Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,705 Entering the Thunder Region

"I want you to be my teacher." Chen Feng laughed immediately.

"Why, you don't want to." The face of the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness darkened.

"It is my honor to be a teacher of a middle-level Taiyi Jinxian, but." Chen Feng stopped talking about this.

"But what?" The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness said lightly.

"But usually the master meets the apprentice, I have never heard of the master forcing the apprentice to do something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are unwilling to do so." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness said coldly.

"If you want to be my master, it depends on whether you have the strength." Chen Feng said, his eyes flashed quickly, and he performed the pupil technique. This time Chen Feng performed the illusion technique, hoping to fascinate the other party for some time, even if it was only a blink of an eye.

Pah pah pah!

Who knew that Chen Feng waved his hand, and the space in front of him shattered, and then the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness punched Chen Feng.

At this moment, the whole world and the whole universe exploded, and then Chen Feng flew backwards in embarrassment. The longevity armor on his body did not break, but cracks appeared on the body in the armor.

"Too strong." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind. Before, the opponent waved his sleeves, and now it was a simple punch, without too many tricks, as if it was just an ordinary person's punch, but Chen Feng didn't even have the ability to parry, nor did he feel the fluctuations of the opponent's avenue and laws. He knew that the opponent's cultivation had reached the realm of returning to nature, or that Chen Feng was too far away from the opponent, and he didn't have the ability to understand and feel these.


After this thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, he no longer had the intention to fight with the opponent. The formation plate under his feet suddenly burst out a ball of starlight, and took Chen Feng to rush far away quickly.

"Can you go?" The Savage Saint said as he took a step forward, directly treating the space distance as nothing, and came in front of Chen Feng, and then punched again.

"Can't stop it." Chen Feng immediately knew that he couldn't stop it, even if he was wearing the longevity armor, he would be broken by the opponent's punch.

So Chen Feng used all his strength to activate the array, but he could not escape the opponent's attack range at all. Facing this punch, it was as if the entire universe had gathered at one point, and this point was Chen Feng.


The wings of God behind Chen Feng were burning, and a feeling of great freedom surged through his body.

At this critical moment, the wings of freedom that Chen Feng practiced underwent a transformation and sublimation, and he actually had a breakthrough.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The wings of God were covered with novel runes. These runes flickered slightly, and Chen Feng had a sense of transcendence. The next moment he broke free from the constraints around him and left the original place.


A punch fell, and the fierce fist force was released suddenly. The powerful force swept around, and large pieces of star fragments were turned into powder.

The mother queen and Bai Yu had disappeared, and the evil tiger came to help Chen Feng. The huge Nine Dragon Seal suppressed the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, and the nine dragons kept roaring, adding to the power of the seal.

"Not a bad seal."

The Saint of the Wilderness punched out again, blocking the Nine Dragon Seal, and then turned his palm to grab the Nine Dragon Seal, so the huge Nine Dragon Seal began to shrink gradually and fell towards the Saint of the Wilderness. No matter how the evil tiger urged it, it could not escape.

"Damn it." Chen Feng sacrificed the Sword of the Abyss, sprayed a breath of essence on it, and then the Sword of the Abyss suddenly grew larger, turning into a thousand feet in size, and suddenly stretched it towards the Saint of the Wilderness.

The Saint of the Wilderness could snatch the Nine Dragon Seal with his bare hands, but he didn't dare to resist the Sword of the Abyss. This level of weapon was enough to threaten the Saint of the Wilderness.

Sure enough, the Saint of the Wilderness let go of the Nine Dragon Seal, but stretched out his finger and suddenly pointed it. The huge finger shadow almost condensed into substance. What shocked Chen Feng was that this finger actually blocked the attack of the Sword of the Abyss.

However, although the Sword of the Abyss stopped, the opponent's finger also had dense cracks, and finally shattered with a bang.

The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness took several steps back, and the index finger of his right hand disappeared, and the whole palm looked a little tattered.


