Eternal Existence

Chapter 162 One-on-one

"One for each person." Chen Feng roared, and his whole body surged with energy. He looked extremely powerful, but before he could recall the Haoran Zhengang Sword to attack, he was slapped by the newly appeared Fire Fox and flew away.

"Hey! What a pity. If this spear could exert its full power, it would definitely be able to kill this demon fox easily." Chen Feng thought to himself.

This time it really became a one-on-one situation. Both of them were beaten back continuously, and now both of them were knocked out before they could hold on for two breaths.

"Brother Chen, think of a way?" Xiao Yin was rolling in the air, and his figure had not yet stabilized.

"What can I do?" Chen Feng shouted.

"Don't you have a big demon? Release it quickly, otherwise we will definitely be killed." Xiao Yin shouted.

"That's fine." Chen Feng's mind moved, and when he was about to release the purple lightning silver dragon to help, he found that the Eternal Life Tower was no longer under his control.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was shocked.

"Hahaha, this is a good opportunity to train. This six-tailed demon fox has a strength close to that of a big demon. You now have two treasures in your hands. If you can't deal with this demon fox, it may be a bit unjustifiable." Ta Insidious ’s smile.

"The situation is obvious. I am indeed no match for this demon fox." Chen Feng shouted.

"Without pressure, there is no motivation. Use all your strength to challenge this demon fox. I will support you mentally." Ta laughed.


Chen Feng was about to curse when he felt his body tighten, and the long fox tail, burning with flames, had already wrapped itself tightly around him.

The hot flames even burned his own immortality energy, constantly burning his skin and flesh.


Chen Feng screamed. If his body hadn't been forged by the power of thunder, it would have been burned into charcoal.

Even so, Chen Feng felt uncomfortable. Not to mention his skin and flesh, even his internal organs seemed to be in a furnace and were being burned continuously.


The bloody spear in Chen Feng's hand stabbed out, just above the tail.


The tail exploded and turned into flames all over the sky. Chen Feng felt a lightness all over his body, and then he opened his restraints.

"Hey, cut off a tail." Chen Feng felt a little surprised inexplicably.

"Hehe, boy, you actually cut off one of my tails. Today I will roast you before eating you." The demon fox stared at Chen Feng and sneered, the flames all over his body shook, and the tail that was cut off just now grew again. come out.

"Ta, this will kill people." Chen Feng, the demon fox, couldn't help roaring as he watched the demon fox charging towards him again.

"Then find a way to increase your strength, change your fighting skills in battle, or hone the fusion between the spear and you. If there is no progress, then you will die." Ta said solemnly.

"By the way, only by constantly fighting can you refine the magic weapon as quickly as possible. How could I forget this sentence?" A light flashed in Chen Feng's heart.

"In this case, let's fight." Chen Feng simply put the Haoran Zhengang Sword into his body, holding a blood-colored spear in one hand and attacking the fire fox in front of him again and again.

Sure enough, after feeling Chen Feng's indomitable momentum, the magic weapon in his hand began to wake up. The demonic energy condensed into essence was continuously released, and its power gradually became stronger.


The huge claws swung violently, and the space began to vibrate. Chen Feng was smashed into the ground like a stubborn stone.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter with you? Hurry up and release that big demon." Although Xiao Yin was not as embarrassed as Chen Feng, he was also chased by another demon fox and ran around, and there were two shots from behind. Deep scratches, fresh leaves flowing out desperately.

"Haha, I can't help it now. That big demon is not under my command, so now we can only rely on the two of us." Chen Feng burst out from the ground with a laugh, and the bloody spear glowed with red light and faced him again. He stabbed the fire fox in front of him.

"It looks like we have to fight hard. In this case, let's completely unleash our power and fight these demon foxes." Xiao Yin's whole body felt like a hidden power was being aroused in his body. The aura in Xiao Yin's body continued to rise, and even Chen Feng in the distance was alarmed.

"This aura is about to break through to the Heavenly Realm. Sure enough, these well-connected young people still have some trump cards." Chen Feng secretly thought.

"War Soul Song."

Xiao Yin shouted loudly, and a sound wave rose into the sky, followed by waves of gold and stone, and sound waves of gold and stone blasted out from the cave soul flute.

Waves of frenzy, thousands of troops, and countless horses and ice armor are all made of hard gold and stone, constantly colliding and rubbing.

The sound of war drums, the sound of fighting, and the tragic atmosphere were all displayed by Xiao Yin with the help of Donghun Xiao. Even during the battle, Chen Feng felt his blood boiling and his heart relaxed and happy, causing his combat effectiveness to slowly begin to increase without even realizing it.

"With the help of the war soul song emitted by the treasure weapon, you can not only attack the enemy, but also improve the morale of your allies. Tsk tsk, it's quite interesting." Ta tsked.


A solid sound blade came out from the Cave Soul Flute, grew in size out of thin air, and cut towards the Fire Fox.

This is a sword, made entirely of sound waves, but hundreds of times sharper than a real sword. It is silent and faster. It cuts through space and kills the fire fox with no forward movement.

"It's just a small trick." The fire fox flicked its floating tail and shattered the sound blade into pieces.

"This is just the beginning." Xiao Yin sneered.


