Eternal Existence

Chapter 159 Corpse

There was a big reason why Chen Feng was willing to come to the Demon Soul Valley for the soul-protecting flowers. He had experienced many dangers along the way. Just when Chen Feng thought he couldn't find the soul-protecting flowers, a piece of them suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was a large piece, so many that he couldn't imagine it.

Looking at the soul-protecting flowers in front of him, Chen Feng only felt unreal.

"Are these soul-protecting flowers real?" Chen Feng still couldn't believe it, and thought the scene in front of him was the environment.

"Of course it's real. Soul-protecting flowers are not rare. I don't need to lie to you." Ta said unhappily.

"But, but, can't you buy them outside?" Chen Feng still found it hard to accept.

"That's because you are unlucky, or you didn't find the place. Look, aren't there a lot of them in front of you?" Ta said this with some impatience, as if he didn't want to waste the topic on this.

"Brother Chen, you found the soul-protecting flowers. Hey, why are there so many here?" Xiao Yin also came over at this time. After seeing the soul-protecting flowers in front of him, he was also a little surprised, but not as surprised as Chen Feng.

"Is it a little strange?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's not strange. Soul-protecting flowers already exist in the Demon Soul Valley. Although there are more of them, it's normal. They are not precious things." Xiao Yin said and began to pick them.

"But they can also be sold for a lot of money."

Chen Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Since there are a lot of soul-protecting flowers here, it couldn't be better. Chen Feng stomped his feet hard and stepped deeply into the soil. Suddenly, the soul-protecting flowers in front of him were uprooted in patches.

"Since there are so many here, let's collect more." Chen Feng thought so.

On the other side, Mo Ji and others have successfully opened the passage and shuttled in.

"The demonic energy here is even thicker. It seems that there are some other things?" Looking at the gray space in front of her, Mo Ji was a little confused.

"There are some extremely strong fire-attributed spiritual energy. It seems that the road we are going is correct." The old man said slowly.

Since the existence has been exposed, the old man will no longer hide.

"According to the records, this demon king has indeed cultivated extremely strong fire power, but why can't I see those two guys?" Mo Ji looked around.

"I didn't sense their breath either, but they have invisibility charms made by masters, which is a bit troublesome." The old man said.

"I'll communicate with the blood soul." Mo Ji closed her eyes and concentrated on sensing the breath of the blood soul.

After a long time, Mo Ji opened her eyes, her face was extremely ugly.

"What's wrong?" The old man raised his eyebrows.

"The breath of the blood soul seems to have disappeared." Mo Ji gritted his teeth and said.

"It disappeared. There are only two possibilities. One is that it is too far away from us and you can't sense it. But with your cultivation, you can sense the blood soul within a hundred miles, so there is only the second possibility." The old man said in a deep voice.

"You said it was refined by the other party. How is it possible? I have been refining this magic weapon for a long time. The other party should not succeed in such a short time. Besides, once the other party succeeds, the soul mark I left in it will disappear, so I will definitely sense it." Mo Ji couldn't help but say.

"In fact, there is another possibility." At this time, Mo Xigui came up and interrupted.

"That means the other party has a higher-level magic weapon, which cuts off the connection between you two."

"Although that kid has a treasure, its level is not as high as my blood soul. Could it be that he has a more powerful magic weapon?" Mo Ji couldn't believe it.

"Nine out of ten is like this. Don't forget that kid released a purple lightning silver dragon at that time. That was a big monster." The old man said in a deep voice.

"My blood soul is a second-grade treasure, and there is also the poison needle of the magic scorpion. I am afraid that I can also refine a treasure. I have never suffered such a loss since I was a child. This matter can't be forgotten." Mo Ji's face was covered with frost.

"We have remembered that kid. When we get out of the Demon Soul Valley, we will definitely be able to capture him easily. Miss Mo Ji will deal with him at will." A young monk said flatteringly.

"There are many dangerous spaces overlapping here. It would be best if we can meet those two people, but I think we should still do business." The old man reminded.

"Well, this time we came for this matter, and we can't make mistakes because of other things." Mo Ji nodded.

Then, in front of everyone's surprised eyes, Mo Ji cut her wrist, and a stream of bright blood sprayed out directly. Then, Mo Ji's fingers kept moving, sketching out a strange array diagram rendered by blood.

Then, this array diagram quickly rose into the air and became larger, mixed in the gray space, with a sense of novelty. When it was about to cover the entire sky, it suddenly exploded, turning into the smallest strands of blood and merging into the surrounding space.

"Miss Mo Ji, what are you doing?" Mo Xigui asked.

"Nothing, I just want to confirm where the treasure exists. Don't forget, I brought you here to find the treasure." Mo Ji said lightly, her face was a little pale, but she returned to her initial coldness.

What just flowed out was not ordinary blood, but the essence of her own blood, the essence of blood.