At this time, the Nine Dragon Seal that was knocked away by the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness fell again, knocking the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness to the ground. Chen Feng pointed his finger, and the Abyss Sword that was fixed in the air suddenly burst out with a fierce sword energy and rushed towards the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness.


Without waiting for the result, Chen Feng urged the formation plate to leave quickly with the evil tiger. After Chen Feng left a distance, the Abyss Sword also quickly caught up and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

There was also an extremely powerful aura behind him, and it was the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness who was chasing him.

"This guy is too powerful. He is not his opponent at all. Unless the Sword of the Abyss is fully restored, and all the strange rocks are refined and melted into the Longevity Armor, I don't know if he can block the opponent's attack. Or, if there are four or five masters like Taichu Zhenjun, we can join forces to besiege him." Chen Feng was thinking about how to get rid of the opponent while escaping, but Chen Feng soon realized that if he didn't leave the Thunder Magnetic Realm, he would have nowhere to hide here.

He had never been so embarrassed when fighting with Qingming Zhenjun and Baiyun Sword Saint at the same time before. If Chen Feng could fight with the opponent for a short time, then Chen Feng would not escape, but in fact, the opponent was too strong. Chen Feng was at an absolute disadvantage when the two sides fought.

"It is difficult to get out of this world after entering. Although this city is not small, there is probably no place to hide in the eyes of an intermediate master." At this time, the Queen Mother and Bai Yu quickly landed on the array plate.

Bai Yu's whole body was stiff. Except for being able to speak and send out divine thoughts, he could not make a move at all.

"Sir, the restriction set by the other party is very powerful. I can't break it with my current strength." The Queen Mother said hurriedly.

"Now is not the time to break the restriction. The most important thing now is to get rid of the other party's pursuit." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"But Sir, it's not that easy to get rid of the other party, unless you leave this world." The Queen Mother said.

"Let's not talk about whether I can leave. Even if I can leave, I won't be willing." Chen Feng shook his head. You know, Chen Feng had just entered the Thunder Magnetic Realm and got the Manluo God Vine, the Origin of Wood, and the Spirit Spring of Life. Chen Feng thought that there must be other good things here. It's really unwilling to leave like this, not to mention that there is no way to leave now.


At this time, a huge finger quickly rolled over Chen Feng. This finger was only ten feet at the beginning, but it soon extended to hundreds of feet and thousands of feet. When it caught up with Chen Feng, it had become ten thousand feet, just like a flying warship crashing and rolling over.

"What kind of magical power is this?" Chen Feng was a little shocked. Chen Feng remembered clearly the opponent's might in blocking the Abyss Sword before. If he stopped to block it at this time, he could certainly resist it, but he would definitely be caught up by the enemy.

However, Chen Feng could not think too much in such a short time. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Abyss Sword turned into a giant sword and stabbed it out, colliding with the opponent's finger again.

But this time, the Abyss Sword quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hand. The opponent's finger also began to collapse, but it did not shatter as quickly as before, and still crushed towards Chen Feng.

Boom! Boom!

The evil tiger and the queen mother attacked at the same time. The evil tiger sacrificed the Nine Dragon Seal, and the queen mother sacrificed the Five Elements Seal. Both were top-grade artifacts, and blocked the broken finger.


Seeing that his attack was blocked again, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness sneered, and a group of yellow clouds appeared under his feet. Then the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness increased his speed suddenly, and caught up with Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

"Xuanhuang Qi!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, and immediately recognized that this group of yellow clouds was condensed from Xuanhuang Qi.

"Boy, can you still get away?" The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness sneered and stretched out his big hand to cover Chen Feng.

It was still the same magical power as before. The world began to shrink with this grab. Chen Feng sighed secretly and finally activated the Time Plate.

A group of dazzling golden light emanated, covering the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, and the falling big hand also stopped for a while.

"The power of time, eh! No, it's the Time Plate. This kid has so many good things on him."

The power of time did not hurt the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, but only changed the passage of time, causing the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness to stop his movements for a short time.

This was Chen Feng's purpose.

After the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness broke through the power of time, Chen Feng had disappeared.