Two spears condensed from the cave soul flute, with faster speed, sharper edge and stronger attack. One on the left and one on the right, they pierced the Fire Fox's head again.

Sharp arrow! Spear! Big knife! Giant axe! Even stone hammers and various unknown weapons were condensed by Donghunxiao, and they were continuously smashed at the fire fox.

"Your partner is quite powerful. He looks much stronger than you." Ta laughed at Chen Feng, who had just crawled out of the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Is this just the beginning?" Chen Feng laughed and quickly held the bloody spear in front of him.


A ball of flame flew and Chen Feng was knocked away again.

The lower the temperature, the higher the temperature. Finally, the three of them felt as if they were in a furnace.

"Why is there such a high temperature? What kind of flame is this?" Mo Xigui waved his hand and caught a small flame floating in the air.

The red color is not an ordinary flame, it contains a trace of domineering power.

"It should be released by something below."


Finally stepping on the soil, everyone felt dazed for a while. When they woke up, they saw a strange mountain standing on the ground in front of them.

Round, tall, and flowing with luster, this is a mountain that has been refined by mana.

"Look below."

A huge fire fox appeared in front of everyone, with six huge tails swinging constantly. With every swing, chaotic flames flew in all directions. It looked extremely majestic, but it was suppressed by a mountain peak.

"I found it, it is indeed here." Mo Ji said in surprise, looking at the huge fire fox in front of her, her whole body became excited.

"I've met Lord Firefox."

Mo Ji took the lead, and the old man and the four guards all knelt down.

"Too weak, too weak. There is only one Heavenly Realm monk. Has my clan fallen to this level?" A dull voice struck, making everyone tremble.

"These three people don't have my blood in them. Are they the food you brought me?" Eyes burning with fire looked at Mo Xigui and the three of them. The three of them immediately felt a terrifying pressure coming on themselves. The soul is imprisoned and thoughts become slow.

"These three people are my friends." Mo Ji said quickly.

"Oh, really?" the six-tailed demon fox said calmly and withdrew his gaze. Mo Xigui and the others immediately felt relaxed.

"Then what about the monks from other places? You should have brought them as well. Are they your friends?" the six-tailed demon fox asked again.

"No." Mo Ji gritted her teeth.

"That's good, but there are still a few little shrimps. Let's wait until I finish them off." Firefox said and closed his eyes.


Mo Ji and others stood up, but did not dare to speak. They stood quietly aside.

"So strong, is this the Demon King? Just one look can make me unable to move, but I was suppressed. What is going on?" Mo Xigui was a little curious.

In one-on-one battles, Chen Feng suffered a lot from the beginning. He was eaten directly by the fighting demon foxes several times. Now he was covered with bruises and the energy in his body was greatly depleted. However, Chen Feng's will to fight was But he became more and more determined, and the power of the magic weapon in his hand became stronger and stronger.

"Sure enough, weapons are all eager to fight. Only through continuous fighting and continuous use can the strongest power of weapons be developed and gradually reach the state where man and soldier become one." Chen Feng thought to himself.


A tail that was about to wrap around him was pierced by the bloody spear in his hand again, and Chen Feng shuttled out of the flames in the sky.

"This spear is indeed powerful, several times more powerful than my Haoran Zhengang Sword, but it will take a long time to completely refine and fuse it."

"Brother Chen, it seems that this fire fox cannot be beaten to death." Xiao Yin no longer played the Cave Soul Flute at this time, but took the magic weapon in his hand and waved it constantly, but the power it emitted was even more powerful.

"Then destroy it in one fell swoop!"

Chen Feng shouted, and all his strength quickly gathered on the spear, as fast as lightning, and inserted it into the body of the fire fox in front of him.

"Blow it up!"


The spear vibrated rapidly, and the tip of the spear exploded violently. The fire fox screamed, and half of its body was blown to pieces. But then Chen Feng felt a powerful force coming from the void, directly instilled into the fire fox. body.

The injured Fire Fox recovered in less than half a breath, and it seemed that the power fluctuations in his body became more powerful.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was horrified.

Whoosh! Snapped!

A ball of fire exploded on Chen Feng like lightning, leaving Chen Feng unable to even resist.

"Hey, kid, do it again."

The enhanced fire fox quickly came to the sky above Chen Feng and swung its tail out. Chen Feng was slammed into the ground. The hard ground exploded in all directions, revealing a mud pit seven or eight meters deep.

This fire fox did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but stayed in mid-air waiting for Chen Feng to come out, with a playful look in its eyes that were constantly burning.

On the other side, the Fire Fox who was facing Xiao Yin also forcefully penetrated with two spears, quickly came to Xiao Yin, and slapped Xiao Yin away.

Then the broken figure recovered again and became even more powerful.

"What on earth is going on?" Chen Feng's roar roared from the ground.

"This is the power transmitted through space by the suppressed Demon King." Ta's voice sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

"If you say that, the other party will be invincible." Chen Feng felt a little aggrieved.

"Not really, you can blow up the other party in one fell swoop, but after the blow up, the other party will have a new incarnation. As long as the other party's body is still there and the power is enough, you can continuously create new incarnations." Ta replied.

"Then what should we do? Should we keep fighting like this?" Chen Feng roared.

"Hehe, actually this is a good opportunity to exercise." Ta's laughter reached the depths of Chen Feng's mind.

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