chen Feng and others to move forward quickly. When he met other people, he didn't even have time to say hello. Chen Feng smiled secretly. Under the threat of life, the other party had no choice but to try his best.

"Found it!"

Venerable Tianlong said in surprise after a while.

"Then take me there quickly." Chen Feng said lightly.

Tianlong Venerable was communicating with Huoyun Saint while moving forward quickly. He was also a little nervous, worried that the other party would let him go after he found Huoyun Saint.

"What do you want to see Huoyun Saint for?" After thinking for a while, Tianlong Venerable asked worriedly. Then, fearing that Chen Feng would misunderstand, he continued: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask, maybe I can help."

"Okay, I'm looking for Huoyun Saint because I heard that he got a piece of time fragment. I don't know if it's true." Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"So that's it." Tianlong Venerable only then knew the ins and outs of the matter, and felt even more depressed.

"It's here." After a while, Tianlong Venerable stopped, and then the smile on his face disappeared again. In front of him was a small mountain wrapped in black air. Chen Feng felt a strong fluctuation from it, and looked at Liuyun and Huoji with surprise.

"Fellow Daoist, it's here." Liuyun said first.

"You said Benlei was trapped here." Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, this small hill looks ordinary, but it is actually an ancient formation. As for what is inside, I don't know." Liuyun said.

Chen Feng looked at the Tianlong Venerable, who immediately smiled bitterly and said, "The Fire Cloud Saint is inside."

"I'll contact Ben Lei." Liuyun said and then used the secret technique to communicate with Ben Lei.

At the same time, the cultivators trapped in the formation also felt Chen Feng and others, and someone immediately sent a message for help, and the Tianlong Venerable even received the Fire Cloud Saint's call for help.

However, the Tianlong Venerable's every move was controlled by Chen Feng, so he didn't dare to respond, so his face looked a little emotional.

"Daoyou, there is a netherworld holy fruit tree in this mountain, but it is guarded by the netherworld bee. There are six people trapped in the formation. This formation is a bit strange. It is an ancient killing formation that can stimulate the power of the netherworld." After a while, the netherworld said.

"The netherworld holy fruit, and Ben Lei and the Fire Cloud Saint are both inside. So we have to go in." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I wonder if it can be broken directly." Venerable Tianlong was the most anxious person among the crowd. He punched out directly, and a golden dragon roared out and crashed into the hill in front of him.


The earth shook and the mountains shook. It looked very powerful, but Venerable Tianlong couldn't help but take a few steps back. The black air around the mountain rolled in waves, and actually shook the golden dragon into pieces.

"What a strong ban, but how did the others get in?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

As soon as the voice fell, the black air around the mountain rolled more violently, and then the black air swept to both sides in a direction facing everyone, revealing a passage.

"So that's it." Chen Feng laughed, and then waved his hand, and the time and space array appeared, quickly growing under his feet, a full several feet in size, and everyone had enough space to stand on it.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng said as he urged the space array to rush into the passage.

In less than a breath, everyone felt the scene in front of them turned to one side, the hill disappeared, and in front of them was all black air rolling like a sea of ​​clouds, and these black air had a sticky feeling.

"The quality of the netherworld air here is good, it is a good place for cultivation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Everyone rode the space array disk and kept traveling in the netherworld air. Although everyone was secretly on guard, there was no danger. Not long after, the black air in front of them surged, and a black vortex appeared, and this black vortex became larger and larger, just like a nebula covering Chen Feng and others.

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