"First it was the Sword of the Abyss, and now it's the Disk of Time. These are rare and top-grade artifacts. Is the Chaos Body so lucky? If I can't kill the opponent this time, the opponent will surpass me sooner or later, and then I will be the unlucky one." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness said and disappeared.

"Sir, the opponent is catching up again." The Queen Mother said.

Chen Feng used all his strength to drive the array disk to continuously fly over large buildings. Originally, Chen Feng thought that he had the upper hand in such a place with the space array disk, but he didn't expect to encounter such a powerful opponent.

"For us cultivators, being a little stronger is extremely powerful, and this Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness is even more powerful." Chen Feng was a little helpless. He had used all his means, but still couldn't get rid of the opponent.

"It seems that I can only find a way to leave here." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed. In the face of desperation, Chen Feng had to compromise.

"Sir, there is a thunder domain ahead." At this time, the Queen Mother suddenly said.

"Thunder domain, let's go and take a look." Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he made up his mind.

Although Chen Feng had not been in the Thunder Magnetic Realm for a long time, there were a lot of divine insects collecting information, and Chen Feng had talked with Haotian and the others, so he had a general understanding of the city.

Compared with the Iron Mother Peak where he lived and the Meteorite Valley where he practiced, although the Thunder Realm could also be practiced, it was relatively dangerous, because the Thunder Realm was a peculiar area. Although the power of thunder and lightning was rampant, it also contained the chaotic power of time and space. From a distance, it was a small area, but if a cultivator with insufficient cultivation went deep into it without paying attention, he might get lost and never get out again. As for whether it was an independent space or whether it led to other places, Chen Feng did not know.

The pursuers behind were extremely powerful. Chen Feng hoped that the Thunder Realm would be as dangerous as possible at this time, so that he would have a chance to get rid of the opponent.


Since he had made up his mind, Chen Feng no longer hesitated, but urged the array plate to rush into the Thunder Realm Battle quickly.

Sure enough, the thunder and lightning here were a bit strange. As soon as Chen Feng entered it, the energy shield around the array plate began to shake, making a popping sound. This was the barrier formed by the top-grade artifact.

"The power of thunder and lightning here is very strong, and because of the fragments of space law, it has become even more violent, but this alone cannot get rid of the opponent." Chen Feng continued to drive the array plate forward.

However, because of the power of thunder and lightning, Chen Feng's perception was greatly reduced, and he could only vaguely feel that the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was chasing him.

"Hey! There are still people practicing here." Not long after, Chen Feng saw a cultivator, and he was an acquaintance.

"It's you!"

Ben Lei, who was practicing, was startled and was a little surprised when he saw Chen Feng.

It's just that Chen Feng didn't have time to stop at this time, he just nodded and moved forward quickly.

"Strange, this guy doesn't seem to be here to practice, he seems to be running for his life." Ben Lei said in surprise when he saw Chen Feng disappear in a panic.


A monk in black robes tore open the power of thunder and lightning in front of him and walked over. Feeling the aura on this person, Ben Lei's face turned pale. In an instant, he knew that the other party was not a master that he could handle.

"Where did that person go before?" the black-robed monk stared at Ben Lei and asked.


Under the pressure of the strong aura, Ben Lei did not dare not answer, nor did he dare to lie. He immediately pointed to the direction where Chen Feng left.

The next moment, the black-robed monk waved his hand, and thunder and lightning rolled to both sides in front of him, revealing a path. Then the black-robed monk took one step and disappeared.

After the black-robed monk left, the surrounding thunder and lightning forces crowded in again. Ben Lei also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also understood why Chen Feng ran away. A master of this level could kill himself with one slap. Although Chen Feng was not simple But he was far from the match of the black-robed monk.

"Hey! This guy is dead." Ben Lei shook his head, and then changed places to practice again.

Bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

The surrounding barrier shook even more. Evil Tiger took action to strengthen the barrier. The Queen Mother paid attention to the surrounding situation, while Chen Feng urged the array to move forward.

"This guy is really chasing after me." Chen Feng said with a smile.