"I hope this ancestor can sense it?" Mo Ji said in her heart.

The moment Mo Ji released her essence and blood, the ruins within an unknown number of miles shook slightly. The vibration was extremely slight, and even Mo Ji and others did not notice it, not to mention Chen Feng who was picking soul-protecting flowers.

"Is there any result?" Mo Xigui asked calmly, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Although on the surface Mo Xigui is a follower of Mo Ji, in fact, Mo Xigui has strong doubts about Mo Ji in his heart, especially after entering the Demon Soul Valley, this feeling of doubt is even stronger now.

"It's in this space, or barrier. If we want to get the treasure, we have to find it ourselves." Mo Ji said.

What everyone doesn't know is that there is a special barrier in an unknown depth underground. This barrier is in a special space, which was opened up by someone with great magic power.

In this special space, a huge fire fox lies on the ground. This fire fox is hundreds of feet long, and six thick tails are floating behind it. Each tail is hundreds of feet long. When waving, it covers the sky and the sun, and the flames are rolling, as if these six tails are completely condensed by flames.

The thick limbs are deeply inserted into the ground, and the huge head is tightly attached to the ground. Between breaths, flames are ejected from the nostrils.

Although this demon fox was huge and exuded a violent and fierce aura, it was lying on the ground in a mess, unable to move. It was suppressed.

A round mountain with a height of more than a thousand feet suppressed the demon fox. The mountain was as smooth as a wall, without a single plant or tree. Moreover, there was a faint flash of light on the mountain. It was obviously refined by a powerful person.

The sleeping fire fox suddenly opened his eyes, and two flames kept jumping and burning.

"Hey, this bloodline seems to be my descendants. Let me sense it." The fire fox said and closed his eyes again. At the same time, invisible waves emanated from his body, constantly shuttling through layers of space and layers of barriers.

"There are some bones and weapons here." Xiao Yin suddenly shouted.

Chen Feng flashed and turned into a gust of wind to Xiao Yin's side.

Dozens of human skeletons were scattered in the grass, all rotten, without a trace of flesh and blood, except for some rusted weapons and tattered clothes.

"These should be top-grade robes and top-grade magic tools, but unfortunately they are almost rotten, and none of them are intact." Xiao Yin said.

Chen Feng circled around the corpses, frowned and said, "This should be a monk who came in like us, but the way he died is a bit strange."

Xiao Yin nodded, took out the cave soul flute and started playing. This time it was not a silent wave, but a beautiful and pleasant music. After listening to it, Chen Feng felt a little floating, as if countless notes had drilled into his body and controlled his mind.

Chen Feng's heart was shocked, and then he concentrated his mind, and then gradually got rid of this feeling.

"What a powerful sound wave attack, just blowing through the music has such a great power." Chen Feng said secretly.

As the sound waves continued to float, the corpses on the ground all stood up, as if they were alive and constantly swaying in various postures.

At this time, Chen Feng also saw some traces. There was a transparent hole on the chest or forehead of these corpses. I don't know how they were pierced.

Xiao Yin was still playing the cave soul flute in his hand, his eyes were slightly closed, and he ignored the skeletons that kept moving in front of him. He seemed to have entered a wonderful state.

Chen Feng felt that the power of the notes was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, he was strongly affected again. Chen Feng retreated while burning the soul fire, and he didn't stop until he was a hundred meters away.

"I practiced the Changsheng Zhenjing and had the help of the Changsheng Tower. I thought I was a genius at this age. I didn't expect this boy who was younger than me to be so powerful. His realm and cultivation were higher than mine. Although a large part of it was with the help of the treasure in his hand, he cultivated the soul fire at such a young age. This kind of talent can no longer be described as a genius.

Finally, Xiao Yin stopped playing, and the jumping skeletons in front of him actually cracked and turned into fine powder, which was blown away by the strong wind.

"What have you gained? "Seeing Xiao Yin stop playing, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and asked.

"These people were all secret realm cultivators in their lifetime. Half of them even condensed the soul fire. Moreover, they have not been dead for a long time, no more than ten years at most. What is strange is that the bones should not be damaged to this extent in such a short time. And I have another discovery." Xiao Yin hesitated when she said this, and seemed to be unable to completely confirm her analysis.

"What discovery?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"The bones of these corpses are soft and the fascia are atrophied. It seems that something has forcibly extracted the life essence from them." Xiao Yin said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that there are monsters here?" Chen Feng said.

The two of them no longer had the mind to pick herbs, but quickly unfolded their body skills and kept searching around.

A piece of corpse.

Another piece of corpse.

The two were very fast and soon found several pieces of corpses of varying sizes in a radius of several thousand meters. After Xiao Yin's inspection, although these corpses died at different times, they were all the same, and the life essence in them had been extracted.

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