A huge palm slapped and stirred in the thunder field, and the power of thunder and lightning rolled like a river. Chen Feng, who was advancing in the thunder and lightning, was immediately affected.

"it's here!"

As a result, the opponent immediately locked onto Chen Feng, and grabbed Chen Feng with a big hand that penetrated the lightning.

"This guy is really crazy." Chen Feng raised his hand and launched several destructive thunders.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The God of Destruction exploded almost at the same time, and then produced a series of reactions. The power of thunder and lightning around him became even more violent. Although it did not shatter the palm, it also slowed down the opponent.

"What a slippery boy." The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness came out and tore the thunder and lightning power in front of him away with his hands.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

However, after a few soft sounds, several blood marks appeared on the palm of the Savage Saint Ancestor.

"What a powerful space fragment. This thunder field is indeed not simple. I hope that boy doesn't die here." The black-robed monk said lightly and quickly chased after him.

"This mine field is indeed not simple. It looks like a small area from the outside. Who knew there was a cave inside." Chen Feng observed the surrounding situation while activating the formation disk.

I saw some chaotic energy impacting over, and the barrier around the array shook violently. Then a black thread flashed past, cracks appeared in the barrier, and the power of thunder and lightning swept inside.

"Such a strong force of space." Chen Feng was a little surprised. You must know that in the starry sky outside, a monk like Chen Feng can shatter a starry sky with a wave of his hand. Even the powerful void turbulence cannot hurt Chen Feng, but here it is just A few void fragments shattered the barrier emitted by the high-grade artifact.

Chen Feng opened his palms to absorb all the power of thunder and lightning, and the barrier closed again. As for the absorbed thunder and lightning, it entered the thunder world in Chen Feng's body.

"Who is it? Come here to disturb my practice."

A huge fist condensed with the power of thunder and lightning struck at Chen Feng. Thunder and lightning all around the place it passed gathered on the fist, adding to the power of the fist.

"There are people practicing here." Chen Feng said and raised his hand, the Sword of the Abyss drew out and shattered the huge fist.

Then Chen Feng urged the array disk to jump and disappear.

"Hey! The ultimate artifact, chase it!"

Surprised sounds came from the rolling thunder and lightning, and then a Lei Xiu several feet tall rushed out and chased Chen Feng.

"I actually caught up with him." Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh. In Chen Feng's opinion, although the Lei Xiu just now had good cultivation, he was only a junior Taiyi Golden Immortal. He might be similar to the Taichu True Monarch, but he was not as good as the Savage Saint. The ancestors are just a little bit inferior. If the other party dares to get involved, they are asking for trouble.

"Get away!"

Sure enough, Chen Feng heard the scolding of the Savage Saint Ancestor and the sounds of fighting. Chen Feng secretly smiled and speeded up before quickly disappearing.

By the time the Savage Saint Ancestor had taken care of the Lei Xiu who was practicing here, Chen Feng could no longer be traced.

"I want to see where you can run. Even if you leave this world, you can't escape from my grasp." The Savage Saint Ancestor sneered, but after a while, the expression of the Savage Saint Ancestor changed, because Chen Feng's aura actually Really disappeared.


The Savage Saint Ancestor snorted coldly and waved his hand. The surrounding thunder and lightning power immediately stirred up chaos, and the scale became larger and larger. It seemed that the entire thunder field was shaking.

Boom! Boom!

The Savage Saint Ancestor planned to use his great magical power to force Chen Feng out, but before the effect could be achieved, a large number of space fragments appeared in the surroundings, cutting open the Mana Domain of the Savage Saint Ancestor. At the same time, a torrent of thunder and lightning struck, and the power The powerful and unexpectedly attacking Savage Saint Ancestor retreated continuously.


In addition, there was an invisible power that pierced the sea of ​​consciousness of the Savage Saint Ancestor like a steel needle. The expression of the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, the Savage Saint Ancestor, changed. He no longer searched for Chen Feng, but mobilized his strength to deal with this. A strange situation.

"This is the will of thunder left by someone. Could it be that there is really a master who fell here? The opponent is at least in the intermediate Taiyi realm, or even stronger." The Savage Saint Ancestor was well-informed and immediately made some guesses.

"Hey, even if this thunder field is left by Daluo Jinxian, I will still find this kid." A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Savage Saint Ancestor, but his next actions were much more cautious.

Not to mention the Savage Saint Ancestor, even Chen Feng was in trouble. Because he was being chased by the Savage Saint Ancestor, Chen Feng kept rushing forward with all his strength. In the end, he completely lost his direction and could only head towards a place where the power of thunder and lightning was stronger. After a period of time, Chen Feng felt the danger. The ferocious thunder and lightning, the strange space law fragments, and the irresistible will of thunder and lightning could threaten Chen Feng. Once, the will of thunder and lightning even invaded Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Had it not been for the time If Pan suppressed him, Chen Feng would be severely injured.

"Although I have temporarily escaped the pursuit of the Savage Saint Ancestor, I have fallen into a dangerous environment again. Now I don't even have a direction. I can only rush forward randomly. Maybe I will encounter the Savage Saint Ancestor at any time." Chen Feng had just escaped. After a torrent of thunder and lightning, the barrier around the array has been broken several times. At this time, the Queen Mother and the Evil Tiger are simultaneously controlling it. With the strength of the three of them, they all feel strong pressure in this thunder field, and In order to escape the pursuit of the Savage Saint Ancestor, Chen Feng could only move forward to a more dangerous place.

"As long as we can truly get rid of the Savage Saint Ancestor, it's okay to find a place here to practice." The moment the barrier cracked, Chen Feng absorbed some more thunder and lightning power.


A torrent of thunder and lightning struck over, causing the formation disk to roll over and over again. Finally, the energy contained in the formation disk was exhausted. The Queen Mother and the Evil Tiger could no longer hold on, and the barrier was shattered. Chen Feng put the formation disk away and thought It will take some time to recharge the energy to use this space array disk again.

Chen Feng secretly sighed. In just a short time of entering the Thunder Domain, 90% of the energy in the space array was consumed. If Chen Feng could just input some infuriating energy elsewhere, he could use it again, but Chen Feng now needs to deal with the surrounding environment. environment, but there is not so much energy.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took the Evil Tiger and the Mother Queen into an independent space in the sea of ​​consciousness. His divine wings vibrated slightly, and Chen Feng began to shuttle through the ocean of thunder and lightning. It was much better to be alone in this environment.

A few days later, Chen Feng began to get injured. If it weren't for the immortal armor, Chen Feng's chaotic body couldn't bear it. In fact, compared to the powerful thunder and lightning space pressure around him, the biggest trouble for Chen Feng was the will of thunder here.

With Chen Feng's current strength, he simply cannot resist this will. The disk of time has been suppressed in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is the important will for Chen Feng to persevere.

"This level of will is at least left by the high-level Taiyi Golden Immortal. No wonder no one comes here to practice. Ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal does not have a powerful magic weapon to protect himself. When he comes here, his soul will be broken." Chen Feng Said lightly.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

Energy blades slashed at Chen Feng one after another, leaving traces on the Immortal Armor. This was the result of Chen Feng's full dodge. Although the Immortal Armor was not torn apart, the tyrannical force still acted on Chen Feng's body. above.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng grunted, and the energy in his body quickly repaired the injury. His divine wings vibrated, and his body kept flashing, in and out, as he continued to dodge the attacks of the energy blade.

At first, these energy blades were simply condensed with the power of thunder and lightning. Later, when the power of thunder and lightning reached a certain level, it gave birth to the power of thunder and magnetism, and then merged with the laws of space, allowing Chen Feng to maximize the power of divine movement, but it was only slow. go ahead.

"Fortunately, Wings of Freedom advanced before, otherwise the pressure here would have increased exponentially." Chen Feng said and punched out, the two energy blades were shattered, but under the powerful force, Chen Feng's figure also It swayed slightly, and then was caught in a torrent of thunder and magnetism, unable to escape from left and right, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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